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第三代选粉机在不同技术条件下,根据不同需要发展了多种类型,反置式高温动态选粉机是专为适应高温物料分选而开发的新型选粉机,由于具有独特的笼轮锥体反置结构,避免了主轴轴承受到高温环境的影响,在实际应用中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

香茅油间歇精馏塔的工艺计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对300t/a香茅油间歇精馏塔进行物料衡算,根据物料衡算的结果对精馏塔的操作温度、最小理论板数、理论板数、最小回流比、操作回流比和塔径等进行计算,获得塔体的工艺和设备参数。  相似文献   

间歇提馏塔的操作   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A stripping batch distillation column is preferred when the amount of the light component in the feed is small and the products are to be recovered at high purity. The operation modes of a batch stripping are believed to be the same as those of a rectifier. However, the control system of a stripper is different. In this paper, we explore three different control methods with Hysys (Hyprotech Ltd. 1997) for a batch stripper. The main difference is the control scheme for reboiler liquid level: (a) controlled by reflux flow; (b) controlled by reboiler heat duty; (c)controlled by bottom product flow. The main characteristics of operating a batch stripper with different control scheme are presented in this paper. Guidelines are provided for the startup of a batch stripper, the effects of some control tuning parameters on the column performance are discussed.  相似文献   

荣本光 《化学工程》1998,26(1):18-24
基于对含多个侧线汽提和/或侧线精馏塔的复杂精馏流程的分析,构造了分离五组分的复杂精馏流程。提出了基于流程水平的多组分侧线汽提和/或侧线精馏塔的复杂精馏流程的设计方法。该法不仅可用于多组分复杂精馏流程的优化设计,并且能为复杂精馏流程的严格模拟提供良好的初值,从而为探讨复杂精馏流程的合成提供有效的途径。  相似文献   

全回流-全馏出与变塔压联合的间歇精馏过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel operation of batch distillation-combination of varying colum pressure and total reflux-total efflux is studied experimentally. In the operation, the product is accumulated at the top of the column under total reflux and then drained off completely, and the column pressure is varying in the whole process. This process has been industrialized successfully with large profits. The conventional mode of batch distillation is improved by this method effectively: the separation eficiency and the yield of product are increased greatly, the operation time is shortened and the production cost is cut down. Moreover, the amount of condensation water is decreased and the over-high reboiler temperature is lowered.  相似文献   

带多个中间贮罐的新型分批精馏塔的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多罐分批精馏塔由多个分批精馏塔依次连接而成,它只在第一个塔的塔釜加热,在最后一个塔的塔顶设冷凝器。采用恒摩尔持液模型对多贮罐的新型分批精馏塔的研究结果表明:多罐分批精馏塔具有可同时获得多个高纯度产品、无过渡馏分、产率高、操作简单及节能的特点。对多罐分批精馏塔和常规分批精馏塔进行出较的结果显示:采用多罐分批精馏塔分离产品可获得的年利润远高于采用常规分批精馏塔。  相似文献   

Batch extractive distillation was studied in a column with a middle vessel. The process was simulated by a constant holdup model and solved by two point implicit method. Acetone and methanol mixture was separated in such a setup using water as solvent. The simulation agrees well with experimental results. The experimental and simulation results show that the solvent at the bottom and the product at the top of the column can be withdrawn simultaneously for a long period of time. It needs more time for the solvent to reach high purity than that required for the more volatile component to reach high purity, so that the time to withdraw solvent from the bottom is delayed.  相似文献   

Batch extractive distillation was studied in a column with a middle vessel. The process was simulated by a constant holdup model and solved by two point implicit method. Acetone and methanol mixture was separated in such a setup using water as solvent. The simulation agrees well with experimental results. The experimental and simulation results show that the solvent at the bottom and the product at the top of the column can be withdrawn simultaneously for a long period of time. It needs more time for the solvent to reach high purity than that required for the more volatile component to reach high purity, so that the time to withdraw solvent from the bottom is delayed.  相似文献   

轻型高效精馏塔的计算机辅助设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱宏吉  白鹏  付强  冯延忠 《化工进展》2002,21(8):585-588
论述了在Win9x操作环境下,用Visual Baisc 6.0可视化语言设计界面,用Microsoft Access建立数据库,用Auto CAD VBA编辑绘图程序,以Auto CAD作为平台,开发设计轻型高效精馏塔辅助设计软件。通过对实际设计结果的检验与试用,该软件具有良好的用户界面、人机对活功能和图形功能,使用简单方便,输入初始条件即可设计并绘制出塔结构图。  相似文献   

针对常减压装置,提出基于Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland方程和焓衡算的简捷模型对现有的常减压系统复杂塔进行操作型计算和优化,并利用夹点分析确定系统的热回收目标。以常减压系统的年净利润最大为目标,同时考虑系统的产品收益和能量集成,建立了基于PSO随机粒子群算法的优化方法。以现有的常减压装置为算例,得到了年净利润最大条件下的各工艺参数。通过与严格模拟对比,表明常减压系统简捷模型能够得到较准确的计算结果。  相似文献   

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