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Video games in psychotherapy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Video games have found their way into the clinical care of youth in most medical fields, and academic interest in their use is increasing steadily. The popularity of video games among youth may qualify them as a useful tool in psychotherapy for children and adolescents. Limited literature on use of video games in mental health care suggests that they can help young patients become more cooperative and enthusiastic about psychotherapy. Recent experience suggests that video games may facilitate therapeutic relationships, complement the psychological assessment of youth by evaluating cognitive skills, and elaborate and clarify conflicts during the therapy process. Concerns about video game content, perceived effects on youth, and lack of familiarity with this medium may form a barrier in their use in therapy offices. Further research on the benefits of video game use in psychotherapy, including patient characteristics that may moderate outcomes, is needed. Finally, future collaborations between clinicians and video game developers may produce specific games to be used in psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Video game enthusiasts spend many hours at play, and this intense activity has the potential to alter both brain and behavior. We review studies that investigate the ability of video games to modify processes in spatial cognition. We outline the initial stages of research into the underlying mechanisms of learning, and we also consider possible applications of this new knowledge. Several experiments have shown that playing action games induces changes in a number of sensory, perceptual, and attentional abilities that are important for many tasks in spatial cognition. These basic capacities include contrast sensitivity, spatial resolution, the attentional visual field, enumeration, multiple object tracking, and visuomotor coordination and speed. In addition to altering performance on basic tasks, playing action video games has a beneficial effect on more complex spatial tasks such as mental rotation, thus demonstrating that learning generalizes far beyond the training activities in the game. Far transfer of this sort is generally elusive in learning, and we discuss some early attempts to elucidate the brain functions that are responsible. Finally, we suggest that studying video games may contribute not only to an improved understanding of the mechanisms of learning but may also offer new approaches to teaching spatial skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Past research provided abundant evidence that exposure to violent video games increases aggressive tendencies and decreases prosocial tendencies. In contrast, research on the effects of exposure to prosocial video games has been relatively sparse. The present research found support for the hypothesis that exposure to prosocial video games is positively related to prosocial affect and negatively related to antisocial affect. More specifically, two studies revealed that playing a prosocial (relative to a neutral) video game increased interpersonal empathy and decreased reported pleasure at another's misfortune (i.e., schadenfreude). These results lend further credence to the predictive validity of the General Learning Model (Buckley & Anderson, 2006) for the effects of media exposure on social tendencies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychotherapy has utility for a wide variety of circumstances that have significant economic, personal, and social consequences. This special issue is a small attempt to address some of these problems. There are important omissions, such as the frequent use of psychotropic medications in psychotherapy, psychological rehabilitation of patients and families with chronic health problems, and hospice care. The need for establishment of a national policy on how psychotherapy can be used to create more effective and humane solutions to societal problems has been identified. The challenge is how to fund the study of health and other social problems responsive to psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is past time for psychologists to expand their services into primary health care. For too long, psychological work has been limited to mental health care. Psychology also has much to offer in primary health care. One of my major initiatives during my tenure as president of the American Psychological Association (APA) was to focus on psychologists' contributions to health care in general, particularly on what psychologists are doing to help cancer patients. A great need exists for professional psychologists to expand into these areas. To illustrate the value of psychological interventions in primary health care, I focus on two major health care problems: heart disease and cancer. Both are particularly important areas for health care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Because our training models in Clinical Psychology have not kept pace with the rapid changes in the health care marketplace, we may be in danger of preparing psychologists for markets that no longer exist. The next generations of psychologists will require the skills of the entrepreneur and the leader in addition to a range of core clinical skills. At the same time, our profession's historic commitment to science as the best epistemic game in town may founder if we fail to pay better attention to knowledge translation (i.e., how to move scientific findings expeditiously from the laboratory into practice). