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Recently ,considerableefforthasbeenfocusedonrareeartharomaticcarboxylatecomplexesduetotheirfascinatingstructuraldiversities ,variouscoordinationmodesandpromisingfunctionalproperties[1~ 3] .Car boxylateanionshaveversatilecoordinationmodesandthelanthanideionsarewellknownforthevariableco ordinationnumberfrom 3to 12 [4 ] ,whichhavebeenutilizedinpreparingpolymerwithone ,two ,andthree dimensionalstructures[5~ 7] .Althoughmanycomplexeswithbenzoateortheirderivativeshavebeenreported[8~ 11] ,theywere…  相似文献   

Amongpossiblealternativestothetraditionalan cillaryligandbis(cyclopentadienyl)setinrareearth metalchemistry,alkoxides(aryloxides)havereceived muchattentionandbecomeincreasinglypopularsince theyareeasilyavailable,tunableandevenpotentially recyclableancillarysetsformediatingthereactivityof theseelectropositivecations[1,2].Thechelatebiphenol andbinaphtholhavebeenfoundtobeabletoactasa dianionicligandintherareearthchemistry,whichhas theadvantagesofavoidingligandredistributionreac tions,andallowingth…  相似文献   

A new quaternary complex with 2, 2-dihydroxymethyl propionic acid and 1, 10-phenanthroline, Eu(CH3C (CH2OH)2CO0) (NO3)2 (phen), was synthesized in ethanolelemental analysis, IR and solid-state ^13C NMR. The result of molar electro conductivity of complex indicates that it is non-electrolyte. Solution properties and UV spectra of complex further verify that the complex is different from that of ligants. In addition, the analytical results also imply that the two hydroxyl groups of 2,2-dihydroxvmethvl propionic acid are not involved in the coordinate reaction.  相似文献   

Scheme1Synthesisrouteof2benzamide5phenyl[1,3,4]oxadiazole(HL1)andgaveabuffersolution.After2h,thesolutionwas pouredintowater;andthewhiteprecipitatewascol lectedanddriedundervacuum.PureproductHL1was obtainedbyre crystallizationfromethanol,m.p.211~213℃.Ana…  相似文献   

A neutral homoleptic lanthanide amide Yb(NPh2)3(THF)2 was obtained by reaction of anhydrous YbCl3 with LiNPh2 in THF. The product was characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectrum and X-ray crystallographic analysis. The crystal data are monoclinic, P21/n space group, a=1.2052(2) nm, b=1.9369(3) nm, c=1.6523(2) nm, β=92.79(1)°, V=3.8524(9) nm3, Z=4, Dc=1.417 g*cm-3, μ=24.67 cm-1 (Mo Kα), F(000)=1668, R=0.036, Rw=0.039. The central metal ytterbium is coordinated by three terminal NPh2 groups and two THF molecules to form a five-coordinate distorted trigonal bipyramid. The mean Yb-N bond length is 0.2219(6) nm.  相似文献   

The insertion reaction of phenyl isothiocyanate into the Ln-S bond was studied. Phenyl isothiocyanate reacted with [(CH3C5H4)2Sm(SPh)(THF)]2 to give the title complex, (CH3C5H4)2Sm[SC(SPh) NPh](THF),in good yield, which was characterized by elemental analyses, IR, ^1H NMR and X-ray structural determination. The crystal structure analysis of complex shows that samarium atom is coordinated by two CH3C5H4 groups, one O atom of THF, and N and S atoms from the SC(SPh)NPh ligand to form a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry.  相似文献   

Mostoforganolanthocenecomplexescon tainingLn Cσ bondhaveproventobehighlyefficientcatalystsorprecatalysts ,suchasforC-Hbondactivationreaction[1] ,hydrogenationreaction[2 ] ,andhomogenouspolymeriza tion[3] .However ,amongthisfamilyofcom plexes ,σ bondedorganolanthoc…  相似文献   

Becausetherareearthelementshashigheraffini tytotumortissuethantonormaltissue,theradioac tiverareearthelementswereusedtodiagnoseand treatthemalignanttumorsintheearlieryears.Howev erthetherapeuticeffectwiththoseelementsisnot good.Recently,moreresearchesfocu…  相似文献   

Inthefieldsofdesigningandassemblingmolecule basedmaterials[1,2 ] withstructurescon structedbyso calledanion cationsaltsorhost guestsolids ,polyoxometalates (POMs)havebeenfoundtobeextremelyversatileinorganicbuildingblocksduetotheirabilitytoacceptelectrons[…  相似文献   

Several compounds of rare earth complex oxides containing manganese and titanium were synthesized in Ar, and their crystal structures were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction data and Rietveld method. Structures of A0.67Ln0.33 Mn0.33Ti0.6703(A = Ca or Sr and Ln = rare earth) were found to have orthorhombic symmetry with the space group Pnrna, and their interatomic distances and bond angles were obtained. This space group was also derived from electron microscopic study. Electrical conductivity of Cao.67Ln0.33Mn0.33Ti0.6703 for several rare earth elements showed a semiconducting property with the activation energy of 0.4 eV. Some of these compounds of the strontium system show the antiferromagnetic properties below 10 K.  相似文献   

