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In West Africa, varieties of agricultural produce are processed traditionally for value addition, and they significantly support food security. Nonfermented and fermented foods are important traditional foods that support dietary intake of the people and enhanced nutritional requirements and health. Throughout the subregion, there is limited large-scale industrial production of traditional foods; many of the food processing facilities are still home based or in cottage industries using rudimentary tools and techniques. Over decades of cottage processing, different mechanization techniques such as mechanical grating, sieving, and hydraulic pressing have improved scale and increased productivity. Evaluation of food safety in the subregion revealed very little consideration for good manufacturing practices (GMP) and unhygienic sanitation leading to frequent chemical and microbial contamination. In general, there are obvious food safety challenges across the subregion and reported cases of foodborne diseases and outbreaks. Many times, outbreaks and foodborne epidemics are poorly documented. Identification of associated safety issues could be an essential prerequisite for improving risk management and healthy food supply. This review depicts different food safety challenges associated with processing and consumption of traditional foods in the subregion. Accurate information on food safety will be very relevant to policy formulation and control.  相似文献   

Superchilling of food: A review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Food preservation is very important for the safety and the reliability of the product. Superchilling as used for preserving foods, has been defined as a process by which the temperature of a food product is lowered to 1-2 °C below the initial freezing point. Fresh and high quality food products are in great demand worldwide. Temperature is a major factor determining the shelf life and quality of food products. Fish and meat are perishable food commodities, where better and more advanced preservation technology is needed. Deterioration of these foods mainly occurs as a result of chemical, enzymatic and bacteriological activities leading to loss of quality and subsequent spoilage. Storing food at superchilling temperature has three distinct advantages: maintaining food freshness, retaining high food quality and suppressing growth of harmful microbes. It can reduce the use of freezing/thawing for production and thereby increase yield, reduce energy, labour and transport costs. The study on the growth mechanism of ice crystals, modelling and computer simulation of foods during superchilling and superchilling storage is needed.  相似文献   

Sources and risk factors for contamination, survival, persistence, and heat resistance of Salmonella in low-moisture foods are reviewed. Processed products such as peanut butter, infant formula, chocolate, cereal products, and dried milk are characteristically low-water-activity foods and do not support growth of vegetative pathogens such as Salmonella. Significant food safety risk might occur when contamination takes place after a lethal processing step. Salmonella cross-contamination in low-moisture foods has been traced to factors such as poor sanitation practices, poor equipment design, and poor ingredient control. It is well recognized that Salmonella can survive for long periods in low-moisture food products. Although some die-off occurs in low-moisture foods during storage, the degree of reduction depends on factors such as storage temperature and product formulation. The heat resistance of Salmonella is affected by many factors, mostly by strain and serotypes tested, previous growth and storage conditions, the physical and chemical food composition, test media, and the media used to recover heat-damaged cells. Salmonella heat resistance generally increases with reducing moisture. Care must be taken when applying published D- and z-values to a specific food process. The product composition and heating medium and conditions should not be significantly different from the product and process parameters used by the processors.  相似文献   

Consumers demand, in addition to excellent eating quality, high standards of safety and nutrition in ready-to-eat food. This requires a continuous improvement in conventional processing technologies and the development of new alternatives. Prevailing technologies such as thermal processing can cause extensive and undesirable chemical changes in food composition while minimal processing strategies cannot eliminate all microbial pathogens. This review focuses on pressure-assisted thermal processing, a new alternative for shelf-stable foods. Its implementation requires an analysis of reaction kinetics at high pressure and elevated temperature. Acceleration of the inactivation of bacterial spores by the synergistic effect of pressure and temperature is expected to allow processing at lower temperature, shorter process time, or a combination of both. Therefore, thermal degradation of quality is expected to be lower than that of conventional thermal processes. However, few studies have focused on the effect of the conditions required for the inactivation of bacterial spores on the kinetics of chemical reactions degrading food quality, particularly at the high temperatures required for the processing of low-acid foods.  相似文献   

Thermal process optimization has focused on traditional sterilization, with limited research on pasteurization or microwave-assisted thermal processing. Model foods have been developed as quality evaluation tools for thermal pasteurization processes, but there are no comprehensive studies demonstrating how these model foods could be used to evaluate and compare the resulting food quality after different pasteurization processes. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology using image and quantitative analyses for quality evaluation of pre-packaged food pasteurized using a microwave-assisted pasteurization system (MAPS) and traditional hot water method. Four pasteurization processes (MAPS and hot water method at 90 and 95 °C) were designed to have an equivalent accumulated thermal lethality at the cold spot of at least 90 °C for 10 min to control nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum spores. Color-based time-temperature indicators in mashed potato and green pea model foods were quantified using image analysis. Results showed that median color values were useful in assessing overall color change, and interquartile range was an indicator of burnt areas. MAPS 95 °C was the best process because it had the smallest hot spot cook values and the least color change, while the 90 °C hot water process was the worst. Model foods and image analysis techniques were useful pasteurization process quality evaluation tools and made it possible to visualize the potential food quality change volumetrically, throughout a food package. In the future, these tools could be combined with computer simulations to optimize the quality of pilot-scale and industrial MAPS or conventional pasteurization processes.  相似文献   

