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Abrasive wear behaviour of polymeric materials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
H. Unal  U. Sen  A. Mimaroglu   《Materials & Design》2005,26(8):705-710
In this study the abrasive wear behaviour of aliphatic polyketone (APK), polyoxymethylene (POM), ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), polyamide 66 (PA66), and 30% glass fibre reinforced polyphenylenesulfide (PPS + 30%GFR) engineering polymers at room temperature were studied. Pin-on disc arrangement wear tests were carried out at 1 m/s test speed and load value of 10 N. Tests were carried out for 50, 100, 150 and 200 m sliding distances. Emery paper grid varying from 150 to 1200 grade were used as an abrasive disc surface. After each test the mass loss of the pin was recorded. Finally the specific wear rates were deduced from wear volume of the pin for test duration distances of 50, 100, 150 and 200 m. The results showed that the highest wear rate is for POM with a value of 8.5 × 10−4 mm3/N m and the lowest wear rate is for UHMWPE with a value of 3.36 × 10−5 mm3/N m. Furthermore, for all materials the wear rate increases linearly with increasing wear duration distance.  相似文献   


In the present work, the method of response surfaces was employed for the purpose of drawing up a mathematical model for the calculation (forecasting) of the thickness of a flame sprayed coating of powdered aluminium on S235JR steel. Experimental work was conducted according to a full central composite design at three levels. The thickness of the coatings made with combinations of input parameters of the procedure according to the experiment plan mentioned was measured in line with the ISO 2064 standard. A mathematical model was derived describing the dependence of the experimentally obtained thickness values on the input parameters of the procedure. The possibility of analysing the influence of the parameters upon the thickness for a certain combination of input parameters has been presented with the use of perturbation plots.  相似文献   

在苜蓿草颗粒制粒过程中,苜蓿草粉对金属材料的磨损是导致环模失效的主要原因。为了探索提高环模材料抗植物磨料磨损的表面强化工艺,利用火焰喷涂技术对40Cr钢进行表面强化处理,通过磨料磨损试验,探讨了不同重熔时间对材料耐磨性的影响,利用XRD分析了涂层的相结构,应用扫描电镜观察分析了涂层磨损表面形貌和磨损机理。结果表明,重熔时间是影响火焰喷涂涂层性能的重要因素,当40Cr基体的Ni60A自熔性合金涂层的厚度为1mm,保温时间为8h时,10min为较合理的重熔时间。热喷涂工艺提高了40Cr材料的抗苜蓿草粉的显微切削能力,形成的犁沟浅,表面颗粒在循环载荷的作用下产生犁削现象,并伴有表面裂纹。颗粒周边的裂纹在循环应力的剪切作用下萌生扩展,最终呈层状剥落。  相似文献   

采用二次正交回归试验设计原理和钛铝双丝超音速电弧喷涂Ti-Al合金复合涂层方法,对LY12铝合金进行了表面强化研究,并采用金相、XRD、SEM、硬度和磨损试验方法,对涂层的组织结构及力学性能进行了表征,考察了喷涂工艺参数对涂层孔隙率、显微硬度和耐滑动磨损性能的影响,研究结果表明:在本文的实验条件下,涂层的体积磨损量、孔隙率、显微硬度与喷涂电压和喷涂距离之间的变化规律,可用回归模型进行描述;随喷涂电压的增大,涂层磨损量逐渐下降;喷涂距离小于220mm时,随喷涂距离的增大涂层磨损量逐渐增大;喷涂距离为220mm时,磨损量达到最大,继续增加喷涂距离,涂层的磨损量逐渐下降;在干摩擦条件下,Ti-Al合金涂层的磨损机制主要以化合物相剥落引起的磨粒磨损和氧化磨损为主。  相似文献   

Materials with high resistance against abrasive wear are of interest for many tool applications. For economical reasons, thick coatings of several millimetres are requested. The cladding of these materials to low alloyed substrates is commonly performed using hot isostatic pressing, being a cost intensive process in particular for long products. Thus, a novel manufacturing route via direct hot extrusion of encapsulated bulk steel bars and presintered tool steel powders was recently developed. In this manner, wear resistant claddings of PM tool steels and wear resistant MMC on steel substrates could be processed. Heating to process temperature leads to presintering of the powder and only a weak bonding between the steel substrate and the powdery layer. However, after direct hot extrusion at 1150 °C an interface free of macroscopic defects is formed between both materials. The quality and strength of this bond zone was investigated by micro tensile, 4 point bending and shear tests for different materials combinations. For high strength substrate materials, failure always occurs in the brittle wear resistant layer and not at the interface. These results are in agreement with microstructural investigations, exhibiting a pore‐ and defect‐free interface dominated by interdiffusion processes.  相似文献   

