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A novel co-doped rare earth complex Gd0.5Eu0.5(TTA)3Dipy was synthesized and chosen as the emitter material in the organic electroluminescent device ITO/PVK:Gd0.5 Eu0.5 (TTA)3Dipy/PBD/A1. It was proved that there was Forster energy transfer from Gd^3+ to Eu^3+. The electroluminescent mechanism of the device was proposed by measuring and analyzing the emission and the excitation spectra of the emissive layer. Gd^3+ might play the role of promoting the en- ergy transfer from PVK to Eu^3+ and inhibiting an intrinsic luminescence of PVK. The device displayed red light with good monochromaticity. The possible energy transfer process of the device was preliminarily discussed.  相似文献   

Emission of Rare Earth Complex Tb0.5Eu0.5 (asprin)3phen   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The coprecipitate Tho.sEuo.5(asprin)3phen was synthesized. By doping the rare earth complex into polymer PVK, the EL device was fabricated with the structure of ITO/PVK: RE/PBD/AI. Compared with the device using PVK/Eu (asprin)3phen blend as the light emitting layer, the emission of Eu^3 in the PVK/Th0.5Eu0.5(asprin)3 phen blend is great-ly enhanced along with the quenching of the emission of PVK.  相似文献   

In order to combine the merits of rare earth organic complexes with excellent material performances of polymers,a polymerizable chelating agent, 3-allyl-2, 4-pentane dione (APD), was synthesized by phase transfer catalysis and its rare earth complexes were prepared. The compounds were characterized by EA, IR and ^1H NMR. Their UV spectra and fluorescence spectra were investigated. The effects of allyl on the luminescence properties of the complexes were studied.The results show that the sensitization of APD is changed by allyl in comparison with that of acetyl acetone (acac), and it becomes an ideal novel ligand of Eu. In addition, intramolecular energy transfer mechanism in the luminescence process in the complexes was also discussed in detail.  相似文献   

A novel rare earth complex Eu(TTA)2(N-HPA)Phen (TTA = thenoyltrifluoroacetone, N-HPA = N-phenylanthranilic acid, and phen = 1,10-phenathroline ), which contains three different ligands, was synthesized. The Eu complex was blended with poly N-vinylcarbazole (PVK) in different weight ratios and spin coated into films. The luminescence properties of films were investigated and energy transfer between PVK and the complex was discussed. Multilayer structural devices consisting of ITO/PVK: Eu (TTA)2 (N-HPA) phen/BCP/Alq3/Al were fabricated with PVK : Eu (TTA)2(N-HPA) as light-emitting layer. Increasing the concentration of Eu in the PVK thin film would inhibit the emission of PVK to different degrees. Finally, the pure red luminescence of europium( Ⅲ ) was observed when the doping weight ratio was approximately 1 : 5, which indicated an effective energy transfer from PVK to rare earth complex.  相似文献   

A novel rare earth complex Tb (3-metho)3phen was synthesized and characterized. The complex was doped into PVK to improve the conductivity and film-forming property of Tb(3-metho) 3phen. A device with a structure of ITO/PVK: Tb(3-metho)3phen/Al was fabricated to study the eleetrolumineseent properties of Tb(3-metho) 3 phen. And the optoluminescent and AFM properties of this device were also studied, which proved the existence of energy transfer from PVK to Tb(3-metho)3phen. As a result, a pure green emission with sharp spectral band at 547.5 nm was observed.  相似文献   

The organic rare earth complex was embedded in silica spheres to form inorganic-organic hybrid. Photoactiver are earth complexes with various organic ligands exhibit intense narrow emission band, and the silica is an excellent matrix for inorganic-organic structure. The transmission electron microscope image presents the hybrid nanospheres. The diameter of the hybrid is about 100 nm. The europium complex that incorporated into silica sphere is also proved by the IR spectra, the excitation and emission spectra. The lifetimes of the Eu3 ions in the hybrid nanospheres and in the pure europium complex were also detected. This hybrid with inhomogeneous compositions exhibits specifically tailored chemical and optical properties, such as perfect thermal and mechanical stability, colorimetric purity and so on. It can be used as luminescent and optical material in EL and PL fields.  相似文献   