The development of chemical sensors and biosensors over several decades has been investigated resulting in novel and very interesting sensor devices with great promise for many areas of applications including food technology. The incorporation of such sensors into the food packaging technology has resulted what we call smart or intelligent packaging. These are truly integrated and interdisciplinary systems that invoke expertise from the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, physics and electronics as well as food science and technology. Smart packaging utilises chemical sensor or biosensor to monitor the quality & safety of food from the producers to the costumers. This technology can result in a variety of sensor designs that are suitable for monitoring of food quality and safety, such as freshness, pathogens, leakage, carbon dioxide, oxygen, pH, time or temperature. Thus, this technology is needed as on-line quality control and safety in term of consumers, authorities and food producers, and has great potential in the development of new sensing systems integrated in the food packaging, which are beyond the existing conventional technologies, like control of weight, volume, colour and appearance.  相似文献   

Spermidine, a natural autophagy inducer, has a variety of health effects, such as antitumor, antiaging, anti-inflammation, cardiovascular protection, and neuromodulation. It has been a hot topic in the field of food processing, and current research findings suggest that spermidine-rich foods may be used in intervention and prevention of age-related diseases. In this article, recent findings on the safety, health effects, absorption and metabolism of spermidine were reviewed, and advances in food processing, including the raw materials evaluation, physical and chemical processing, and biological processing of spermidine, were highlighted. In particular, the core metabolic pathways, key gene targets, and efficient metabolic engineering strategies involved in the biosynthesis of spermidine and its precursors were discussed. Moreover, limitations and future perspectives of spermidine research were proposed. The purpose of this review is to provide new insights on spermidine from its safety to its food processing, which will advance the commercial production and applications of spermidine-rich foods and nutraceuticals.  相似文献   

与常规微生物相比, 病毒能在干燥、冷藏和冷冻等恶劣条件下长期存在并保持传染性, 而冷链食品具有全程低温及长途运输的特点, 这使得冷链食品成为全球范围内病毒大面积传播的风险点, 因此, 对冷链食品进行全面消毒也成为控制病毒传播的重要环节。本文围绕冷链食品生产-加工-运输的全链条, 对当前报道的冷链食品病毒传播情况进行了总结, 重点介绍了在低温条件下用于病毒控制的常用化学方法和紫外线照射、电离辐照及低温等离子体等物理方法, 分析阐述了其消毒作用机制、消毒效果及消毒过程中可能产生的次生危害, 为食品安全防控领域从微生物污染防控向病毒污染防控的转变提供理论依据, 为采取科学合理的消毒方式实现对冷链食品病毒传播的控制提供参考。  相似文献   

许多农药、兽药、毒素、食品添加剂、重金属、环境污染物等外源物质不但本身有一定毒性, 污染食品后对人体造成危害, 而且在食品加工过程中也会发生变化而导致食品的二次污染, 可能分解为毒性更强的物质, 或与食品内源组分发生反应产生新的有害物质, 或与其他物质之间存在毒性协同增强作用等。实际上, 大量的外源物质在食品加工过程中的变化与安全性问题尚未研究。本文对该领域的研究进展进行了综述, 期望引起相关研究者的重视。  相似文献   

In recent years, neural networks have turned out as a powerful method for numerous practical applications in a wide variety of disciplines. In more practical terms neural networks are one of nonlinear statistical data modeling tools. They can be used to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs or to find patterns in data. In food technology artificial neural networks (ANNs) are useful for food safety and quality analyses, predicting chemical, functional and sensory properties of various food products during processing and distribution. In wine technology, ANNs have been used for classification and for predicting wine process conditions. This review discusses the basic ANNs technology and its possible applications in wine technology.  相似文献   

