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针对采用串联网侧变换器的双馈感应发电机(doubly fed induction generators, DFIG)风电系统,详细分析电网电压不平衡条件下该系统的运行情况,从抑制不平衡定子电压及维持系统有功功率平衡的角度出发,分别提出电网不平衡时串联网侧变换器和并联网侧变换器的控制策略.与电网不平衡下DFIG系统的传统运行控制方案相比,所提系统协调控制策略无需改变电网不平衡下转子侧变换器的控制策略,简化转子侧变换器的控制并有效提高其运行可靠性;所提方案在实现DFIG系统电磁转矩、直流链电压及系统总输出有功功率无二倍频波动的同时,实现电网不平衡下DFIG定、转子三相电流平衡,进一步提高了DFIG系统运行的稳定性和可靠性.通过对电网不平衡下采用串联网侧变换器的DFIG风电系统和采用传统控制策略的DFIG系统进行了仿真计算和对比分析,验证所提协调控制策略的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

风电场柔性高压直流输电(VSC-HVDC)系统交流不平衡运行时,并网输出功率存在二倍电网频率波动,并网电压、电流波形畸变,恶化风电场并网的电能质量。为改善风电柔性高压直流输电系统在交流不平衡状况下的并网性能,针对双馈风电场侧交流不平衡运行状况提出了一种改善控制策略。该改善控制策略在计及相关平波电抗器、变压器等值阻抗影响的基础上,建立了风电场VSC-HVDC系统不平衡运行数学模型,并提出基于正负序双dq解耦轴系下的正负序控制给定电流策略。最后,通过Matlab/Simulink仿真平台对比仿真引入改善控制策略前后的系统运行性能,对比结果表明所提改善控制策略可以有效抑制风电场并网功率波动,改善系统并网电压、电流波形。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control scheme of a grid-connected doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine with series grid-side converter (SGSC) to improve the control and operation performance of DFIG system during network unbalance. The behaviors of DFIG system with SGSC under unbalanced grid voltage conditions are described. The SGSC is controlled to inject voltage in series to balance the stator voltage. Therefore, the adverse effects of voltage unbalance upon the DFIG such as large stator and rotor current unbalances, electromagnetic torque and power pulsations are removed and the conventional vector control strategy for the rotor-side converter (RSC) remains in full force under unbalanced conditions. Meanwhile, three selective control targets for the parallel grid-side converter (PGSC), such as eliminating the oscillations in total active or reactive power, or no negative-sequence current injected to the grid are identified and compared. Besides, the proportional resonant controllers in the stationary reference frame are designed for both the SGSC and PGSC to further improve the dynamic performance of the whole system. Finally, the ratings and losses of the SGSC and the injected transformer are discussed and the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified by the simulation results of a 2 MW DFIG-based wind turbine with SGSC under steady state and small transient grid voltage unbalance.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于H∞鲁棒控制理论的双馈电机(DFIG)电流控制器设计方法,可用于提高双馈风力发电机在电网电压不对称条件下的运行性能。首先从减小电流畸变或者抑制功率二倍工频脉动的角度出发,根据正负序分解理论得到了转子负序电流补偿控制策略;然后给出了双馈电机H∞电流控制器的设计过程,并详细分析了控制器性能的限制条件与相应权函数的选择方法。通过μ分析发现,与通常使用的PIR控制相比,本文所提H∞控制器具有受系统参数和运行状态变化影响小、鲁棒稳定性高的优点,并且能够更加有效地抑制定子固有振荡模态,减弱不对称电压跌落时的过渡过程。最后通过仿真验证了本文所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为解决基于MMC-HVDC的海上风电场在不对称电网故障下普遍存在的低电压穿越问题,提出了一种基于PI电压外环和内模电流内环的新型控制策略及辅助保护方案。首先分析了不对称电网故障下MMC换流器运行特性,在αβ两相静止坐标系下建立了三相不对称电网下MMC换流器的数学模型。然后以抑制负序电流为控制目标在αβ两相静止坐标系下基于内模控制器设计了系统控制策略,同时针对两相故障时由于MMC限流所导致的母线电压抬升问题,提出了基于直流泄放回路的系统辅助保护方案。最后在Matlab/Simulink仿真平台上对单相接地和两相接地短路两种不平衡故障工况下的控制系统性能进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,所提的控制策略和辅助保护方案可以保证基于MMC-HVDC的海上风电场在电网不对称故障下实现低电压穿越运行,有效地提高了海上风电场的低电压穿越能力。  相似文献   

