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To define the biomechanical effects of total lateral meniscectomy and of subsequent lateral meniscal allograft replacement on load transmission and distribution across the human knee, we mounted 10 fresh-frozen young human cadaveric knees on a mechanical testing system. Peak pressure and contact area profiles were determined at 0 degrees, 30 degrees, and 60 degrees of knee flexion using pressure-sensitive film and a densitometer. Load transmission profiles were determined for each knee in a sequential test order: 1) intact knee, 2) after lateral meniscectomy, 3) after implantation of size-matched meniscal allograft fixed with bone plugs, and 4) after release of the anterior and posterior horn attachments of the allograft. Total lateral meniscectomy resulted in a 45% to 50% decrease in total contact area. Allograft replacement increased total contact area by 42% to 65% as compared with total meniscectomy at all flexion angles. After release of the anterior and posterior horn attachments, contact area was identical to that after total meniscectomy. Total lateral meniscectomy resulted in a 235% to 335% increase in peak local contact pressure. Allograft replacement decreased these pressures by 55% to 65% at all flexion angles, but they remained significantly greater than those in the intact state. After release of the anterior and posterior horn attachments, contact pressures were identical to those after total meniscectomy. Compared with total meniscectomy, meniscal allograft transplantation significantly increases contact area and decreases peak local contact pressures, but any biomechanical advantages are lost without bone plug fixation of the anterior and posterior horns.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: The canal space of burst-fractured, human cervical spine specimens was monitored to determine the extent to which spinal position affected post-injury occlusion. OBJECTIVE: To test the null hypothesis that there is no difference in spinal canal occlusion as a function of spinal positioning for a burst-fractured cervical spine model. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Although previous studies have documented the effect of spinal positioning on canal geometry in intact cadaver spines, to the authors' knowledge, none has examined this relationship specifically in a burst fracture model. METHODS: Eight human cervical spine specimens (levels C1 to T3) were fractured by axial impact, and the resulting burst injuries were documented using post-injury radiographs and computed tomography scans. Canal occlusion was measured using a custom transducer in which water was circulated through a section of flexible tygon tubing that was passed through the spinal canal. Any impingement on the tubing produced a rise in fluid pressure that was monitored with a pressure transducer. Each spine was positioned in flexion, extension, lateral (and off-axis) bending, axial rotation, traction, and compression, while canal occlusion and angular position were monitored. Occlusion values for each position were compared with measurements taken with the spine in neutral position. RESULTS: Compared with neutral position, compression, extension, and extension combined with lateral bending significantly increased canal occlusion, whereas flexion decreased the extent of occlusion. In extension, the observed mechanism of occlusion was ligamentum flavum bulge caused by ligament laxity resulting from reduced vertebral body height. CONCLUSIONS: Increased compression of the spinal cord after injury may lead to more extensive neurologic loss. This study demonstrated that placing a burst-fractured cervical spine into either extension or compression significantly increased canal occlusion as compared with occlusion in a neutral position.  相似文献   

The influence of the local constraint in the near field zone of cracks in terms of the parameter σmv = f (r, θ, s) on fracture initiation and fracture resistance is investigated for several crack configurations in specimens and components. Experimental results from various authors are compared with corresponding numerical findings. Methods to transfer test results obtained for specimens to more complex situations in components are reported.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ibuprofen in reducing microvascular thrombosis in a well-established experimental model was studied. Bilateral 2-mm arterial inversion grafts were constructed in the femoral arteries of New Zealand White rabbits. The experimental group (n = 40 grafts) received subcutaneous injections of ibuprofen 15 mg/kg t.i.d. beginning 1 day preoperatively and continued for 7 days postoperatively. The control group (n = 42 grafts) received injections of an equivalent volume of saline three times per day. Patency was evaluated at 7 days by the distal milking test. Seventy-three percent of the ibuprofen grafts were patent at 7 days, whereas 57% of the control grafts remained open. This difference in microvascular patency was not statistically significant. Representative scanning electron micrographs revealed a moderate reduction in aggregated platelets and overall clot density in the patent ibuprofen arterial inversion grafts compared with the patent control specimens. Although the use of ibuprofen as a sole antithrombotic agent cannot be recommended as the result of this study, it may be efficacious when used in conjunction with other agents such as dextran 40.  相似文献   

