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Given the length of time systems engineering has been taught in the US, it is now appropriate to examine the types of programs being offered and to compare and contrast these programs. The paper provides this comparison with a view toward the future of systems engineering education in the US. In particular, we first examine the US undergraduate and graduate programs in systems engineering in order to understand what is taught and how it is taught. Using cluster analysis, we identify four distinct types of systems engineering undergraduate programs, and an informal analysis examines the directions in the systems engineering graduate programs. Next we look at issues in systems engineering education, which have shaped the development of the curricula over the last thirty years. These include the definition of systems engineering, associated professional societies, similar degree types, the role of an undergraduate systems engineering degree, and the role of information technology in systems engineering. We conclude with opportunities for systems engineering education within the US with regard to curricula directions and job opportunities  相似文献   

针对国际工程教育专业认证中计算机科学与技术专业实践教学体系不完整、缺少真实工程场景项目等问题,基于横向和纵向两个维度构建了专业实践教学体系。通过重组实践课程内容、引入真实工程项目,阐释了计算机科学与技术专业实践教学体系构建的思路与内涵,在计算机类专业ASIIN认证的实践中取得良好效果。为高校计算机科学与技术专业开展国际工程教育专业认证和实践教学体系的纵深改革提供参考。  相似文献   

Based on feedback from graduate students, from science and engineering faculty who teach graduate students, and from surveys about the skills graduate students need, the authors have designed and taught a graduate-level course in academic publishing. This article describes the need for the course and the theory behind its design, outlines the course content, and presents assessment data from the first three course iterations. The findings indicate that this course has increased students' awareness of the role of rhetorical and discourse knowledge as well as their level of confidence in their ability to write and publish professional work. Further, findings from interviews with faculty advisors yield insight into the benefits of the course for students, advisors, disciplinary programs, and cross-curricular initiatives  相似文献   

Brooks  Harvey 《Spectrum, IEEE》1967,4(2):89-91
Modern technology has posed a special dilemma for today's professional, who is confronted by rapid change in both the body of knowledge he must use and the needs and expectations of the society that he must serve. The resulting problem for professional education?to ascertain the proper balance between science and art in training for a profession?is considered in this article.  相似文献   

How do we teach our students to think? This is not a skill that they can pick up by doing "X" number of homework problems; it is the product of good habits that must be practiced and honed on a daily basis. It is a state of mind that continually questions "Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?" In light of this reality, we developed this segment for the "Introduction to Literature Review and Proposal Writing" graduate course this past summer. Our goals during this three-day class period were: /spl middot/ To define the creative process /spl middot/ To identify techniques that enhance creativity /spl middot/ To practice idea generation and critical thinking skills in controlled settings This segment helps smooth the transition between the undergraduate mentality of "teach me" to the desired graduate-student mentality of "enable me." It attempts to demystify the creative process, which most people associate with inspired moments and geniuses, so that students can deliberately foster an atmosphere that will help them generate new research ideas.  相似文献   

It is the responsibility of the colleges and universities to provide the engineering student of today with a competent technical background without overemphasizing specialization. The education of the engineer should be founded on a broad-based program designed to equip the graduate with sociological insight and capability, thus providing society with a useful and cognizant citizen as well as a competent engineer.  相似文献   

为落实研究生教育中全方位课程育人,在“信息论”必修基础课程中融入课程思政,培养具有扎实学识和高尚品德的专业技术人才。从科研项目、信息前沿、名家大师、时政案例、研究阅历等多个角度深入挖掘“信息论”思政元素,通过在课程教学中实施思政育人,强化研究生的工程化设计思想与学术创新意识,塑造大国工匠精神和高尚职业操守,激发科技报国的社会责任感与爱国热情。  相似文献   

In 1930, The Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) selected Peder O. Pedersen as the recipient of its Medal of Honor. He had become well known for his contributions to the development of the Poulsen arc system for wireless telegraphy and telephony. He also was a leader in engineering education in Denmark. He had become a Fellow of the IRE in 1915 and authored several papers published by the Proceedings of the IRE between 1917 and 1940. He also became a Fellow of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1920 and was a member of several other professional societies of science and engineering in various European countries.  相似文献   

Grid computing is taught at the University of Arkansas, focusing on the development of grid services, the Globus toolkit, and higher-level grid components. An early course, cluster and grid computing, successfully taught Globus materials to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. However, the material assumed advanced knowledge of Java programming and covered networking and basic distributed systems concepts, and was therefore too advanced for beginning programming students. When teaching grid computing to beginners, we must focus on creating and submitting a grid job rather than programming grid services. We also teach grid computing to advanced science and engineering students whose programming skills are similar to those of beginning computer science students  相似文献   

The field of communication, like much of higher education, is facing a set of crises brought about by economic, political and technological changes that affect all segments of society. We owe to ourselves, our students and our societies to face these challenges and rethink our mission and our practices in ways that will contribute to solutions. In this article I focus on several dimensions of our present circumstances: the need to embrace a broader vision of the career paths for which we are training our doctoral students; the importance of envisioning communication studies as a necessary and essential component of any rational liberal arts education in the 21st century; the critical role that communication scholarship can and should play in addressing current public policy debates and issues; and the crucial role we need to assume as leaders of a cultural environment movement that will counter the negative externalities of our pervasive corporate media environment.  相似文献   

鲁桃珍 《电子测试》2016,(20):147-148
在旅游业全球化的背景下,酒店业是一个国际化程度极高的行业,国际市场对酒店管理人才提出了新的要求.如何培养高素质的酒店国际化人才成为旅游酒店也迫切需要,而实践教学直接影响着高职酒店专业人才培养的质量.本文主要是从分析目前国内酒店人才现状,针对基于国际化视角下的高职酒店管理专业教育教学改革提出了若干建议及措施.  相似文献   

