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山东蓬莱坡地葡萄园耕作层土壤养分状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明坡地葡萄园耕作层土壤养分状况,以蓬莱南王山谷中粮君顶酒庄土壤样品为试材,选取4个不同位置的坡地葡萄园,从坡底至坡顶,以垂直距离20 m为一个土壤采样区域,测定了园区土壤各项养分指标。结果表明:随着采样高度的增加,在坡地葡萄园中部位置20~40 m处有较低的土壤有机质含量,较高的有效磷、速效钾的含量;交换性钙、镁含量则随着高度的增加呈减少趋势,有效铜含量呈增加趋势;土壤p H值、碱解氮、有效锌、有效铁含量的变化无一致趋势。坡向为坐南朝北坡地葡萄园有较高的土壤有机质、交换性钙、交换性镁含量,较低的土壤碱解氮、有效磷及速效钾的含量较低。采样区土壤以酸性和微酸性为主,有机质含量中等,碱解氮低,有效磷中等,速效钾含量高,中微量元素含量为中等以上水平。  相似文献   

山地酿酒葡萄园土壤养分与葡萄品质的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对陕西省耀县山地不同海拔高度3个酿酒葡萄园0~60cm土层土壤的养分及葡萄果实质量进行了研究。结果表明:各葡萄园土壤pH均在8.0左右,属石灰性土壤;土壤有机质和N、P、K等大量元素含量偏低,各种微量元素除了B含量很低外,其它元素均含量丰富。葡萄糖酸比随海拔升高而降低,总酚和单宁含量以海拔1096m的葡萄园含量最高。营养元素与葡萄各指标的相关性除了有效Mn与含糖量达显著水平外,其它均未达显著水平。  相似文献   

为了解香格里拉高原葡萄酒产区土壤养分丰缺及垂直分布状况,为科学合理制定施肥策略奠定基础。选择德钦基地主要地块东水、荣中及斯农三个自然村的葡萄园,在树干周围30~40 cm处采集0~60 cm土层的土壤样品进行分析。结果表明:香格里拉高原产区葡萄园土壤pH值7.75~8.10,偏碱性;有机质含量偏低,东水村均值2.77%,斯农村2.33%,荣中村仅为0.60%;土壤氮磷钾等元素的含量呈现较低水平,且随土层深度增加呈明显下降趋势,具有显著性差异;氮、磷含量东水村>斯农村>荣中村,钾含量为斯农村>荣中村>东水村。同时,所调查的葡萄园中土壤钙、镁元素含量较为丰富,铜元素处于中等水平,其它元素处于较低状态。  相似文献   

葡萄园土壤管理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葡萄是一种适应性很强的植物,它能适应于在不同的土壤中栽种。然而,不同的葡萄品种只有在适合自身条件的土壤中才能生产出优质的果实。不同的土壤类型、土壤耕作方式及土壤水肥管理都对葡萄生长和果实品质产生影响。1 栽种不同品种的适宜土壤1.1 赤霞珠:适宜于大多数的土壤,生长旺盛。1.2 霞多丽:适宜种植在排灌较好,土壤较肥但较干燥的钙质土壤中,生长适中。1.3 梅鹿辄:在大多数土壤中生长,在土层较深,暖性的土壤中最为适宜,生长适中。1.4 米勒:较肥的土壤中生长较好,但不适宜于钙质土壤或非常干燥的土壤,易引起缺绿症…  相似文献   

以福建寿宁高优葡萄示范园区为研究对象,选取了14个代表性葡萄园(坡地6个和平地8个),按照0~20 cm、20~40 cm和40~60 cm深度分层取样,测定土壤氮、磷、钾含量,研究养分的垂直分布特征。结果表明:平地葡萄园土壤氮磷钾含量明显高于坡地葡萄园;调查区内土壤养分具有明显的表层"积聚效应",土壤全氮、全磷及其有效量和有效钾含量随土层深度的增加而增加;除有效磷和全钾在中等以上水平外,其他指标均处于缺素状态,土壤不平衡缺肥现象比较突出。因此,应充分考虑葡萄园所处的地形位置,合理配施氮磷肥,避免盲目过量施用钾肥,通过增施有机肥和补充土壤微生物菌剂,促进被固定土壤养分的重新利用。不仅减少化肥的投入量,还可以避免因养分大量富集而造成的农业面源污染。  相似文献   

