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为提高制造业竞争能力,美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)组织实施了制造业拓展伙伴计划(MEP),设立制造业拓展中心向制造业企业提供质量技术基础一站式服务.本文通过对美国制造业拓展伙伴计划的实施情况进行梳理分析,为构建我国质量技术基础一站式服务模式提出意见建议.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, infrastructure to support cities is critical to support sustainable and responsible economic development. This can include new infrastructure projects in the case of growing areas. It can also include the renewal and upgrading of existing infrastructure in areas that have been inhabited and already developed. Infrastructure includes roads, bridges and transportation systems; power grids and energy service; internet and telecommunications; and water and sewer services. This development can be part of a system of systems, in which government, industries, and universities can contribute knowledge, skills, and abilities. This paper will investigate the strategic project management taken by one university to provide an academic experience that will prepare engineering students to address several of the Grand Engineering Challenges of the 21st Century, as identified by the US National Academy of Engineering. The challenges relating to energy, water, information, and urban infrastructure can be approached using the functions of teaching, research, and service. By approaching the challenges strategically, resources of faculty time, student effort and laboratory facilities can be leveraged to achieve greater results. This case study will describe the efforts and results to date and identify opportunities for future growth.  相似文献   

通过构建质量基础设施影响经济增长的分析框架,从质量基础设施自身的技术特征和制度特征出发,研究其推动经济增长的机制。基于2009~2016年跨国面板数据实证研究了质量基础设施对国别经济增长的影响。发现:质量基础设施确实能够促进一国经济增长,而且对发达国家经济增长的影响更大,并随着时间的推移而逐渐增强。  相似文献   

科技平台标准体系构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从标准体系构建的原则出发,根据科技平台建设、服务和运行的实际需求,提出了我国科技平台标准体系,给出了科技平台基础标准、科技平台通用标准和科技平台专用标准的内涵,阐述了科技平台标准类别.  相似文献   

简要介绍了一种新的量值传递方式--计量保证方案,详细叙述了如何在机加车间简化运用计量保证方案来提高测量质量.  相似文献   

毕然 《质量探索》2014,(12):54-56
培训质量是培训机构发展的生命线。实行培训项目全面质量管理是全面提高培训质量、有效实现人才培养、创新培训质量管理模式的手段之一。在文献查阔、问卷调查的基础上,分析与培训项目质量相关的因素,构建了培训项目全面质量管理评价指标体系,并采用模糊层次分析法(FAHP)对指标体系进行评价。  相似文献   

汪兵兵  丁晓红  孙晓辉  张横 《包装工程》2013,34(15):15-18,39
机械的基础结构在保证具有足够的刚度、强度和稳定性的条件下,经济性也必须要好,因此机械基础结构常采用内部布置有加筋板的箱体结构。以某机械基础结构为例,分别用基于经验设计的内部筋板布置方法和多目标拓扑优化方法进行优化设计,得到了2 种设计方案;比较了2 种方案的动静态力学性能。结果表明,多目标拓扑优化设计的基础结构比一般经验设计的结构,刚度有所提高,而结构质量减小11. 21%,一阶固有频率提高25. 07%。  相似文献   

资金约束下的关键基础设施应急保护策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对多系统耦合多层级分布的关键基础设施网络,通过影响矩阵将网络抽象为“节点—关系”图.考虑网络中不同类的任意两节点间的相互影响,以最大化的网络总服务能力为优化目标,建立了基于预算总资金约束的基础设施保护的数学模型,设计了有效遗传算法对模型进行求解,通过不同规模下的数值实验结果表明了该算法的收敛性.最后,以典型应急情景为案例,深入分析了不同情况下的解的共性与区别,对决策部门制定系统保护策略具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

With the growth of the online market, demand for logistics and courier cargo is increasing rapidly. Accordingly, in the case of urban areas, road congestion and environmental problems due to cargo vehicles are mainly occurring. The joint courier logistics system, a plan to solve this problem, aims to establish an efficient logistics transportation system by utilizing one joint logistics delivery terminal by several logistics and delivery companies. However, several courier companies use different types of courier invoices. Such a system has a problem of information data transmission interruption. Therefore, the data processing process was systematically analyzed, a practically feasible methodology was devised, and delivery invoice information processing standards were established for this. In addition, the importance of this paper can be emphasized in terms of data processing in the logistics sector, which is expected to grow rapidly in the future. The results of this study can be used as basic data for the implementation of the logistics joint delivery terminal system in the future. And it can be used as a basis for securing the operational reliability of the joint courier logistics system.  相似文献   

以既定系统能力为前提,运用价值工程思想和方法,探寻成本约束下公共系统的服务半径模型;进而通过服务需求特征的界定,利用时间满意度函数进行模型优化,寻求公共系统服务能力与用户需求的协同与平衡,确定最优服务半径区间;最后验证了模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于可持续性设计思想的产品再设计   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
李丹碧林  陶晋  洪华 《包装工程》2007,28(1):168-169
产品设计是一个不断完善的过程,通过再设计在原有产品基础上继承并创新,使其更趋于合理,提升其价值.可持续性设计是21世纪全球性社会改革浪潮的一个重要主题,在节约能源、减少废料与材料消耗方面提出了更高要求.因此,基于可持续性设计思想的产品再设计,主要表现为通过再设计的手段实现能源的节约、高效与充分利用,以期达到可持续发展.  相似文献   

