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For 5 days, rats were exposed to shocks that were signalled by a light 0, 33, 66, or 100% of the time. Basal hormone levels and responses to a light-shock pair were measured daily. Greater predictability was associated with higher basal plasma corticosterone and norepinephrine levels indicative of chronic stress. Habituation of the corticosterone response was also less in the groups with greater predictability. However, predictability did not affect plasma prolactin or epinephrine responses. Because the endocrine systems responded differently, it is unlikely that the changes were due to a unitary process. Greater predictability appeared to be more stressful in this paradigm. Both associative and nonassociative factors have major roles in determining the hormonal responses to repeated presentation of stressors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of microelectrophoretically administered morphine, naloxone, levorphanol and dextrorphan have been investigated on Renshaw cells and interneurones in the spinal cord of morphine-dependent and non-dependent anaesthetized rats. Morphine excited cholinoceptive neurones and enhanced the excitatory actins of acetylcholine and L-glutamate. This action of morphine appeared to be stereospecific and was antagonized by naloxone. Naloxone also antagonized acetylcholine-induced excitation but not L-glutamate-induced excitation. In dependent rats morphine was a more effective excitant of cholinoceptive neurones and naloxone was more effective as an antagonist of acetylcholine-induced excitations. These observations were interpreted as indicating that cholinergic mechanisms may be involved in morphine dependence and naloxone-precipitated abstinence.  相似文献   

The binding properties of codeine, morphine (as representative opium alkaloids), and methadone (a synthetic pharmacologically similar compound) were studied with selected human serum proteins. The methodology involved equilibrium and dynamic dialysis using 3H-and/or 14C-labeled compounds. For estimation of the percent binding with equilibrium dialysis, concentrations of the ligand used were approximately therapeutic blood levels and another concentration 30-60 times higher. The percent binding to whole human serum ranged from about 20% for morphine to almost 60% for methadone. Of the human serum proteins investigated, the highest percent binding was found with albumin, except for methadone for which it was beta-globulin III. The affinity for other serum proteins varied with the ligand. In studies with albumin using dynamic dialysis, the plots of nubar divided by free concentration versus nubar were similar for all three ligands studied and had positive slopes, unlike those reported for acidic compounds for which the slope is always negative. In studies of binding of one ligand in the presence of another, significant competition was demonstrated, suggesting that the same binding sites were involved.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats (Mol:WIST) were exposed to 150 ppm N-methylpyrrolidone for 6 hours per day on gestation days 7-20. The dose level was selected so as not to induce maternal toxicity or decrease viability of offspring. In the preweaning period, the exposed offspring had a lower body weight and their physical development was delayed. Neurobehavioral evaluation of the male pups revealed no effects on basal functions of the central nervous system. The animals appeared normal and motor function (rotarod), activity level (open field), and performance in learning tasks with a low grade of complexity were similar in the two groups. However, in more difficult tasks such as the reversal procedure in Morris water maze and operant delayed spatial alternation (Skinner boxes), performance was impaired in exposed offspring.  相似文献   