在不平衡电网电压下,针对并网变流器输出功率波动、电流畸变以及过电流的问题,提出一种考虑限流的功率/电流灵活控制方案。首先分析了瞬时功率控制及电流平衡控制在同时兼顾功率及电流方面的局限性,并通过计算这两种控制策略下的并网电流值,设计了峰值电流控制方案。同时,基于瞬时功率控制及电流平衡控制下电流参考值间的本质联系,根据引入的权重系数来调节并网电流中的低次谐波含量,进而实现了并网功率及电流灵活控制。该控制方案无需检测谐波分量,控制结构简单,易于实现。仿真结果验证了控制方案不仅可以保证电流在安全的运行范围内,还能实现功率及电流的灵活控制。  相似文献   

提出了电网电压不平衡条件下模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的无源控制方法,其能很好地解决电网电压不平衡条件下MMC存在的交流侧三相电流不对称、有功功率出现二次脉动、无功功率出现二次脉动的问题。根据MMC的拓扑结构,建立MMC在电网电压不平衡条件下的数学模型,分析MMC在电网电压不平衡条件下的内部特性,并在此基础上设计电网电压不平衡条件下的环流控制策略。基于存储函数的无源控制理论,针对上述3个不同的控制目标,制定相应的非线性无源控制策略。  相似文献   

吴雷  李岚  程之隆  郭潇潇 《电测与仪表》2020,57(16):118-124
针对电网电压发生不平衡故障时,并网运行中的双馈风力发电机会出现有功功率、无功功率、电磁转矩震荡及并网电流不对称的现象。在正反转同步旋转坐标系下建立双馈风力发电机数学模型,推导了三种控制目标下正负序电流指令值,并提出一种应用比例-积分-谐振控制器的新型转子侧变流器控制方案,弥补了传统控制策略电压不平衡故障影响系统稳定性的短板,简化了控制系统结构,增强了双馈风力发电机故障穿越能力。通过MATLAB/Simulink仿真验证了控制策略的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents an active crowbar, constructed with silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs), for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind turbines to fulfill low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) requirements demanded by grid codes. By this design, not only the active deactivation of the costly IGBT crowbar, replacing the passive crowbar for this ability, can be achieved with the more cost-effective SCRs, but also the reliability of the circuit is strengthened thanking to the high surge capability of SCR. In this topology, three back-to-back SCR switches are connected in delta form and further engaged with the rotor circuit of DFIG through power dissipation resistors, working as the main circuit of crowbar, while the rotor side converter (RSC) is used to commutate the SCRs at the desired deactivation moment to disconnect the crowbar, allowing for resumption of the feedback control to DFIG. By this topology the harmonics introduced into the rotor circuit by the diode bride in the IGBT crowbar are got rid of and by this commutation method the overvoltage risk at turning off the IGBT is eliminated. With the simulative results on a 2 MW DFIG, the comparison with the IGBT crowbar is made. The feasibility of the proposed crowbar technique is further demonstrated with experiments on a laboratory-scale test rig.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based on stator voltage orientation (SVO) in the positive and negative synchronous reference frames under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. The oscillations of the DFIG electromagnetic torque and the stator active and reactive powers are fully described during grid voltage unbalance. A new rotor current controller implemented in the positive synchronous reference frame is proposed. The controller consists of a proportional integral (PI) regulator and a harmonic resonant (R) compensator tuned at twice the grid frequency. Thus, the positive and negative sequence components of DFIG rotor currents are directly regulated by the PI + R controller without the need of involving positive and negative sequence decomposition, which indeed improves the dynamic performance of DFIG-based wind power generation system during small steady-state and relatively larger transient network unbalances. The theoretical analysis and the feasibility of the proposed unbalanced control scheme are validated by simulation studies on a 1.5-MW wind-turbine driven DFIG system. Compared with conventional single PI current control design, the proposed control scheme results in significant elimination of either DFIG power or torque oscillation under unbalanced grid voltage conditions.  相似文献   

