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多孔材料导热系数影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
导热系数是多孔材料的一个重要参数,影响多孔材料导热系数的因素很多,不同的材料有不同的导热系数。在多孔材料的组成固定之后,其导热系数主要随着温度、容重和含水率的变化而变化,其中对其影响最大的是含水率。  相似文献   

对含盐多孔材料内部温度、质度分布作了现场测定和数值模拟。建立了含盐多孔材料在一维温度质度场的耦合方程组,获得了其温度、质度动态分布规律, 数值模拟结果与实测结果较为吻合, 验证了数值模型的正确性, 对促进含盐多孔材料热质迁移的研究,具有重要的意义  相似文献   

若干因素对多孔透水混凝土性能的影响   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
研究了若干因素如骨料级配与粒径、骨灰比、水灰比、外加剂及搅拌工艺等对多孔透水混凝土的空隙率、透水系数与抗压强度等性能的影响.结果表明:骨料粒径与级配、骨灰比是影响多孔透水混凝土空隙率、透水系数与抗压强度的关键因素;水灰比对多孔透水混凝土的性能影响较小;减水剂、硅灰及聚合物乳液等外加剂可改善多孔透水混凝土的性能;水泥裹石法搅拌工艺对多孔透水混凝土的透水系数影响不大,但能使其抗压强度提高、空隙率下降.  相似文献   

将多孔材料用于房间内壁面可起到缓冲室内湿度波动的作用.基于理想等温工况,解析出2种稳态湿缓冲日循环机制,其中昼吸夜放循环能有效降低空调湿负荷.通过分析不同城市气候湿度特征和湿度波动潜在峰谷关系,预测了不同季节湿缓冲循环的发生几率.借助EnergyPlus模拟分析了BESTEST标准办公建筑算例应用火山石基复合相变调湿材...  相似文献   

扩散系数及分配系数受温度的影响,为系统地研究温度对VOC散发的影响,本文建立了基于传热传质理论下板材内VOC散发的连续模型,并用该模型对常用板材中VOC的散发进行分析.模拟结果同计算的理论值以及实验数据均能较好的吻合.当温度从18℃升高到50℃时,不论是初始时刻的VOC散发速率还是散发稳定时刻的浓度值,都有明显的升高,散发24小时后,板材在50℃下的散发量约为30℃下散发量的2.5倍;同时本文对环境温度tf波动情况下的VOC散发结果模拟表明:空气中污染物在材料表面表现出沉降与二次挥发的现象.对密闭小室中板材内部VOC分布的模拟结果表明,随着散发时间的推移,材料内部的污染物浓度将逐渐趋于均匀.  相似文献   

高莲萍 《居业》2021,(4):58-59
室内环境污染问题是城市化进程中居民关注的焦点问题,其中装修材料发挥的甲醛污染物很容易对人体健康造成威胁.人民生活水平的不断提升,使房屋装修的样式逐渐多样化,各种个性化的家具和装饰材料均含有危害人体健康的化学物质,在长期的释放过程中会增加室内空气污染的严重程度.本文简要分析室内装修中主要污染物甲醛的来源、特点,提出降低室...  相似文献   

对钢铁企业厂址选择和总图布置时需要注意的外部因素进行了分析总结,指出了运输条件、水文气象因素、地形、地貌和地质因素、相关规划因素、建设场地的面积和形状等主要外部因素对钢铁企业总图布置的影响,以引起相关工作者对这些因素的重视。  相似文献   

影响高校教师创新的外部因素及对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创新教育的研究在教育界已如火如茶地开展,这种研究归根到底是为培养具有创新思维、创新意识和创新实践能力的人才而服务的,所以一些教育工作过多地将研究重点放在分析教育过程中创造性学生的个性特点。然而,却忽略了拥有创新教育的实施和被实施双重身份的教师自身创新能力的培养。笔就影响高校教师创新的外部因素作一分析。  相似文献   

利用陈化粮作为成孔剂制备轻质高强高孔洞率的烧结墙体材料,系统研究了成孔剂掺量和粒径对烧结制品性能的影响。结果表明:在相同烧成制度下,掺加试样质量比15%的0.15 mm~0.3 mm陈化米粒径的试件体积密度降低为1.35 g/cm3,气孔率达到45.89%,制品气孔率提高了83%,抗压强度为18.56 MPa;随着气孔率的增大,抗压强度降低,当气孔率大于35%时,成孔剂的粒径对抗压强度影响明显,当气孔率小于35%时,烧结制品性能相对稳定。  相似文献   

多孔建筑材料热湿传递过程的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈会娟  陈滨 《暖通空调》2004,34(11):24-29
从理论计算和实验研究等方面对国内外多孔建筑材料的传热、传湿及热湿耦合传递研究方面的进展进行了综合分析。指出了目前多孔建筑材料热湿传递过程研究中存在的问题,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