Employed Pavlovian fear acquisition and extinction procedures in a factorial design which varied conditioned-stimulus (CS) duration in acquisition, the number and duration of CS exposures in extinction, and total CS exposure across extinction trials. Ss were 128 female Blue Spruce hooded rats. Suppression of licking for water served as the measure of residual fear. The data revealed that suppression of licking was an inverse function of total nonreinforced CS exposure irrespective of the number and duration of extinction exposures used to amass that total. The effect of total nonreinforced CS exposure was not significantly influenced by the duration of the CS utilized in acquisition training. The discrepancy between the obtained results and predictions derived from several theories of extinction is discussed. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Stimulation of mu-opioid receptors located on dopaminergic neurons in the striatum and the nucleus accumbens increases dopamine release, which may account for some of the behavioral effects of morphine. In this study, we examined the effects of acute and chronic morphine treatment on rotational behavior in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine dopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway. Rats receiving morphine acutely (0.3-10 mg/kg) did not show a significant bias toward contralateral or ipsilateral turning. Mini osmotic pumps dispensing morphine continuously (20-24 mg/kg/day) were implanted s.c. in these animals. This treatment induced tolerance to the behavioral depression produced by the highest dose of morphine (10 mg/kg) when it was given acutely. A slight but significant increase in ipsilateral turning occurred over the range of morphine doses examined. The effects of morphine on rotational behavior are slight, and do not correlate well with the reported increase in locomotor activity or extraneural dopamine in the striatum that are produced by doses of morphine similar to the ones tested in this study.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effect of prior morphine exposure on ibogaine antagonism of morphine-induced dopamine release. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were pretreated once a day for 2 days with morphine (20 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline and given a low dose of ibogaine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline 5 hr after the last morphine or saline injection. Nineteen hours later, rats (awake and freely moving) were challenged with morphine (5 mg/kg, i.p.), and dopamine and its metabolites were monitored in the striatum and nucleus accumbens using in vivo microdialysis. Neither saline pretreatment, morphine pretreatment, nor ibogaine alone altered morphine-induced increases in extracellular dopamine and dopamine metabolites in either structure. However, when morphine pretreatment was combined with ibogaine, the morphine-induced elevation of dopamine, but not of metabolites, was completely blocked. These data suggest that prior morphine exposure enhances an opioid antagonist action of ibogaine on dopaminergic systems and that prior drug exposure may be a clinically significant determinant of ibogaine efficacy and/or potency in the treatment of opioid addiction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of prenatal exposure to morphine (5-10 mg/kg on days 11-18 of gestation) on flurothyl seizure susceptibility in adult and developing male rats. In adult rats, prenatal morphine exposure increased the threshold to clonic seizures but not to tonic-clonic seizures. The effects of prenatal morphine exposure on clonic seizures were age dependent. At postnatal day (PND) 15, prenatal drug exposure did not alter the seizure threshold. At PND 25, there was a reduction in the threshold but by PND 38, the clonic seizure threshold was increased and this increase persisted into adulthood. Prenatal exposure to morphine did not alter the tonic-clonic seizure threshold in any age group of intact male rats. A group of male rats prenatally exposed to morphine was gonadectomized in adulthood. In gonadectomized rats both clonic and tonic-clonic thresholds were increased. These results suggest that exposure to morphine during mid to late gestation induces age-dependent alterations in the susceptibility to clonic but not tonic-clonic seizures. In adult male rats the threshold to tonic-clonic seizures is influenced by prior gonadectomy in adulthood.  相似文献   

Ibogaine, an alkaloid found in the root bark of the African shrub Tabernanthe iboga, has been claimed to interrupt opioid dependence in humans; in animals, it has been shown to inhibit morphine self-administration and to attenuate signs of morphine withdrawal. However, ibogaine has some neurotoxicity, and because of this, efficacious and safer congeners of ibogaine have been sought, 18-Methoxycoronaridine (18-MC), a novel iboga alkaloid congener, has been shown, in animals, to mimic the effects of ibogaine on morphine self-administration without producing any ibogaine-like neurotoxiticity. In the present study, 18-MC was shown to attenuate five of seven signs of morphine withdrawal in rats. The data suggest that 18-MC will ameliorate symptoms of opioid dependence in humans.  相似文献   

Reports an experiment in which 8 male albino Sprague-Dawley rats were chronically centrifuged in excess of 2 g for 6 or 12 mo. They were then given 4 24-hr gravity-preference tests in a spiral centrifuge in which they could adjust the gravity level imposed by locomoting inward or outward radially along a track. Chronically centrifuged Ss (Group CC) spent as much time at 2 g as at 1 g, while 8 normally raised controls (Group NC) selected only 1 g. Group CC initially selected 2 g and a preference for 1 g developed over the 4 test sessions. Results suggest that hypergravity is not necessarily an aversive stimulus and that gravity preference may depend initially upon the "reference level" involved. The ultimate selection of 1 g by chronically centrifuged Ss suggests that a preference for a familiar gravity environment is replaced by a preference for low-gravity stimuli. (18 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The evaluation of immunological conditions of 14 workers occupationally exposed to lead and the comparison of these results with those of a non-exposed control group with similar age and sex were the aims of this study. It was determined the mean values of lead in blood. In exposed workers it was 46.9 micrograms/dl while in the control group it was 10.9 micrograms/dl. Levels of immunoglobulin decreasing while increasing lead concentration in blood were found in those exposed. It was also found a significant decrease in the formation for rosette in relation to the control group.  相似文献   