Themetalcomplexesofhydrazideshaveattractedconsiderableinterestowingtotheirantifungalandantibacterialactivities[1 ,2 ] .Theycanalsobeusedasanalyticalreagents[3 ]andextractingagentsformetalsalts[4 ] .Manycomplexesofhydrazideshavebeensynthesizedandcharacterized[5]…  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of europium and terbium in the calix [4 ] arene sulfonate and Phen-Dbm-complex system were investigated by fluorescence spectra. The maximum characteristic emission wavelength of Eu-Tb-DBMPhen complex system is 611 nm by using 370 nm excitation. The results show the synergistic luminescence effect of Eu3 and Tb3 . The fluorescence intensity can be reduced when calix[ 4 ] arene is added.  相似文献   

The luminescence properties of CdSiO3:RE^3 phosphors doped with various rare earth ions are reported. The series of rare earth ions doped CdSiO3 phosphors are prepared by the conventional high-temperature solid-state method, and characterized by XRD and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. The results of XRD measurement indicate that the products fired under 1050 ~C for 3 h have a good crystallization without any detectable amount of impure phase. The PL spectra measurement results show that CdSiO3 is a novel self-activated luminescent matrix. When rare earth ions such as Y^3 ,La^3 , Gd^3 , Lu^3 , Ce^3 , Nd^3 , Ho^3 , Er^3 , Tm^3 and Yb^3 are introduced into the CdSiO3 host, one broadband centered at about 420 nm resulted from traps can be observed. In the case of other earth ions which show emissions at the visible spectrum region, such as Pr^3 , Sm^3 , Eu^3 , Tb^3 and Dy3 , the mixture of their characteristic line emissions with the ~420 nm strong broadband luminescence results in various emitting colors. As a consequence, different emitting colors can be attairied via introducing certain appropriate active ions into the CdSiO3 matrix. In additional, this kind of phosphors shows good long-lasting properties when excited by UV light. All the results show that CdSiO3 is a potential luminance matrix.  相似文献   

以香豆素为主配体,邻菲罗啉、三苯基氧化磷、氨替吡啉、水这些中性配体作为第二配体,合成了不同稀土离子(Eu3+、Tb3+、Sm3、Dy3+)的配合物,通过元素分析、红外、紫外、荧光光谱等分析,表征了这些配合物的组成结构和发光性能.结果表明,在所合成的配合物中,香豆素与铕、邻菲罗啉形成的配合物发光强度最强,对其掺入不同比例的钆,发现可改变该配合物的发光强度.  相似文献   

水杨醛缩邻氨基苯酚稀土金属配合物的合成与表征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道了水杨醛缩邻氨基酚与La3+,Ce4+,Pr3+,Nd3+,Sm3+,Eu3+,Gd3+,Tb3+,Dy3+,Ho3+,Er3+,Tm3+,Yb3+,Lu3+等镧系稀土离子配合物的合成,通过红外光谱、紫外光谱、荧光光谱、摩尔电导、差热以及元素分析等对稀土配合物进行了表征,其组成分别为I:HML2·2H2O(M=La,Ce,Sm,Eu,Gd);II:ML·Y·X:(IIa:Y=H2O,M=Pr,Nd,Lu,X=Cl;M=Tb,X=NO3-。IIb:M=Dy,Ho,Er,Tm,Yb,Y=C2H5OH,X=Cl-),并推测了其可能的结构。还发现La3+和Lu3+对该配体有较强的激活作用,显著地增大了该配合物的荧光强度。  相似文献   

许胜先  王志强 《稀土》2003,24(4):68-70
合成了十二种稀土锗钨钼酸根多元杂多配合物。利用元素化学分析和ICP相结合方法、IR等手段对配合物进行了初步表征。  相似文献   

Muchattentionhasbeenpaidtorareearthcomplexesbecauseoftheirparticularlumines cenceproperties .Theyhaveoftenbeenusedforlasermaterialsandluminescenceprobesinfluoroimmunoassayandsoon .[1] .Rareearthionswithpeculiar 4fconfiguration ,suchasLa3 ,Gd3 ,Lu3 orY3 ,canconsi…  相似文献   