于东玖  喻红艳 《包装工程》2017,38(10):137-140
目的为了优化童车寿命周期,解决儿童成长快速与产品使用需求之间的矛盾。方法分析童车市场现状和目前存在的问题,结合D4S(Design For Sustainability)中的适度原则,对童车可持续设计的具体应用策略进行初步探索。结论在可持续理论的指导下,得出设计可持续童车时可采用的策略,并通过"爱自行"童车案例进行实际策略运用的论证,能有效解决童车使用周期短的问题,为童车企业转型升级提供参考意义。  相似文献   


This research project sought to determine 1) whether the extent of implementing total quality management (TQM) principles in individual organizations could be measured easily by sampling the perceptions of professional workers who were familiar with TQM concepts and (2) if relationships existed between specific TQM implementation patterns and particular outcomes. Members of a Memphis, Tennessee, quality users group were surveyed using a questionnaire that incorporated selected elements of the 1991 Baldrige Award criteria.

Scores calculated from the survey responses were expressed in values consistent with the national award-scoring process and compared with data describing 1990 award applicants. The survey respondents appear to overrate their organizations, and for-profit (FP) respondents rated their organizations significantly higher in several important TQM areas than did the not-for-profit (NFP) responders. Using raw data, TQM implementation patterns and results were examined within and between the FP and NFP organizations. Within both groups, superior TQM results were associated with high scores in the implementation of more sophisticated TQM program elements including benchmarking and quality assurance methodology applied to suppliers and internal organization processes. Between groups, for-profit organizations appear to operate at a higher level of sophistication in applying TQM principles. In both groups, significant, logical associations were found between high scores in certain major parts of TQM programs and superior quality outcomes. These associations imply that the sequence followed in implementing TQM principles within an organization strongly affects overall results.  相似文献   

The environmental impacts of packages have been found to be relatively small compared with the food items they contain. Furthermore, from the environmental and operational point of view, the most significant task of the package is to protect the product, which is important to acknowledge in the packaging design process. This study introduces a guiding framework for designing sustainable food packaging. In this approach, the entire life cycle of the product–package combination is taken into consideration. The emphasis is on the prevention of food losses in packaging design as a major environmental criterion. Consideration of the properties of both the package and the product itself when designing the final package will lead to a better end result with smaller product losses and environmental impacts. By using different assessment methods in the different stages of the packaging design, the sustainability of the package can be enhanced. The decision making of the packaging designer is facilitated with methods that are introduced step by step and in a certain order that will also allow for corrective measures through back‐loops in the design process. The purpose is to integrate sustainability aspects at all stages firmly into the design process. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

可持续背景下产品服务系统设计框架研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
袁晓芳  吴瑜 《包装工程》2016,37(16):91-94
目的在可持续背景下研究产品服务系统的设计方法,提出整合产品和服务进行产品服务系统设计的设计框架。方法分析产品服务系统的基本属性和特征,结合可持续发展的具体要求,论述产品服务系统设计方法研究的重要性,进而分析当前产品服务系统设计方法的相关研究成果,提出从设计学科角度系统审视产品服务系统的设计过程和方法的观点。结论从设计师角度可将产品服务系统设计程序划分为6个阶段,并按照产品服务系统设计中信息流的逻辑关系组织起来,建立产品服务系统设计框架。  相似文献   

需求是推动产品真正可持续发展最重要的动力之一,传统服饰艺术的可持续发展也不例外。社会人与个体人对于传统服饰的需求是传统服饰可传承、可持续发展的先决条件之一,在这里人们需要正确理解“可持续性”的含义,要正确领悟人类对于服饰文化流变过程的必然,在这个过程中创新需求不仅是主观的、也是客观的。而人类心理上的多元需求性也是人们的一种心理共性,这种心理共性不仅喜新厌旧,同时还具有强烈的恋旧返祖心理,这样的人群心理必然导致传统服饰在继承中得以主动创新。  相似文献   

文章认为优化火电结构就放在超临界化上,使超临界机组和超超临界机组在我国火电中占据举足轻重的比例。而且这些机组的主要性能指标以及环保性能等应不逊于同类机组的国际水平。论述了超临界技术在优化火电结构的特殊作用,指出超临界化已被证明是改造和优化火电结构的一种成功的道路,阐明了我国实施这一发展道路的必要性和可能性。  相似文献   


This article details the concepts of total quality management (TQM) in engineering and construction (E&C), lists the elements of effective TQM, and describes how TQM can be applied. Included is a discussion of the importance of customers within or external to an organization. The key practices of continual improvement and defect prevention are described. Also, specific activities for implementing the TQM process in an E&C organization are suggested.  相似文献   

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