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The electroluminescence of ZnS doped with terbium fluoride thin films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering method was reported. The characteristics of the ZnS : TbF3 thin film electroluminescence devices, such as film characteristics of the ZnS:Tb active layer, substrate temperatures during magnetron sputtering and Tb concentration of the active layer, were systematically investigated. The results show that annealing can evidently improve the luminescence performance of the luminescence device.  相似文献   

Themechanismofexcitationandemisionforthinfilmelectroluminescence(TFEL)hasbeenintensivelyinvestigated.Oneisdiscreteluminescen...  相似文献   

SinceCoeyandSun[1]discoveredtheinterstitial compoundSm2Fe17Nx,ithasattractedmanyresearch ers′attention.Asakindofpermanentmagneticmate rial,Sm2Fe17Nxexhibitsfairlyhighsaturationmagneti zation(1.54T)[2],highanisotropyfield(14T)under roomtemperatureandhighC…  相似文献   

Thefirstcommerciallysuccessfulelectrolumi nescencedisplayofthethinfilmMISIMtype(metal in sulator semiconductor insulator metal)withS=ZnS∶Mn reiescompletelyonaspecialhighfieldelectronictrans portmodecalled“travellingspiketransport”.Optimum excitationefficiencyandavalanchinghavebeenachie vedwiththisballistic(loss freewithrespecttopho nons)accelerationprocess.Itsthresholdfieldstrength isabout106V·cm-1inZnS,andislowenoughforthe resultingelectricbreakdowntobemadereversiblevia chargecontrol,…  相似文献   

A novel ZnS :TmF3 TFEL device with the structure of ITO/SiO2/ZnS : TmF3/SiO2/ZnS : TmF3/SiO2/Al was prepared by e-beam evaporation method. The EL emission spectra show that the brightness of the novel structure devices greatly increases compared with that of devices with traditional double insulator structure, and the ratio of blue emission to red emission of the novel structure device is also improved. The improvement of the EL characteristics of this kind TFEL device is attributed to both of the electron acceleration and the ZnS/SiO2 interface.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic Properties of Er~ (3 ), Yb~(3 )-Codoped Tellurite Glass-Ceramics Containing Nanocrystals  相似文献   

This study focuses on the critical surface tension of lead sulfite (PbSO3) crystalline thin film produced with chemical bath deposition on substrates (commercial glass).The PbSO3 thin films were deposited at room temperature at different deposition times. The structural properties of the films were defined and examined according to X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the XRD results such as dislocation density, average grain size, and no. of crystallites per unit area. Atomic force microscopy was used to measure the film thickness and the surface properties. The critical surface tension of the PbSO3 thin films was measured with an optical tensiometer instrument and calculated using the Zisman method. The results indicated that the critical surface tension of films changed in accordance with the average grain size and film thickness. The film thickness increased with deposition time and was inversely correlated with surface tension. The average grain size increased according to deposition time and was inversely correlated with surface tension.  相似文献   

The acceleration ability of electrons in SiO2 and ZnS was compared through the variation of emission intensity based on ZnS : Er electroluminescence during the reverse of polarity of sinusoidal voltage. In order to avoid the influence of work function of electrode, cathodal and anodal materials were ITO (indium tin oxide). The ratio of maximum emission intensity under positive and negative half period is 2.18. This result demonstrates that the electron acceleration ability of SiO2 is 2.18 times stronger than that of ZnS.  相似文献   

HighTemperatureProtectionAbilityofOxideScaleFormedonFe3AlEnhancedbySurfaceappliedY2O3ThinFilmWangYonggang(王永刚),HeYedong(何业...  相似文献   

The transparent luminescent thin films of doped terbium complex were obtained by sol-gel method. The result indicates that rare earth carboxylates with poor solubility can be homogeneously doped into sol matrix in situ. The fluorescence spectra show that the thin film material emits the characteristic narrow band emission of Tb3 under the UV excitation.  相似文献   

SmFe thin films were prepared by DC magietron sputtering at room temperature and 300 %. The influence of magnetic annealing temperature on the phase structure and magnetic properties was investigated. Results showed that thermal sputtering followed by a heat treatment process helped to obtain a structure with a relatively large fraction of SmFe2. Residual phases observed were α-Fe, Sm2O3, and unknown phases. During the annealing treatment, the intrinsic compressive stress in SmFe films was relieved and could become tensile at higher annealing temperatures. The degree of in-plane anisotropy weakened, and furthermore, the anisotropy transformed into out-of-plane anisotropy.  相似文献   