1 ,10 Phenanthrolinehasbeenextensivelyusedasanazaheterocyclicchelateligandinbothanalyticalandpreparativecoordinationchemistry[1] .Asanim portantligand ,1,10 phenanthrolineunitplaysanim portantroleforthedevelopmentofthesupramolecularchemistry .Manynovelsupramolecularcompoundsin clude 1,10 phenanthrolineunit[2~ 4 ] .Furthermore ,consideringtheuniquecombinationofchemicalstabil ities ,redoxproperties ,luminescenceemissionandex citedstatelifetime ,derivativesof 1,10 phenanthrolinehaveplayedama…  相似文献   

赵佳  刘霞  冯长根 《稀有金属》2005,29(6):908-913
介绍了近年来国内外关于镧系稀有金属有机配合物及器件的研究进展,包括稀土金属薄膜器件传统制备技术和新型成膜技术——LB技术,稀土金属配合物材料选取配体的影响因素分析,制备稀土金属配合物材料新型技术——以溶胶-凝胶法为基础的OI技术,优化稀土金属有机电致发光器件性能的方法,以及稀土金属发光层材料的光伏特性研究等,同时提出目前器件存在问题和解决对策。  相似文献   

A ligand, N^1, N^4-di ( pyridin-2-yl ) succi- namide (L) and its lanthanide( IH ) complexes (RE = La, Eu, Tb, Gd, Yb ) were synthesized and characterized in detail. The results indicate that the composition of the binary complexes is determined as [ REL (H2O)2(NO3)2] NO3, that the complexes are 1 : 1 electrolytes in DMF, and that the Tb^3+ complex has brightly green fluorescence in a solid state. At the same time, the energy levels of the excited triplet states for the six ligands were determined to be 22989 -1 cm . The fact that the ligand sensitize Tb^3+ complexes was explained by the relative energy gap between the lowest triplet energy level of the ligand (T) and ^5Dj of Tb^3+ or Eu^3+ . When 2000 cm^-1 〈 △E(T-^5D4) 〈 3000 cm^-1, the luminescent intensity of the Tb^3+ complex is stronger. When 3000 cm^-1〈 △E (T-^5D1), the luminescent intensity of the Eu^3+ complex is weak- er or close to nil. This means that the triplet energy level of the ligand is a chief factor that dominates RE^3+ luminescence.  相似文献   

本文研究了RE(RE=DY、Eu、Sm、Tb)—HFA—TOPO—Triton X-100体系的激光诱导荧光光谱。拟定了时间分辨荧光光谱技术同时测定这四个稀土元素的分析方法,用于混合样品分析,获得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

The phthalanilic acid compounds and the.anuno acid compounds have been follnd to havewide application as drug and plant groWth stimulator. Their transition metal complexes haveexcellent biological activities. Supported byNorthwest Highland Biological Research institute of China Academy of Sciellces, we haveachieved remarkable increasing yield of winterwheat at Xining Farm for three years. Thedrixed ligand complexes of this preparation areprobably new kind of the plant growth regulator.1 Ex…  相似文献   

A novel rare earth complex of terbium ion with 2-benzoylbenzoic acid and 1, 10-phenathroline (Tb(o-BBA)3 (phen), o-BBA-2-benzoylbenzoic acid, phen = 1, 10-phenathroline) was used as an electroluminescent material for the first time. The Tb complex was blended with poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) in different weight ratios and spinn to coated into films (noted as PVK :Tb films). The photoluminescence (PL) properties of films were investigated and the optimum weight ratio between PVK and Tb(o-BBA)3(phen) was found to be 3:1. Monolayer devices with the structure ITO/PVK: Tb/AI were fabricated and emitted green light, which was characteristic of Tb^3+ emission. The results show that mecha- nisms for PL and EL are different. The PL is considered to be caused because of energy transfer and direct excitation to the Tb(o-BBA)3(phen) molecule, while EL is mainly on charging trapping.  相似文献   

Sincerareearthchelateswerefoundtoemitlaserinthebeginningof 1 96 0s ,thefluo rescenceproperties ,efficiencyandlifetimeforrareearthorganicchelateswereextensivelystudied .Thechelateswereprovednottobesuitableforlasermaterialsintheendof1 970s .Soinisuggestedtousera…  相似文献   

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