Synthesis and Characterization of Ternary Solid Complex of Europium-8HOQ-TTA  相似文献   

Becausepermanentbariumferritematerialpos sessesrelativelyhighsaturationmagnetization ,greatcoerciveforceandhighmagneticanisotropyfieldaswellasexcellentchemicalstabilityandcorrosionresis tance ,ithasbeenwidelyusedastraditionalperma nentmagnets ,high densitymagneticandmagneto op ticrecordingmedia ,microwavefilters[1,2 ] .Thusthestudyonthesynthesisofmagnetoplumbite typebariumferriteisconsiderablyimportanttotheelectronicandmagneticmaterialsindustry .Duringthelastfewdecades ,peoplehavemadegreateffo…  相似文献   

Two kinds of Tb( Ⅲ ) complexes with tetrapodal ligand, [TbL(NO3)]^3+ and [TbL]^3+ (L: 1,1, 1', 1'-tera ( 2-pyridinecarboxylester )-di ( trimethylpropane)) were intercalated into the interlayer space of montmorillonite (MT) by ion exchange and coordination reaction of L with the Tb^3+ ion existing in the interlayer space of Tb-MT respectively. The obtained luminescent supramolecular composite materials, [ TbL (NO3) ]^2+-MT and [TbL]^3+-MT were characterized by elemental analysis, XRD, FT-IR, UV-vis and thermal analysis. At the same time, the luminescent properties of the materials were also studied. The results show that the intercalated materials with regular layered structure, good thermal stability and the interlayer spacing (d001) approximates to the size of the complex ions which are located in the interlayer space of MT in the form of a monolayer.  相似文献   

Themagneticresonanceimaging (MRI)tech niqueforthemedicineisveryusefultodiagnosepre tumorandbloodvesseldiseaseinheartandbrainandothermalignantpre diseases .Therefore ,specialatten tionhasbeenalsopaidtoMRIcontrastagents ,whichareindispensablediagnosingdrugsforthemagneticresonanceimagingtechnique[1,2 ] .Gadolinium (Ⅲ)complexwithsomepolycarboxylicandpolyaminelig ands ,suchasGd(DTPA)·nH2 O ,waswidelyusedincliniclongago .OurpreviousworkshowsthatsomepolycarboxylicSchiffbasecomplexeswithrareea…  相似文献   

The Pr (TFA) 3phen ( C2H5OH ) quarternary complex with 2-thenoyhrifluoro-acetone ( TFA ), 1,10phenanthroline(phen) and ethanol were synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The central Pr^3 ion is nine-coordinated. The infrared (IR)spectrum, diffuse reflectance (DR)spectrum and fluorescence measurements of the complex were investigated.  相似文献   

Polymeric cerium nitrate complex with 1,4-bis (phenylsulfinyl) butane (bphsb) [Ce(bphsb)2(NO3)3]n (1) was synthesized and characterized. The crystal structure of the complex indicated that the ligand bphsb and cerium( Ⅲ ) ion form a polymeric double-bridge chain complex involving 18-membered macrometallocycles. Each cerium ion is coordinated by ten 0 atoms in a distorted 4,4-bicapped square antiprism. In the complex the disulfoxide ligand acts as bis-monodentate O-ligand bridging metal centers.  相似文献   

The discovery of MCM-41 in 1992[1]opens up anewera for mesoporous molecular sieve science .Thatmesoporous molecular sieve possessing very large spe-cific surface area has great potential application in in-dustrial catalysis and environmental processes .Av…  相似文献   

Two complexes [Eu2(2-TFMBA)6(2,2′-bipy)2]·2H2O (1) and Eu2(2-TFMBA)6(1,10-phen)2 (2) (2-TFMBA=2-(Trifluoromethyl) benzoate; 2,2′-bipy=2,2′-bipyridine; 1,10-phen= 1,10-phenanthroline) were synthesized by solvent method and determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Complex 1 crystallizes in monoclinic system with space group P21/c, whereas complex 2 crystallizes in triclinic system with space group Pi. Both are binuclear molecules with an inversion center. In complex 1, two center Eu^3+ ions are linked together by four 2-TFMBA ligands in bidentate-bridging mode. Each Eu^3+ ion is eight-coordinated with six O atoms from five 2-TFMBA ligands and two N atoms from one 2,2′-bipy molecule. In complex 2, two center Eu^3+ ions are linked together by four 2-TFMBA ligands in two modes, namely, bidentate-bridging and tridentate-bridging. Each Eu^3+ ion is nine-coordinated with seven O atoms from five 2-TFMBA ligands and two N atoms from one 1,10-phen molecule. The two complexes both exhibited strong red fluorescence under ultraviolet light, and the ^5D0→^7Fj (j=0-4) transition emissions of Eu^3+ ion were observed in their emission spectra.  相似文献   

Recently ,therehasbeenconsiderablein terestinlanthanidehexacyanoferratesandtheanalogouscobaltaswellaschromiumcomplex esbecauseoftheirpotentialascatalytic ,semi conductive ,andmagneticmaterials[1~ 9] .And ,someofthesecyanidesaresemiperme ablemembraneswhicharev…  相似文献   

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