高等工程教育的人才培养方案中,大部分是专业基础课、专业课和工程实践课程,如何在工程专业课程中融入思政教育,实现立德树人,高校从事专业课教学的教师需要深入研究。作者以工科电类专业基础课“信号与系统”为例,总结了课程里面蕴含的丰富的思政元素,课程中包含的观察世界的方法,实现了在讲授专业知识的同时,自然而然地进行社会主义核心价值观思想引领,润物细无声地启发学生关于人生观、价值观、世界观、思维方法等方面的思考。  相似文献   

An analysis is made to illuminate and interpret the recent history of engineering education. The production of engineering degrees and research is modeled as a dynamic process using parameters derived for that purpose. The dominant fact in the production of bachelors degrees is the damped oscillatory growth which characterized the two decades after World War II. Short-term fluctuations exist, but over the long term the growth rate matches U.S. population growth rate. Graduate degree production increased at a constant 12 percent per year between 1956 and 1968, resulting in the ratio of graduate degrees to B.S. degrees increasing from 1:6 to the current 1:2. Methods are developed to classify colleges of engineering according to their dominant characteristic as graduate or undergraduate institutions. Growth in Ph.D. production is shown to have been influenced by a "geographical potential" as well as other factors. Application is made to a method for planning graduate research centers in developing countries. Cost effectiveness in graduate research is shown to correlate with size. The largest colleges are shown to have maintained their productivity while smaller ones declined during periods of decreasing national production. Methods for critical comparison of colleges, departments, and even professors, are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

"工程电磁场"课程是一门难教难学的课程,充分发挥研究生助教的辅导作用不仅可以提高授课效果,而且对研究生的能力培养也有推动作用。本文从目前研究生助教制度存在的问题、奖学金资助问题、助教制度的改革和助教制度实施过程中存在的问题和效果等多方面对助教制度进行了系统深入的探讨。  相似文献   

During the design and construction of a distributed measurement system, design engineers face many basic questions. How does one properly choose a structure and actual solutions for the key elements of the system? Which elements are important? How does one guarantee a suitable level of operating quality and reliability? A broad knowledge base and technical experience are necessary to answer these questions. The consumer's expectations for the product need to be met. The designer's subjectivity should be minimized. In this column, we discuss the use of two tools, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method which comes from quality engineering rules and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which comes from operations research. Implementing QFD during the design process can focus the attention of the designer on the most important elements of reliability and work quality. The AHP method helps the engineer make complex decisions in designing today's measurement systems that have many extreme optimization problems. Using these methods should decrease the cost of manufacturing and maintenance of measuring systems. We explain these methods and then show how they work in designing a distributed system for a mobile measurement station (MMS).  相似文献   

在军队院校课程教学中融入思政教育,是贯彻习主席训词和新时代军事教育方针的重要举措。“信号与系统”课程是国防科技大学的一门重要学科基础课程,是电子信息工程专业课程思政建设的关键环节。把思政教育融入课堂,要明确目标体系,还要找准设计思路和切入点,通过对思政效果的考核与评价,持续改进,增强实效。  相似文献   

Software engineering is an emerging field aimed at improving the quality of computer software and the processess used to produce it. The field seeks to transform software creation from an art into an engineering discipline. Efforts have recently begun to teach software engineering concepts to university students and to practicing professionals in industry and government. This paper surveys past and present efforts in software engineering education, describes some existing problems in training software engineers, and outlines likely future developments in educational programs. The outline of a curriculum for a professional master's degree in software engineering is included.  相似文献   

What are the advantages to managers in using the design decision tree? There appear to be several: 1. It provides a broad framework for identifying the key factors a manager should think about in considering an organizational design. For example: What is our environment? What different structural options do we have? 2. It forces the manager to diagnose the decision environment. What is our environment like? How stable is it? How complex is it? Is it possible to reduce complexity by segmenting the environment into product or geographical subgroups? 3. It causes managers to think about how much interdependence there is among segments of the organization. How dependent on one another are different parts of the organization in terms of technology, services, support, help in getting their tasks completed? The decision points in the heuristic forces managers to questions themselves about what other parts of the organization they need to coordinate their activities with, and then to think about how to do it. 4. Once the organization is in either a functional or decentralized structure, the decision tree points out what can be done to meet the increased needs for information through the use of lateral relations. Lateral relations provide a mechanism for supplementing the existing structure to facilitate dealing with the organization's increased needs for information and coordination. Managers in a variety of organizations have commented that the decision tree gives them ". . .  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2000,37(9):63-67
Under its new rules, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology's (ABET) Engineering Criteria 2000 (EC 2000) will focus on the results of an engineering education, rather than on the curriculum. As of September 2001, when the document becomes mandatory, EC 2000 will emphasize instead the learned abilities an engineer should possess upon entering into professional practice. With this simple, yet radical, change in focus from input to outcome, EC 2000 aims to get faculties to overhaul their teaching methods and curricula. The criteria are even sparking international educational reform. Many non-US institutions want their programs awarded the status of “substantial equivalency” to US programs, so their graduates can more realistically aspire to jobs anywhere in the world. In formulating the novel criteria, ABET, a nonprofit organization, based in Baltimore, Md., did not go it alone. It had the cooperation of academia, industry, and 29 professional engineering societies, including the IEEE  相似文献   

"电力专业英语"是电气工程及其自动化专业的一门必修课,是在学生经过英语四、六级考试并掌握了足够的专业知识后开设的一门课程。笔者针对该类学生从电力专业英语术语的基本构词方法、翻译技巧等教学内容安排方面,探讨了"授人以渔"的电力专业英语教学法。通过课堂教学的实践,表明取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

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