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Touchless interaction has received considerable attention in recent years with benefit of removing barriers of physical contact. Several approaches are available to achieve mid-air interactions. However, most of these techniques cause discomfort when the interaction method is not direct manipulation. In this paper, gestures based on unimanual and bimanual interactions with different tools for exploring CT volume dataset are designed to perform the similar tasks in realistic applications. Focus + context approach based on GPU volume ray casting by trapezoid-shaped transfer function is used for visualization and the level-of-detail technique is adopted for accelerating interactive rendering. Comparing the effectiveness and intuitiveness of interaction approach with others by experiments, ours has a better performance and superiority with less completion time. Moreover, the bimanual interaction with more advantages is timesaving when performing continuous exploration task.  相似文献   

Publications on color document image analysis present results on small, nonpublicly available datasets. In this paper we propose a well-defined and groundtruthed color dataset consisting of over 1000 pages, with associated tools for evaluation. As we focus on aspects specific to color documents, we leave out the document textual content in the ground truth. The color data groundtruthing and evaluation tools are based on a well-defined document model, complexity measures to assess the inherent difficulty of analyzing a page, and well-founded evaluation measures. Together they form a suitable basis for evaluating diverse applications in color document analysis. Both the dataset and the tools are available through our Web site at http: //www.science.uva.nl/UvA-CDD Received: 15 April 2002, Accepted: 25 February 2004, Published online: 2 February 2005  相似文献   

The sign language is a method of communication for the deaf-mute. Articulated gestures and postures of hands and fingers are commonly used for the sign language. This paper presents a system which recognizes the Korean sign language (KSL) and translates into a normal Korean text. A pair of data-gloves are used as the sensing device for detecting motions of hands and fingers. For efficient recognition of gestures and postures, a technique of efficient classification of motions is proposed and a fuzzy min-max neural network is adopted for on-line pattern recognition.  相似文献   

所有IFITA2011投稿论文,要反映在信息技术与应用及相关领域中未发表的有新意或创见的技术、工程、理论、方法、应用及其它相关领域研究成果,其工作语言为"英文/中文".IFITA2011的相关主题包括(但不限于):  相似文献   

2011年全国电子信息技术与应用学术会议将于2011年12月16~18日在上海召开,本届会议将围绕电子商务等领域的最新动态和前沿热点进行深入探讨,交流最新的研究成果及应用进展.会议旨在加强交流、促进合作,为本领域内专家和学者提供  相似文献   

2011第6届智能系统与知识工程国际会议(ISKE 2011)将于2011年12月15日~17日在上海召开.已成功在06年上海、07年成都、08年厦门、09年成都、10年杭州召开.此次会议将由上海交通大学主办,加州  相似文献   

The 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering(ISKE2011)is the sixth in a seriesof ISKE conferences.ISKE2011 follows the successful ISKE2006 in Shanghai,ISKE2007 in Chengdu,ISKE2008  相似文献   

We introduce a new masquerade dataset, called Windows-Users and -Intruder simulations Logs (WUIL), which, unlike existing datasets, involves more faithful masquerade attempts. While building WUIL, we have worked under the hypothesis that the way in which a user navigates her file system structure can neatly separate a masquerade attack. Thus, departing from standard practice, we state that it is not a user action, but the object upon which the action is carried out what distinguishes user participation. We shall argue that this approach, based on file system navigation provides a richer means, and at a higher-level of abstraction, for building novel models for masquerade detection.We shall devote an important part of this paper to describe WUIL’s content: what information about user activity is stored and how it is represented; prominent characteristics of the participant users; the kinds of masquerade attacks to be timely detected; and the way they have been simulated. We shall argue that WUIL provides reliable data for experimenting on close to real-life instances of masquerade detection, as well as for conducting fair comparisons on rival detection mechanisms, hoping it will be of use to the research community.As a side contribution of this paper, we use WUIL to conduct a simple comparison of two masquerade detection methods: one based on SVM, and the other based on KNN. While this comparison experiment is not central to the paper, we expect it to motivate research exploring deeper the masquerade detection problem, and spreading the use of WUIL. In a similar vein, we provide directions for further research, hinting on how to use the features contained in WUIL, and hoping others would find them appealing.  相似文献   

