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集成高梯度磁场分离结构的微流控芯片快速制作法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着MEMS技术和免疫磁珠技术的不断发展,平面电磁线圈作为控制纳米磁珠在微流体中运动的关键部件,受到广泛关注和研究.但其复杂的加工工艺,较低的磁珠捕获效率以及电磁线圈的热效应,限制了它在微流控芯片中的进一步发展和应用.本文介绍了一种高梯度磁场分离微流控芯片,通过在芯片内部集成顺磁性的微柱结构,形成高磁场来捕获磁珠.采用基于SU-8多层模具和PDMS铸模工艺的快速加工方法,在芯片内部制作出顺磁性的微柱阵列.在外磁场磁化作用下,这些微柱能产生磁珠捕获所需的高梯度磁场,有效的进行磁珠操控和分离,通过蛋白捕获实验验证了芯片的可行性.该方法加工简单快捷,也不会带来电磁线圈的热效应问题.  相似文献   

Rida A  Gijs MA 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(21):6239-6246
We present an original concept of manipulation of magnetic microbeads in a microchannel. It is based on the dynamic motion of a self-assembled structure of ferrimagnetic beads that are retained within a microfluidic flow using a local alternating magnetic field. The latter induces a rotational motion of the magnetic particles, thereby strongly enhancing the fluid perfusion through the magnetic structure that behaves as a dynamic random porous medium. The result is a very strong particle-liquid interaction that can be controlled by adjusting the magnetic field frequency and amplitude, as well as the liquid flow rate, and is at the basis of very efficient liquid mixing. The principle is demonstrated using a microfluidic chip made of poly(methyl methacrylate) with integrated soft ferromagnetic plate structures. The latter are part of an electromagnetic circuit and serve to locally apply a magnetic field over the section of the microchannel. Starting from a laminar flow pattern of parallel fluorescein dye and nonfluorescent liquid streams, we demonstrate a 95% mixing efficiency using a mixing length of only 400 microm and at liquid flows of the order of 0.5 cm/s. We anticipate that the intense interaction between the fluid and magnetic particles with functionalized surfaces holds large potential for the development of future bead-based assays.  相似文献   

On-demand immobilization of proteins at specific locations in a microfluidic device would advance many types of bioassays. We describe a strategy to create a patterned surface within a microfluidic channel by electrochemical means, which enables site-specific immobilization of protein matrixes and cells under physiological conditions, even after the device is fully assembled. By locally generating hypobromous acid at a microelectrode in the microchannel, the heparin-coated channel surface rapidly switches from antibiofouling to protein-adhering. Since this transformation allows compartmentalizing of multiple types of antibodies into distinct regions throughout the single microchannel, simultaneous assay of two kinds of complementary proteins was possible. This patterning procedure can be applied to conventional microfluidic devices since it requires only some electrodes and a voltage source (1.7 V, DC).  相似文献   

We report on plan-view transmission electron microscopy techniques, by which the size, the actual shape and the strain of a coherent island in semiconductor heterostructures can be measured accurately. The bright-field suppressed-diffraction imaging condition where no strong diffracted beam is excited in the sample provides reliable size measurement as well as the detailed shape and aspect ratio. An exact two-beam diffraction condition is employed to produce the strain contrast of a coherent island and the corresponding fringes can be easily utilized to measure the average strain relaxation occurring during island evolution. We also propose an off-axis z contrast technique for the unambiguous determination of composition profile in an island. Finally examples of application of these techniques on the characterization of Ge coherent islands on Si(1 0 0) substrates are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Conventional cell separation against multiple markers generally requires the attachment of antibody tags, typically fluorescent or magnetic, to selected cell types in a heterogeneous suspension. This work describes how such separation can be accomplished in a series of microfluidic systems without the need for such tags. Two capture stages containing antibody-functionalized alginate hydrogels are utilized for the isolation of CD34+ and Flk1+ cells from untreated, whole human blood. The capture-release capability of these degradable coatings is harnessed by a mixing chamber and a simple valving system such that the suspension emerging from the first capture stage is prepared for the second capture stage for further enrichment. With this configuration, we demonstrate the isolation of CD34+/Flk1+ endothelial progenitor cells from blood enabled by the depletion of CD34+/Flk1-hematopoietic stem cells population. This ability to achieve isolation of cells against multiple markers in an untagged separation method is of particular significance in applications involving cell implantation-based therapeutics including tissue engineering and molecular analysis.  相似文献   