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the effect of action gaming on the spatial distribution of attention. The authors used the flanker compatibility effect to separately assess center and peripheral attentional resources in gamers versus nongamers. Gamers exhibited an enhancement in attentional resources compared with nongamers, not only in the periphery but also in central vision. The authors then used a target localization task to unambiguously establish that gaming enhances the spatial distribution of visual attention over a wide field of view. Gamers were more accurate than nongamers at all eccentricities tested, and the advantage held even when a concurrent center task was added, ruling out a trade-off between central and peripheral attention. By establishing the causal role of gaming through training studies, the authors demonstrate that action gaming enhances visuospatial attention throughout the visual field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Over the past half century the mass media, including video games, have become important socializers of children. Observational learning theory has evolved into social–cognitive information processing models that explain that what a child observes in any venue has both short-term and long-term influences on the child’s behaviors and cognitions. C. A. Anderson et al.’s (2010) extensive meta-analysis of the effects of violent video games confirms what these theories predict and what prior research about other violent mass media has found: that violent video games stimulate aggression in the players in the short run and increase the risk for aggressive behaviors by the players later in life. The effects occur for males and females and for children growing up in Eastern or Western cultures. The effects are strongest for the best studies. Contrary to some critics’ assertions, the meta-analysis of C. A. Anderson et al. is methodologically sound and comprehensive. Yet the results of meta-analyses are unlikely to change the critics’ views or the public’s perception that the issue is undecided because some studies have yielded null effects, because many people are concerned that the implications of the research threaten freedom of expression, and because many people have their identities or self-interests closely tied to violent video games. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Edward Asner is a well-known stage and screen performer who has starred in a variety of motion picture and television productions, including Rich Man, Poor Man, Roots, and of course is best known for The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Lou Grant. There is another side to Mr. Asner, however. It is for this side of his professional work that he was asked to present an Invited Address to this APA Convention. For several years, Mr. Asner has taken a lead role in promoting the entertainment industry's involvement in health care. He has been actively involved in advocating quality health care for all citizens and to this end has become publicly involved in several ways. Mr. Asner's belief that health care services should be available to all individuals has led him to become actively involved in the union movement in the entertainment industry, promoting stronger affirmative action clauses and increased emphasis on health/safety conditions and benefits. It is because of this sincere dedication and active participation that Mr. Asner has been asked to address this American Psychological Association convention on the topic of "Do the Media Have an Impact on the Role of Health Care?" (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author presents an overview of an emerging field that looks at the impact of video games on civic engagement. Some video games have explicit civics-related content and engage players in simulations of civically related projects, but most others do not. However, research has shown that video game playing engages players in civically oriented experiences that previous research has found to promote civic outcomes in classroom-based programs. These include helping and guiding others; learning about problems in society; exploring social, moral, or ethical issues; organizing groups; and making decisions about how a community, city, or nation should be run. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Health care has been, and to large measure remains, an enormous collection of considerably independent professionals, freestanding institutions, highly individualized consumer demands, and laws that vary considerably state by state. To a great extent, health services in the US have been organized and offered as an exchange between individuals, and American practitioners and patients have valued this independence. Over the past decade and a half, however, we have begun to recognize that provision of health care on an individuated basis comes at an enormous cost. Beyond simply the economic cost, there is the growing realization that the "independent" nature of the actions taken by the individuated sectors of our health system can often be characterized as idiosyncratic, unmanaged, uncoordinated, and irrational. One small but critical step toward improving the fractious nature of our health system is to advance the cause of states recognizing the professional licensure of health professionals by other states. Such mutual recognition, long overdue, promises real benefits for patients and, in the long run, for professionals as well. Professional bodies both private and public should focus on patients and their needs when considering any regulatory changes to be made. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Integrating health care into primary and specialty physician practices and clinics has potential benefits for women; racial/ethnic minorities; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered populations, thus making a major contribution to the health disparities in America. Mounting evidence suggests that physical illnesses are accompanied and exacerbated by emotional, social, and cultural factors. Many of the chronic diseases, cardiovascular disease, HIV-AIDS, diabetes, and some cancers can be prevented and altered by behavioral changes and are thus considered behavioral diseases. In addition, nonadherence to medication is a significant factor in less-than-optimal treatment of any illness. Thus, medical treatment without coordinated attempts to also treat the behavioral and social factors compromises its effectiveness. Treatment is often complicated by the lack of timely diagnoses of issues such as domestic violence, substance abuse, and eating disorders. Furthermore, helping patients negotiate medical visits, treatment options, and disease prevention and management can