The safety of deep corneal incisions in radial keratotomy was evaluated in a porcine model of blunt trauma. One eye of each enucleated pair (right and left) of porcine eyes was subjected to a variation of radial keratotomy; the fellow eyes served as unoperated-on controls. All eyes were subjected to a standard injury. Control eyes ruptured at the equatorial sclera. Eyes with radial incisions cut through approximately 70% of corneal thickness also ruptured at the equator. When incisions of this depth (70%) were extended across the limbus (rather than to the corneal-scleral junction), all ruptures occurred at the limbal incisions. Eyes cut 95% to 100% of corneal thickness tended to rupture at the incisions. The safety of deep radial keratotomy incisions with respect to ocular integrity is discussed.  相似文献   

Tested the hypothesis that greater cross-cultural contact would result in greater generalized cross-cultural role-taking ability and more favorable attitudes toward ethnic groups in general. 11th graders in schools with a high proportion of New Canadians were compared with students in a matched group of schools having a relatively low proportion of New Canadians on tests devised to measure cross-cultural role-taking ability, tolerance for diversity in society, and on performance on the Prisoner's Dilemma game. A total of 1,323 Ss were tested. Both Canadian and New Canadian students in high density schools scored higher than comparable students in low density schools on the cross-cultural role-taking test. There was no support for the hypothesis from results of the Prisoner's Dilemma game. (French summary) (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four different experiments were performed to study the effect of methylprednisolone on porcine bone morphogenetic protein (pBMP) in an allograft in adult rabbits. In each animal, a 2-cm segment of radius was excised and replaced with frozen allograft. Fifteen milligrams pBMP was applied over the graft-host junction in Groups I and III, and 30 mg pBMP was applied in Groups II and IV. In Groups III and IV, methylprednisolone was given intramuscularly for three weeks. Incorporation was assessed by roentgenography, analysis of the area of callus formation and histologic and biomechanical analysis at four and eight weeks. Methylprednisolone inhibited pBMP-induced bone formation and incorporation of frozen cortical bone allograft.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate intravascular MR imaging in normal New Zealand rabbits and hereditary hyperlipidaemic Watanabe rabbits (WHHL) with histological correlation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The suprarenal abdominal aortas of two normal and two WHHL rabbits were examined by conventional angiography, high resolution MRT with a surface coil and intravascular MRT in a 1.5 T system. The intravascular reception coil consisted of a copper wire loop built into the balloon of an angioplasty catheter. The findings were correlated with histological examinations. RESULTS: Excellent spin echo images with a resolution of 78 x 156 microns were obtained in less than 4 minutes. The arteriosclerotic changes in the vessels of the WHHL rabbits could not be recognised angiographically. High resolution MRT with surface coils showed mural thickening but a detailed demonstration of arteriosclerotic lesions was possible only by means of high resolution intravascular imaging. There was good histological correlation. CONCLUSION: Arteriosclerotic lesions can be demonstrated in vivo by high resolution intravascular imaging.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bicycle pedal design on the mechanics of the patellofemoral joint. Previous research determined that for certain riders the non-driving varus and internal knee moments could be reduced by switching from fixed to free floating pedals (Ruby and Hull, 1993). It was postulated that the presence of varus and internal knee moments during fixed pedal cycling may adversely affect patellofemoral joint contact mechanics which could lead to the development of anterior knee pain. To investigate the effect of pedal design the hypothesis that varus and internal intersegmental knee moments significantly increase patellofemoral contact pressure, contact area and contact force was tested. To test this hypothesis cycling loads were simulated in vitro using a six-degree-of-freedom load application system (LAS). Using the LAS, varus moments ranging from 0-20 Nm and internal knee moments ranging from 0-10 Nm were applied simultaneously with quadriceps force at knee flexion angles of 60 and 90 degrees. Patellofemoral contact patterns were measured using pressure sensitive film. An applied 10 Nm internal moment significantly increased both contact area by 16% and contact force by 22% at 90 of flexion. The application of a 20 Nm varus moment modestly yet significantly increased contact area by 6% and contact force by 5%. When applied in combination, varus and internal knee moments increased contact area and force by as much as 29% and 28% respectively. The mean contact pressure was not significantly increased by either of the two moments. The results suggest that non-driving intersegmental knee moments subject the patellofemoral joint to loads and contact patterns which may accelerate the development of chondromalacia.