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分析了当前高校中工程制图课程双语教学的现状及特点。讨论了在工程制图双语教学课程中,如何结合航海专业国际合作与竞争性强、英语能力要求高、工程制图课时少的特点进行有效教学。在教学过程中采用启发式、开放式教学,注重创新精神和实践能力的培养,对教学资源、教学内容、教学手段、考核方法进行了调整与改进。提出了在航海专业进行工程制图课程双语教学的基本模式。  相似文献   

工程制图双语教学的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐健  姜杉  杨林  徐慧 《工程图学学报》2006,27(1):134-137
从培养现代工程意识的高素质人才的要求出发,基于双语教学的基本内涵,对目前条件下实施双语教学的目的和可行性进行了分析。总结了在工程制图课程双语教学中教学资源的选择、教学内容的选择和处理、教学模式的选择及考核方式进行改革与实践的经验,初步探索出在工程制图课程中进行双语教学的模式,并提出一些值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

工程制图双语教学的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
分析了当前高校中工程制图双语教学的现状和特点,讨论了该校在工程制图双语教学课程中,在生源、教材、教学手段、辅导与考核、师资等各方面所作的工作。并以一节“平面与曲面立体截交线”的双语课为例,具体叙述了教学的实施情况和在教学中多种媒体相结合的互动式教学方法的实施情况,对如何提高双语教学的效率与质量方面作了有益的探索。  相似文献   

基于以学生为主体、教师为主导的问卷调查和师生座谈的方法,了解学生在运用现代计算机多媒体技术进行"工程制图"课程学习中遇到的问题,在教师积极引导和学生主动参与的基础上分析产生问题的原因,提出改进"工程制图"课程教学的新方法,并在教学实践中不断创新。该方法充分体现了"教师是主导,学生是主体"这一现代教学理念,使现代教育思想与先进教育观念在"工程制图"课程教学实践中成功实施。  相似文献   

工程制图课程的工程性改革实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教学内容上,分析了现代工程图学的教学要求,提出了工程制图课程新的教学体系.在教材上,以贯彻国家标准为出发点,重新组织了相关教学内容.在教学过程中,强调了制图课程的工程性,调动了学生学习工程知识和进行工程实践的积极性.  相似文献   

构型设计的教育是为了培养学生的创新能力和工程意识。论文探讨了基于构型设计工程制图课程的内容体系,分析了课程中常用的构型设计训练方式,并在此基础上就工程制图课程小设计环节的布置、实施和检查进行了探索,指出了在工程制图课程中可以引入小设计环节。小设计的实践对工程制图课程的教学改革有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Java程序设计作为我院双语教学的试点课程已经开设了几年。本文介绍了Jaya双语教学内容的组织过程,对所碰到的典型问题进行了分析,指出加强适合高职学生的的双语教材建设、提高教师双语教学能力以及激发学生参与双语教学互动的热情等几个重要环节直接影响到专业双语教学的质量。最后,在总结已有JaVa双语教学经验教训的基础上,给出了我们课程组对于本课程下一阶段的课程建设计划。  相似文献   

工程制图课程如果在教学过程中,加入实物作为模型,采用多媒体配套教学,来提升教学效果。本文旨在探讨如何应用UG软件的可观性、具象性来完成工程制图课程教学。  相似文献   

工程制图系列课程是工科专业本科生的基础课程。课程向学生传授技术制图和机构零件的表达方法和技术,以及CAD软件系统的使用方法。文章从实际教学的第一手材料出发,对中美两校同类课程的教学目标、课程内容和学生对课程评价进行了比较。对课程改革提出了建议和意见。  相似文献   

实施双语教学是“2+2”中外联合培养模式的要求,在这些学生中开展双语教学是必需的.该文就工程图学课程的特点,分析了双语教学的基本现状、教学目标和教学难点等问题.力求通过对课程在结构设置上进行调整与改革,达到联合培养模式的要求.  相似文献   

文章讨论了工科类院校运用愉快双语教学的最佳方法和手段,并就如何创造最佳的环境来激发学生,使他们既掌握专业知识又能培养学习英语的兴趣作了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

A teaching reform initiative, started in the spring semester of 1993 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), is described. The program seeks to increase student success in a freshman computer science course, and ultimately in the entire NJIT curriculum. The traditional teaching methods where the teacher presided over a lecture session supplying facts and figures, providing ideas, and presenting problems and their solutions, has been altered. The new learning environment described in this paper aims to create an all-inclusive setting inviting the students to make the transformation from passive learners to active participants. Rather than merely listening to lectures, students formulate problems and devise their own approaches to answering questions and finding solutions. Such a teaching/learning methodology requires instructional redesign and role redefinition. The presentation of class material is reordered as the teacher and students cross each other's confines becoming a more cohesive entity.  相似文献   

