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采用格子玻尔兹曼方法模拟高低热导率相间表面的饱和池沸腾过程,研究不同表面高低热导率区域热导率比值、低热导率区域宽度和深度对沸腾换热性能的影响。对比均匀热导率表面与高低热导率相间表面的沸腾曲线发现:高低热导率相间表面的沸腾过程可被分为5个阶段,并且其临界热流密度最高可达均匀表面的12倍;高低热导率相间可促使表面维持一定的温度差异,从而保持明显的气液流动;随着低热导率区域宽度增大,气液分离更加明显,低热导率区域宽度存在一个最优值,其与毛细长度的量级接近;随着低热导率区域的深度增大,表面过热度的差异更加明显。 相似文献
用两根内表面微结构不同的水平光滑管环状流区流动沸腾换热实验数据,采用叠加模型分别建立了流动沸腾换热关系式,并比较它们的抑制因子。结果表明,表面微结构对抑制因子有显的影响;当表面的平均凹腔半径较大时,抑制因子明显增大。表明表面微结构改变对流动沸腾换热能起到较好的强化作用。 相似文献
一、前言 当前全世界普遍重视节省能源,降低产品能耗已成为重要的研究课题。构成节能对象的机器设备中,有众多的热交换器,因此,研究提高现有传热设备的性能和探求新的强化方法,对于降低能耗具有重要意义。 相似文献
内燃机燃烧火焰的分形特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了发动机湍流预混燃烧火焰分形研究的进展,分析了湍流火焰分维测量的数盒子法、修正数盒子法及其优缺点,讨论了火焰特征尺度、内外截点的尺度及维数D与各参数之间的关系。 相似文献
为分析单层石墨烯纳米片对核态池沸腾换热的影响机理,对基液为R141b、分散相为单层石墨烯纳米片的纳米制冷剂的核态池沸腾换热特征进行了测定,采用Hot Disk热物性分析仪和铂金板法分别测定了石墨烯纳米制冷剂的热导率和表面张力,采用接触角测量仪和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观测了沸腾后加热表面的润湿性和形貌特征。实验中,单层石墨烯纳米片的质量百分含量(ω)为0.02%~0.50%,实验压力为一个标准大气压,热流密度为20~200 kW/m2。实验结果表明:单层石墨烯纳米片的加入,使制冷剂R141b的核态池沸腾换热得到强化;当ω=0.2%时,换热系数提高比例出现峰值,为57.7%。伴随ω的增加,石墨烯纳米制冷剂的热导率增大、表面张力减小,沸腾表面润湿性增强且微腔数先增后减,综合作用的结果导致存在一个最佳的单层石墨烯纳米片浓度(即ω=0.2%)使换热系数最高。 相似文献
为揭示不凝结气体对多壁碳纳米管(Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube, MWCNT)纳米结构表面核态池沸腾过程的影响,使用气体沉积法(Chemical Vapor Deposition, CVD)在硅表面制作MWCNT纳米结构表面,并使用光滑硅表面进行对比实验研究。实验操作中,将驱气前后的工作液体应用于两种表面的池沸腾实验,换热表面过热度控制在0℃-35℃,工作液体过冷度分为40℃和50℃。实验结果表明,液体中含气量的变化对MWCNT纳米结构表面影响较小,而对光滑硅表面的影响较大;对比硅表面,MWCNT纳米结构表面能够有效提升沸腾传热效果,对于驱气后的工作液体提升效果更为明显。 相似文献
The heat transfer of pool boiling in bead packed porous layers was experimentally investigated to analyze the effects of the bead material, bead diameter and the layer number of the porous bed on the transport of flux and the heat transfer coefficients. The glass and copper bead, the bead sizes of 4 mm and 6 mm as well as the bead packed porous structures ranging from one to three layers were chosen in the experiments. The pool boiling heat transfer in the bead packed porous structures and that on the plain surface were compared to analyze the enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer while the bead packed porous layers were employed. The maximum relative error between the collected experimental data of the pure water on a plain surface and the theoretical prediction of pool boiling using the Rohsenow correlation was less than 12%. Besides, the boiling bubble generation, integration and departure have a great effect on the pool boiling and were recorded with a camera in the bead stacked porous structures of the different layers and materials at different heat flux. All these results should be taken into account for the promotion and application of bead packed porous structures in pool boiling to enhance the heat transfer. 相似文献
NucleatePoolBoilingofPureLiquidsandBinaryMixtures:PartI-AnalyticalModelforBoilingHeatTransferofPureLiquidsonSmoothTubesGuoqin... 相似文献
The artificial surfaces are applied to study the pool boiling features, including the bubble behaviors, the surface temperature fluctuation, the heat transfer characteristics and nucleate site interaction. Three sets of experiments are carried out to investigate the influences of cavity shape, cavity size, cavity spacing on the boiling phenomena. Experimental results reveal that bubbling from the cylindrical as well as reentrant cavity is generally stable. The influence of cavity diameter on the bubble behaviors and the temperature fluctuation seems very weak while the effect of cavity depth cannot be neglected. As for the two cavity conditions, the bubble behaviors show the different features depending on the dimensionless cavity spacing. Three significant factors (thermal interaction, hydraulic interaction, bubble coalescence) control the nucleation site interaction, and the competition and dominance of the factors yield four interaction regimes. 相似文献
Boiling instabilities, high temperatures of the onset of boiling (ONB), and early transition to dryout are some of the insufficiently resolved issues of flow boiling in microchannels. This article addresses the flow boiling challenges with the incorporation of flow restrictors to reduce the boiling instabilities and hinder vapor backflows. In addition, the temperature of the ONB was lowered and the heat transfer coefficient was increased during boiling with the fabrication of potential nucleation cavities in the microchannel walls and bottom. Experiments were conducted with degassed double-distilled water in arrays of microchannels with the hydraulic diameter ranging from 25 to 80 µm, whereas the nucleation cavities characteristic sizes varied from 2 to 12 µm. The temperatures of the ONB were up to 35 K lower in the microchannel array with properly sized nucleation cavities compared to arrays of microchannels, in which the etched nucleation cavities were less suitable. The combined effect of fabricated nucleation cavities and interconnected microchannels increased the heat transfer coefficient from three to 10 times depending on the size of the etched nucleation cavities and the transferred heat flux in the microchannel arrays. 相似文献
NucleatePoolBoilingofPureLiquidsandBinaryMixtures:PartII-AnalyticalModelforBoilingHeatTransferofBinaryMixturesonSmoothTubesan... 相似文献