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of the effect of matrix yield strength, at constant Widmanstätten α microstructure, on the fracture resistance of an α Ti alloy, CORONA-5. Fracture initiation resistance,J q, and the stable crack growth resistance,T, were evaluated by the single specimen, unloading compliance method for four different microstructures and three yield strengths. The microstructures involved coarse or fine Widmanstätten α particles in a heat treated β-matrix; the yield strength ranged from 765 to 1018 MPa. It was found thatJ qY, where σY is the effective yield strength, decreased with increasingσ Y.T/σ Y also decreased with increasing σY for fine structures. For the coarse α structures, however, T/σY revealed intermediate maxima. Coarser structures, in general, revealed higher values ofJ qY andT/σ Y. The cause was found primarily to be due to the effect of increased α particle thickness. The effect of grain size was secondary. JqY increased with increasing tensile strain hardening rate, obtained at the onset of void nucleation. T/σY was found to decrease with increasing tensile void growth rate. In general, JqY and T/σY revealed different relationships with microstructure. Fatigue precrack front- and the stable crack length-tortuosities did not yield any general relationship to fracture resistance at different yield strengths.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen on the fracture of a nickel-base superalloy, alloy X-750, was investigated in the HTH condition. The effect of hydrogen was examined through tensile testing incorporating observations from scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The ductility at 25 °C, as measured by elongation to failure for tensile specimens, was reduced from 21 pct for noncharged specimens to 7.3 pct for 5.7 ppm hydrogen and to 3.5 pct for 65 ppm hydrogen. The elongation to failure was a function of the strain rate and test temperature. For hydrogen-charged specimens, the elongation decreased as the strain rate decreased at a constant temperature, while for a constant strain rate and varying temperature, there was a maximum in embrittlement near 25 °C and no embrittlement at -196 °C. For the noncharged specimens, the elongation monotonically increased as temperature increased, while there was no noticeable effect of strain rate. Prestraining prior to charging dramatically decreased elongation after hydrogen charging. When the strain rate was increased on the prestrained specimens, more plastic deformation was observed prior to failure. Failure did not occur until the flow stress was reached, supporting the proposition that plasticity is required for failure. The intergranular failure mechanism in alloy X-750 was a microvoid initiation process at grain boundary carbides followed by void growth and coalescence. The void initiation strain, as determined from tensile data and from sectioning unfractured specimens, was observed to be much lower in the hydrogen-charged specimens as compared to noncharged specimens. The reduced ductility may be explained by either a reduction of the interfacial strength of the carbide-matrix interface or a local hydrogen pressure at the carbide-matrix interface.  相似文献   

Although Candida albicans remains the fungal species most frequently isolated as an opportunistic oral pathogen, other yeast species are often identified in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive patients. Candida dubliniensis phenotypically resembles C. albicans in many respects, yet it can be identified and differentiated as a unique Candida species by its phenotypic and genetic profiles. The purpose of the present study was to prospectively test for the presence of C. dubliniensis among clinical isolates and to determine the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients harboring C. dubliniensis. Over a 90-day period, isolates from 724 patients that were presumptively identified as C. albicans were screened for C. dubliniensis by use of tests for germ tube and chlamydospore production, by detection of an inability to grow at 45 degrees C, by colony color on CHROMagar Candida medium, and by the results of a sugar assimilation test with the API 20C AUX yeast identification system. Among 699 isolates retrieved from those specimens evaluated, 5 from 25 HIV-seropositive patients and 1 isolate from a patient whose HIV status was unknown were shown to be consistent by phenotyping and by electrophoretic karyotyping with the European reference strain of C. dubliniensis. One of the C. dubliniensis isolates had dose-dependent susceptibility to fluconazole (MIC, 16 microg/ml). These results confirm the presence of this interesting species in the United States and support the need for further investigations into the prevalence and pathogenesis of C. dubliniensis.  相似文献   