The abrasive wear of ion-plated titanium nitride coatings on hardened tool steel and on hardened and plasma-nitrided tool was studied. Wear tests were made with a dry sand-rubber wheel set-up, and the initial surface roughness of the specimen was one of the test parameters.A wear mechanism for hard coatings on softer substrates under abrasive wear conditions was suggested. The wear initiates on the tops of the asperities where the base material is exposed first. Wear proceeds with the formation of craters at these sites and the growth of these crystals by fractures on the ridges formed by the coating material.The wear rate of coated steel increases with increasing initial surface roughness. A considerable increase takes place when the scale of the surface roughness is of the same order of magnitude as the coating thickness. This increase can be shifted to a higher surface roughness if a subsurface hardening process, in this case plasma nitriding, is used.  相似文献   

几种火焰喷焊自熔性合金层的耐磨性能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了不同自熔性合金粉末火焰喷焊层的显微组织与抗磨粒磨损性能,并对其磨面形貌进行了SEM观察分析。结果表明,在Ni60自熔性合金中加入适量的镍包WC粉末可明显提高其喷焊层的抗磨粒磨损性能。当WC的加入量为35%(wt)左右时,该喷焊层与60Si2Mn调质钢相比,相对的耐磨性可提高6倍以上。  相似文献   

In this work an investigation was carried out on adhesion strength and micro-hardness of plasma sprayed coatings on Al-6061 and cast iron substrate materials. For the adhesion test, ASTM C633, and for the micro hardness, ASTM E384 standards were used. From the results obtained it was found that the main failure locations were in the bond coat-substrate interface, which is considered as adhesion strength. The various parameters affecting adhesion strength are also discussed.  相似文献   

工艺参数对HVOF喷涂WC-Co涂层磨损性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用滑动磨损试验机对不同工艺参数下HVOF喷涂WC-Co涂层进行滑动磨损试验,并分析了涂层的表面失效行为。氧气流量和燃气流量对涂层磨损性能的影响呈不同的变化规律,较小的氧气流量、适中的燃气流量和喷涂距离条件下制备的涂层磨损率较低。涂层滑动磨损失效具有解理断裂特征。失效过程中碳化物颗粒的剥落对涂层磨损起关键作用,涂层中的粘结相、孔隙对疲劳裂纹的扩展有很大的影响。  相似文献   

Various abrasive wear mechanisms were reviewed and an abrasive wear modeling experiment is assessed. Abrasive wear resistance of non-heat treated and heat treated steels has been determined by using a pin-abrasion machine with five abrasive papers, which grinds on a small pin of test materials. The mass loss of test material during abrasive wear was determined gravimetrically. A correlation between abrasive wear resistance and Mode II fracture toughness of materials was established. The effect of fracture toughness on abrasive wear resistance of steels was outlined.  相似文献   

Al2O3 + ZrO2 composite thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were deposited on SUS304 substrates using the gas tunnel type plasma spraying method. Groups of coating samples with different mixing ratios of Al2O3 and different thicknesses were respectively obtained. The graded microstructure of the coatings was examined using optical microscopy (OM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is well known that the thermal oxidation of interfaces is the main reason for the spallation of TBC coatings, because sprayed TBCs contain micropores and microcracks. The anodic polarization characterization of sprayed TBCs provides a way, to some extent, to investigate the mechanism of the interface oxidation. In this research, anodic polarization was performed to investigate the effect of coatings on the corrosion resistance. The results showed that a higher alumina mixing ratio and thicker coatings lead to higher corrosion resistance. The corrosion potential and deactivated corrosion current of the samples were correlated and analyzed according to the coating porosity, because the through pores in the coatings provided the way for the oxidants of the ambient solution to access the interface. The analysis indicated that lowering the porosity and increasing the gradient of coating porosity help lowering the oxidation.  相似文献   

Aluminium oxide coatings were formed on aluminium substrates in oxalic acid-sulphuric acid bath.Abrasion tests of the obtained anodic layers were carried out on a pin-on-disc machine in accordance with the ISO/DP 825 specifications.The Vickers microhardness,D(HV0.2),and the abrasion weight loss,Wa(mg) were measured.Influence of oxalic acid concentration(Cox),bath temperature(T) and anodic current density(J) on D and Wa has been examined,and the sulphuric acid concentration(Csul) was maintained at 160 g·L-1....  相似文献   

In this paper, the wear performance of the aged AlMgSi1 alloy was investigated. Great improvements in mechanical properties of Al alloys can be achieved by suitable solution treatment and aging operations. A pin-on-disk wear machine was designed and developed for abrasive wear tests. The wear resistance was evaluated using a pin-on-disk wear testing method with a SiC abrasive paper counterface. The variation of wear volume is presented as a function of applied normal load, abrasive grit size and sliding distance for running speed. Mass losses were measured within a load range of 6.45–11 N, a sliding velocity range of 0.078–0.338 m/s and abrasive grit size of 5–30 μm. The effects of different sliding speeds and loads on wear resistance and surface roughness were also examined. It was measured amounts of mass loss and examined worn surfaces. Metal microscope was used to study the microstructures of the wear scars. Natural aged specimen observed maximum wear resistance.  相似文献   

