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核心提示:自2008年9月15日美国投银雷曼兄弟申请破产后,不仅华尔街金融市场持续混乱和美国经济遭受惨烈冲击,次级贷危机还引发金融行业的大规模重新洗牌,商业银行、投资银行及保险业顶尖公司都纷纷倒闭.导致全球经济危机。全球金融危机和经济疲软还使银行紧缩银根、股市爆跌、企业融资无门,更使原本“风光无比”的造纸行业也突然步履蹒跚。  相似文献   

进入7月,我国多地暴雨频发,而风暴的阴霾也笼罩在制造业之上:如挺过2008年经济危机的素艺玩具公司突然倒闭,导致外界诸多媒体又谓之新一轮"倒闭潮"来临。其后,各地政府纷纷以数据力证,否定这种说法。《中外玩具制造》记者为此对一些玩具厂商进行了采访,不少业界人士认为,玩具行业虽不存在"倒闭潮"情况,但面临的困难很大,甚至超...  相似文献   

周莹 《北京皮革》2009,(5):32-35
从2008年下半年开始,由美国次贷危机引发的金融海啸席卷全球,美国、欧盟27国和日本等发达国家经济一蹶不振,新兴经济体增长亦显著放缓,2009年世界经济面临严峻挑战。几乎没人能预测到这一场金融危机对全球的影响到底有多深远,但是可以肯定的是,时尚产业是经济危机的直接“受害者”。在经济危机的重创下,时装行业的冬天在四季漫溢。皮草时装虽然无需面临四季的考验,但是“如何过冬”已成为众多企业面对的头等难题。  相似文献   

突如其来的美国金融风暴,迅速演变为波及全球的经济危机.作为经济重要组成部分的造纸产业,受到强烈震憾.国际上的纸业大公司纷纷减产限产、裁员,亚洲纸业亦深陷危机,消费需求快速萎缩,纸价下跌,市场低迷.在经济日益全球化的今天,中国也不是世外桃源,整体经济运行受到严重影响,造纸业及造纸相关产业亦提前进入"寒冬".产量急剧下滑,库存大量积压,货款回收困难,资金链断裂,出口严重受挫,利润大幅下降,项目缓建甚至停建,相当一部分企业处于停产、半停产状态.  相似文献   

2009年,在经济环境错综复杂的情况下,遭受经济危机肆虐的企业似乎都陷入了恐慌。根据目前情况加以预测和判断,制订企业整体发展策略是管理者所面临的一个艰难而理性的抉择,同时也是决定企业生死存亡的关键。那么,在经济危机面前,印刷业怎样才能成功“越狱”呢?  相似文献   

<正> 近期,受世界金融危机的影响,全球经济增长放缓,能源和原材料的价格大幅上涨,消费市场表现出疲软的态势,世界经济格局正因诸多不确定因素而处在动荡变化中。面对如此的复杂经济形势,中国政府采取多种宏观经济政策调整,确保经济增长,积极探索和寻找改革开放三十年后行业可持续  相似文献   

2009年上半年,面对金融危机造成的不利影响和严峻的市场形势,武汉晨呜汉阳纸业公司迎难而上,奋力突破,平稳度过经济“寒冬”。1—6月,累计完成纸品产量17.95万t,产值7.29亿元,产销率101.03%,经济效益企稳回升。  相似文献   

从2009年看,无论我国啤酒出口的疲软还是贸易差额的增加,都表现出了国际金融危机对我国啤酒业的冲击,对中国啤酒业的出口增长产生了负拉动作用。虽然2009年是中国外贸最为困难的一年,整个外贸出口连续大幅下挫,对啤酒业出口创汇来说,无疑也是最艰难的岁月。2010年,啤酒产业面临着前所未有的的机遇和挑战,在新的经济背景下,2010年我国啤酒业出口发展的环境或许更加严峻。  相似文献   

外向型的香港威利机铸制品有限公司,在金融海啸中公司业务也受到影响。但据悉影响是在可控范围内的。究竟“威利”在目前的经济环境中有什么新的经营策略?近期本刊记者采访了该公司(中国大陆)总经理陈志雄,请他介绍该公司在产品开发、市场定位、经营销售等方面的经验和做法,以期能给业界带来启迪。  相似文献   

在经济寒冬下,当众多服装企业纷纷收缩战线,减少订单之时,一家来自广东的淑女装品牌——诺曼琦却在此时逆市扩张,上演生死时速2009年夏装订单较上年同期增长100%!投资数百万元签约当红明星孙俪担纲品牌代言!租赁近200平米的展位,在CHC2009展品牌风采!联合中研国际,举办中国服装经销商财富论坛!  相似文献   

金价上扬不足以成为拉动国内珠宝市场的引擎,恢复民众消费信心才是硬道理 从黄金的商品属性上说,金饰消费虽然在我国以及印度、俄罗斯等新兴经济体的珠宝消费中占有较大比重.但是随着时尚金饰、文化金饰概念的普及,老百姓购买目的逐步转变.近年金饰消费多以婚庆、送礼、装饰、祈福等目的为主.虽然目前经济危机的大环境增加了部分消费者购买黄金饰品时的保值预期.  相似文献   