Integrated lectin affinity microfluidic chip for glycoform separation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mao X  Luo Y  Dai Z  Wang K  Du Y  Lin B 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(23):6941-6947
Lectin affinity chromatography was miniaturized into a microfluidic format, which results in improvement of performance, as compared to the conventional method. A lectin affinity monolith column was prepared in the microchannel of a microfluidic chip. The porous monolith was fabricated by UV-initiated polymerization of ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) in the presence of porogeneities, followed by immobilization of pisum sativum agglutinin (PSA) on the monolith matrix. Using electroosmosis as the driven force, lectin affinity chromatographies of three kinds of glycoprotein, turkey ovalbumin (TO), chicken ovalbumin (CO), and ovomucoid (OM), were carried out on the microfluidic system. All the glycoproteins were successfully separated into several fractions with different affinities toward the immobilized PSA. The integrated system reduces the time required for the lectin affinity chromatography reaction to approximately 3%, thus, the overall analysis time from 4 h to 400 s. Only 300 pg of glycoprotein is required for the whole separation process. Moreover, troublesome operations for lectin affinity chromatography are simplified.  相似文献   

The extension of microfluidic devices to include three-dimensional fluidic networks allows complex fluidic and chemical manipulations but requires innovative methods to interface fluidic layers. Externally controllable interconnects, employing nuclear track-etched polycarbonate membranes containing nanometer-diameter capillaries, are described that produce hybrid three-dimensional fluidic architectures. Controllable nanofluidic transfer is achieved by controlling applied bias, polarity, and density of the immobile nanopore surface charge and the impedance of the nanocapillary array relative to the microfluidic channels. Analyte transport between vertically separated microchannels has three stable transfer levels, corresponding to zero, reverse, and forward bias. The transfer can even depend on the properties of the analyte being transferred such as the molecular size, illustrating the flexible character of the analyte transfer. In a specific analysis implementation, nanochannel array gating is applied to capillary electrophoresis separations, allowing selected separated components to be isolated for further manipulation, thereby opening the way for preparative separations at attomole analyte mass levels.  相似文献   

Acrylamide-modified DNA probes are immobilized in polycarbonate microfluidic channels via photopolymerization in a polyacrylamide matrix. The resulting polymeric, hydrogel plugs are porous under electrophoretic conditions and hybridize with fluorescently tagged complementary DNA. The double-stranded DNA can be chemically denatured, and the chip may be reused with a new analytical sample. Conditions for photopolymerization, hybridization, and denaturation are discussed. We also demonstrate the photopolymerization of plugs containing different DNA probe sequences in one microfluidic channel, thereby enabling the selective detection of multiple DNA targets in one electrophoretic pathway.  相似文献   

High extraction magnetic filters combine high gradient features of the Frantz FerrofilterR, high intensity concepts of the Jones separators, and principles of modern magnet design derived from high energy physics research. Evolution of high extraction magnetic filters used commercially by all major kaolin producers is reviewed and new trends in equipment are highlighted.  相似文献   

High gradient magnetic separation is a new technique which provides a practical means for separating weakly paramagnetic materials down to colloidal particle size on a large scale and at flow rates one hundred times faster than conventional filtration. It is based on the use of matrices of finely divided filamentary ferromagnetic material containing 95% void space, such as steel wool, subjected to strong magnetic fields generated bysophisticated magnets of a type not previously used for magnetic separation. HGMS was developed in the late sixties by MIT, Sala Magnetics and the Huber Company, and has been used since then for the purification of kaolin. The technique is of importance to the entire chemical and mineral industry, and in the treatment of water and sewage, but its application in other areas has been delayed by lack of interdisciplinary communication. What is needed at present is a better understanding of the mechanism of HGMS to permit a more scientific approach to future applications, and more inducement to the firms which are currently developing the next generation of hardware. Other approaches to magnetic separation also merit more serious attention, particularly those based on open gradient rather than matrix structures. New magnet technology developed in conjunction with HGMS and the advent of superconductivity make available field strengths, gradients and volumes at least an order of magnitude above those offered by the prior art. Such magnetic fields have potential value beyond their use in magnetic separation inasmuch as they are likely to affect the kinetics of many chemical reactions, very probably also those involved in the combustion process itself.  相似文献   

