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The seasonal variation characteristics of the water quality of the Jinpen Reservoir and the impacts of rainfall runoff on the reservoir were investigated. Water quality monitoring results indicated that, during the stable stratification period, the maximum concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, total organic carbon, iron ion, and manganese ion in the water at the reservoir bottom on September6 reached 2.5 mg/L, 0.12 mg/L, 0.58 mg/L, 3.2 mg/L, 0.97 mg/L, and 0.32 mg/L, respectively. Only heavy storm runoff can affect the main reservoir and cause the water quality to seriously deteriorate. During heavy storms, the stratification of the reservoir was destroyed, and the reservoir water quality consequently deteriorated due to the high-turbidity particulate phosphorus and organic matter in runoff. The turbidity and concentrations of total phosphorus and total organic carbon in the main reservoir increased to 265 NTU, 0.224 mg/L, and 3.9 mg/L, respectively.Potential methods of dealing with the water problems in the Jinpen Reservoir are proposed. Both in stratification and in storm periods, the use of measures such as adjusting intake height, storing clean water, and releasing turbid flow can be helpful to safeguarding the quality of water supplied to the water treatment plants.  相似文献   

Clean drinking water is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Despite significant progress in the water purification technology, many regions still lack access to clean water. This paper provides a review of selected water contaminants and their impacts on human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and regional standards for key contaminants were used to characterise water quality in the European Union and UK. The concept of safe drinking water was explained based on the non-observed adverse effect level, threshold concentrations for toxic chemicals, and their total daily intake. Various techniques for monitoring water contaminants and the drinking water standards from five different countries, including the UK, USA, Canada, Pakistan and India, were compared to WHO recommended guidelines. The literature on actual water quality in these regions and its potential health impacts was also discussed. Finally, the role of public water suppliers in identifying and monitoring drinking water contaminants in selected developed countries was presented as a potential guideline for developing countries. This review emphasised the need for a comprehensive understanding of water quality and its impacts on human health to ensure access to clean drinking water worldwide.  相似文献   

Malaysia's rapid economic and demographic development have placed negative pressure on its water supplies and the quality of the Juru River, which is close to the nation's capital and its major source of water. Healthy aquatic ecosystems are supported by physicochemical properties and biological diversity. This study evaluated the anthropogenic impacts on aquatic biodiversity, especially plankton, fish, and macrobenthos, as well as the water quality of the Juru River in the Penang area. Aquatic biodiversity and river water parameters were collected from ten sampling stations along the Juru River. Seven variables were used to assess the physicochemical environment: pH, temperature, total suspended solids (TSS), salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand. At each sampling station, the total number of plankton, fish, and macrobenthic taxa were counted and analyzed. The relationships between the physicochemical parameters and aquatic biodiversity were investigated with biotypological analysis, principal component analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, and linear regression analysis. These analyses showed that the richness and diversity indices were generally influenced by salinity, temperature, TSS, BOD, and pH. The data obtained in this study supported the bioindicator concept. The findings, as they related to scientifically informed conservation, could serve as a model for Juru River management, as well as for river management throughout Malaysia and other tropical Asian countries.  相似文献   

为明确浑河沈抚段水污染特征,提升水环境治理有效性,2015年3月—2016年2月对浑河沈抚段进行水环境调查。根据丰、平、枯3个水期的pH值、电导率、COD、NH_3-N、BOD及COD_(Mn)等水质指标,运用改进的综合水质标识指数法识别出主要污染因子,并分析浑河沈抚段水质污染时空变化特征。结果表明,研究区域的pH值在一个水文年变化范围为6.42~8.06,较适宜水生生物生长;水体在枯水期的电导率最高,丰水期最低。浑河沈抚段水体受沿岸工业废水和生活污水的点源污染影响,流域枯水期和平水期各监测断面的综合水质均未达标;从上游到下游4项水质指标的综合水质指数增大,污染逐渐加重,主要污染指标为COD和NH_3-N。  相似文献   

东江源区已成为国家生态补偿试点及珠江流域水资源保护规划典型试点区域.本文综合运用单因子指数评价法、均值型污染指数法、季节性肯达尔检验法及等标污染负荷法,基于东江水定南水下历河2003~2014年水质监测资料和2013年排污调查资料,从水功能区水质现状、水质演变趋势、主要污染物等方面分析了该河段水质特征变化.结果表明该河段饮用水源区水质清洁,保留区重污染,工业用水区严重污染.稀土冶炼、农业开发、污水处理厂废水排污是该河段主要污染原因,并由此提出相应的治理措施.  相似文献   