恩施烟区土壤养分状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对恩施烟区272个土壤样品所进行的测定,评价了植烟土壤养分状况。结果表明,全州90%以上被调查土壤适宜种植烟草,50%的样品有机质含量较为适宜,近35%的样品有机质含量偏高,60%土壤全氮适宜。近60%的土壤碱解氮偏高,77.65%的土壤速效磷含量适中且部分偏高,但仍然有近23%的土壤速效磷含量偏低或缺乏;60%以上被调查土壤平均速效钾含量偏低,且区域间差异较大。土壤普遍缺镁,72.06%的被调查土壤交换性镁含量低于0.4 cmol/kg,变异系数为84.51%;30.51%的被调查土壤缺硼,56.99%的土壤存在缺硼风险;全州范围内大多数土壤有效锌含量适宜,部分偏高,但含量差异大,变异系数高。  相似文献   

不同覆盖方式对红地球葡萄园土壤物理性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验通过葡萄园秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖、生草覆盖和清耕处理,探索不同覆盖对红地球葡萄园土壤物理性质的影响.结果表明:葡萄园秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖和种植绿肥不同覆盖方式均可提高0~15cm土壤平均含水量,秸秆覆盖保水效果最明显,但3种覆盖下15~30cm土壤平均含水量均低于清耕.地膜覆盖提高了不同土壤深度平均地温,且越接近地面增温效果越好.秸秆覆盖0~10cm平均地温低于其它处理,尤其表层降温更明显.生草处理在10~25cm土壤中降温效果较好.土壤容重大小顺序为秸秆覆盖>地膜覆盖>清耕>生草覆盖,土壤孔隙度由大到小顺序为生草覆盖>清耕>地膜覆盖>秸秆覆盖,田间持水量大小顺序为清耕>生草覆盖>地膜覆盖>秸秆覆盖.  相似文献   

试验通过葡萄园秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖、生草覆盖和清耕处理,探索不同覆盖对红地球葡萄园土壤物理性质的影响。结果表明:葡萄园秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖和种植绿肥不同覆盖方式均可提高0~15cm土壤平均含水量,秸秆覆盖保水效果最明显,但3种覆盖下15~30cm土壤平均含水量均低于清耕。地膜覆盖提高了不同土壤深度平均地温,且越接近地面增温效果越好。秸秆覆盖0~10cm平均地温低于其它处理,尤其表层降温更明显。生草处理在10~25cm土壤中降温效果较好。土壤容重大小顺序为秸秆覆盖〉地膜覆盖〉清耕〉生草覆盖,土壤孔隙度由大到小顺序为生草覆盖〉清耕〉地膜覆盖〉秸秆覆盖,田间持水量大小顺序为清耕〉生草覆盖〉地膜覆盖〉秸秆覆盖。  相似文献   

对墨脱县优选耕地区进行土壤养分地球化学特征分析,查明墨脱县调查区土地质量状况,为调查区所在地方政府履行土地资源管理、农业结构调整、土壤环境保护、脱贫攻坚等管理职能提供科学依据。通过对185件样品进行有机质、N、P、K、B、Mn、Zn、Cu、Se、Mo、碱解N、速效P、速效K、pH、As、Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb、Ni、Co、V、F、I、Ge等25项元素指标的分析测试发现,墨脱县调查区的土壤以酸性土壤为主,而调查区表层土壤有机质含量以较丰富、丰富为主,两者合计面积达到22.02 km2,占调查区总面积的86.71%。调查区土壤全氮、碱解N、全磷、有机质含量相当丰富,全钾、速效P含量以中等为主,速效K以较缺乏为主。根据土壤养分综合等级划分,调查区土壤养分综合评价等级丰富的地块面积占4.90%,较丰富的地块面积占78.83%,中等的地块面积占15.41%,较缺乏地块面积占0.86%,无缺乏地块。  相似文献   

豫中烟区土壤养分状况评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对豫中烟区212个代表性土壤采样化验分析结果表明,豫中烟区有机质和全氮含量适中,除郏县和襄城县外,土壤速效磷均在20mg/kg左右,除卢氏县外土壤速效钾含量均较低,土壤钙含量过高,钙镁比例失调,几乎所有的土壤都缺锌,部分土壤可能会轻度缺铜。建议除郏县和襄城县外,其余各县可适当降低烤烟专用肥中磷的比例,卢氏县可适当降低烤烟专用肥中钾的比例,各县均应施锌,并酌情酌地补铜。  相似文献   

选取山东省蓬莱、沂源、济宁等7个地区葡萄园代表性土壤为试材,对土壤钾形态组成和固钾能力进行了分析。结果表明,不同土壤钾形态含量为全钾≈矿物钾>缓效钾>速效钾。速效钾(包括水溶性钾、非特殊吸附钾和特殊吸附钾3部分)是葡萄可吸收利用的主要部分,不同葡萄园含量差异较大,以平邑粘土速效钾含量最高,其次是沂源棕壤,蓬莱潮土、济宁砂姜黑土、济南褐土中等,而莒县棕壤、肥城黄土速效钾总量及所占比例较低,表明其当季供钾能力相对较低。缓效钾含量以莒县棕壤较高,其他土壤差异不大。固钾能力顺序为莒县棕壤>济宁砂姜黑土>肥城黄土>济南褐土>平邑粘土>沂源棕壤>蓬莱潮土。综合看,供试土壤速效钾含量除莒县土壤外其他均处于高和较高水平,需要控制钾肥的使用。  相似文献   