We examined the role of withdrawal in relapse to drug-seeking and drug-taking by testing the effects of opiate abstinence on extinction behaviour in rats trained to self-administer heroin. Male Long-Evans rats responded for IV heroin under a heterogeneous chain (VI 120 s; FR 1) schedule in which "seeking" responses preceded a "taking" response which produced a drug infusion. Responding was then measured in extinction during acute (6, 12, and 24 hr) and prolonged (3, 6, 12, and 25 day) abstinence. Sucrose consumption and somatic withdrawal were assessed at each testing period. During acute abstinence, responses on the "drug-seeking" manipulandum increased at 24 hr, whereas responses on the "drug-taking" manipulandum increased at 6 hr. Both responses were elevated during the 12-day abstinence test. Sucrose consumption was reduced and somatic withdrawal scores were increased in opiate-experienced rats at each test period. Results suggest that heroin abstinence has different effects on drug-seeking and drug-taking and that these effects do not temporally coincide with somatic measures of opioid withdrawal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Most studies on facial trauma in the pediatric age group focus on special subgroups. This investigation encompasses all traumatic facial injuries, minor and major, of children and adolescents. Epidemiological data of the type and pattern of injury of trauma patients less than 19 years of age, treated during a 3-year-period in a large metropolitan trauma centre were reevaluated. Of the 1385 patients, 68% had soft tissue injuries, 24% had dental trauma, and 8% fractures of facial bones. More than 90% suffered from minimal or minor trauma. The leading cause of injury was a fall, predominantly at the toddler stage. In adolescents an adult mechanism of trauma prevailed: over 60% of injuries were sequelae of an assault or altercation. The male sex predominated through all age groups and for all types of injuries. The bulk of soft tissue injuries are located within a small falling zone, extending from the nose to the mental area. There was a rising incidence of fractures of facial bones towards older age groups, mandibular fractures being the most common. Condylar fractures, with their potential impact on further growth of the mandible, are seen frequently in children and adolescents, making up 80% of the fractures of the lower jaw.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and preliminary validation of the Morel Emotional Numbing Test for PTSD (MENT), a forced-choice test for detecting response bias in assessments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The differences in MENT error rates among four groups of military veterans applying for monetary compensation for combat-related PTSD and two groups of hospitalized military veterans were investigated (N = 102): (a) disability claimants with veritable self-presentations, who were diagnosed with PTSD; (b) disability claimants with veritable self-presentations, who were not diagnosed with PTSD; (c) older disability claimants (age 63 or older) with veritable self-presentations; (d) disability claimants with suspect self-presentations; (e) chemical-dependent inpatients; and (f) schizophrenic inpatients. Veritable versus suspect grouping among disability claimants was determined by examining MMPI-2 F-K dissimulation index scores. The results indicated that the suspect group produced more errors on the MENT than the credible groups or the hospitalized patient groups (p < .0001). Clinical decision rules were used to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the MENT to identify malingering in the claimant groups. The overall efficiency or hit rate on the MENT was 95.6%.  相似文献   

Several single components of mining waste (arsenic, manganese, lead, cadmium) to which humans are exposed at the mining area of Villa de la Paz, Mexico, are known to provoke alterations of striatal dopaminergic parameters. In this study we used an animal model to examine neurochemical changes resulting from exposure to a metal mixture. We used microdialysis to compare in vivo dopamine release from adult rats subchronically exposed to a mining waste by oral route with those from a control group and from a sodium arsenite group (25 mg/kg/day). We found that arsenic and manganese do accumulate in rat brain after 2 weeks of oral exposure. The mining waste group showed significantly decreased basal levels of dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC; 66.7 +/- 7.53 pg/ microl) when compared to a control group (113.7 +/- 14.3 pg/ microl). Although basal dopamine release rates were comparable among groups, when the system was challenged with a long-standing depolarization through high-potassium perfusion, animals exposed to mining waste were not able to sustain an increased dopamine release in response to depolarization (mining waste group 5.5 +/- 0.5 pg/ microl versus control group 21.7 +/- 5.8 pg/ microl). Also, DOPAC and homovanillic acid levels were significantly lower in exposed animals than in controls during stimulation with high potassium. The arsenite group showed a similar tendency to that from the mining waste group. In vivo microdialysis provides relevant data about the effects of a chemical mixture. Our results indicate that this mining waste may represent a health risk for the exposed population.  相似文献   

The effects of withdrawal from repeated nifedipine treatment on morphine-induced analgesia, hyperthermia and catalepsy as well as on cerebral [3H]nitrendipine binding and on morphine-induced changes in striatal and limbic dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism were studied in rats. Repeated administration of nifedipine (5 mg/kg i.p., twice daily for 14 days) decreased [3H]nitrendipine binding in several brain areas of the rats at 24 h after the last dose but did not change the nociceptive response or rectal temperature of the animals. Further, the antinociceptive potency of acute morphine (2.5 mg/kg s.c.) was significantly reduced in rats withdrawn for 24 h from repeated nifedipine treatment. However, withdrawal from repeated nifedipine treatment failed to affect either the hyperthermia induced by this dose of morphine or the catalepsy and the elevation of dopamine or 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolites induced by 15 mg/kg of morphine. Taken together, these data show that withdrawal from repeated treatment with dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists selectively reduces the effects of opioids on the nociceptive response.  相似文献   

