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以承德某采空区为研究对象,进行了注浆配合比设计,对采空区监测点治理前后参数进行综合分析。结果显示:治理效果明显,采空区地基稳定。 相似文献
煤矿采空区路基钻孔注浆试验与施工 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
韩正伟 《徐州建筑职业技术学院学报》2006,6(3):12-14
京福高速公路徐州东绕城段地处煤矿采空区,地质情况复杂.结合现场实际情况,进行了采空区路基钻孔注浆试验.在先导试验段对设计治理方案中的参数作了优化和完善,为进行大面积施工提供了可靠的依据. 相似文献
以承德某采空区为研究对象,进行了采空区注浆施工监测仪器布设,对采空区监测点进行压应变分析,治理效果显著,达到了注浆整治效果。 相似文献
结合保阜二级公路三期改建工程中公路下伏采空区的治理 ,对压力注浆技术及效果进行基本介绍 . 相似文献
老采空区上建设项目地质灾害危险性评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
老采空区地下采煤活动强烈,地质环境条件相对复杂,在附加荷载作用下存在“活化”的可能性。针对这些地质情况,以峰峰集团有限公司煤化工项目35kV变电站工程地质灾害危险性评估为实例,介绍了该类建设项目的地质灾害危险性预测评估的基本思路和分析方法,并以建筑物荷载影响深度、采空区导水裂缝带发育高度是否相互重叠,作为评价老采空区的活化、地基稳定性及其对建筑物影响的主要依据,对项目用地的适宜性作出了定量评价。 相似文献
薛奕忠 《南方冶金学院学报》2010,31(1):20-22,50
原狮子山铜矿东、西狮子山矿段采用崩落法及空场法开采,两矿段分别在2000年、2002年闭坑,均形成了通地表的超大采空区.东狮子山空区体积为1 570 175 m3;西狮子山空区体积为3 011 817m3,2个超大采空区一直没有得到处理,对矿山正常生产及周边环境造成了一定影响.采用尾砂充填方式对超大采空区进行处理,消除超大采空区存在所带来的安全隐患. 相似文献
刘秀英 《太原重型机械学院学报》2010,(1):49-54
利用相似材料模拟试验动态模拟采空区形成过程,当采煤结束且采空区基本稳定后,通过在采空区的不同位置逐级加荷载来分析研究老采空区地表的移动和变形规律。试验结果表明:(1)加载后地表各参数的残余变形均有所增加,其最大残余变形值基本发生在采空区两侧;(2)荷载越大,地表的残余变形越大;(3)荷载布置在采空区两侧比布置在中央引起的残余变形要大;(4)采深采厚比越小,地面荷载对采空区的扰动影响越大。并列举工程实例对试验结果进行了初步验证。 相似文献
张喆 《吉林化工学院学报》2022,39(11):97-102
煤矿采空区上方跨越通车承荷能力不足的问题已日趋严峻.为解决牡佳客专跨越煤矿采空区这一问题,对采空区域进行了现场注浆方案设计和实施,最后借助多种注浆加固效果评价方法对其效果进行评价.研究表明:全充填压力注浆法能够有效改善牡佳客专采空区的破碎和孔洞等问题,同时通过现场取芯、室内力学性能试验、波速测定、区域孔位注浆效果检测以及CT检测技术,进一步验证了设计方案和现场实施的可行性和准确性,最后结合相关专业规范对注浆效果进行评价.得出的结论可作为此类工程项目在勘测、设计、实施与检测等方面的有效补充. 相似文献
根据采空区现状,对采空区进行勘察、变形稳定性分析和沉陷分析,提出对采空区的处理方法,结果表明:注浆法优势明显,未来一段时间内为主要处理手段。 相似文献
Due to the use of outdated mining technology or room and pillar mining process in small coal mines, the coal recovery ratio is only 10–25%. In many regions of China, the damage area caused by the small coal mines amounted to nearly one hundred square kilometers. Therefore, special mining techniques must be taken to reclaim the wasted resource in disturbed coal areas. This paper focuses on the different mining methods by analyzing the longwall panel layout and abandoned gateroad(AG) distribution in the abandoned area of Cuijiazhai coal mine in northwestern China. On the basis of three-dimensional geological model, FLAC3 D numerical simulation was employed. The abutment pressure distribution was simulated when the panel face passed through the disturbed areas. The proper angle of the inclined face was analyzed when the panel face passed through the abandoned gateroads. The results show that the head end of the face should be 13–20 m ahead of the tail end. The pillars on both sides of abandoned gateroads had not been damaged at the same time, and no large-area stress concentration occured above the main roof.Therefore, the coal reserves of disturbed areas can be successfully recovered by using underground longwall mining. 相似文献
中型断层导水通道的井上下联合注浆加固技术研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对焦作矿区地质构造、充水水源和断层充水水害特征的分析,提出了中型断层导水通道井上下联合注浆加固的矿井水害防治技术,并实际应用于九里山矿和演马庄矿中型断层导水通道的防治水工作中.研究表明,井上下联合注浆加固技术对于减弱含水层的富水性并切断断层补给通道,增强巷道围岩及底板隔水层的强度,实现巷道不突水掘进,均具有十分重要的意义. 相似文献
In exploiting shallow coal resources in western China, conservation of water resources is often subjugated to considera-tions of safety and production in coal mines. In order to maintain a sustainable development in the Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield, we propose a technology of constructing groundwater reservoirs in goals in shallow coalfields to protect fragile ecological environ-ments. Given the premise of safe production, we selected an appropriate goal as the site for constructing a groundwater reservoir and used a mine water recharge technique in combination with other related techniques for effective water conservation. Then fil-tering and purification techniques were used to purify the mine water given the physical and chemical properties of mine water and its filling material, ,thereby greatly reducing suspended matter, calcium and other harmful ions in the water. With the potential of widely application, the research result has been successfully applied in the Daliuta coal mine, to great economic and ecological effect. Therefore, this achievement provides a new way for mine water conservation in shallow coal resources in western China. 相似文献
