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Ten human volunteers completed a 4-month diet series consisting of 1 month each of a control diet, a meatless diet, a high-beef diet, and the same control diet. Fat and fiber contents were essentially the same in all four diets, but protein content was doubled during the high-beef diet. During the 4th week on each diet, three stool specimens collected from each volunteer were analyzed for chemical composition and content of facultative, aerobic, and anaerobic bacteria. The bacteriological data are presented in this paper. High beef protein consumption had little effect on the composition of the intestinal flora. There were no significant differences in total counts of facultative and aerobic or anaerobic organisms in the feces when volunteers were on meatless or high-beef diets. At the species level, when counts during the two control diets were comparable, in only three instances did the change from the meatless to a high-beef diet significantly influence the bacterial numbers. The ratio of mean counts of anaerobic to facultative and aerobic organisms was approximately 15:1 during the meatless diet and 34:1 during the high-meat diet. The data indicate that animal protein consumption has little effect on the fecal bacterial profile in humans.  相似文献   

Little is known about factors that predict return to work following carpal tunnel release. Patients enrolled in a prospective, community-based study of carpal tunnel syndrome in Maine were evaluated with standardized questionnaires preoperatively and 6 months following carpal tunnel release. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify baseline factors associated with work disability 6 months following surgery. Thirty-one of 135 patients (23%) were out of work because of CTS 6 months following surgery. The predominant preoperative variables associated with work absence due to CTS 6 months postoperatively in logistic regression analyses were Workers' Compensation, work absence preoperatively, and worse mental health status (p < or = 0.01 for each). In analyses that considered postoperative as well as preoperative variables, persistence of symptoms following surgery was the most striking predictor of failure to return to work due to CTS (p < 0.0001). Preoperative correlates of less complete relief of symptoms in multivariate models included involvement of an attorney, milder preoperative symptom severity, preoperative work absence (p < 0.005 for each) and exposure to hand intensive work (p = 0.04). These data indicate that economic and psychosocial variables have a strong influence upon both return to work and the extent of symptom relief 6 months following surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome.  相似文献   

A nonunion of a diaphyseal fracture of the humerus can present a major functional problem even in the elderly population. Advances in operative exposures combined with newer techniques of achieving stable internal fixation even in the presence of pathologic bone have enabled the surgeon to successfully treat even the most complex nonunions.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of testing for Helicobacter pylori in the management of dyspeptic patients in primary care. DESIGN: Selective review of literature frequently quoted to support use of H pylori testing. MAIN RESULTS: Testing for H pylori and referral of only positive cases for endoscopy aims to reduce the number of "unnecessary" endoscopies. Patients with negative results may receive short-term reassurance and subsequently place fewer demands on health services. However, studies to date have only assessed this practice in secondary care settings. Given the relatively high prevalence of both dyspepsia and H pylori infection, the transfer of this practice to primary care may lead to a paradoxical increase in endoscopy referrals. Identification of H pylori and prescribing of eradication treatment also aims to reduce endoscopy referrals. No primary care trials have yet assessed this approach. Given that fewer than one in four of dyspeptic patients have peptic ulceration, a high proportion may fail to respond to eradication treatment and subsequently require referral for endoscopy. The longer term clinical and psychosocial sequelae of treating or labelling patients with an infection associated with gastric cancer remain unknown. CONCLUSIONS: Given uncertainty concerning the possible adverse effects of H pylori testing in primary care, we suggest a moratorium on its use in this setting until results from relevant clinical trials become available.  相似文献   