Liposomal methylprednisolone (L-MPL) applied in monotherapy prolonged cardiac allograft survival in rats in comparison with the same dosage regimen of drug in solution (Solu-Medrol). The most efficacious treatment consisted of a 2-mg/kg i.v. dose of L-MPL twice a week (group III), producing survival up to 30 days, followed by a 4-mg/kg/week dose of L-MPL (group IV) and a single 2-mg/kg dose of L-MPL (group II). Survival in animals receiving Solu-Medrol as a 2-mg/kg dose twice a week (group V) did not differ from untreated animals. Only daily 4-mg/kg doses of methylprednisolone (MPL) in solution (group VI) were as effective as group III. The concentrations of MPL in liver and spleen were detectable for 26 days after the last dose of L-MPL, showing tissue selective sequestration of drug. Treatment at these low doses did not suppress endogenous corticosterone determined 24 hr or later in plasma. The administration of steroid caused significant immunosuppression in most animals as measured by inhibition of splenocyte blastogenesis induced with phytohemagglutinin. Cellular immunity data did not differ significantly between groups, but alterations occurred at day 14 to 15 after surgery: CD3, CD4 and ratio CD4:CD8 subsets of cells showed minimum values; CD8, CD4CD8, CD25 and white blood cell counts were at maximum at this time. Slight but significant differences between Immunoglobulin M suppression in group II compared to group I or V were found, whereas Immunoglobulin G values were unchanged. The transplantation and treatment with steroid decreased the total body weight of animals but increased weights of internal organs, particularly spleen, similarly for all groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Noise is a highly relevant environmental and clinical stressor. Compared to most other experimental stressors, noise is a modest activator of neuroendocrine pathways that mimic the situation in human health where neuroendocrine activation by environmental stressors is often absent or difficult to establish. Little is known about the effects of noise exposure on the immune system. In the present work, the effects of a low-intensity chronic intermittent unpredictable noise regimen on various parameters of immune function was studied. Male wistar rats were exposed to a randomized noise protocol (white noise, 85 dB, 2-20 kHz) for 10 h per day, 15 min per h over a total period of 3 weeks. Control animals were exposed to ambient sound only. Immune function was monitored after 24 h, 7 days, and 21 days of noise exposure. Noise induced several significant changes in immune function in a time-dependent differential pattern involving both immunosuppression and immunoenhancement. After 24 h, serum IgM levels were increased and peripheral phagocytic activity was decreased. Splenic lymphocytic proliferation to mitogens was significantly decreased after 7 days, but slightly elevated after 3 weeks. The activity of splenic NK cells was increased significantly after 24 h and 7 days, but suppressed after 3 weeks. These results show that various parameters of immune function are affected differentially over time in a period of chronic mild noise stress, possibly due to sequential activation of different physiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adult male rats that were gestationally exposed to cocaine and control offspring were trained on an instrumental conditioning task for assessment of the acquisition and reversal of an appetitive conditional discrimination based on olfactory cues. Offspring were derived from Sprague-Dawley dams that had received subcutaneous/ly (sc) injections of 40 mg/kg/3 cc cocaine hydrochloride (C40) daily on Gestational Days 8–20, pair-fed (PF) dams that were injected with saline, nutritional control dams (NC) that received saline injections, and nontreated control dams (LC). There were no differences among the prenatal treatment groups in acquisition of the barpress response or response rate throughout all phases of training. All prenatal treatment groups required approximately the same number of sessions to criterion on the initial odor discrimination. In contrast, adult C40 offspring required more sessions to acquire the reversal of the conditional discrimination than did animals from the other treatment groups (PF, NC, and LC). In addition, even at criterion performance for acquisition of the reversal discrimination, C40 animals exhibited lower accuracy on the 1st 10 responses and made significantly more errors before the 1st reward. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of perinatal exposure to methadone on body growth and brain development was studied in rat. Female Sprague-Dawley albino rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of 5 mg/kg dl-methadone-HCl during gestation and lactation. Body weights were reduced in drug-treated mothers during gestation and the first 2 weeks of lactation. No differences in gestation time, litter size, or infant mortality were recorded, however methadone-treated offspring grew more slowly than controls. Weight deficits persisted in rats observed 5-1/2 weeks after cessationof drug exposure (group 1) and in animals continuing to receive daily interperitoneal injections of 5 mg/kg (group 2). From birth to day 21, brain weight and length, cerebral width and cerebellar weight and width were generally smaller in methadone-exposed rats. Brain measurements of group 1 and group 2 animals on day 60 revealed a reduction in brain and cerebellar weights and cerebral and cerebellar widths from control values. Brain:body weight and cerebellum:brain weight ratios were similar to controls. Analysis of these results indicates that maternal methadone treatment retards the growth of young rats and affects brain development.  相似文献   

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