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为实现超宽带无线收发片上系统中低相位噪声、相互正交的两路本振信号,并避免高集成度环境下发射机中大功率载波信号对锁相环的牵引,本文采用SMIC 90 nm工艺设计了一款振荡频率二倍载波频率的电荷泵整数分频锁相环.实现过程中,本文提出了分别在鉴频鉴相器上开关控链路和下开关控制链路上插入传输门的方法,减小死区的同时降低电流失配对环路的影响;采用了低分频系数和高频率的参考信号方案改善了环路的相位噪声;采用了电容阵列的方式来校正压控振荡器方案以减小工艺偏差以及寄生参数对调谐范围的影响.本文完成锁相环版图设计后,提取了各模块的参数并进行了后仿真.SPECTRE仿真结果表明:该锁相环的相位噪声为-125 dBc/Hz@1MHz,且通过差分二分频可获得两路相互正交的本振信号.  相似文献   

锁相环中高性能电荷泵的设计   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
设计了一种结构新颖的动态充放电电流匹配的电荷泵电路,该电路利用一种放电电流对充电电流的跟随技术,使充放电电流达到较好匹配,同时,在电荷泵中增加差分反相器,提高电荷泵的速度。采用Istsilicon 0.25μmCMOS工艺进行仿真,结果显示:输出电压在0.3—2.2V之间变化时,电荷泵的充放电电流处处相等。  相似文献   

尹海丰  王峰  刘军  毛志刚 《半导体学报》2008,29(8):1511-1516
用90nmCMOS数字工艺设计实现了一个低抖动的时钟锁相环.锁相环不需要"模拟"的电阻和电容,采用金属间的寄生电容作为环路滤波器的电容.测试结果显示,锁相环锁定在1.989GHz时的均方抖动为3.7977ps,周期峰峰值抖动为31.225ps,核心功耗约为9mW.锁相环可稳定输出的频率范围为125MHz到2.7GHz.  相似文献   

尹海丰  王峰  刘军  毛志刚 《半导体学报》2008,29(8):1511-1516
用90nmCMOS数字工艺设计实现了一个低抖动的时钟锁相环.锁相环不需要"模拟"的电阻和电容,采用金属间的寄生电容作为环路滤波器的电容.测试结果显示,锁相环锁定在1.989GHz时的均方抖动为3.7977ps,周期峰峰值抖动为31.225ps,核心功耗约为9mW.锁相环可稳定输出的频率范围为125MHz到2.7GHz.  相似文献   

电荷泵锁相环中相位噪声的抑制和讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在介绍一种抑制电荷泵锁相环(CPPLL)中相位噪声(Jitter)的电路结构。文章在分析CPPLL对Jitter抑制原理的基础上,指出Jitter虽然无法被环路自身的跟踪作用根除,但却可以通过对鉴频鉴相器(PFD)的改进而得到较好地抑制。为了验证改进电路的效果,文中给出了实验数据,实验结果证明新的电路结构可以较好地抑制Jitter。  相似文献   

徐江  刘元  于奇 《电子元器件应用》2010,12(1):72-74,76
通过研究分析电荷泵锁相环的电路结构,给出了一种应用于超高速ADC的电荷泵锁相环的设计方法。该方法采用动态PFD(鉴频鉴相器)结构和CSA(Current Steer Amplifier)构架的压控振荡器(VCO)结构。在基于3.3V、0.35μm标准工艺在Cadence环境下的仿真结果表明,其VCO的输出频率范围为35MHz~1.3GHz,电荷泵锁相环的功耗为32.68mw,锁定时间仅为2.2μs。  相似文献   

一种用于高速锁相环的新型CMOS电荷泵电路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴珺  胡光锐 《微电子学》2003,33(4):362-364,368
提出了一种适用于高速锁相环电路的新型CMOS电荷泵电路。该电路利用正反馈电路提高电荷泵的转换速度,利用高摆幅镜像电流电路提高输出电压的摆动幅度,消除了电压跳变现象。电路设计和H-SPICE仿真基于BL 1.2μm工艺BSIM3、LEVEL=47的CMOS库,电源电压为2V,功耗为0.1mW。仿真结果表明,该电路可以很好地应用于高速锁相环电路。  相似文献   