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, or Prion diseases, are fatal neurodegenerative diseases that affect both humans and animals. Examples include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and scrapie in sheep and goats. They are characterized by a long incubation period, ranging from months to years, and a variable length clinical course, both determined by the particular infection and the species involved. Some 170,000 cattle in the UK have been diagnosed with BSE and have been destroyed. In the rest of Europe there have also been cases of BSE, though the numbers involved are much lower. The recent potential link between BSE and a new variant form of CJD has highlighted the importance of controlling both BSE and scrapie in Ireland. Control of the disease in both cattle and sheep is complicated by the long incubation period, the lack of suitable tests and the general lack of detailed information in relation to the biology of the disease. Factors that must be considered in designing an effective control strategy include (1) better understanding of the epidemiology of the disease, (2) developing rapid and reliable tests for the disease, (3) introducing a suitable surveillance system for both BSE and scrapie, (4) minimizing the consequences for farmers that have BSE-infected animals, and (5) implementing and monitoring legislation to prohibit the spread of potentially infectious material. Each of these areas is discussed and it is proposed that the introduction of best available technology in both the diagnosis and surveillance of the national herd could form the basis for an effective program against animal prion diseases.  相似文献   

The study of different strategies for prolonging the shelf life of fresh minced beef patties was addressed in this work. Fresh minced beef was supplemented with thymol (THY) at levels of 250, 500 and 750 mg per kg of ground beef. Treated samples were packed using a high barrier film and stored in refrigerated conditions (4C) under ordinary atmosphere packaging and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) conditions for 16 days. The microbiological quality decay kinetic was determined by monitoring the following microorganisms: Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., lactic acid bacteria, Brochothrix thermosphacta, coliforms and total psychrotrophic viable count. Results show that THY, working alone, was effective on coliforms and Enterobacteriaceae, whereas it does not seem to inhibit to a great extent the growth of the other microbial populations. On the other hand, an increased amount of THY, under MAP conditions, had better effects on the product quality, with a consequent prolongation of the shelf life.


Great interest is developing in food bio-preservation, because of the ever-increasing needs to protect consumers' health and to valorize the naturalness and safety of food products. However, very few works have been carried out on the applications of bio-preservatives to extend the shelf life of fresh meat products. This study, therefore, was mainly initiated to evaluate the possibility of extending the shelf life of packed fresh meat patties by a combination of thymol (THY) to other extrinsic factors such as storage temperatures and modified atmosphere during packaging. Interesting results were obtained suggesting that THY can perform an efficient synergy with modified atmosphere conditions and could be advantageously utilized by the meat industry.  相似文献   

探讨海藻糖合酶基因工程菌高密度发酵过程中的一些影响因素,为海藻糖合酶基因工程菌实现工业化生产提供理论依据.  相似文献   

金融危机对于中国的珠宝企业影响到底有多严重?是媒体夸大了金融危机的力量?还是中国的经济已经呈现回暖迹象?表面平静的2009年初的中国珠宝企业是正在走出困境?还是正在走入困境?对于只有十几年发展历史的中国珠宝企业该如何来应对百年一遇的金融海啸?中国未来几年珠宝市场的走势又将如何?带着众多疑问,《中国宝玉石》杂志从本期开始牵手各路精英学者与我们共同探讨时事经济动向。让经验丰富的企业家和专家们为正无法摸透金融危机是深是浅的企业指引方向。  相似文献   

金融危机对于中国的珠宝企业影响到底有多严重?是媒体夸大了金融危机的力量?还是中国的经济已经呈现回暖迹象?表面平静的2009年初的中国珠宝企业是正在走出困境?还是正在走入困境?只有十几年发展历史的中国珠宝企业该如何来应对百年一遇的金融海啸?中国未来几年珠宝市场的走势又将如何?带着众多疑问,《中国宝玉石》杂志从上期开始牵手各路精英学者与我们共同探讨时事经济动向。让经验丰富的企业家和专家们为正无法摸透金融危机是深是浅的企业指引方向。  相似文献   

经济危机没有能够阻止09/10秋冬国际时装周的如约举行,但是围绕经济危机与时装发布会而引发的各种话题,则在时装周前后的确也被时尚媒体和品牌们着实地渲染了一番。我们明晰地感到,一方面由于发布会场次明显减少、静态展显著增多、舞美节省开支、秀场布置简洁与低调.以及观众人数的骤减和秀后派对取消等的出现。  相似文献   

A method for determining optimum pipe diameter, for which total pumping system cost is minimum, has been derived for the transport of Herschel-Bulkley (H-B) fluids (power-law fluids with a yield stress) in laminar flow. the method accounts for pipe system cost as a function of diameter, and pump station and operating costs as a function of power requirements. the optimum diameter can be estimated given rheological properties, fluid density, mass flow rate and economic parameters. Optimum diameter does not depend on system elevation or pressure energy difference when a linear relationship is used for pump station cost. Friction loss in fittings and valves can be ignored when the pipe length is much greater than the pipe diameter. Pump station cost has less influence than operating cost in determining the optimum diameter.  相似文献   

This article addresses the formulation of a generic model control (GMC) in a supercritical fluid extraction unit (SFE). This alternative control is solved by formulating performance objectives subject to constraints on manipulated, controlled and associated variables. This study shows the performance of the control strategy depends on how the constraints are formulated. The batch extraction of caffeine is the problem proposed in this article. The presence of constraints in the optimization problem makes the overall system nonlinear even though the process dynamics are assumed linear. Hence, the “best” control strategy was determined using field data obtained directly from the pilot plant and compared with the decoupled proportional integral derivative control system actually installed in the plant.  相似文献   

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