The Drebin dataset (in: NDSS, 2014) is the most supplied academic dataset of Android malware. Therefore it is the most used dataset in research papers on Android malware detection. The research community is using it for evaluation and comparison of their algorithms. We discovered that 49.35% of samples in this dataset has at least one other sample that is a repackaged version containing exactly the same sequence of opcode. The only differences between the original malware and the duplicated ones, in all cases, are the resources embedded and some strings in the code. For assessing the performance of malware detectors or classifiers, a part of the dataset is used for this purpose. So a major part of the testing set end up beeing the same samples that have been used in the training set. This situation can lead us, the research community, to overrate the performance of algorithms we are designing. In the worst case, it leads us to wrong conclusions and wrong directions for future research. Then we conduct an experiment where we test several classification algorithms on the Drebin dataset with and without the duplicates. Our results show that depending on the classifier the full dataset can lead from moderately (124%) to strongly (172%) underrated inaccuracy, and the order of performance of the algorithms is modified. Finally we provide the list of unique malware samples from the Drebin dataset, available on Github.  相似文献   

2011 International Joint Conference on Fuzzy Engineering and Intelligent Transportation (FEIT 2011) will be held in Xi’an,China from 10-11,December,2011,which will provides a unified communication platform for researchers in awide area  相似文献   

ICIS 2011 is the 3th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems.It will be held on November 18-20,2011,in Guangzhou,China.You are invited to submitpapers in all areas of intelligent computing and intelligent systems.  相似文献   

<正>2011香港春季电子产品展由香港贸易发展局主办,香港电子展被誉为亚洲最大的电子展,每届都汇聚了众多厂商和精英。2010年,大会吸引超过2,300家来自23个国家及地区的参展商,包括中国内地、韩国及台湾企业设置的地区展馆。2010年的展会共有55,000多名来自153个国家及地区的买家到场采购所需。今年香港春季电子产品展展览面积达到60,712平方米,参展商有来自24个国家  相似文献   

Hand gestures are ubiquitous in communication. However, there is considerable debate regarding the fundamental role that gesture plays in communication and, subsequently, regarding the value of gesture for telecommunications. Controversy exists regarding whether gesture has a primarily communicative function (enhancing listener comprehension) or a primarily noncommunicative function (enhancing speech production). Moreover, some have argued that gesture seems to enhance listener comprehension only because of the effect gesture has on speech production. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which gesture enhances listener comprehension and the extent to which the effect of gesture on listener comprehension is mediated by the effects of gesture on speech production. Results indicated that gesture enhanced both listener comprehension and speech production. When the effects of gesture on speech production were controlled, the relationship between gesture and listener comprehension was reduced but still remained significant. These results suggest that gesture aids the listener as well as the speaker and that gesture has a direct effect on listener comprehension, independent of the effects gesture has on speech production. Implications for understanding the value of gestural information in telecommunications are discussed. Potential applications of this research include the design of computer-mediated communication systems and displays in which the visibility of gestures may be beneficial.  相似文献   

选取Hu不变矩、手势轮廓的凹陷个数及其周长与面积比为手势识别的主要特征,采用了基于径向基核的SVM分类器进行0~9十种手势的识别。实验结果表明,在背景单一、光照情况良好条件下,该方法具有很高的识别率,并且简单快速。  相似文献   

September 17-19,2011,Qingdao,China http://www.cis-ram.org/The 5th IEEE International Joint Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems and Robotics,Automation and Mechatronics(CIS-RAM 2011)will be held in Qingdao,China,during September 17-19,2011.  相似文献   

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