对单面墙体自然通风房间的传热过程进行数值模拟。主要讨论了不同自然对流强度对墙内侧对流换热系数的影响,并分析了不同墙体结构的室内空气温度变化情况。结果表明:墙内侧值的变化会随瑞利数(Ra)的增加而增加,室内平均温度随房间通风量增加振幅不断减小,房间热环境随通风量增加而改善。绝热层总厚度不变时,绝热层位置离热源越近隔热效果越好。  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from personal care products (PCPs) can affect indoor air quality and outdoor air quality when ventilated. In this paper, we determine a set of simplified VOC species profiles and emission rates for a range of non-aerosol PCPs. These have been constructed from individual vapor analysis from 36 products available in the UK, using equilibrium headspace analysis with selected-ion flow-tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS). A simplified speciation profile is created based on the observations, comprising four alcohols, two cyclic volatile siloxanes, and monoterpenes (grouped as limonene). Estimates are made for individual unit-of-activity VOC emissions for dose-usage of shampoos, shower gel, conditioner, liquid foundation, and moisturizer. We use these values as inputs to the INdoor air Detailed Chemical Model (INDCM) and compare results against real-world case-study experimental data. Activity-based emissions are then scaled based on plausible usage patterns to estimate the potential scale of annual per-person emissions for each product type (eg, 2 g limonene person−1 yr−1 from shower gels). Annual emissions from non-aerosol PCPs for the UK are then calculated (decamethylcyclopentasiloxane 0.25 ktonne yr−1 and limonene 0.15 ktonne yr−1) and these compared with the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory estimates for non-aerosol cosmetics and toiletries.  相似文献   

杨艺 《建筑节能》2008,36(2):54-59
对单面墙体自然通风房间的传热过程进行数值模拟.主要讨论了不同自然对流强度时墙内侧对流换热系数的影响,并分析了不同墙体结构的室内空气温度变化情况.结果表明:墙内侧值的变化会随瑞利数(Ra)的增加而增加,室内平均温度随房间通风量增加振幅不断减小,房间热环境随通风量增加而改善.绝热层总厚度不变时,绝热层位置离热源越近隔热效果越好.  相似文献   

Human beings emit many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of both endogenous (internally produced) and exogenous (external source) origin. Here we present real‐world emission rates of volatile organic compounds from cinema audiences (50‐230 people) as a function of time in multiple screenings of three films. The cinema location and film selection allowed high‐frequency measurement of human‐emitted VOCs within a room flushed at a known rate so that emissions rates could be calculated for both adults and children. Gas‐phase emission rates are analyzed as a function of time of day, variability during the film, and age of viewer. The average emission rates of CO2, acetone, and isoprene were lower (by a factor of ~1.2‐1.4) for children under twelve compared to adults while for acetaldehyde emission rates were equivalent. Molecules influenced by exogenous sources such as decamethylcyclopentasiloxanes and methanol tended to decrease over the course of day and then rise for late evening screenings. These results represent average emission rates of people under real‐world conditions and can be used in indoor air quality assessments and building design. Averaging over a large number of people generates emission rates that are less susceptible to individual behaviors.  相似文献   

A numerical and an analytical model were developed to predict the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rate from dry building materials. Both models consider the mass diffusion process within the material and the mass convection and diffusion processes in the boundary layer. All the parameters, the mass diffusion coefficient of the material, the material/air partition coefficient, and the mass transfer coefficient of the air can be either found in the literature or calculated using known principles.

The predictions of the models were validated at two levels: with experimental results from the specially designed test and with predictions made by a CFD model. The results indicated that there was generally good agreement between the model predictions, the experimental results, and the CFD results. The analytical and numerical models then were used to investigate the impact of air velocity on emission rates from dry building materials. Results showed that the impact of air velocity on the VOC emission rate increased as the VOC diffusion coefficient of the material increased. For the material with a diffusion coefficient >10−10 m2/s, the VOC emission rate increased as the velocity increased; air velocity had significant effect on the VOC emission. For the material with a VOC diffusion coefficient <10−10 m2/s, the VOC emission rate increased as the velocity increased only in the short-term; <24 h. In the medium to long-term time range, the VOC emission rate decreased slightly as the air velocity increased; velocity did not have much impact on these materials. Furthermore, the study also found that the VOC concentration distribution within the material; the VOC emission rate and the VOC concentration in the air were linearly proportional to the initial concentration. However, the normalized emitted mass was not a function of the initial concentration: it was a function of the properties of the VOC and the material.  相似文献   

汽车内饰材料烟密度等级试验方法是按照GB/T 8627-2007《建筑材料燃烧或分解的烟密度试验方法》进行的。在试验过程中,一些因素对烟密度等级检测结果的影响较大,甚至会直接影响到符合性的判定。通过对整个试验过程中可能对烟密度测定结果产生影响的因素进行分析探讨,对个别重要因素的影响程度进行试验论证,并对烟密度等级的不确定度进行评定,为烟密度等级的相关试验提供借鉴,提高测试结果的准确度和可靠性。  相似文献   