Any reduction in soil quality as a consequence of production practices, through processes, such as erosion, salinisation, sodicity, acidity and structural decline, threatens the long‐term sustainability of winegrape production. Monitoring of soil quality is thus needed to identify when degradation is occurring in order to allow management intervention. This review examines the suite of biological indicators available for this purpose and the potential for their adoption as part of a minimum dataset by industry. Physical and chemical indicators are discussed in a companion paper. Many groups of organisms and various biological processes have been used as indicators of soil quality in research programs. There is a lack of consensus, however, on which are the key indicators for extensive monitoring programs, and little information is available on threshold values to aid data interpretation. At present, only soil organic carbon (together with labile carbon), potentially mineralisable nitrogen and microbial biomass can be recommended for measuring the biological aspects of soil quality in Australian viticulture. Although newer molecular methods have been developed to elucidate the community structure and genetic profiles of groups in the soil biota, and thus supplement measurements of microbial biomass, these methods are not readily available through commercial laboratories. Moreover, with the exception of tests for some pathogenic organisms, these measurements have not yet been linked to soil functions influencing grapevine growth and nutrition and so are not suitable for routine monitoring of vineyard soil quality.  相似文献   

Above‐ground vine trellising distorted patterns of apparent conductivity in a vineyard soil as measured with an EM‐38 electrical conductivity meter. Vineyard trellising was equivalent to vertical shoot positioned (VSP) configuration, with row spacings of 2.5 m, 3.0 m and 3.5 m. Both one dimensional (single, across‐row transect), and two‐dimensional (GPS and multiple transect) ECa profiles of a single test site were generated under the following vineyard configurations: (i) absence of any trellising (that is bare field), (ii) wooden end posts and steel mid‐row posts only, (iii) wooden/steel posts plus dripper guide‐wire, and (iv) wooden/steel posts plus dripper guide‐wire plus a combination of cordon, gripper and foliage wires. All treatments were applied and then dissembled within a single day. The ECa profile of the bare site was found to be modified by all subsequent treatments, with the least modification from posts only, and the degree of modification increasing in step with the addition of wires up to the maximum number used. ECa values were found to increase from a range of 20–50 mS/m for the bare field to a range of 100–130 mS/m for the assembled trellising, with the amount of increase greatest for the smaller row spacing. ECa values measured in the across‐row transects were elevated everywhere in the inter‐row space with considerably higher values closer to the steel posts and/or wires. Overall, our results suggest that (i) EM‐38 surveys are still likely to be useful for delineating soil zones in established vineyards with trellising comprising steel posts, except for those with row spacings less than 3.0 m; (ii) that extreme care must be exercised by an operator to ensure that the EM‐38 antenna/sensor unit remains mid‐row throughout transects and (iii) that changes in trellising structure and/or row spacing, will introduce artefacts in EM‐38 maps.  相似文献   

Influence of a grass layer on vineyard soil temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vineyard grass cover can modify soil variables such as temperature and water content, which in turn influence berry quality at harvest. Such effects require further documentation and this study was conducted to determine how a grass layer could change soil thermal behaviour compared to bare soil. Soil temperature, soil water content and net radiation were measured in a Médoc vineyard, Château Talbot (France). The field used for the experiment was divided into two parts, one with a bare ploughed soil and the other with a partial grass cover. The same measurements were taken on both parts. Bare soil temperatures were generally higher, and the difference between the two treatments was greater in the middle of the inter-row, just under the grass layer. Nevertheless, net radiation above the vegetation, which represents the radiative available energy, was the same for the two plots. Soil conduction heat flux (G) was calculated from temperature measurements. Under the grass layer, the horizontal component of G was barely detectable, whereas under bare soil, G was essentially vertical. The grass layer was therefore acting as an insulating layer, preventing exchanges between soil and atmosphere. Soil temperature and thermal behaviour are heavily influenced by soil surface management practices. The field experiment provided a large data set of measurements which will be used to calibrate a heat and mass transfer model.  相似文献   