During processing of a food, its temperature, moisture and other compositions, structure, etc., can change, continuously changing its physical properties. Realistic simulation of food processes require dynamic estimation of the food physical properties as they continue to change during the process. Having a few data points for a few states of the material, as is true for the majority of food properties data, is not sufficient for realistic process simulations. The goal of this article is a practical one: it is to develop a concise resource for the equations that can estimate food properties as they change during processing. Such a resource should make computer-aided food product, process and equipment design one step closer to reality by making the necessary input parameters available in one location and in a format that can be readily used in a simulation software. Several equilibrium, transport and electrical properties are included. The estimation equations for any property are chosen from among the most successful and accurate, staying away from property estimators that have theoretical basis but have not been as successful for food materials. For each property, implementation of its prediction equations in a computer model has also been discussed. Accuracy of each property estimation process have been included from the literature, showing most properties can be estimated to within 10% accuracy, sufficient for modeling purposes. Having such reasonable prediction models has the important implication that unavailability of sufficient data, that is expected to be always true due to the variety and complexity of food materials and processes, is not a bottleneck for computer-aided food process engineering.  相似文献   

Only the intake of toxicologically-significant amounts can lead to adverse health effects even for a relatively toxic substance. In the case of residues in foods this is based on two major aspects--first, how to determine quantitatively the presence of a pollutant in individual foods and diets, including its fate during the processes within the food production chain; and second, how to determine the consumption patterns of the individual foods containing the relevant pollutants. The techniques used for the evaluation of the fate of pesticides during food processing have been critically reviewed in this paper to determine those areas where improvements are needed or desirable. Options for improvements are being suggested, including, for example, the development of a pan-European food composition database, activities to understand better effects of processing on individual food pesticides, and harmonization of food consumption survey methods with the option of a regular pan-European survey. The ultimate aim is to obtain appropriate estimations for the presence and quantity of a given chemical in a food and in the diet in general. Existing pragmatic approaches are a first crude step to model food pollutant intake. It is recommended to extend, refine, and validate this approach in the near future. This has to result in a cost-effective exposure-assessment system to be used for existing and potential categories of pollutants. This system of knowledge (with information on sensitivities, accuracy, etc.) will guide future data collection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Optimization of thermal treatments has been proven to enhance the quality of food products, especially when operated together with a validation method that confirms the safety of the processing operations. Recent developments in the understanding and application of pasteurization treatments have allowed this area to grow at a rapid rate. UK and European consumers now have a wide variety of high-quality pasteurized foods to choose from in the retail and catering markets. Food producers have used this to their advantage by converting processing operations from severe treatments such as sterilization to milder ones that can be categorized under the pasteurization umbrella. This has increased food product quality and added value to existing products. Two examples will be given, both of which utilized a novel validation method based on time-temperature integrators to provide process safety data that were difficult to obtain by alternative methods. The first was in applying a novel processing technology, ohmic heating, to produce higher-quality fruit products when compared with traditional processing methods. The second was in the production of high-quality sous vide ready meals supplied chilled or frozen to the catering sector. These developments in technology and validation have been made possible by work at CCFRA that has taken the pasteurized foods sector forward. CCFRA has been active in pasteurization research for many years and has produced industry guideline documents on, for example, pasteurization treatments and sous vide processing. Microbiological research on the growth and death of target microorganisms has been linked with processing, hygiene, and validation research, which provided the underpinning science for these guidelines. Food manufacturers work closely with CCFRA to apply their pasteurization processes in order to produce high-quality value-added products.  相似文献   

Safety and economics concerns have accentuated an interest in energy input and consumption in the foods industry. This review article focuses on reported temperatures and temperature histories in food preparation and processing. To assist in interpreting reported data, a basic understanding of heat transfer parameters used is given. The relationships between temperature and time histories and quality effects of physical and chemical changes in foods, the production of new compounds with possible health effects, and microbiological safety are summarized. Several areas of needed research are identified.  相似文献   

