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Müllerian anomalies are in different degrees complicated by poor fetal outcome. Our young patient had in addition to uterus didelphys a leiomyoma of the nonpregnant part of the double uterus. Though her pregnancy was complicated, it was conserved to 37 weeks, when the baby was delivered by cesarean section. The right uterine body with a leiomyoma weighing 1500 grams was removed at the same time.  相似文献   

The presence and the distribution of neuroendocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of adult wild boar were investigated. The endocrine cells have been identified by means of immunocytochemical techniques using antibodies against serotonin, gastrin, somatostatin, cholecystokinin (CCK), met-enkephalin (MET-ENK), gastric-inhibitory peptide (GIP) and glucagon. The number of positive cells for each antiserum in each region was evaluated. Results were compared with data present in the literature and obtained previously by us and other authors in swine and domestic mammals (Ceccarelli et al., 1985, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1995; Capella and Solcia, 1972; Domeneghini and Castaldo, 1981; Peranzi and Lehy, 1984; Krause et al., 1985).  相似文献   

A case of successful pregnancy in a separated conjoined twin is described. The patient underwent cesarean delivery because of the reconstructed pelvis and extensive perineal reconstruction, which resulted in dense fibrosis. Surgical records and communication with the patient's pediatric surgeons were helpful in planning for delivery.  相似文献   

A case is presented of successful pregnancy in a patient with acute renal failure superimposed on chronic controlled renal failure. The cause which led to development of acute renal failure were severe water-electrolyte equilibrium disturbances due to diarrhoea. Appropriately conducted conservative treatment in the period of oliguria, and early institution of treatment with repeated haemodialysis (taking into account the minimal fluctuations of body fluids, and adequate heparinization) were decisive for successful outcome of pregnancy in this patient.  相似文献   

Although a vertical rectus abdominis flap would not have been selected for reconstruction of the patient's defect had her pregnancy been detected preoperatively, the present case does demonstrate the remarkable resiliency and integrity of the anterior abdominal wall after rectus abdominis muscle flap surgery. Meticulous closure of the abdominal wall is of utmost importance in maintaining abdominal wall competence. Although the merits of muscle splitting techniques and the use of mesh are beyond the scope of this report, there is no evidence that modification of technique should be performed in the patient considering future pregnancy. Our case supports other reports that rectus abdominis flap surgery is not a contraindication to future pregnancy. Intuitively waiting at least 1 year, as recommended by Chen et al., seems reasonable, although the present case demonstrated a successful pregnancy and delivery of twins after a vertical rectus abdominis flap was harvested during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Early pregnancy can be best divided into embryonic and fetal periods (dividing line 70 days after last menstrual period), which more naturally reflect developmental changes, morphologic appearance, loss rates, and concerns about teratogens. Newer endovaginal probes and a better understanding of anatomic landmarks and expected growth rates can improve clinical management and patient counseling.  相似文献   

Swan-Ganz catheter-induced pulmonary artery (PA) rupture is rare, with an incidence of 0.016 to 0.2 per cent, but it remains the most dreaded complication in the placement of these catheters with a mortality above 50 per cent. We report two cases of PA rupture after catheter placement. Both patients were managed nonoperatively and without any invasive procedure. They both stopped bleeding after the initial episode and were discharged a few days later. We believe that in the absence of high-risk factors, such as pulmonary hypertension and systemic anticoagulation, PA rupture from a Swan-Ganz catheter can be successfully treated by withdrawal of the catheter and supportive care.  相似文献   

Overall, approximately 1% of ectopic pregnancies are abdominal pregnancies, which can be life-threatening even when surgical intervention with laparotomy is performed. We present a case in which abdominal pregnancy was successfully managed by operative laparoscopy. A 25 year old Japanese woman presented 6 weeks after her last menstruation with elevated basal body temperature, lower abdominal pain, and light vaginal bleeding. The urinary human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) concentration was 2137 IU/I, and laparoscopic findings (i.e. the implantation site was the posterior serosa of the uterus with normal adnexae) established a diagnosis of primary abdominal pregnancy. The gestational product was completely removed by laparoscopic surgery with no uncontrollable loss of blood. The urinary concentration of HCG declined rapidly and the patient made an uneventful recovery. Operative laparoscopy is a safe alternative for the management of appropriately selected patients with early abdominal pregnancy.  相似文献   

