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We introduce a new method of solving C1 Hermite interpolation problems, which makes it possible to use a wider range of PH curves with potentially better shapes. By characterizing PH curves by roots of their hodographs in the complex representation, we introduce PH curves of type K(tc)2n+1+d. Next, we introduce a speed reparametrization. Finally, we show that, for C1 Hermite data, we can use PH curves of type K(tc)2n+1+d or strongly regular PH quintics satisfying the G1 reduction of C1 data, and use these curves to solve the original C1 Hermite interpolation problem.  相似文献   

为了构造一种空间五次Pythagorean-hodograph G1连续拟合曲线以重建空间曲线,对已知空间采样点数据加入中间条件确定首末端点数据,对其进行G1 Hermite插值构造拟合PH曲线。根据空间PH曲线的充分必要条件,给出由四个二次多项式组成的四次导函数,比对其与空间五次Bézier曲线的导函数在Bernstein基下分别对应的向量型系数,形成向量等式,再根据Bézier曲线导函数的系数与其控制多边形顶点的关系,引入自由参数建立五次Bézier曲线导函数的系数与首末端点的等量关系,并与前述向量等式组成方程组。通过求解方程组可得一段由G1 Hermite插值构造出的满足由中间条件给出的首末端点数据且G1连续的PH拟合曲线,并给出了数值实例。此构造方法直观,有多个自由参数可对曲线进行拟合效果的形状控制,且通过数值实验拟合效果较好。  相似文献   

We propose a two-step approach for the construction of planar smooth collision-free navigation paths. Obstacle avoidance techniques that rely on classical data structures are initially considered for the identification of piecewise linear paths having no intersection with the obstacles of a given scenario. Variations of the shortest piecewise linear path with angle-based criteria are proposed and discussed. In the second part of the scheme we rely on spline interpolation algorithms with tension parameters to provide a smooth planar control strategy. In particular, we consider the class of curves with Pythagorean structures, because they provide an exact computation of fundamental geometric quantities. A selection of test cases demonstrates the quality of the new motion planning scheme.  相似文献   

为了能调整G1插值螺线两端点处的曲率,提出一种螺线插值算法.首先给出了平面四次PH曲线的渐开线计算公式,并分析了其几何性质;然后以此为工具推导了G1Hermite螺线插值的全套算法.该算法可得到依赖于2个连续参数的插值螺线族,通过改变参数可调整插值螺线两端点处的曲率,理论上可调整一端的曲率使之无限接近于0;当给定的G2数据满足一定条件时,也能选取适当的参数构造出G2插值螺线.数值实例结果表明,文中算法能得到令人满意的结果.  相似文献   

文中对C1连续的二次三角Hermite插值样条曲线的自由控制点进行了进一步研究。首先讨论了给定中点条件时自由控制点的选取问题。为了获得光顺及弧长最短的二次三角Hermite插值样条曲线,基于能量优化法建立了一个求解最优自由控制点取值的优化模型,求解得到的最优控制点使得曲线的能量值达到最小;然后建立了一个优化模型来求解出最优控制点,使得插值曲线的近似弧长最短。数值实例表明,通过优化模型求出的控制点能使得二次三角Hermite插值样条曲线具有较好的光顺性及近似最短弧长。  相似文献   

The Hermite interpolation problem in the plane considered here is to join two points and to match given unit tangent vectors and signed curvatures at the two points with various G2 curves consisting of a pair of spirals. The rotation of the tangent vector of the interpolating curve from one point to the other is restricted to being less than π. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of each of the various curves are given.  相似文献   

We discuss the problem of interpolating C1 Hermite data on the sphere (two points with associated first derivative vectors) by spherical rational curves. With the help of the generalized stereographic projection (Dietz et al., 1993), we construct a two-parameter family of spherical quartics solving this problem. We study the shape of these solutions and derive criteria which guarantee solutions without cusps or self-intersections.  相似文献   

We present a scheme of interpolating a sequence of points p0,…,pn in R3 by a piecewise-cubic-helical spline with continuous Frenet frame. Each cubic helical segment rk(ξ) connecting pk−1 and pk is constructed such that its end tangents are symmetric with respect to the displacement vector Δpk=pkpk−1. The existence condition of such a segment rk(ξ) is formulated in terms of the configuration involving Δpk and the Frenet frame of rk(ξ) at pk−1. A Frenet-frame-continuous spline is obtained by matching the Frenet frames of sequentially constructed segments at their juncture points.  相似文献   

在代数-三角函数空间Ω=span{1,θ ···, θm+1, sinθ, cosθ, θsinθ, ···, θn cosθ}定义了一类 空间曲线。通过选取合适的积分核函数,该曲线在xy-平面上的投影具有内蕴表示或整条曲线是 PH 曲线。曲线的笛卡尔坐标可由预定义的核函数通过积分计算得到。此外,给出了不同核函数 表示的积分曲线的Hermite 插值算法。对给定的边界条件,积分核函数系数可通过求解方程组 得到。最后,利用PH 曲线设计了一族标架,并用于构造有理形式的扫掠曲面。实验表明,分 片定义的扫掠曲面在脊线处G1 连续,在其余连接处达到近似G1 连续。  相似文献   

Geometric interpolation is a basic task in geometric modelling. In this paper, the geometric interpolant with different degrees of smoothness is introduced. The method provides the lower degree, flexile interpolation curves and construction is simple. Moreover, convexity, regularity and the construction of some special geometric interpolants are also discussed.  相似文献   

n degrees of freedom for any given Hermite data on S n , n≥2. A method is presented for generating all spherical rational quartic curves on S n interpolating given Hermite data.  相似文献   

Construction methods are presented that generate Hermite interpolation quaternion curves on SO(3). Two circular curves C1(t) and C2(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, are generated that interpolate two orientations q1 and q2, and have boundary angular velocities: C1′(0) = ω1 and C2′(1) = ω2, respectively. They are smoothly blended together on SO(3) to generate a Hermite quaternion curve Q(t)SO(3), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, which satisfies the boundary conditions: Q(0) = q1, Q(1) = 2, Q′(0) = ω1, and Q′ (1) = ω2.  相似文献   

Given four polynomial or rational Bézier curves defining a curvilinear rectangle, we consider the problem of constructing polynomial or rational tensor-product Bézier patches bounded by these curves, such that they are geodesics of the constructed surface. The existence conditions and interpolation scheme, developed in a general context in earlier studies, are adapted herein to ensure that the geodesic-bounded surface patches are compatible with the usual polynomial/rational representation schemes of CAD systems. Precise conditions for four Bézier curves to constitute geodesic boundaries of a polynomial or rational surface patch are identified, and an interpolation scheme for the construction of such surfaces is presented when these conditions are satisfied. The method is illustrated with several computed examples.  相似文献   

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