Phthalates are typical air pollutants in vehicular environment since numerous synthetic materials that might contain phthalates are widely used to fabricate vehicle interiors (e.g., seat cushions, floor mats and dashboards). Hitherto, the importance of phthalate pollution in vehicular environment is not well-recognized because people spend only a small portion (around 8%) of their time in vehicles. In this study, the mass fractions of six phthalates in nine materials commonly used in Chinese vehicles (floor mats and seat cushions) were measured. Two phthalates, di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP) and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), were identified in most materials (the other phthalates were not detected). The emission characteristics of DnBP and DEHP from these materials were further investigated. The measured emission parameters were used as input for a mass-transfer model to estimate DnBP and DEHP concentrations in cabin air. Finally, the ratios between human exposures (via inhalation and dermal absorption from the gas phase) in vehicular environment and the total exposures in typical indoor environments (e.g., residences and offices) were estimated to be up to 110% and 20% for DnBP and DEHP, respectively. Based on these results, the vehicular environment might be a considerable site for human exposure to airborne phthalates.  相似文献   

Zhu Q  Kato S  Murakami S  Ito K 《Indoor air》2007,17(3):178-188
This study is performed as a part of research that examines the emission and diffusion characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from indoor building materials. In this paper, the flow field and the emission field of VOCs from the surface of building materials in a Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) cavity are examined by 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. The flow field within the FLEC cavity is laminar. With a total flow of 250 ml/min, the air velocity near the test material surface ranges from 0.1 to 4.5 cm/s. Three types of emission from building materials are studied here: (i) emission phenomena controlled by internal diffusion, (ii) emission phenomena controlled by external diffusion, and (iii) emission phenomena controlled by mixed diffusion (internal + external diffusion). In the case of internal diffusion material, with respect to the concentration distribution in the cavity, the local VOC emission rate becomes uniform and the FLEC works well. However, in the case of evaporation type (external diffusion) material, or mixed type materials (internal + external diffusion) when the resistance to transporting VOCs in the material is small, the FLEC is not suitable for emission testing because of the thin FLEC cavity. In this case, the mean emission rate is restricted to a small value, since the VOC concentration in the cavity rises to the same value as the surface concentration through molecular diffusion within the thin cavity, and the concentration gradient normal to the surface becomes small. The diffusion field and emission rate depend on the cavity concentration and on the Loading Factor. That is, when the testing material surface in the cavity is partially sealed to decrease the Loading Factor, the emission rate become higher with the decrease in the exposed area of the testing material. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The flow field and diffusion field within the FLEC cavity are investigated by CFD method. After presenting a summary of the velocity distributed over the surface of test material and the emission properties of different type materials in FLEC, the paper pointed out that there is a bias in the airflow inside the FLEC cavity but do not influence the result of test emission rate, and the FLEC method is unsuitable for evaporation type materials in which the mass transfer of the surface controls the emission rate.  相似文献   

Kim S  Kim HJ 《Indoor air》2005,15(5):317-325
The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of various temperatures, room, 37 and 50 degrees C, on formaldehyde emission from floor materials, such as laminate and plywood floorings, and furniture materials, such as MDF and particleboard veneered with decorative paper foil, by desiccator's method. The temperature conditions were set up by, measuring the temperature in a Korean under heating system. To maintain an indoor air temperature of 20 degrees C, the temperature of the flooring surface was about 37 degrees C and the temperature of the cement mortar was 50 degrees C. The initial formaldehyde emission of the laminate flooring and plywood flooring was 1.44 and 0.63 mg/l, and for MDF and particleboard it was 4.73 and 4.95 mg/l, respectively. Floor materials were under E1 grade while furniture materials were under E2 grade in terms of formaldehyde emission. Because of the under heating system, the flooring materials were exposed to 37 and 50 degrees C, while the furniture materials mostly existed at room temperature. At 37 and 50 degrees C, the formaldehyde emission level of the flooring materials was already under 0.3 ppm (F level by JIS A 1460, application possibility without area limit) after 10 days and the emission had decreased further (0.03-0.10 mg/l) after 28 days. These levels are not injurious to the human body and will not cause sick house syndrome (SHS). The problem, however, is the furniture materials such as MDF and particleboard. As these materials are not exposed to high temperature (50 degrees C in this experiment) in living condition, it was still E2 grade of formaldehyde emission level at room temperature remained even after 28 days. Although there will be variations with the volume of furniture materials and the indoor conditions, furniture materials are the principal cause of indoor air quality pollution in Korean with the under heating system. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Koreans spend most of their time sitting on ONDOL (heated) floors, with their buttocks always in contact with the floor surface. The flooring materials are exposed to high temperatures (37-50 degrees C) why the effect of bake-out is rapid. The emission of formaldehyde from furniture materials are more important for the IAQ because usually MDF and particleboard of E2 grade are being used as furniture materials in Korea.  相似文献   

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