Modern consumers are increasingly eating meals away from home and are concerned about food quality, taste, and health aspects. Food engineering (FE) has traditionally been associated with the industrial processing of foods; however, most underlying phenomena related to FE also take place in the kitchen during meal preparation. Although chemists have positively interacted with acclaimed chefs and physicists have used foods as materials to demonstrate some of their theories, this has not been always the case with food engineers. This review addresses areas that may broaden the vision of FE by interfacing with cooking and gastronomy. Examples are presented where food materials science may shed light on otherwise empirical gastronomic formulations and cooking techniques. A review of contributions in modeling of food processing reveals that they can also be adapted to events going on in pots and ovens, and that results can be made available in simple terms to cooks. Industrial technologies, traditional and emerging, may be adapted to expand the collection of culinary transformations, while novel equipment, digital technologies, and laboratory instruments are equipping the 21st‐century kitchens. FE should become a part of food innovation and entrepreneurship now being led by chefs. Finally, it is suggested that food engineers become integrated into gastronomy's concerns about safety, sustainability, nutrition, and a better food use.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展与人民消费水平的不断提升,肉类休闲食品产业也随之快速发展。肉类休闲食品属于零食的一种,是人们在闲暇时所享用的食品,也是快速消费食品中重要的组成部分之一。肉类休闲食品种类繁多,在味道、便利、营养、口感和健康方面备受人们青睐。与此同时,随着消费理念不断更新,肉类休闲食品品质与食品安全问题日益受到关注。肉类休闲食品在目前的发展面临诸如肉制品的品质较低等问题,因此需要提升其品质,尤其是在减盐、减糖、减脂、增鲜等方面。在食品加工中存在一些危害物等安全隐患,如化学性、物理性及加工伴生危害物等,需要建立起检测技术和控制技术以做到安全控制。基于此,文章系统性总结了肉类休闲食品品质提升的方法及安全控制领域近十年来的研究进展,以期为肉类休闲食品品质安全保证及产业升级提供借鉴与参考,进而促进肉类休闲食品产业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

成黎 《食品科学》2012,33(13):329-333
农产品(食品类)质量安全问题存在于从“农田”到“餐桌”这一食品供应链的各个环节,因此对食品安全质量的控制必将贯穿整个食品供应链。目前国内外关于食品供应链安全的研究及农产品质量安全控制体系的研究也在日渐增加, 但是始终没有形成一个统一、量化的整合体系。要保证食品安全的有效控制,未来需要着重于三方面的研究,即建立合理﹑量化的安全管理控制流程与模型的研究;基于农产品(食品类)供应链的安全控制的保障体系的研究; 进行一系列的农产品质量安全保障支持体系的研究。  相似文献   

In recent years, consumers have been demanding convenient and healthy foods which have ‘fresh-like’ characteristics while still being safe and a long shelf-life. These requirements are hard to achieve using existing traditional thermal food processing technologies and the innovative new food process and preservation technologies based on thermal processing systems are needed. However, non-thermal technologies in food processing do not generate high temperature and use short treatment times. This means that the nutritional components of foodstuffs are better retained, and the sensory properties of foods are less changed compared with traditional thermal processing. The aim of this review was to present non-thermal technologies applications and its mechanism in food industry in recently, and to explore the potential application prospects of combining non-thermal treatments applied in food industry because it not only could overcomes the drawback of single technology, but also can enhances the processing efficiency at lower treatment intensity.  相似文献   

Public attention to foodquality and safety has been increased significantly. Therefore, appropriate analytical tools are needed to analyze and sense the food quality and safety. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important indicators for the quality and safety of food products. Odor imaging technology based on chemo-responsive dyes is one of the most promising methods for analysis of food products. This article reviews the sensing and imaging fundamentals of odor imaging technology based on chemo-responsive dyes. The aim is to give detailed outlines about the theory and principles of using odor imaging technology for VOCs detection, and to focus primarily on its applications in the field of quality and safety evaluation of food products, as well as its future applicability in modern food industries and research. The literatures presented in this review clearly demonstrated that imaging technology based on chemo-responsive dyes has the exciting effect to inspect such as quality assessment of cereal , wine and vinegar flavored foods , poultry meat, aquatic products, fruits and vegetables, and tea. It has the potential for the rapid, reliable, and inline assessment of food safety and quality by providing odor-image-basedmonitoring tool. Practical Application : The literatures presented in this review clearly demonstrated that imaging technology based on chemo-responsive dyes has the exciting effect to inspect such as quality assessment of cereal , wine and vinegar flavored foods, poultry meat, aquatic products, fruits and vegetables, and tea.  相似文献   

糠醛类化合物作为美拉德反应的中间过程产物之一,在各类热加工食品中广泛存在,其中羟甲基糠醛和糠醛是最常见的2种糠醛类化合物,而反应物种类、加工方式、贮藏条件、水分活度、pH等因素都会影响其产生与积累。目前围绕糠醛类化合物展开的安全性报道并不多见且并未得出一致的结论,少量报道指出了低浓度糠醛类化合物的有益作用和高浓度的不良影响。基于糠醛类化合物在食物中分布的广泛性、多样性,以及潜在的安全风险,考虑到食物中糠醛类化合物的过量暴露可能会给人体带来健康风险,因此有必要对其进行系统的安全性评价并对其含量加以减控。本文旨在归纳包括乳制品在内的各种热加工食物中糠醛类化合物的分布情况,围绕国内外糠醛类化合物的安全性研究现状、减控技术展开综述,以期为食品质量安全控制提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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