Chemical Conversion Film of Mischmetal on Zinc Deposit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ChemicalConversionFilmofMischmetalonZincDepositWangJikui(王济奎)(DepartmentofAppliedChemistry,NanjingUniversityofChemicalTechnol...  相似文献   

Ag-BaO thin films doped with lanthanum were prepared by vacuum deposition. Compared with the normal Ag-BaO thin film, there is almost no change with the shape and the peak site of the fluorescence spectrum; however, fluores-cence emission strength of the whole observation band(325 -600 nm)increases about 40%, and the increase of short wavelength range is more remarkable than that of long wavelength range, which we named “blue-stronger“ phenomenon. Analytic results show that, with the forming of intermetallic compounds between silver and lanthanum, the 4f-state energy levels lie just below the Fermi level within 5 eV. It is the energy exchange between the 4f energy levels and the conduction band that causes the increase effect of fluorescence emission, and it is the optical absorption cross section of 4f electron, which increases with the increase of energy of incidence photon, that gives rise to the “blue-stronger“ phenomenon.  相似文献   

Self frequency doublingsinglecrystalsareonekindofthepolyfunctionmaterials .Theypossessbothlasercrystalpropertiesandnon linearcrystalproperties .Thesolidstatelasersfabricatedbythesematerialshavesimplestruc tureandareeasytooperate .Withthedevelop mentofdiod…  相似文献   

The GdFeCo and NdGdFeCo thin films were prepared by sputtering, and their hysteresis loops, the temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization Ms and the magneto-optical Kerr spectrum in the visible light range were measured. By studying the effects of light rare earth element Nd doping on the magneto-optical Kerr rotation angle of GdFeCo thin films, it is found that proper Nd additives in GdFeCo films could enhance Kerr rotation at short wavelengths. So it could be better medium used as the readout layer of center aperture detection magnetically induced super resolution (CAD-MSR).  相似文献   

StudyonEpitaxialYBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x)ThinFilmDepositedon(1120)SapphirewithYSZBufferLayerLiuAnsheng(刘安生),ShaoBeiling(邵贝羚),ChenLanfeng...  相似文献   

The self-activated (SA) luminescence in ZnS nanoparticles was studied by comparing the UV-light irradiation induced spectral change, Raman spectra, and EPR spectra of the un-rinsed and rinsed samples. The results show that the SA centers prefer to occupy the sites near the surface and that the donor of SA emission may be related to organic functional groups such as - OH, - CH3, and - CO0. The EPR signals are enhanced remarkably in the rinsed nanoparticles comparing with that in the un-rinsed ones. It is believed that organic functional groups physically combine with the surface dangling bonds of ZnS nanoparticles, leading the nonradiauve transition channels to decrease, and thus the SA emission to increase  相似文献   

The SiO2 particle material has weak electrorheological (ER) activity. The ER performance of the SiO2 particlescan be ameliorated after adsorbing Y2(CO3)3. In this paper, the effect of Y2(CO3)3 and different surfactants on the ER performance of the SiO2 particle materials is investigated. The results show lhat anionic or cationic surfactants maybe enhance the ER activity of SiO2 material, and nonionic surfactants cannot when surfactants are added during the process of the SiO2 particle preparation, only the anionic surfactant, AES, can enhance markedly the ER performance of the material. The surface area, pore volume and pore diameter of the particles were measured. The effect of Y2(CO3)3 and the surfactants on the microstructure of SiO2 materials and the relationship between ER effect and the microstructure are described.  相似文献   

An experimental apparatus and a numerical simulation model were built for investigating the dent resistance of lightweight three-piece cans.The dent resistance of raw materials 0.19 mm T4 and 0.17 mm DR7M was compared.It was found that when the thickness reduced from0.19 to 0.17 mm,the dent resistance became about 80%of that before thinning.This provides a guidance for the continuous thinning of three-piece cans.  相似文献   

10 0 %CCratiowasimplementedatXiangtanIronandSteelCoLtdinJuly 1999,whichhas 2ba sicoxygenfurnacesand 3continuouscastingma chines,andcanproduce 1 5milliontonofsteelayear.Sincethen ,alotofstudieshavebeencarriedoutforimproving qualityofsteels ,in particulargrade 2 0carbo…  相似文献   

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