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A COCOMO-based Approach to Decision Support in Offshoring Software Development Projects In this paper we examine the evaluation of software development projects when several offshore service providers are involved. Therefore it supports the process of setting up a sourcing portfolio. The introduced decision support model is based on the well-known effort estimation approach COCOMO which supports the transfer into practice remarkably. Based on the costs of a proprietary development, the model describes to what extent the related development effort is affected by the sourcing decision. Additionally it quantifies the expected savings by considering the risk involved in the sourcing decision. As a result it can be stated that solely focusing on labour cost differences will usually lead to false decisions. Finally a detailed case study shows the practicability of the decision support model and illustrates its results.  相似文献   

Zahlreiche Fälle abgefischter Informationen aus E-Mails belegen, dass sensible Informationen nicht auf ?digitale Postkarten“ gehören. Viele Unternehmen und Organisationen haben dies erkannt. Bei der Einführung von E-Mail- Verschlüsselungslösungen sind jedoch unterschiedliche Anforderungen und mögliche Fallstricke zu beachten, die der folgende Beitrag überblicksartig beleuchtet.  相似文献   

Der Trend zum Ubiquitous Computing macht auch vor sicherheitskritischen Einsatzgebieten nicht halt. Daher und zum Schutz vor Bedrohungen der Bürgerrechte durch unbefugtes Aussp?hen von pers?nlichen Daten ist der Einsatz von Verschlüsselungsverfahren erforderlich. Klassische Blockchiffren eignen sich jedoch selbst mit viel ingenieurtechnischem Geschick nur bedingt für den Einsatz in energieeffizienten und kostengünstigen eingebetteten Ger?ten. Der Beitrag zeigt wie diese Herausforderungen in den vergangenen Jahren gemeistert wurden.  相似文献   

Currently process modeling is mostly done manually. Therefore, the initial design of process models as well as changes to process models which are frequently necessary to react to new market developments or new regulations are time-consuming tasks. In this paper we introduce SEMPA, an approach for the partly automatic planning of process models. Using ontologies to semantically describe actions – as envisioned in Semantic Business Process Management –, a process model for a specified problem setting can be created automatically. In comparison to existing planning algorithms our approach creates process models including control structures and is able to cope with complex and numerical input and output parameters of actions. The prototypical implementation as well as an example taken from the financial services domain illustrate the practical benefit of our approach.  相似文献   

In the present paper a new exponentially fitted one-step method is given for the numerical treatment of the initial value problemy (n)=f(x, y, y′, ..., y (n?1)),y (j) (x 0)=y 0 (j) j=0, 1, ...n?1. The method is given by a local linearisation off(x, y, y′, ..., y (n?1)). Using new functions the solution of a special linear differential equation of then-th order with constant coefficients is transformed in such a way so that it no longer contains numerical singularities. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated by several numerical stiff-examples.  相似文献   

Heute bedrohen Risiken wie Produktpiraterie und Industriespionage Technologiekonzerne mehr denn je. Weder wertvoll aufgebautes Know-How noch kostspielige Eigenentwicklungen dürfen in die H?nde der Konkurrenz geraten. über Gewinner und Verlierer dieses Wettkampfs entscheidet h?ufig, ob die Schutzmechanismen der verwendeten Baugruppen halten, was die Hersteller versprechen. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir am Beispiel von Xilinx Bauelementen, wie sich die Bitstromverschlüsselung zum Schutz der FPGA Konfiguration in der Praxis bew?hrt. Wir zeigen, wie sich mittels Seitenkanalanalyse sogar mit dem hochsicheren AES-256 geschützte Inhalte entschlüsseln lassen.  相似文献   

E-Mail-Verschlüsselung könnte längst flächendeckend Verwendung finden. Der Beitrag gibt eine Antwort auf die Frage, warum dies nicht der Fall ist–und macht Vorschläge, was getan werden sollte, um dies zu ändern.  相似文献   

In the present paper a new method is given for the numerical treatment of the initial problemsy (n)=f(x,y,y′, ...,y (n?1),y (i) (x o )=y o (i) , i=0, 1, ...,n?1. This method is an one-step process of order four. For a class of linear differential equations the exact solution is obtained. Moreover some numerical results are presented.  相似文献   

In the paper a direct method for the solution of a system of linear equations with a square, regular matrix ofn-th order is given. The method solves this system in \(\frac{{3 - \sqrt 2 }}{6}n^3 + O(n^2 )\) multiplications. By the recursive application of this method the number of multiplications is decreasing to \(\frac{{n^3 }}{6} + O(n^2 )\) . The results of numerical experiments and their comparison with Gauß-elimination are also given.  相似文献   

The number of legal regulations in the field of risk identification and documentation has heavily increased in the last years. This situation forces various companies to take care of risk aspects within their processes. The use of conceptual models for risk documentation in the field of corporate governance as well as IT-governance leads to better risk verification, certification and prediction. Risks will become much more apparent within their process contexts. These conceptual models can even be used for the preparation of risk handbooks. The article deals with the state of the art of process-oriented risk modelling and proposes a risk modelling approach developed on the basis of the entity driven process chain (EPC). The method aims at improved visualization and documentation mechanisms of process-oriented risks. Due to its EPC-foundation this approach can be integrated in existing modelling tools for auditing purposes to reach and maintain compliance with risk regulations. The construction of risk-inherent process models with the proposed modelling approach will be depicted with some examples. Additionally, this approach is integrated in the concept of adaptive conceptual modelling to generate distinct views on the set of existing models. This leads to a focused presentation and a lower model complexity and enables herewith a more efficient risk identification and treatment.  相似文献   

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