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采用Fluent软件对内锥式三相旋流分离器的内部流场进行模拟研究,分析了分离器的分离机理,在理论方面验证了使用该分离器对气液固三相进行分离的可行性.此外,通过室内实验研究明确了不同操作参数(包括入口流量、气液比和分流比)对分离效果的影响,并总结出了该结构尺寸分离器的最佳操作参数范围.  相似文献   

在实验室冷模实验装置上考察了空速和液气比对旋流板分离器总压降和分离效率的影响,为旋流板分离器的工业应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

The fluid flow and oil-water separation were simulated using a Reynolds stress transport equation model of turbulence in water flow and a stochastic model of oil droplet motion,Simulation results give the axial and tangential velocity components,the pressure and turbulence intensity distribution and droplet trajectories for a hydrocyclone of F type and a hydrocyclone proposed by the present authors.The flow filed predictions are in qualitative agreement with the LDV measurements.The results show that the proposed hydrocyclone has better performance than the hydrocyclone of F type due to creating stronger centrifugal force and lower axial velocity.  相似文献   

张为人  赵宗昌 《辽宁化工》2004,33(11):669-671
对油水分离用水力旋流分离器的分离性能和压力降进行了实验研究,分别考察了进料流量,进料含油量,油滴聚结器对分离效率的影响.同时,考察了进料流量,溢流比,溢流管直径对旋流分离器的压力降的影响.  相似文献   

通过实验,在有溢流和无溢流情况下重点研究了旋流器的流量,压力和分流比之间的关系,揭示了流量,压力和分流比的变化规律,对旋流器的设计和使用具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

设计了一种直流多管式旋流分离器,并对其进行了性能实验和结构改进。结果表明,直流多管式旋流器整体的阻力系数相对较小,约50左右;气液分离效率随流量和含液浓度的增大皆呈现明显的增大趋势,说明影响分离器效率的主要因素是离心力场的强弱和细小颗粒的逃逸,其在较高流量下分离效率可达90%左右。在原分离器的基础上在排气室内加了丝网聚结器,阻力特性变化很小,增加了对细小颗粒的聚结分离能力,分离效率提高了5%~10%。  相似文献   

旋流分离器是一种利用相间的密度差产生不同的离心力,进而完成气-液、液-液、气-固等分离的设备,具有结构紧凑、分离效率高、环境适应性强等优点,在石油、化工、矿山、煤炭等行业应用广泛。旋流分离器的流动机理研究在整个旋流分离器的研究过程中占据重要地位,其内部流场属于三维强旋湍流,流动复杂,对分离器流场进行充分的研究是指导分离器设计、提高分离性能的前提。本文将对旋流分离器的流场结构进行详细介绍,并就国内外学者关于分离器结构变化对流场分布的影响关系进行总结概括。这对加深对旋流分离器的认识,指导其优化设计具有重要的辅助作用。  相似文献   

为了解决实际开采过程中高压天然气的含水问题,结合气体动力学和流体热力学原理,设计了一套前置式超音速旋流脱水装置,围绕新装置进行了流场模拟和性能分析两方面研究。首先根据几何尺寸建立了三维数值计算模型,并结合RNG k-ε湍流模型对超音速分离器内部流场进行了模拟,得出了装置轴心线上天然气压力、温度、马赫数等特性参数的分布规律,同时对不同截面上参数的径向变化进行了分析;最后根据露点降和分离效率评估了超音速旋流分离器的工作性能,结果表明:在喷管出口处马赫数为1.51,膨胀最低温度可达140K,切向旋流速度为160m/s,可以实现水蒸气的充分凝结和分离;当压损比达到70%时,可以得到32℃的露点降,而且装置对于变压力、变温度工况具有很好的适应性,完全可以满足生产实际要求。  相似文献   

针对高含水开采期油田,由于含水的不断增加,油水处理量逐年递增,系统回压高,集输效率低;大量产出水经过长程循环,地面集输和井下举升系统能耗增加,导致开发成本大幅增长。井下油水分离技术作为有效解决途径之一,井下油水分离工艺技术研究国内外目前仍然处于研发和试验阶段,尤其对于套管尺寸51/2”的油田,受尺寸限制难以照搬应用国外已试验的7”套管油水分离工艺,因此亟需开展分离效率高、配套工艺完善、系统可靠性高的井下油水分离工艺技术研究,对油田的隆本增效开发具有较大意义。本文针对大庆油田长垣地区的北2-丁4-53高含水油井,浅极井下油水旋流分离器的分离效果。  相似文献   

对φ300 mm的单程和双程旋流板分离器的压降和分离效率进行了测量分析.相对于单程旋流板分离器,双程旋流板分离器的减阻幅度为12.8%.双程旋流板分离器适应的气速范围大幅度提高,穿孔气速、喷淋密度对其分离效率和带出量影响均不大,在实验气速范围内,分离效率在99.9%以上.与单程旋流板分离器相比,当穿孔气速约从10 m/s增大到17 m/s时,双程分离器的带出量下降了72.7%到96.3%.分析认为,双程旋流板分离器压降的减小和分离性能的提高是其切向速度的增大、立面上大部分区域涡环的消除及分离距离缩短综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