设计了一种宽频率范围的CMOS锁相环(PLL)电路,通过提高电荷泵电路的电流镜镜像精度和增加开关噪声抵消电路,有效地改善了传统电路中由于电流失配、电荷共享、时钟馈通等导致的相位偏差问题。另外,设计了一种倍频控制单元,通过编程锁频倍数和压控振荡器延迟单元的跨导,有效扩展了锁相环的锁频范围。该电路基于Dongbu HiTek 0.18μm CMOS工艺设计,仿真结果表明,在1.8 V的工作电压下,电荷泵电路输出电压在0.25~1.5 V变化时,电荷泵的充放电电流一致性保持很好,在100 MHz~2.2 GHz的输出频率内,频率捕获时间小于2μs,稳态相对相位误差小于0.6%。  相似文献   

从工程的角度出发,设计了一个应用于显示控制芯片的新颖实用的CMOS锁相环频率合成器.详细论述了系统设计的关键问题,研究了电荷泵充放电电流匹配、精度和输出电压等工程设计问题,并对环路滤波器的计算和仿真以及压控振荡器的噪声性能进行了研究.采用1st Si 0.25μm的CMOS混合信号工艺对整个电路系统进行了带版图寄生的后仿真,仿真结果表明锁相环频率合成器设计的正确性.  相似文献   

低噪声CMOS环型压控振荡器的设计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
应用增益补偿技术,设计了一种结构新颖的CMOS单端反相器环形压控振荡器,该电路具有较低的压控增益,较好的线性,较强的噪声抑制能力。采用lstsilicon 0,25μmCMOS工艺进行仿真,结果显示:在偏离中心频率600kHz处的相位噪声为一108dBc。  相似文献   

本文基于0.18μm CMOS工艺设计并实现了一种新的高性能电荷泵电路。采用宽输入范围的轨到轨运算放大器和自偏置共源共栅电流镜技术提高了电荷泵在宽输出电压范围内的电流匹配精度;同时,提出通过增加预充电电流源技术来提高电荷泵的初始充电电流,以缩短CPPLLs的建立时间。测试结果表明电荷泵在0.4~1.7V输出电压范围内失配电流小于0.4%,充电电流为100μA,预充电电流为70μA。在1.8V电源电压下,电荷泵电路锁定时的平均功耗为0.9mW。  相似文献   

A new high performance charge pump circuit is designed and realized in 0.18μm CMOS process. A wide input ranged rail-to-rail operational amplifier and self-biasing cascode current mirror are used to enable the charge pump current to be well matched in a wide output voltage range.Furthermore,a method of adding a precharging current source is proposed to increase the initial charge current,which will speed up the settling time of CPPLLs.Test results show that the current mismatching can be less than 0.4%in the output voltage range of 0.4 to 1.7 V,with a charge pump current of 100μA and a precharging current of 70μA.The average power consumption of the charge pump in the locked condition is around 0.9 mW under a 1.8 V supply voltage.  相似文献   

采用动态鉴频鉴相器、基于常数跨导轨到轨运算放大器的电荷泵、差分型环形压控振荡器,设计了一种低抖动的电荷泵锁相环。基于SMIC 0.18-μm CMOS工艺,利用Cadence软件完成了电路的设计与仿真。结果表明,动态的鉴频鉴相器,有效消除了死区。新型的电荷泵结构,在输出电压为0.5 V~1.5 V时将电流失配减小到了2%以下。压控振荡器在频率为1 MHz时输出的相位噪声为-94.87 dB在1 MHz,调谐范围为0.8 GHz~1.8 GHz。锁相环锁定后输出电压波动为2.45 mV,输出时钟的峰峰值抖动为12.5 ps。  相似文献   

姜欢  张凯  赵城 《信息通信》2012,(2):61-63
提出了一种基于电荷泵的模拟开关结构.该结构使用电荷泵抬升MOS管的栅电压,从而大大改善开关的导通能力、线性度和动态传输范围.通过仿真验证了开关电路性能,结果表明设计的开关电路在电压0-5V范围内,导通电阻很小且信号损耗很小无失真.因而特别适用于低压系统.  相似文献   