长江与洞庭湖关系变化初步分析   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
长江中游枝城至城陵矶河段称工南岸洞程有松滋口、太平口、藕池口和调弦口分流入洞庭湖,洞庭湖又集湘、资、沅、澧四水经湖区调节后于城陵矶汇入长江,形成了复杂的江湖关系。受自然的和人为的因素影响,江湖关系不断地发生调整变化,这直接关系到长江和洞庭湖的演变及其治理,因此,深入分析江湖关系变化的规律及其影响,对研究三峡工程修建后江湖关系调整趋势于江、湖的治理均有重要意义。实测资料分析有松滋口近几十年来,长江与  相似文献   

水系局部改变对河网水情及水质影响的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
给出了平原水网地区水系局部改变后用于预测水情变化的水力边界条件的确定方法,以及因水系改变造成的水情、水质变化的计算方法,并将该方法应用于苏州市区水系水质变化分析。得出结论:水系变化必然产生局部水流形态的改变,最终影响污染物的对流扩散输运;局部水域水系改变愈大,模拟边界涵盖的范围应愈大。  相似文献   

应用季节性肯达尔检验方法及概率法对邕江三个水质监测站的系列监测资料进行水质时空趋势分析,得出:①邕江水质为有机污染型并呈逐年下降趋势;②上游的南宁站水质优于下游的豹子头、蒲庙两站,为Ⅱ~Ⅲ类水;③豹子头、蒲庙由于受上游南宁市区5大排污口影响,水质较劣,分别为Ⅴ、Ⅳ类。对排污口形成的污染带水质状况进行分析,提出了邕江水资源保护措施。  相似文献   

采用1986~2006年潘家口水库水质监测资料,分析水质时空变化规律。结果表明水库水体高锰酸盐指数较早期没有增加,但存在一定的增加趋势,总氮和总磷较早期有显著增加,富营养化趋势明显。采用引滦入津工程沿程8个监测断面的监测资料,分析水质空间变化规律,发现潘家口水库上游污染严重,下游水质较好。从水文变化和人类活动两方面,分析水质演化原因,据此提出了引滦入津工程水资源保护建议。  相似文献   

江河水沙变化趋势分析方法与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效地分析江河水沙变化趋势,在总结现有研究方法的基础上,以长江大通站和宜昌站的水沙变化为例,就江河水沙态势变化图示分析方法和统计分析方法进行了深入细致地分析与对比。在进行水沙序列的趋势性分析时,可采用一种图示分析方法和一种统计量分析方法相结合的手段;对于图示分析法中的过程线法、滑动平均线法和累积曲线法,前两种方法主要反映水沙态势变化过程,而累积曲线法主要用于分析水沙长期变化趋势;对于统计分析法中的Mann-Kendall法、线性趋势回归检验、Spearman秩次相关检验和累加滤波器法,Mann-Kendall法在水沙态势变化分析过程中简单有效,使用较为普遍。  相似文献   

In this study, field observations were conducted after a heavy rainfall event in the Sumida and Shakujii rivers in Tokyo, Japan. The flow dynamics and fluxes of salt, suspended sediment (SS), and dissolved oxygen (DO) were investigated with the mass balance method. The fractions of fresh water and saltwater in seaward and landward flows were separated. The maximum salt flux in the Shakujii River was 53.8 kg/s during the flood tide, and those in the Sumida River were 680.3 kg/s at the upstream station and 703.7 kg/s at the downstream station. The trends of SS and DO fluxes were similar in both rivers. In the Shakujii River, the highest SS (3.1 kg/s) and DO (0.4 kg/s) fluxes appeared during the flood tide after rainfall. In the Sumida River, the maximum SS fluxes (6.1 and 6.3 kg/s at the upstream and downstream stations, respectively) and DO fluxes (1.15 and 1.21 kg/s at the upstream and downstream stations, respectively) appeared during the ebb tide. The mass balance method was used to estimate discharge, salinity, SS concentration, and DO concentration at a station with missing data. The results show that the estimated salinity and SS concentration had a significant correlation with the on-site observations, with correlation coefficients (R) of 0.950 and 0.835, respectively, but not for DO concentration (R = 0.638). The disparity between the computed and measured data may be explained by the differences in velocity, salinity, topography, sedimentation, and the presence of organic matter. The analysis based on the advective salt transport components found a lower salt flux per unit width in the Shakujii River (0.36 kg/(m·s)) in comparison with that in the Sumida River (2.88 kg/(m·s)). This indicates a higher probability for salt retention in the Shakujii River.  相似文献   