Tungsten carbide coatings thermal sprayed by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) could be employed to obtain very hard surfaces and for the recovery of shafts or pieces with worn zones, like bearing supports, retaining rings, and so on. The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of fatigue in the WC thin coatings (about 0.1 mm thick) sprayed by HVOF on medium carbon steel substrate.Rotational bending fatigue tests were carried out with test specimens, having applied the coating over the raw materials (without anchorage layer), and the different resistance to fatigue was analysed on the uncoated material, laser surface hardened samples, the samples with the WC coating thermal sprayed by HVOF and last with the same WC coating treated by laser. Results show the possibility of predicting the fatigue life of materials with this coating and these treatments and the huge differences between them.  相似文献   

Thermal sprayed aluminium (TSA) coatings are widely used for the protection of steels from aqueous corrosion, including offshore structures and components that are exposed to seawater immersion, tidal and splash zone environments. In this paper, the influence of deposition parameters of aluminium coating on its corrosion properties was studied. For different application parameters of TSA coatings, the thickness, the microstructure and corrosion properties were determined. Determination of thickness was performed according to EN ISO 2064:2000 relating to the definition and determination of the thickness of metallic and other inorganic layers. Microstructure was determined using a Olympus GX50 optical microscope. The corrosion properties of the coatings were compared using an accelerated electrochemical corrosion test method. Electrochemical studies were carried out in accordance with the requirements of ASTM standard G 102 – 89. The TSA coating performance was quantified in terms of its corrosion potential and the corrosion rate, which was estimated from Tafel polarisation resistance measurements.  相似文献   

Bronze based brake linings, were produced by powder metallurgy technique and their wear behaviour was investigated and compared to that of asbestos ones. Bronze powders were compacted under 350, 500 and 600 MPa pressures and sintered at 810 °C in ammonia atmosphere for 75 min. For the same friction distance, it was determined that temperature increase in the bronze based brake linings was lower than that of asbestos based ones. However, higher wear rate was observed in the bronze based brake linings. Moreover, thermal conductivity was decreased with high porosity level with low densities. Although, friction coefficient remained the same during breaking, an increase in wear resistance was observed.  相似文献   

Dynamical simulation of an abrasive wear process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A dynamic computer model was developed to simulate wear behavior of materials on micro-scales. In this model, a material system is discretized and mapped onto a lattice or grid. Each lattice site represents a small volume of the material. During a wear process, a lattice site may move under the influence of external force and the interaction between the site and its adjacent sites. The site–site interaction is a function of mechanical properties of the material such as the elastic modulus, yield strength, work hardening and the fracture strain. Newton's law of motion is used to determine the movement of lattice sites during a wear process. The strain between a pair of sites is recoverable if it is within the elastic deformation range; otherwise plastic deformation takes place. A bond between two adjacent sites is broken when its strain exceeds a critical value. A site or a cluster of sites is worn away if all bonds connecting the site or the cluster to its nearest neighbors are broken. The model well describes the strain distribution in a contact region, in consistence with a finite element analysis. This model was applied to several metallic materials abraded under the ASTM G65 abrasion condition, and the results were compared to experimental observations. Good agreement between the modeling and the experiment was found. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The friction and wear behaviors of B4C/6061Al composite were studied by considering the effect of sliding time, applied load, sliding velocity and heat treatment. The results show that, when the sliding time, applied load and sliding velocity reach critical values (namely 120 min, 30 N and 240 r min−1, respectively), the mass loss and friction coefficient (COF) increase significantly. Severe delamination wear is the main wear mechanism after sliding for 120 min and under an applied load of 30 N. While fretting wear happens at a sliding velocity of 240 r min−1. After solution-treated at 550 °C for 1 h and then aged at 180 °C for 15 h, the composite shows the highest wear resistance owing to the precipitation of β″ (Mg2Si) phases in the matrix and the strong interface bonding between B4C particles and the matrix alloy.  相似文献   

碳化铬金属陶瓷SHS熔覆层的磨料磨损机理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了用自蔓延高温合成技术获得的碳化铬金属陶瓷熔覆层在两体干摩擦状态下的磨料磨损性能。结果表明,该熔覆层具有致密的网状碳化物结构,在硬性磨料的切削作用下,磨屑自碳化物网间的软基体组织开始形成,而以撕裂方式终止于碳化物网壁处,因而其磨损机制为显微切削+微观撕裂。据此,本文提出将撕裂形成功作为磨料磨损能量的第4分量的建议,对试验结果作出了合理的解释。  相似文献   

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