热带水果Borojo全营养素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:研究厄瓜多尔热带水果Borojo全营养素构成,为开发新资源和功能食品提供科学基础依据。方法:将4只新鲜成熟水果样品分离制备果肉,分别采用GB、紫外分光、HPLC、GC、ICP以及HPLC/MS/MS、ICP/MS法做蛋白质、pH、水分、灰分、总糖、粗纤维、植物油、维生素、矿物质和稀土元素、水解或不水解游离氨基酸、脂肪酸等188个项目的测试;在3个实验室进行测试,分别得到4组数据,用均数计算结果。结果:新鲜Borojo果肉pH2.74、水分70.99%、碳水化物25.07%、总糖7.80%、蛋白质1.5%、粗纤维2.14%。水溶性维生素丰富维生素B10.05mg/kg、维生素B20.81mg/kg、烟酸0.71mg/kg、叶酸0.22 mg/kg、维生素C4.32 mg/kg,脂溶性维生素E 2.49 mg/kg。果肉中游离氨基酸有26种,总量1.35%;经水解后游离氨基酸有20种,总量2.51%。Borojo含多种丰富的矿物质,折算干基含钾8 797.8mg/kg、镁966.2mg/kg、钙1 030.6mg/kg、磷775.2 mg/kg、铁168.4mg/kg、硼25.2 mg/kg、钠11.8mg/kg;含人体必需微量元素锌、铜、铁和可能必需微量元素锰、硅,以及蔬菜水果中少有的三价铬和镍。稀土总量0.024mg/kg,16种稀土元素在正常范围内。重金属铅为0.065mg/kg,汞、砷、镉在最低检测限以下。在1.28%总脂肪酸中亚油酸占9.19%,亚麻酸占0.89%。结论:Borojo果成分复杂,营养素丰富,具有良好的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

Trace (Ag, Au, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn) and macro (Ca, K, Mg and Na) element concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and chloride by an ion selective electrode, in different parts of the faba bean (Vicia faba L) plant. Leaf, stem, pod, pericarp, cotyledon, testa and seeds were all analysed as were soil samples taken from the immediate vicinity of the plant roots at depths of 10, 30 and 60 cm before and after planting the bean plant. The experiment was situated on the shores of the High Dam Lake in Aswan (Egypt). The bean leaves showed the highest concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe, Sr, Mn, Ni, Co, Pb and Cr while the seeds showed the highest concentrations of Zn and Cu. The highest levels of trace elements in the soil were found at 60 cm depth after planting which suggests the uptake of most trace elements by the plant is from the 10–30 cm depth zone. Statistically there were significant correlations between trace element concentrations in the bean and soil samples. The levels of trace elements in the bean under study were not considered to be toxic for man or animal uses. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

高铁营养酵母发酵培养及营养评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用生长周期短,易于工业化生产酵母为菌株,以糖蜜为主要培养基,通过现代发酵工程技术,在3m^3发酵罐上进行中间试验,在12m^3发酵罐进行试生产,发酵产品高铁营养酵母铁的含量1061mg/kg,高铁营养酵母的产率2.54%(w/v),蛋白质的含量51.90%(w/v),为工业化生产提供科学依据,并探讨作为食品添加剂的营养价值。  相似文献   

Viticultural practices as defoliation (DF) and cluster tipping (CT) (hereinafter referred to as the abbreviation) are often used for crop regulation to enhance quality. Reduced yield can be accompanied not only with more favourable sugar-acid composition but also with changes of other chemical compounds in the berries, for example, biogenic amines as well. The latter play a significant role in human health. The experiment has been carried out at three different growing sites of Hungary in 2014. DF was done at full bloom, CT occurred when the berry reached pea size. Berry sampling for biogenic amine analysis was carried out several times during the ripening period. In our trial, we examined the effect of the above-mentioned treatments, the sites and the sampling dates on the amount of berries’ biogenic amine content. We concluded that DF and CT changed the amount of each type of amines in the berries. According to our measurements the treatments and the site did affect the amount and composition of biogenic amines, but the sampling time not. The treatments were most effective in the case of histamine which is crucial for triggering allergic reactions.  相似文献   

河西走廊张掖地区土壤、葡萄及葡萄酒矿质元素特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘霞  李彩霞  焦扬 《中国酿造》2019,38(1):179-182
采用火焰原子吸收光谱(FAAS)法测定河西走廊张掖地区葡萄园土壤、赤霞珠葡萄及其葡萄酒中Fe、Cd、Na、K、Zn、Mn、Mg、Pb、Ni、Cu、Ca共11种金属元素,并对葡萄原料、土壤及葡萄酒中的矿质元素特征和相关性进行了分析。结果显示:赤霞珠植株对土壤中Ca、K、Mg及Na的吸收较好,其中果皮果肉、果籽中含量最多的为K和Ca,而果梗中为K和Mg,土壤中矿质元素与葡萄原料中矿质元素呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。同批次的葡萄原酒中K、Ca、Mg三种矿质元素含量较高,这与葡萄原料中矿质元素的含量分布相一致,两者之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。河西走廊张掖地区葡萄园土壤矿质元素丰富、分布合理,且可将K、Ca和Mg元素作为特征元素,应用于该产区的赤霞珠葡萄酒的原产地保护措施中来。  相似文献   

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