A new charge pump circuit has been proposed to suppress the return-back leakage current without suffering the gate-oxide reliability problem in low-voltage CMOS process. The four-phase clocks were used to control the charge-transfer devices turning on and turning off alternately to suppress the return-back leakage current. A test chip has been implemented in a 65-nm CMOS process to verify the proposed charge pump circuit with four pumping stages. The measured output voltage is around 8.8 V with 1.8-V supply voltage to drive a capacitive output load, which is better than the conventional charge pump circuit with the same pumping stages. By reducing the return-back leakage current and without suffering gate-oxide overstress problem, the new proposed charge pump circuit is suitable for applications in low-voltage CMOS IC products.  相似文献   

A fully-differential charge pump(FDCP)with perfect current matching and low output current noise is realized for phase-locked loops(PLLs).An easily stable common-mode feedback(CMFB)circuit which can handle high input voltage swing is proposed.Current mismatch and current noise contribution from the CMFB circuit is minimized.In order to optimize PLL phase noise,the output current noise of the FDCP is analyzed in detail and calculated with the sampling principle.The calculation result agrees well with the simulation.Based on the noise analysis,many methods to lower output current noise of the FDCP are discussed.The fully-differential charge pump is integrated into a 1–2 GHz frequency synthesizer and fabricated in an SMIC CMOS 0.18μm process.The measured output reference spur is–64 dBc to–69 dBc.The in-band and out-band phase noise is–95 dBc/Hz at 3 kHz frequency offset and–123 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz frequency offset respectively.  相似文献   

A fully-differential charge pump (FDCP) with perfect current matching and low output current noise is realized for phase-locked loops (PLLs). An easily stable common-mode feedback (CMFB) circuit which can handle high input voltage swing is proposed. Current mismatch and current noise contribution from the CMFB circuit is minimized. In order to optimize PLL phase noise, the output current noise of the FDCP is analyzed in detail and calculated with the sampling principle. The calculation result agrees well with the simulation. Based on the noise analysis, many methods to lower output current noise of the FDCP are discussed. The fully-differential charge pump is integrated into a 1-2 GHz frequency synthesizer and fabricated in an SMIC CMOS 0.18 μm process. The measured output reference spur is -64 dBc to -69 dBc. The in-band and out-band phase noise is -95 dBc/Hz at 3 kHz frequency offset and -123 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz frequency offset respectively.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新型高速低抖动锁相环架构。通过实时监测鉴频鉴相器的输出产生线性斜坡电荷泵电流,实现了自适应带宽控制。主要通过在传统锁相环的基础上,巧妙地设计了一个快速启动电路和一个斜坡电荷泵电路。首先,使能快速启动电路实现对环路滤波器的快速预充电;然后当鉴频鉴相器输出的充电电流脉宽超过设定的最小值时,斜坡电流控制电路将线性增加电荷泵电流,从而实现了快速响应和低相位噪声。同时,通过零温度系数电荷泵电流的设计,保证了高速低抖动指标的温度稳定性。所设计的新型锁相环架构已在一款基于0.35 μm的DSP处理芯片中得到验证。测试结果显示所设计斜坡电荷泵锁相环在宽温度范围内使得锁定时间提高了60%,且峰峰值抖动仅有0.3%的良好特性。  相似文献   

郭仲杰  刘佑宝  吴龙胜  汪西虎  唐威 《半导体学报》2010,31(10):105002-105002-7
A novel structure of a phase-locked loop(PLL) characterized by a short locking time and low jitter is presented,which is realized by generating a linear slope charge pump current dependent on monitoring the output of the phase frequency detector(PFD) to implement adaptive bandwidth control.This improved PLL is created by utilizing a fast start-up circuit and a slope current control on a conventional charge pump PLL.First,the fast start-up circuit is enabled to achieve fast pre-charging to the loop filter...  相似文献   

Hasan  T. Lehmann  T. Kwok  C.Y. 《Electronics letters》2005,41(15):840-842
An on-chip high voltage tolerant 4VDD charge pump with symmetrical architecture in a standard low voltage 1.8 V 0.18 /spl mu/m CMOS process is presented. For a 250 k/spl Omega/ load, circuit efficiency of the charge pump is approximately 71%. All the MOS transistors satisfy typical voltage stress related reliability requirements for standard low voltage CMOS devices.  相似文献   

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