水泥-粉煤灰注浆材料的研发与应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为解决矿山煤层底板承压水威胁区域的加固问题,从不同粉煤灰掺量、不同水灰比、不同固相质量比的硬化体强度、浆体凝结时间和黏度之间的相互关系,对粉煤灰注浆材料进行了系统的研究,提出了具有早强性和可注特点的复配方案,采用活化粉煤灰(其组分质量百分比为粉煤灰∶生石灰∶元明粉=76.22∶22.26∶1.52)作为注浆掺合料,另加入早强剂,配制出新型水泥——粉煤灰注浆材料.通过工程的实际应用表明,该注浆材料不仅符合现行注浆材料检验标准,而且很好地满足了煤层底板注浆加固堵水的要求. 相似文献
为了避免压密注浆极限注浆压力在理论上一直没有理论解的弱点,依据压密注浆是以球形进行扩孔的假设,并利用球形扩孔过程中的能量和体变守恒原理以及砂土在压密注浆压力和地应力等较高应力同时作用下的应力-应变-体变关系,推导出压密注浆极限注浆压力求解的理论方程组,通过求解该方程组即可求解出压密注浆的极限注浆压力,可为计算高应力粒状土中压密注浆的极限注浆压力提供理论依据.分析表明,压密注浆的极限注浆压力值主要取决于土的应力-应变-体变关系,柱形扩孔时的压密注浆形式可以看成是球形扩孔时压密注浆的依次叠加.现场试验和计算分析可知,理论计算与工程实际较为吻合. 相似文献
In order to reduce the number of accidents due to explosions of flammable gases in the goaf of coalmines,the conditions for explosion of flammable gases and their explosion limits,affected to a considerable extent by COz,are explored.With the use of our experimental equipment suitable for the study of explosion of polybasic explosive gas mixtures,we investigated the effect of CH4/H2=10/1 and CH4/C2H4=10/1 gases mixed with CO2 on their explosion limits.The results indicate that after adding CO2,the explosion limit of the CH4/H2 (or C2H4) = 10/1 gas mixtures decreased markedly with increasing amounts of CO2.When the amount of CO2 exceeded 25%,the CH4/C2H4=10/1 flammable gas mixture did not lead to explosions.Similar results were obtained when the amount of CO2 exceeded 23% in the CH4/H2=10/1 flammable gas mixture.We also compared the explosion limits and the explosion suppression effect of N2 or CO2 on the explosion limits of the CH4+CO and CH4+C2H4 dual explosive gas mixtures.Along with the increases in the amounts of CO2 or N2,the area of the explosion limits of gas mixtures decreased.Under the same conditions,the explosion suppression effect of CO2 was greater than that of N2.CO2 has clearly the better suppression effect on the explosion of flammable gases in goafs. 相似文献
In order to reduce the number of accidents due to explosions of flammable gases in the goaf of coalmines,the conditions for explosion of flammable gases and their explosion limits,affected to a considerable extent by CO2,are explored.With the use of our experimental equipment suitable for the study of explosion of polybasic explosive gas mixtures,we investigated the effect of CH4/H2=10/1 and CH4/C2H4=10/1 gases mixed with CO2 on their explosion limits.The results indicate that after adding CO2,the explosion limit of the CH4/H2(or C2H4) =10/1 gas mixtures decreased markedly with increasing amounts of CO2.When the amount of CO2 exceeded 25%,the CH4/C2H4=10/1 flammable gas mixture did not lead to explosions.Similar results were obtained when the amount of CO2 exceeded 23% in the CH4/H2=10/1 flammable gas mixture.We also compared the explosion limits and the explosion suppression effect of N2 or CO2 on the explosion limits of the CH4+CO and CH4+C2H4 dual explosive gas mixtures.Along with the increases in the amounts of CO2 or N2,the area of the explosion limits of gas mixtures decreased.Under the same conditions,the explosion suppression effect of CO2 was greater than that of N2.CO2 has clearly the better suppression effect on the explosion of flammable gases in goafs. 相似文献
椭圆形裂隙中渗透注浆扩散规律的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了研究裂隙岩体注浆浆液的扩散规律,将单一裂隙简化为椭圆形裂隙,利用广义柱面坐标、牛顿内摩擦定律、达西定律、渗流微分方程和边界条件下的连续性方程,推导出水平椭圆形裂隙中,层流状态下的牛顿液体在渗透注浆过程中各个参数之间的关系,研究了椭圆形岩体裂隙中渗透注浆的扩散规律. 相似文献
注浆微型钢管桩作为一种新型支护形式,以其施工方便,具有超前支护作用,可以部分代替钢筋混凝土桩等优点,得到广泛应用.通过室内试验,对比分析了注浆前后微型钢管桩抗弯刚度变化.研究表明,注浆钢管桩刚度约为空心钢管桩刚度的1.2~1.5倍,注浆钢管刚度随管壁厚度增大有增大的趋势.试验结果有助于注浆微型钢管桩的进一步研究,为此类支护形式设计提供依据,具有一定的工程应用价值. 相似文献