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We report intractable meningitis and intracranial abscess in a diabetic patient, arising from sphenoid sinusitis and osteomyelitis caused by Candida species. Magnetic resonance images (MRI) revealed the sinusitis and osteomyelitis with direct invasion of the sellar region and clivus, subsequently intracranial abscess.  相似文献   

A group of 22 unrelated patients with sporadic or non-X-linked Alport syndrome were screened for mutations in the non-collagenous domain of the type IV collagen alpha 3 (COL4A3) chain gene. The five 3'-exons of this gene, located on chromosome 2qter, were tested by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis and direct sequencing. One patient was heterozygous and another homozygous (Mochizuki et al., Nature Genetics, in press) for a deletion of five nucleotides. A third patient appeared to be a compound heterozygote for two different nonsense mutations. In two patients and the father of a deceased patient we found a heterozygous substitution of an evolutionary conserved leucine by proline. However, segregation data of the mutation and a COL4A3/COL4A4 CA-repeat marker in their families argued against a causative role of the missense mutation. Even drastic changes of strongly conserved amino acids, as in the Leu36Pro case, may not be significant. Autosomal recessive inheritance due to pathogenic COL4A3 mutations accounts for at least 13% of Alport syndrome cases in this sample. It is concluded that COL4A3 is a major gene in the genetically and clinically heterogeneous Alport syndrome.  相似文献   

The COCH gene is the only gene identified in man that causes autosomal dominantly inherited hearing loss associated with vestibular dysfunction. The condition is rare and only five mutations have been reported worldwide. All affected families showed a similar progressive hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction. Since Meniere's disease-like symptoms have also been described in some families, it was suggested that COCH mutations might be present in some patients diagnosed with Meniere's disease. In this study, using a Japanese population, we performed a COCH mutation analysis in 23 patients from independent families with autosomal dominant hearing impairment, four of whom reported vestibular symptoms, and also in 20 Meniere's patients. While a new point mutation, A119 T, was found in a patient with autosomal dominant hearing loss and vestibular symptoms, no mutations were found in the Meniere's patients. Like all other previously identified COCH mutations, the mutation identified here is a missense mutation located in the FCH domain of the protein. The current mutation is located in close spatial proximity to W117, in which a mutation (W117R) had previously been associated with autosomal dominant hearing loss. Model building suggests that, like the W117R mutation, the A119 T mutation does not affect the structural integrity of the FCH domain, but may interfere with the interaction with a yet unknown binding partner. We conclude that mutations in the COCH gene are responsible for a significant fraction of patients with autosomal dominantly inherited hearing loss accompanied by vestibular symptoms, but not for dominant hearing loss without vestibular dysfunction, or sporadic Meniere's disease.  相似文献   

Mutations in the SMAD4/DPC4 gene in juvenile polyposis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Familial juvenile polyposis is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by a predisposition to hamartomatous polyps and gastrointestinal cancer. Here it is shown that a subset of juvenile polyposis families carry germ line mutations in the gene SMAD4 (also known as DPC4), located on chromosome 18q21.1, that encodes a critical cytoplasmic mediator in the transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway. The mutant SMAD4 proteins are predicted to be truncated at the carboxyl-terminus and lack sequences required for normal function. These results confirm an important role for SMAD4 in the development of gastrointestinal tumors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Autosomal recessive (AR) polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is characterized in humans and mice as a rapidly progressive, collecting duct cystic disease usually leading to uremia in the neonatal or infantile period. In humans, ARPKD renal pathology can be variable in severity and is associated with the development of prominent bile duct and liver pathology. The C57BL/6J-cpk/cpk mouse model of ARPKD is the most extensively studied murine model of inherited infantile PKD; however, these mice lack extrarenal pathology. METHODS: In the present study, the cpk gene was backbreed onto CD1 mice to examine the development of cpk-induced ARPKD in this outbred mouse background. Resulting cystic offspring were examined morphologically and their serum urea nitrogen levels were assessed. RESULTS: The rapid development of PKD in CD1 mice homozygous for the cpk gene appears to be slightly more rapid but otherwise comparable to that seen in inbred C57BL/6J mice. In CD1-cpk/cpk mice, the principal renal pathological finding is collecting duct cysts, which are lined by a relatively uniform epithelium. This epithelium appears to be relatively undifferentiated based on almost total absence of intercalated cells. Proximal tubule cysts are prominent in the first postnatal week while collecting duct cysts predominate in the later stages of the disease. Extrarenal manifestations of the cpk gene are evident in the CD1 strain and include cysts of pancreatic, common bile, and major hepatic ducts. Intrahepatic bile ducts also have focal dilations. Primary (thymus) and secondary (spleen) lymphoid tissues become hypoplastic as azotemia progresses. The strain-related variability in renal and liver changes in cpk-induced ARPKD may reflect the influence of other genes (possibly modifier genes) expressed in this mouse strain. In older CD1-cpk/+ mice, renal (proximal tubular) cysts and prominent liver cysts (lined by a biliary epithelium) develop, indicating that the heterozygous state (cpk/+ genotype) causes renal and hepatic pathology. CONCLUSIONS: The cpk gene, when placed on an appropriate mouse strain background, causes multiorgan disease that more closely mimics human ARPKD than when the cpk gene is expressed on the C57BL/6J strain. A gene dose effect is present as cystic pathology is present in kidney and liver of both suckling homozygous (cpk/cpk) and old heterozygous (cpk/+) mice.  相似文献   