This paper describes a simple microfluidic sorting system that can perform size profiling and continuous mass-dependent separation of particles through combined use of gravity (1 g) and hydrodynamic flows capable of rapidly amplifying sedimentation-based separation between particles. Operation of the device relies on two microfluidic transport processes: (i) initial hydrodynamic focusing of particles in a microchannel oriented parallel to gravity and (ii) subsequent sample separation where positional difference between particles with different mass generated by sedimentation is further amplified by hydrodynamic flows whose streamlines gradually widen out due to the geometry of a widening microchannel oriented perpendicular to gravity. The microfluidic sorting device was fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane), and hydrodynamic flows in microchannels were driven by gravity without using external pumps. We conducted theoretical and experimental studies on fluid dynamic characteristics of laminar flows in widening microchannels and hydrodynamic amplification of particle separation. Direct trajectory monitoring, collection, and post-analysis of separated particles were performed using polystyrene microbeads with different sizes to demonstrate rapid (<1 min) and high-purity (>99.9%) separation. Finally, we demonstrated biomedical applications of our system by isolating small-sized (diameter <6 microm) perfluorocarbon liquid droplets from polydisperse droplet emulsions, which is crucial in preparing contrast agents for safe, reliable ultrasound medical imaging, tracers for magnetic resonance imaging, or transpulmonary droplets used in ultrasound-based occlusion therapy for cancer treatment. Our method enables straightforward, rapid, real-time size monitoring and continuous separation of particles in simple stand-alone microfabricated devices without the need for bulky and complex external power sources. We believe that this system will provide a useful tool to separate colloids and particles for various analytical and preparative applications and may hold potential for separation of cells or development of diagnostic tools requiring point-of-care sample preparation or testing.  相似文献   

This paper describes a self-contained integrated microfluidic system that can separate motile sperm from small samples that are difficult to handle using conventional sperm-sorting techniques. The device isolates motile sperm from nonmotile sperm and other cellular debris, based on the ability of motile sperm to cross streamlines in a laminar fluid stream. The device is small, simple, and disposable yet is an integrated system complete with sample inlets, outlets, sorting channel, and a novel passively driven pumping system that provides a steady flow of liquid; it requires no external power source or controls. The device fulfills a need in clinical settings where small amounts of sperm need to be sorted. It also opens the way for convenient bioassays based on sperm motility including at-home motile sperm tests.  相似文献   

This paper describes an automated electric valve system designed to reduce dispersion and sample loss into a side channel when an electrokinetically mobilized concentration zone passes a T-junction in a networked microfluidic chip. One way to reduce dispersion is to control current streamlines since charged species are driven along them in the absence of electroosmotic flow. Computer simulations demonstrate that dispersion and sample loss can be reduced by applying a constant additional electric field in the side channel to straighten current streamlines in linear electrokinetic flow (zone electrophoresis). This additional electric field was provided by a pair of platinum microelectrodes integrated into the chip in the vicinity of the T-junction. Both simulations and experiments of this electric valve with constant valve voltages were shown to provide unsatisfactory valve performance during nonlinear electrophoresis (isotachophoresis). On the basis of these results, however, an automated electric valve system was developed with improved valve performance. Experiments conducted with this system showed decreased dispersion and increased reproducibility as protein zones isotachophoretically passed the T-junction. Simulations of the automated electric valve offer further support that the desired shape of current streamlines was maintained at the T-junction during isotachophoresis. Valve performance was evaluated at different valve currents based on statistical variance due to dispersion. With the automated control system, two integrated microelectrodes provide an effective way to manipulate current streamlines, thus acting as an electric valve for charged species in electrokinetic separations.  相似文献   

Liu K  Wang H  Chen KJ  Guo F  Lin WY  Chen YC  Phung DL  Tseng HR  Shen CK 《Nanotechnology》2010,21(44):445603
Controlling the size distribution of polymer-based nanoparticles is a challenging task due to their flexible core and surface structures. To accomplish such as task requires very precise control at the molecular level. Here we demonstrate a new approach whereby uniform-sized supramolecular nanoparticles (SNPs) can be reliably generated using a digital microfluidic droplet generator (DMDG) chip. A microfluidic environment enabled precise control over the processing parameters, and therefore high batch-to-batch reproducibility and robust production of SNPs with a very narrow size distribution could be realized. Digitally adjustment of the mixing ratios of the building blocks on the DMDG chip allowed us to rapidly scan a variety of synthesis conditions without consuming significant amounts of reagents. Nearly uniform SNPs with sizes ranging from 35 to 350?nm were obtained and characterized by transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. In addition, we could fine-tune the surface chemistry of the SNPs by incorporating an additional building block functionalized with specific ligands for targeting cells. The sizes and surface properties of these SNPs correlated strongly with their cell uptake efficiencies. This study showed a feasible method for microfluidic-assisted SNP production and provided a great means for preparing size-controlled SNPs with desired surface ligand coverage.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a unique fluorescence-based DNA diagnostic microfluidic assay that does not require labeling of the target sequence prior to analysis. The assay is based on the displacement of a short sacrificial fluorescent-tagged indicator oligomer by a longer untagged target sequence as it is electrophoresed through a DNA-containing hydrogel plug immobilized in a microfluidic channel. The distinct advantages of this assay are the short sensing times, as a result of directed electrophoretic transport of target DNA to the sensing element, combined with the ability to detect nonlabeled target DNA.  相似文献   