Intravenous administration of piracetam to hamsters reduced the formation of a platelet-rich venous thrombus induced by a standardised crush injury, in a dose-dependent fashion with an IC50 of 68 +/- 8 mg/kg. 200 mg/kg piracetam also significantly reduced in vivo thrombus formation in rats. However, in vitro aggregation of rat platelets was only inhibited with piracetam-concentrations at least 10-fold higher than plasma concentrations (6.2 +/- 1.1 mM) obtained in the treated animals. No effects were seen on clotting tests. In vitro human platelet aggregation, induced by a variety of agonists, was inhibited by piracetam, with IC50's of 25-60 mM. The broad inhibition spectrum could be explained by the capacity of piracetam to prevent fibrinogen binding to activated human platelets. Ex vivo aggregations and bleeding times were only minimally affected after administration of 400 mg/kg piracetam i.v. to healthy male volunteers, resulting in peak plasma levels of 5.8 +/- 0.3 mM. A possible antiplatelet effect of piracetam could be due to the documented beneficial effect on red blood cell deformability leading to a putative reduction of ADP release by damaged erythrocytes. However similarly high concentrations were needed to prevent stirring-induced "spontaneous" platelet aggregation in human whole blood. It is concluded that the observed antithrombotic action of piracetam cannot satisfactorily be explained by an isolated direct effect on platelets. An additional influence of piracetam on the rheology of the circulating blood and/or on the vessel wall itself must therefore be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1988,36(6):1503-1509
As a physical basis for understanding void linking during ductile microvoid fracture, the contrasting behavior of tensile specimens containing random and regular arrays of holes is examined. The results indicate that specimens containing random arrays are less ductile than their regular-array counterparts. The magnitude of this effect depends on the minimum spacing between holes, hole size, and the strain hardening of the material. The experimental results may be understood in terms of the importance of hole/void distribution on a ductile fracture process which is a consequence of both micro- and macroscale shear instabilities.  相似文献   

采用电接触模型的铝电解槽阴极电压降分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
320kA和350kA预焙阳极电解槽的阴极电压降(cathode voltage drop,简称CVD)约占槽电压的7%~9%.这一比例虽小,但对电解槽的整体能耗有着重要意义.使用有限元法建立了非线性电接触模型并用于分析CVD.该模型能够考虑阴极碳块类型、结构及伸腿生长或槽底沉淀对CVD的影响.计算结果表明:模型预测的电场分布与工业电解槽上的测量数据和文献数据吻合较好;阴极碳块由半石墨质碳块转变为石墨化碳块,阴极电压降约减少70mV;就电压降而言,采用两个直通阴极钢棒的阴极结构设计略优于采用两个内嵌阴极钢棒的结构设计;伸腿增长或者炉底有沉淀产生,CVD会增大.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the effect of the volume fraction and the dispersion rate of cementite on fracture toughness of ferrite. The investigations were performed at -196°C on five types of carbon steels containing 0.028–1.22% of C in which cementite was coagulated at 700°C for 1–8 h from the quenched state. It was determined that the fracture toughness of steel increases very strongly up to the content of carbides of about 7% by volume. At the same time, hardness and strength of these steels grow. First of all, this is the result of size reduction of ferrite grains by fine carbides. These carbides, distributed almost exclusively on grain boundaries, can only participate in the transmission of the crack to the neighbouring grain. At larger contents of carbides, their dispersion rate decreases while their number in the grain volume grows. Fine carbides from inside of the grains set the path of easy cracking on the boundaries with the ferritic matrix while the coarse carbides crack in front of the fracture. As a result, the steel fracture toughness decreases. The fracture development by means of carbides is less harmful than on the carbide/matrix boundaries.  相似文献   

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