Heterotaxy is the failure of the developing embryo to establish normal left-right asymmetry, which is often associated with multiple malformations. Previous studies have identified different mutations in the cytoplasmic tail of the connexin 43 (cx 43) gene in six patients from a series of six sporadic cases with defects of laterality and severe heart malformations. These cases showed that of the genes involved in lateralization defects with autosomal recessive transmission, cx 43 was the most important. This result was challenged by two different teams, which, on sequencing only the carboxyl terminal end of the cx 43 gene in 30 patients, found no mutations. To assess the responsibility of the cx 43 gene in human autosomal recessive lateralization defects, we tested its involvement in a selected group of 25 patients (19 familial cases) with a wide variety of lateralization defects and cardiovascular malformations. The whole coding sequence and direct flanking sequences were screened for mutations, both by single strand conformation analysis and direct fluorescent sequencing. We could only detect a single base pair insertion in the 3' untranslated region of one patient. To test the possibility of mutations in other parts of the cx 43 gene, the gene was located onto the physical map of chromosome 6, and flanking polymorphic markers were genotyped. Haplotype analysis excluded the cx 43 gene locus in nearly all of the familial cases of lateralization defects. Thus, our results do not support the suggestion that this gene is implicated in human autosomal recessive lateralization defects.  相似文献   

Gamma-Aminobutyric acid(GABA) has been established as a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. GABAA receptors are coupled to benzodiazepine receptors and barbiturate binding site. They are ligand-gated Cl- channels that consist of a heteromeric mixture of protein subunits forming a pentameric structure. On the other hand, GABAC receptors appear to be relatively simple ligand-gated Cl- channels with a distinctive pharmacology, in that they are not blocked by bicuculline and not modulated by barbiturates, benzodiazepines or neuroactive steroids. Therefore, it is suggested that these multiple GABA receptors generate various inhibitory functions and the pharmacology of these novel subtypes of GABA receptors may yield important therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The limb-girdle muscular dystrophies are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders. We have studied two large inbred families of different ethnic origin and excluded linkage to LGMD2 on chromosome 15q and SCARMD on chromosome 13. Proceeding to a genomic linkage search, we have now identified linkage to markers D2S134 and D2S136 on chromosome 2p (maximum lod score 3.57 at zero recombination). The phenotype in the two families was similar, with onset in the pelvic girdle musculature in the late teens and usually relatively slow progression. This work identifies a second locus for autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

We report Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD) protein and activity in a patient with familial autosomal recessive Lewy body-negative parkinsonism in comparison with patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) and controls. We recently proved linkage of this family with markers of chromosome 6 at 6q25.2-27, which included the Mn SOD gene. We used a novel polymorphic mutation at -9 position of the signal peptide of the Mn SOD precursor protein, which caused valine to alanine substitution. All the affected members of this family showed homozygosity for alanine, whereas nonaffected members, sporadic PD patients, and the control subjects studied showed either heterozygosity of alanine and valine or homozygosity of valine. The Mn SOD activity of this familial patient was the highest among the PD patients and the control subjects studied, and an abundant expression of Mn SOD was found in the substantia nigra. The molecular weight of Mn SOD protein by Western blotting of this patient was essentially similar to that of PD patients and the control subjects. High Mn SOD activity may constitute a genetic risk factor in this familial patient. The difference in the signal peptide sequence may affect the expression of Mn SOD within mitochondria; however, it is unlikely that loss of function type Mn SOD mutation is the cause of this familial parkinsonism. Mn SOD in sporadic PD patients was similar to that in controls.  相似文献   

Campomelic dysplasia (CD) is a skeletal malformation syndrome frequently accompanied by 46,XY sex reversal. A mutation-screening strategy using SSCP was employed to identify mutations in SOX9, the chromosome 17q24 gene responsible for CD and autosomal sex reversal in man. We have screened seven CD patients with no cytologically detectable chromosomal aberrations and two CD patients with chromosome 17 rearrangements for mutations in the entire open reading frame of SOX9. Five different mutations have been identified in six CD patients: two missense mutations in the SOX9 putative DNA binding domain (high mobility group, or HMG, box); three frameshift mutations and a splice-acceptor mutation. An identical frameshift mutation is found in two unrelated 46,XY patients, one exhibiting a male phenotype and the other displaying a female phenotype (XY sex reversal). All mutations found affect a single allele, which is consistent with a dominant mode of inheritance. No mutations were found in the SOX9 open reading frame of two patients with chromosome 17q rearrangements, suggesting that the translocations affect SOX9 expression. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that CD results from haploinsufficiency of SOX9.  相似文献   