Selective ion extraction: a separation method for microfluidic devices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A separation concept, selective ion extraction (SIE), is proposed on the basis of the combination of hydrodynamic and electrokinetic flow controls in microfluidic devices. Using a control system with multiple pressure and voltage sources, the hydrodynamic flow and electric field in any section of the microfluidic network can be set to desired values. Mixtures of compounds sent into a T-junction on a chip can be completely separated into different channels on the basis of their electrophoretic mobilities. A simple velocity balance model proved useful for predicting the voltage and pressure settings needed for separation. SIE provides a highly efficient separation with minimal additional dispersion. It is an ideal technique for high-throughput screening systems and demonstrates the power of lab-on-a-chip systems.  相似文献   

The T-sensor is a recently developed microfluidic chemical measurement device that exploits the low Reynolds number flow conditions in microfabricated channels. The interdiffusion and resulting chemical interaction of components from two or more input fluid streams can be monitored optically, allowing measurement of analyte concentrations on a continuous basis. In a simple form of T-sensor, the concentration of a target analyte is determined by measuring fluorescence intensity in a region where the analyte and a fluorescent indicator have interdiffused. An analytical model has been developed that predicts device behavior from the diffusion coefficients of the analyte, indicator, and analyte--indicator complex and from the kinetics of the complex formation. Diffusion coefficients depend on the local viscosity which, in turn, depends on local concentrations of all analytes. These relationships, as well as reaction equilibria, are often unknown. A rapid method for determining these unknown parameters by interpreting T-sensor experiments through the model is presented.  相似文献   

A three-phase flow, water/n-heptane/water, was constructed in a microchannel (100-microm width, 25-microm depth) on a glass microchip (3 cm x 7 cm) and was used as a liquid membrane for separation of metal ions. Surface modification of the microchannel by octadecylsilane groups induced spontaneous phase separation of the three-phase flow in the microfluidic device, which allows control of interfacial contact time and off-chip analysis using conventional analytical apparatus. Prior to the selective transport of a metal ion through the liquid membrane in the microchannel, the forward and backward extraction of yttrium and zinc ions was investigated in a two-phase flow on a microfluidic device using 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (commercial name, PC-88A) as an extractant. The extraction conditions (contact time of the two phases, pH, extractant concentration) in the microfluidic device were examined. These investigations demonstrated that the conventional methodology for solvent extraction of metal ions is applicable to solvent extraction in a microchannel. Finally, we employed the three-phase flow in the microchannel as a liquid membrane and observed the selective transport of Y ion through the liquid membrane. In the present study, we succeeded, for the first time, in the selective separation of a targeted metal ion from an aqueous feed solution to a receiving phase within a few seconds by employing a liquid membrane formed in a microfluidic device.  相似文献   

The FePt/Ag core-shell nanoparticles with different Ag shell thickness have been fabricated using a seed mediated technique. The core-shell nanoparticles are annealed at temperatures ranging from 350 to 600 °C for 30 min in vacuum. The magnetic measurement demonstrates that the FePt/Ag core-shell nanoparticles show a better chemical ordering tendency with a magnetic hardening temperature of 400–450 °C, which is almost 100 °C lower than that of pure FePt nanoparticles. Negative peaks on the δM curves of the annealed FePt/Ag core-shell nanoparticles demonstrate that the predominant interparticle interactions are dipolar type rather than exchange coupling one. Besides, the FePt/Ag core-shell nanoparticles show both sensitive plasmonic and superparamagnetic properties. The present results indicate that our composite nanoparticles are very promising from the viewpoint of the optoelectronics and biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Two new tetracationic hetero-bimetallacycles were prepared from a bis-pyridine amide ligand and metal (Pd and Pt) acceptors. We found that both self-assembled hetero-bimetallacycles bind and unwind supercoiled DNA as established by photophysical and gel electrophoresis analyses, respectively.  相似文献   

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