本科阶段加强学生工程意识培养重要而紧迫,分析了现代工程意识和能力培养的主要内容,以工程图学课程为切入点探究了课程教学内容与工程意识的密切联系,基于工程意识培养的可行方案,针对不同教学环节的培养方法进行创新设计,并配套设计了工程意识实验环节,使得教学手段更为立体、方法更为多样,为培养理论基础扎实的现代工程创新人才提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

吕航 《包装与设计》2012,(6):111-112
包装设计这门课程一直是高等院校艺术设计学科的专业必修课之一,课程的安排注重专业理论、专业表现和专业实践为主体的综合能力的培养,职业院校的教学导向与市场需求紧密联结,随着市场的不断发展,包装设计的教学目标也呈现出它的变化轨迹。从单纯视觉的表现到对包装材料、触觉质感的研究:从单一的包装个体设计到系列包装的陈列展示设计等,无不随市场的需求而形成新的设计教学理念。  相似文献   

近几年来,工程图学双语教学成为工程图学领域的教学改革热点之一,工程图学双语教材的建设自然也被越来越多的人所关注。以此为题,讨论了目前国内工程图学双语教材的现状,双语教材的分类,工程图学系列图书出版以及该系列图书的特点。  相似文献   

The influence of the preferred learning styles and psychological types on academic performance have been assessed for engineering students. The subjects of the experiments were different groups of students taking the first and the second courses in the civil engineering department. A holistic teaching/learning approach was designed based on the fact that people have different psychological characters and learn in different ways. During the course, many teaching/learning techniques were introduced to foster the learning process for different learning styles and psychological types. The study explores the implications of the learning styles and the psychological temperaments on the academic performance for experimental and control groups. The Learning Type Measure (LTM) and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) instruments were used to assess the psychological profiles and the learning preferences of the students. The paper will discuss the result of a comparison of the final grades of two groups of engineering students taught using two different instructional formats. As will be shown, the holistic teaching and learning environment helped those engineering students that are traditionally less successful.  相似文献   

VizClass, a university classroom visualization environment, was developed to bridge the gap between high‐tech engineering practice and low‐tech engineering pedagogy. It contains a suite of digital whiteboards, a three‐dimensional stereoscopic display, and specialized software for engineering visualization. Through observations, interviews, surveys, and examination of student work, we investigated student and teacher attitudes toward VizClass and its effect on teaching and learning processes. Observed benefits of teaching in the new environment include increased ability of faculty to visually explain complex problems, increased ability of students to conceptualize engineering problems, and increased engagement of students in after‐class collaboration.  相似文献   

Background Case studies have been found to increase students' critical thinking and problem‐solving skills, higher‐order thinking skills, conceptual change, and their motivation to learn. Despite the popularity of the case study approach within engineering, the empirical research on the effectiveness of case studies is limited and the research that does exist has primarily focused on student perceptions of their learning rather than actual learning outcomes. Purpose (Hypothesis ) This paper describes an investigation of the impact of case‐based instruction on undergraduate mechanical engineering students' conceptual understanding and their attitudes towards the use of case studies. Design /Method Seventy‐three students from two sections of the same mechanical engineering course participated in this study. The two sections were both taught using traditional lecture and case teaching methods. Participants completed pre‐tests, post‐tests, and a survey to assess their conceptual understanding and engagement. Results Results suggested that the majority of participants felt the use of case studies was engaging and added a lot of realism to the class. There were no significant differences between traditional lecture and case teaching method on students' conceptual understanding. However, the use of case studies did no harm to students' understanding while making the content more relevant to students. Conclusions Case‐based instruction can be beneficial for students in terms of actively engaging them and allowing them to see the application and/or relevance of engineering to the real world.  相似文献   

Digital circuit and analog circuit courses are basic courses for students of science and engineering universities. Among them,the practical courses are of great significance for students to master the knowledge of electronics. In order to make teachers teaching more efficiently and students studying more quickly,how to update the experimental course in teaching reform is the key point. This paper analyzing the present situation of teaching in the digital circuit and analog circuit courses,the teaching questions in universities. On the basis of it,the innovation measures of experimental teaching methods and contents are discussed. Our school tries to introduce the UltraLab network experiment platform,reform and optimize the teaching methods of related courses.And it' s accelerating the construction and development of emerging engineering education' s process,reducing effectively the teacher's time for managing in equipment,improving the students' ability to use instruments.  相似文献   

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