Spontaneous abortions among women working in laboratories, and congenital malformations and birth weights of the children were examined in a retrospective case-referent study. In the spontaneous abortion study there were 535 women (206 cases and 329 referents), and in the malformation study 141 women (36 cases and 105 referents). The analysis of the birth weights concerned 500 women (referents). Significant associations with spontaneous abortion were found for exposure to toluene (odds ratio [OR], 4.7, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4 to 15.9), xylene (OR 3.1, CI 1.3 to 7.5) and formalin (OR 3.5, CI 1.1 to 11.2) > or = 3 days a week, adjusted for the covariates. Most of the women exposed to formalin and xylene were working in pathology or histology laboratories. No association with congenital malformation was found.  相似文献   

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), or Rendu-Osler-Weber disease, is an autosomal dominant disorder of localized angiodysplasia, although it is sometimes mistakenly identified as a hemostatic disorder due to its associated characteristic bleeding. The vascular lesions that develop consist of direct arteriovenous connections without an intervening capillary bed. Germline mutations in one of two different genes, endoglin or ALK-1, can cause HHT. Both are members of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta receptor family of proteins, and are expressed primarily on the surface of endothelial cells. They are associated together in a receptor complex on the cell surface. Biochemical studies suggest that endoglin modulates TGF-beta signaling through ALK-1 and the type I TGF-beta receptor. Most mutations identified in endoglin and ALK-1 create null alleles, which lead to reduced message or protein levels. A model of haploinsufficiency is proposed, in which inheritance of a mutation predisposes an individual to develop HHT-associated vascular lesions. The factors that initiate lesion formation are unknown, but disruption of these genes in mice should provide animal models to address these and other important questions about the pathogenesis of HHT.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective cohort study to assess the risk of amniocentesis in twin pregnancy for adverse outcomes. The study base consisted of women who had an amniocentesis performed during twin pregnancy and a comparison representative sample of women who carried a twin pregnancy, but did not have invasive prenatal diagnosis. The 227 women in each of the exposed and non-exposed groups were residents of the state of New South Wales, Australia, over the period 1980-92, and were matched on maternal age and period of the infant's birth. Nearly 10% of twin pregnancies among the women having an amniocentesis were affected by a stillbirth, and the stillbirth rate among exposed fetuses (5.3%) was nearly twice as high as among non-exposed fetuses (3.1%). After adjustment for confounding and excluding abnormalities, there was a non-significant elevated relative risk of stillbirth after exposure to amniocentesis. The analysis by type of amniocentesis (with and without methylene blue dye) was limited by small numbers, but the burden of risk was primarily among women who had dye exposure during amniocentesis (relative risk = 3.64, 95% confidence interval = 1.15, 11.48). This increase remained after adjusting for confounding, although the confidence interval was wide. In conclusion, we were unable to establish with certainty whether an increased risk of stillbirth could be ruled out among women who had any type of amniocentesis in twin pregnancy.  相似文献   

Much is known about outcome following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in school-age children; however, recovery in early childhood is less well understood. Some argue that such injuries should lead to good outcome, because of the plasticity of the developing brain. Other purport that the young brain is vulnerable, with injury likely to result in a substantial impairment (H. G. Taylor & J. Alden, 1997). The aim of this study was to examine outcomes following TBI during early childhood, to plot recovery over the 30 months postinjury, and to identify predictors of outcome. The study compared 3 groups of children sustaining mild, moderate, and severe TBI, ages 2.0 to 6.11 years at injury, with healthy controls. Groups were comparable for preinjury adaptive and behavioral function, psychosocial characteristics, age, and gender. Results suggested a strong association between injury severity and outcomes across all domains. Further, 30-month outcome was predicted by injury severity, family factors, and preinjury levels of child function. In conclusion, children with more severe injuries and lower preinjury adaptive abilities, and whose families are coping poorly, are at greatest risk of long-term impairment in day-to-day skills, even several years postinjury. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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