不平衡电网电压下,光伏并网逆变器的输出功率和输出电流都将产生波动,给电力系统的稳定运行造成不利影响。根据光伏并网系统的数学模型,提出了光伏并网逆变器基于滑模控制的直接电压/功率控制策略。该控制策略可在电网电压不平衡时有效抑制并网逆变器输出有功功率和无功功率的波动。根据光伏并网逆变器输出功率和正、负序电流的关系,提出了以消除负序电流为控制目标的改进控制策略。此外,为提高系统的运行性能,提出了功率电流协调控制策略。最后,对所提出的控制策略进行了仿真分析,仿真结果验证了所提出控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

基于双馈风机转子侧变流器的次同步谐振抑制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从双馈风机产生次同步谐振的机理出发,当双馈风机转速变化时,其电磁转矩变化量可以分为转子转矩变化量和定子转矩变化量两部分。基于双馈风机转子侧变流器,提出一种新的抑制次同步谐振的附加阻尼控制策略。通过在转子侧变流器控制策略中引入附加控制,产生一个与转速反相的附加转矩,为系统提出正阻尼。然后,利用PSCAD/EMTDC对所提出的附加阻尼控制策略进行仿真验证。结果表明,通过对转子侧变流器进行附加阻尼控制后,可以有效抑制次同步谐振的发生。  相似文献   

In this paper, to improve the dynamic performance of DFIG-based WT, a NADRC technology is proposed. The proposed NADRC can actively estimate and compensate the plant internal dynamics and external disturbances in real time. Therefore, it improves the tracking performance of the rotor current without any overshoot and steady-state error, and enhances the fault ride-through capability of DFIG-based wind turbine. Compared with the proportional PI control, the proposed NADRC during grid fault can significantly suppress the peak values of stator and rotor currents and DC-link voltage, and decrease the oscillation time of electromagnetic torque. Moreover, the proposed NADRC has a characteristic of one-parameter tuning by using the parameterization technique of controller, and parameter tuning of NADRC is only determined by the rise time of the system step response. A series of simulations for various cases on a 1.5-MW DFIG-based wind turbine are implemented, and the results validate the stability of the proposed NADRC and the strong robustness against the plant internal dynamics and external disturbances.  相似文献   

张谦  李凤婷 《电测与仪表》2016,53(23):67-71
分析了电网电压不平衡理论以及常见的电压不平衡情况,推导了电网电压不平衡时双馈感应发电机(doubly-fed induction generator,DFIG)的输出功率,研究了电网电压不平衡时双馈感应发电机的运行特性。在Matlab/Simulink中搭建DFIG并网模型,进一步仿真研究了电网电压不平衡情况下DFIG的运行特性。研究表明,随着不平衡度的增加,风机输出有功功率和无功功率、定子侧有功功率和无功功率、转子侧有功功率和无功功率的脉动幅值近似线性增大。在同一不平衡度下,有功功率的脉动幅值高于无功功率的脉动幅值。  相似文献   

A new inter-cluster DC capacitor voltage balancing scheme for a delta connected modular multilevel cascaded converter (MMCC)-based static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is presented. A detailed power flow analysis of applying negative sequence current (NSC) and zero-sequence current (ZSC) injection methods in addressing the issue of inter-cluster DC voltage imbalance under unbalance grid voltage is carried out. A control scheme is proposed which integrates both inter-cluster methods using a quantification factor QF. This is used to achieve the sharing of the inter-cluster active power between the NSC and ZSC injection methods. An accurate method of determining the quantification factor is also presented. The proposed method offers better sub-module DC capacitor voltage balancing and prevents converter overcurrent. The influence of unbalanced grid voltage on the delta connected MMCC-based STATCOM rating using this integrated cluster balancing technique is investigated. The control scheme is verified with a 5?kV 1.2MVA MMCC-STATCOM using 3-level bridge sub-modules, and the results show the advantages of the proposed method over other inter-cluster methods.  相似文献   

Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is widely applied in variable-speed wind energy conversion system. The disconnection of a substantial amount of DFIG may arouse the instability problem of power system, thus wind power generators have to remain connected during short-time grid faults. As a result, the voltage sag will lead to overcurrent and overvoltage in the rotor winding of a DFIG, moreover the unbalanced voltage sags will also cause serious fluctuations in its electromagnetic torque and output power. This paper studies the relationship of the stator instantaneous powers with the three-phase stator voltage and rotor current of a DFIG under unbalanced grid voltages. A generalized formula of current reference for the rotor-side converter of DFIG is constructed by introducing continuous adjustment coefficients. Meanwhile, the analytical equations of rotor peak current, stator active and reactive power fluctuations are derived to characterize the operating performance of DFIG. The impacts of adjustment coefficients on DFIG control performance and the feasible region of coefficients restrained by the rotor current constraint are discussed. In consideration of the rotor current limit, the flexible power control strategy for DFIG in unity power factor mode (UPFM) and reactive power supporting mode (RPSM) is presented. The correctness of proposed method is verified by simulation and experiment tests of single-DFIG and multi-DFIG systems.  相似文献   

王艳青  薛花  王育飞 《电测与仪表》2020,57(12):118-124
针对电网电压不平衡时,模块化多电平换流器(MMC)系统出现网侧电流不对称问题,提出了非线性微分平滑控制方法。根据MMC系统拓扑,建立暂态数学模型,并分别对正、负序系统进行微分平滑性分析。功率外环采用基于功率前馈的微分平滑控制方法,为电流内环提供参考值;电流内环采用基于Lyapunov稳定理论的微分平滑控制方法,能够快速抑制负序电流,实现系统输出电流三相对称。在Matlab/Simulink平台上进行该控制方法和传统矢量控制方法的仿真对比,验证了非线性微分平滑控制方法具有更好的快速性和稳定性。  相似文献   

针对电网背景低次谐波引起的双馈风电机组定子电流畸变、功率及电磁转矩脉动,建立了能够反映电网5、7次谐波电压下双馈发电机的特征谐波模型,揭示了电网背景谐波电压对双馈发电机功率与电磁转矩脉动的影响机理。通过双馈发电机控制目标分析,提出了基于比例-积分-谐振(PIR)调节转子电流内环的双馈发电机双闭环控制策略,有效地消除了双馈风力发电机定子输出电流中的5、7次谐波和电磁转矩脉动。在Matlab/Simulink中建立了1.5 MW双馈风电机组仿真模型,实现了风电机组谐波运行与抑制的全过程仿真。利用电网谐波发生模拟装置,进行了双馈机组谐波运行与抑制现场试验,仿真与现场试验证明了理论分析的正确性与谐波抑制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

燕伯峰  曾鸣 《电测与仪表》2020,57(7):93-100
文中针对模块化多电平变流器(Modular Multilevel Converter,MMC)的高压直流输电(High-voltage direct current)系统的变流站级控制,提出一种电网不平衡电压下基于端口受控耗散哈密尔顿(Port-controlled Hamiltonian with Dissipation,PCHD)模型的无源策略(Passivity-based Control,PBC)。文中针对系统的数学模型,通过功率表达式,得出三种控制目标,针对每种控制目标得出相应的电流参考量;通过基于PCHD模型的无源控制理论,推导出系统能量函数和相应的无源控制器;针对三相不平衡电网中产生的负序分量的情况,文中系统加入正负序分离思想,进一步提高了系统的控制精度;通过Matlab/Simulink仿真平台,搭建了不平衡电网电压下的MMC-HVDC系统,并在三种控制目标下验证了所提控制策略的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

模块化多电平矩阵变换器(modular multilevel matrix converter,M3C)是一种可直接实现交交功率变换的新型高压大功率拓扑,在低频输电、大功率异步电机调速及低频海上风电送出等领域具有应用前景。由于2种频率的功率耦合作用,M3C桥臂电容电压在电网电压不对称时容易失稳。为此,文中首先对不平衡输入工况下M3C桥臂功率进行了计算,推导并总结了2种不同功率平衡方法下桥臂间的功率分配规律。在此基础上,研究低频环流对桥臂功率的影响,在保证系统总有功功率平衡的前提下,提出基于低频环流的M3C桥臂电容电压平衡控制策略,避免了网侧负序电流的引入;在不平衡工况下,通过桥臂电容电压闭环控制和功率直接补偿实现电容电压的快速平衡。所构造的低频环流仅在换流器内部流动,不影响M3C输入输出侧的解耦运行。最后在MATLAB中搭建了220 kV/400 MW M3C系统模型,验证了所提控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

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