be effectively addressed within an integrated primary care system of health delivery with better outcomes for minorities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was passed into legislation in March 2010, making health care reform a reality. Perhaps the most well-developed model of primary care that aligns with the PPACA's agenda is the patient-centered medical home (PCMH). Integrated care, as defined by collaborative care between mental health and primary care providers and systems, will undoubtedly play a critical role in the success of the PCMH. The role of psychology and integrated care in the PCMH as well as training implications for psychologists are discussed. This article is intended to challenge our discipline to embrace psychology as a health care profession that must prepare for and solidify its added value in the health care delivery models of the future. Requisite skill sets for primary care psychologists and existing training opportunities are presented. Finally, possible mechanisms for training psychologists in integrated care and the professional roles primary care psychologists can expect to fill are proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The psychology of health and health care: A Canadian perspective by Gary Poole, Deborah Hunt Matheson, and David N. Cox (2001). This book is a timely introductory text that aims to situate the rapidly expanding field of health psychology within the geographic, socio-demographic, and empirical landscape of Canada. This textbook would be appropriate for beginning and intermediate undergraduate students across a range of disciplines, including psychology, public health, and nursing. As such, it has a number of features to commend it. It is written in a clear and concise style, with explanatory tracks guiding the reader step by step through each new concept. In keeping with health psychology's applied focus, web sites for important resources are provided and sample case studies are integrated with key concepts throughout each chapter. Finally, the up-to-date coverage of Canadian health statistics and research publications is a delight for those of us who have been struggling to find texts that reflect the unique ways in which we view, structure, fund, administer, and research health psychology and health care in this country. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article looks at how we can move toward a broader model of health care. It discusses advances in U.S. health care, the issue of health care coverage for all Americans, the need for a biopsychosocial model of health care, and the impact that psychologists can make in improving health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Video games are fast becoming one of the most popular media of choice among children and young adults. They are one of the newest media forms to find themselves under scientific scrutiny. To date, much of the attention has been negative, focusing on potential harm related to addiction, aggression, and lowered school performance. Scientists increasingly are examining the potential to use this immensely popular media for positive purposes, in education, in health, for students with disabilities, and to foster visuospatial cognition. This special issue concerns itself mainly with these issues: refocusing the discussion of video games away from fears that may have been exaggerated in the past, to examining whether video games may be put to some good use or are just games in the end. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The managed health care movement has reached a stage of maturity that has allowed it to begin to invest in the development of new clinical intervention approaches. Modern managed mental health care therapy, also known as pithy therapy, is expected to replace more traditional, lengthier forms of therapy by the year 2000. This article presents sections of the new treatment manual for purposes of illustrating the newly developed techniques. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Changes in psychotherapy services have been the focus of controversy between psychologists and the managed-care industry, yet too seldom have client preferences been directly heard in that debate. This study investigated consumer attitudes about the central elements of psychotherapy service delivery by 3 participant groups: self-pay clients, managed-care clients, and adults without therapy experience. Important differences of opinion were found among participant groups, yet results revealed that all 5 elements investigated were considered essential. Autonomy in treatment decision-making was ranked most important, followed by choice of therapist, copayment amount, limits to confidentiality, and ease of access to care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a progressively complex and fragmented health care system and in response to the need to provide whole-person, quality care to greater numbers of patients than ever before, primary care practices throughout the United States have turned their attention and efforts to integrating behavioral health into their standard service-delivery models. With few resources and little guidance, systems struggle to gather the support required to establish effective integrated programs. Based on first-hand experience, we describe a working integrated primary care model, currently utilized in a large community health center system in Colorado, that encompasses universal screening, consultation, psychotherapy, and psychological testing. With appreciation for the way an organization's unique circumstances inform the best approach for that particular organization, we highlight the clinical-level and system-level variables that we consider necessary for successful practice development and address how our behavioral health program operates despite funding limitations. We conclude that organizations that aim for integrated primary care must mobilize leadership to implement systemic changes while making difficult decisions about program development, financing, staffing, and interagency relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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