Most species belonging to Scrophularia genus had been used as antiinflammatory drugs by the folk medicine. The phenylpropanoids are considered to be the active principles of these drugs with antiinflammatory action by different Authors, especially harpagoside and harpagide. In this report, the antiinflammatory effects of Scrophularia frutescens L. (Scrophulariaceae) was studied and the iridoid glucoside harpagoside has been evidenced and isolated for the first time from this plant. Aqueous extract, methanolic extract and harpagoside, isolated from the methanolic extract, were tested for antiinflammatory activity on the rat paw oedema. The results obtained showed that the aqueous extract has a small but significant antiinflammatory effect on carrageenan-induced oedema test, while methanolic extract has a lower antiinflammatory activity and the activity of the isolated harpagoside is remarkably low. Thus, the conclusion may be that S. frutescens L. is a potential antiiflammatory agent but its activity is not due to harpagoside.  相似文献   

The distribution of calcyclin in some chicken tissues was studied by Western blotting using polyclonal antibodies raised against calcyclin purified from chicken gizzard. The protein was found in gizzard muscle and in a lesser amount in skeletal and cardiac muscle. No immunological reaction was observed in chicken liver. Immunohistochemical studies of chicken gizzard tissue revealed the presence of calcyclin only in muscle fibers. Ca(2+)-dependent interaction of chicken gizzard calcyclin with potential protein targets was also examined. By gel overlay method it was found that calcyclin bound to three proteins with molecular masses of approximately 35 kDa, 25 kDa and 15 kDa present in the cytosolic fraction derived from chicken gizzard muscle. The chicken gizzard calcyclin was also shown to interact with lysozyme.  相似文献   

Guanosine 5'-triphosphate cyclohydrolase I (GCH) mutants (H144P and T186K) associated with dominant dopa-responsive dystonia were enzymatically inactive and inhibited the normal enzyme, suggesting that GCH activity in a heterozygote was <50% of control. The M211I mutant associated with recessive hyperphenylalaninemia was slightly active and had no inhibitory effects, so GCH activity in a heterozygote would be <50% of normal; therefore hyperphenylalaninemia would be evident only in homozygotes.  相似文献   

Cerebral palsy has an incidence of approximately 1/500 births, although this varies between different ethnic groups. Genetic forms of the disease account for approximately 1%-2% of cases in most countries but contribute a larger proportion in populations with extensive inbreeding. We have clinically characterized consanguineous families with multiple children affected by symmetrical spastic cerebral palsy, to locate recessive genes responsible for this condition. The eight families studied were identified from databases of patients in different regions of the United Kingdom. After ascertainment and clinical assessment, we performed a genomewide search for linkage, using 290 polymorphic DNA markers. In three families, a region of homozygosity at chromosome 2q24-q25 was identified between the markers D2S124 and D2S148. The largest family gave a maximum LOD score of 3.0, by multipoint analysis (HOMOZ). The maximum combined multipoint LOD score for the three families was 5.75. The minimum region of homozygosity is approximately 5 cM between the markers D2S124 and D2S2284. We have shown that a proportion of autosomal recessive symmetrical spastic cerebral palsy maps to chromosome 2q24-25. The identification of genes involved in the etiology of cerebral palsy may lead to improved management of this clinically intractable condition.  相似文献   

Myotonia, defined as delayed relaxation of muscle after contraction, is seen in a group of genetic disorders that includes autosomal dominant myotonia congenita (Thomsen's disease) and autosomal recessive myotonia congenita (Becker's disease). Both disorders are characterized electrophysiologically by increased excitability of muscle fibers, reflected in clinical myotonia. These diseases are similar except that transient weakness is seen in patients with Becker's, but not Thomsen's disease. Becker's and Thomsen's diseases are caused by mutations in the skeletal muscle voltage-gated chloride channel gene (CLCN1). Genetic screening of a panel of 18 consecutive myotonia congenita (MC) probands for mutation in CLCN1 revealed that a novel Gln-68-Stop nonsense mutation predicts premature truncation of the chloride channel protein. Four previously reported mutations, Arg-894-stop, Arg-338-Gln, Gly-230-Glu, and del 1437-1450, were also noted in our sample set. The Arg-338-Gln and Gly-230-Glu mutations were found in patients with different phenotypes from those of previous reports. Further study of the Arg-338-Gln and Gln-230-Glu alleles may shed light on variable modes of transmission (dominant versus recessive) in different families. Physiologic study of these mutations may lead to better understanding of the pathophysiology of myotonia in these patients and of voltage-gated chloride channel structure/function relationships in skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

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