Supersonic separator is a new technology based on the adiabatic expansion of swirling gas flow, and at present it has demonstrated great application potential in separating and processing droplet liquid contained in natural gas. However, its coefficient of performance is still low and there seems to be a large gap in the method that evaluates the separation efficiency in a satisfactory manner. In order to promote the wide application of this technology in the dehydration field, it is necessary to find a new and feasible approach that can be used to predict the flow characteristic and separation performance inside a supersonic separator. In this paper, a comprehensive three-dimensional fluid numerical model to study the flow behavior and separation efficiency in a supersonic separator was established coupled with the discrete particle model (DPM). The mixture of air and water droplets was chosen as working fluid. The gas phase was modeled with compressible Navier–Stokes equations for two-phase flow and the RSM turbulence model was taken into account. The droplet phase was modeled with the discrete particle model (DPM), in which the droplets are assumed to have the same sphere shape and ignore the phase transition and nucleation process. A pilot test facility was carried out to validate the numerical model. The experimental results not only indicate that the new dehydration device can efficiently separate the liquid droplets from wet gas, but also prove that the numerical results were great agreements with the experimental results. Furthermore, based on the proposed numerical approach, the gas-droplet turbulent flow structures were predicted, the effects of different structure parameters and operation conditions on the separation efficiency were also investigated. The current works settle a foundation for further explorations on the supersonic gas–liquid separation flows inside a supersonic separator as well as the possible new applications.  相似文献   

针对天然气在长距离管道输送过程中,所含水蒸汽杂质会凝结成液态水的问题,通过运用动力学原理与液滴成核生长理论,开发设计了一种全新的前置式超声速旋流脱水装置。利用CFD中的用户自定义接口建立了含湿天然气的凝结流动模型,数值分析了装置内部的马赫数、过冷度、液滴成核率、液滴半径和湿度等关键凝结参数的变化规律。结果表明:所建立的三维含湿天然气的凝结流动模型可以真实描述超声速旋流分离器中的流动变化规律,为以后装置的工业应用和下一步提高分离效率提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, a dual-throat supersonic separation device with porous wall has been proposed to solve the starting problem of supersonic separator, and the feasibility of the proposed device has been tested numerically and experimentally. Its flow characteristics have been investigated and the effect of some important parameters includ-ing nozzle pressure ratio (RNP), inlet temperature and swirl intensity were examined. In the device, the supersonic flow state and strong centrifugal acceleration of 240000g can be obtained, which are necessary for the condensation and separation of water vapor. The supersonic region in the device enlarged and the shock wave shifted downstream along with the increasing RNP. The separation performance was improved with the increasing RNP and the inlet temperature. The best separation performance in this study was obtained withΔTd=28 K.  相似文献   

针对IGCC特定的工艺条件,开发了一种新的JLX型径向进口旋风分离器,并采用滑石粉和粉煤灰作为试验物料,通过冷态试验考察了其压降和分离性能。结果表明:分离效率随着进口浓度的增加而升高,但当进口气速较大时,分离效率随着进口浓度的增加而降低;当排气管下口直径比为0.375、进口气速为25m/s、进口浓度为10g/m3时,对滑石粉分离效率可达到99%,对粉煤灰分离效率可达到97%。对粒径10μm以上的粉煤灰粉尘颗粒,JLX旋风分离器基本都脱除。  相似文献   

吴冉 《广东化工》2011,38(6):168-169,156
旋风分离器作为一种重要的气固分离设备,广泛应用于化工、环保等重要领域。由于其结构上的可设计性,世界上越来越多的研究者投入到旋风分离器的结构改进研究开发中。文章综述了国内外近几年对旋风分离器进气口、排气口和排尘口等结构改进的研究进展,为新型旋风分离器的研究提供了有价值的信息。此外,应用计算流体动力学技术优化旋风分离器的结构来降低研究成本是值得重视的。  相似文献   

To improve the separation performance of a supersonic gas separation device for the treatment of gas mixture with a single heavy component, a novel structure with shorter settlement distance was constructed and a method of droplet enlargement was applied. A series of experiments were carried out in the improved separation device under various conditions, using air-ethanol vapor as the medium and micro water droplets as nucleation centers. The effects of the inlet pressure, temperature and relative humidity, the swirling intensity, and mass flow rate of water on the separation performance were investigated. The separation was improved by increasing the inlet pressure and relative humidity. With the decrease of swirling intensity and mass flow rate of water, the separation efficiency increased first and then decreased. The inlet temperature had a slight effect on the separation. The results showed that the separation performance was effectively improved using the proposed structure and method, and the best separation in this study was obtained with the ethanol removal rate about 55% and dew point depression 27 K. The addition of water had little pollution to the air-ethanol vapor system since the water carry-over rate was within the range of %-0 in most cases.  相似文献   

为研究流动参数对多相分离性能的影响,选用PSC100型旋风单管在常温常压下进行性能实验研究。结果表明:在气固液三相分离实验中,液相和固相分离效率比单独的气液、气固两相实验中液相和固相的分离效率分别增加1%、5%;液相分离效率受固相进料浓度的影响不大,固相分离效率受固相进料浓度的影响较大;在气液分离实验中,分离效率随入口流量的增大出现一个极大值,为99.6%。  相似文献   

顺流式旋风分离器的分离性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用冷态对比实验研究从灰斗引出排气管的新型顺流式旋风分离器的分离性能。试验考察了导流体直径、导流体长度、导流体-排气管口距离、排气口直径等结构因素对分离性能的影响以及不同入口气速条件下的分离性能。研究结果为该类型旋风分离器的优化设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

赵起龙 《广州化工》2014,(1):116-117
随着超音速分离技术的研究和发展,超音速分离设备逐步应用到天然气的脱水脱烃和天然气凝液回收等工艺中。本文介绍了超音速分离技术的发展过程,分析了超音速分离技术的原理以及在天然气工业中的应用,结果表明此技术对提高天然气气液分离效果显著,有助于增加天然气凝液的收率,在天然气工业上有较广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

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