城市河流影响着城市的发展与未来,对河流的水质监测已成为重要的环保工作。为了了解城市河流的水质变化情况及荧光技术在河流水体监测中的应用效果,采用三维荧光光谱技术(3DEEM),对某一城市河流进行实验分析。结果表明:实验河流水体共有3个典型荧光特征峰,即类腐殖质荧光峰A1λexem=275 nm/360 nm)、类蛋白质荧光峰A2λexem=230 nm/350 nm)和类蛋白质荧光峰A3λexem=275 nm/310 nm);河流从上游至下游方向,水体所含蛋白质类荧光物质逐渐增加,推断沿河有少量生活污水汇入。此外,河流水质荧光峰强度与氨氮间表现为极显著线性关系,与COD及总磷无明显相关性。  相似文献   

为掌握潭江水质的变化特征,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验以及水质综合污染指数等方法分析了潭江干流2001-2019年的水质年际变化特征,利用主成分分析方法识别了影响潭江水质变化的主导水质参数,通过相关性模型分析了影响水质变化的主要驱动因子.结果 表明:潭江上游的水质最好但有一定的恶化趋势,下游的水质次之且无明显的...  相似文献   

对北方城市水库水的特征,水库水季节性氨氮增高现象的原因进行了分析,并对常用的氯化法、沸石吸附法、生物陶粒接触氧化法、生物沸石法和扬水曝气法等工程措施进行了讨论.认为生物沸石过滤法是一种优势明显、应用前景广阔的微污染水处理方法.  相似文献   

柳河流域上辨经过多年水土保持综合治理,森林覆盖率由27%增加到54%,坡面和沟道水土保持工程控制水土流失85%.径流系数由0.56减少到0.50,侵蚀模数由2 086 t/(km2·a)减少到1 094t/(km2·a).  相似文献   

淮河中游水质时空变异研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据淮河中游1998~2007年的水质监测数据,研究淮河中游水质近10 a的时空变异,并采用有机污染综合指数对水质污染状况及趋势进行评价分析,结果表明:淮河中游水质呈逐渐改善的趋势,说明全流域水污染治理已经取得了一定成效,但是,年内水质季节性差异较大,枯水期水质污染依然严重,多数处于中等污染或是严重污染状态;水体最主要的污染物为氨氮;淮河中游的上段水质要好于下段,淮南大涧沟段和吴家渡段为淮河中游的重点污染区域和主要污染物输入区域。  相似文献   

针对高度人工化城市河流生态水位和生态流量确定方法不成熟的问题,通过分析高度人工化城市河流特征和生态功能,解析了生态水位和生态流量的内涵,从维持河流连通性、水生生物生境、水质保障、城市景观娱乐功能等维度,提出了一种考虑河流形态、河道水生生物、水质和景观娱乐为要点的实用计算方法。以南京市秦淮河为案例,计算得到了秦淮河上段、秦淮河下段、外秦淮河和秦淮新河4个河段的生态水位分别为6.8 m、6.7 m、6.3 m和6.7 m,生态流量分别为20.8 m~3/s、25.8 m~3/s、26.5 m~3/s和19.1 m~3/s;计算结果介于Tennant标准的"好"和"非常好"之间,表明计算方法合理可信。  相似文献   

近16年来新疆内陆河区生态耗水及其变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析新疆生态需(用)水研究相关进展、阐述新疆内陆河区水与生态环境特征的基础上,依据水量平衡原理,结合逐年出版的水资源公报信息与相关研究成果,逐年定量研究了新疆内陆河地区进入21世纪来的生态耗水量及被挤占量,分析了研究区生态耗水量变化的主要原因。研究结果表明,2001—2016年新疆内陆河区虽适逢丰水期,但生态耗水总量并未相应显著增加,年均仅307.1×10~8 m~3,生态用水被挤占趋势日趋严重;不断增长的农业灌溉规模是新疆内陆河地区生态用水难以保障、生态环境恶化甚至部分区域生态危机一触即发的首要原因。因此,适当控制农业规模、调整用水结构、强化政府监管、建立健全生态用水长效保障机制,是当前形势下新疆生态文明建设努力的方向。  相似文献   

上海市河道水质现状及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖群 《上海水务》2007,23(4):43-46
根据上海市水环境监测中心河道水质监测资料,对上海市河道水质现状进行了分析;以水质主要污染项目氨氮作为主要分析对象,分析了上游边界来水水质、泵站排江、降雨、引清调水工程等因素对河道水质的影响;为进一步改善上海市河道水质状况提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

利用2005—2012年青海长江源区地表径流7个监测断面连续8年的地表水监测数据,分析长江源区地表水水质状况及变化趋势。结果表明:青海长江源区各监测断面Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质比例为100%,区域地表水水质状况整体为优,水质为一级清洁;地表水中主要污染因子为CODMn、NH3-N和TP;地表水中元素浓度基本处于背景值状态,人类影响极微。  相似文献   

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