Several functions of the gut are locally influenced by peptides and biogenic amines released from enteroendocrine cells. The aim of the present study was to assess whether the luminal stimulus of diet or microbial flora or diet-microbial interactions have an influence on the distribution of enteroendocrine cells along the crypt-surface axes of the small and large intestine. The effects of diet and indigenous flora were investigated by comparing the numbers of argyrophil and serotonin immunoreactive cells in the jejunum and colon of germ free and conventional rats fed either a purified diet containing fine ingredients or a commercial diet containing crude fibre of cereal origin. The effect of human flora were analysed in germ-free rats inoculated with human faecal organisms. 1. Feeding the commercial diet reduced the number of argyrophil endocrine cells in the jejunum and serotonin immunoreactive cells in the colon of germ-free animals but increased the serotonin immunoreactive cells in the colon of conventional animals. 2. The rat flora increased the serotonin immunoreactive cells in the colon of animals fed a commercial diet and decreased in those fed a purified diet. 3. Inoculation of human flora increased the numbers of serotonin immunoreactive cells both in the jejunum and colon. The results provide evidence that the dietary changes and diet-microbial interactions can affect the regional number of enteroendocrine cells.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism and absorption of chlorothalonil and corresponding diglutathione and dicysteine conjugates was studied using isolated everted gastrointestinal sacs of the conventional and germ-free rat. An HPLC method was used to analyse mucosal and serosal fluids. Thiol metabolites of chlorothalonil were determined by GC/MS. 2. Low absorption of the substrates was observed, with < 4% of the radioactivity being recovered from the serosal buffers and the digestive tissues. A major part of the radioactivity was recovered from the mucosal fluids and it corresponded to unchanged chlorothalonil. Traces of unchanged chlorothalonil and mono-, di- and trimethylthio metabolites were present in serosal fluids as well as unidentified polar peaks. An important transformation (> 75%) of the chlorothalonil conjugates was observed. The di- and trimethylthio metabolites of chlorothalonil were detected from both sides of the everted gut sac of rat incubated with the diglutathione and dicysteine conjugates. 3. Few differences were observed between the conventional and germ-free rat: absorption was higher in the duodenum of germ-free rat, but tissue retention was more significant in the duodenum of the conventional rat.  相似文献   

Calcium hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystals formed in vitro in the presence of polymeric human gallbladder mucin (1.0 mg/mL) were smaller (0.75 +/- 0.39 microns) than control crystals (7.86 +/- 2.76 microns), but the mucin did not affect the kinetics of crystal formation or alter the amount of mineral phase present at equilibrium. In contrast, glycopeptide subunits produced by proteolysis of the native mucin had no effect on HAP crystal size. Both native mucin and glycopeptides bound to mature HAP crystals, but the glycopeptides were much more readily displaced by phosphate ions. Therefore, in experiments where HAP was being formed, the phosphate ions inhibited the interaction of glycopeptides with the nascent HAP. These results indicate that gallbladder mucin may modulate HAP formation in vivo, and that this ability may be altered during pathological states, such as neutrophil infiltration or bacterial colonization, that may cause the release of proteinases capable of digesting mucin.  相似文献   

The research concerned the antagonistic activity of oral and pharyngeal bacterial flora in 44 children, of both sexes, aged 4-15. These properties were estimated basing upon in vitro inhibition of the growth of the standard indicator strains Staphylococcus aureus 209P and Escherichia coli K-12. Bacteria, both aerobic as well as anaerobic, inhibiting the growth of S. aureus 209P were found in every sample. The median percentages of bacteria showing these properties were not significantly different in both environments and they ranged from 25% to 33%. The antagonistic activity of oral and pharyngeal bacterial flora against the indicator strain E. coli K-12 was significantly lower when compared with the activity against the staphylococcal strain.  相似文献   

The bacterial flora of an experimental plant that processes liquid swine manure by an aerated compartmented (multistage) lagoon system has been studied. The total flora is characterized by a larger number of oligotrophic bacteria than eutrophic ones. Each compartment displays a specific flora, different from the flora in the manure, and consisting of a complex assembly of Gram-negative and Gram-positive ubiquitous species, such as Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp., and specialized species, such as Sphingobacterium spp. and Corynebacterium spp. The fecal indicator microorganisms have been shown to disappear in the course of the processing. A significant population of nitrifying bacteria has been observed at levels up to 10(4) bacteria.mL-1.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that gallbladder mucin (GBM) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstone (ChG) disease. However, it remains unclear whether ChG patients have higher GBM concentrations than controls. Discrepant findings regarding biliary mucin concentrations may be due to methodological problems with the assays commonly used. The methods currently used to quantitate mucin in bile have not been systematically evaluated. To establish a reliable method for mucin quantification in bile, we evaluated three mucin assays: the classic Pearson-PAS (periodic acid Schiff) assay, a direct fluorometric assay, and a new PAS or fluorometric assay with the following modifications of the Pearson assay: preincubation of bile samples with TBS containing KSCN and sodium taurocholate and micellation of biliary lipids during gel chromatographic fractionation using 25 mM sodium taurocholate in the elution buffer. SDS-PAGE and monoclonal anti-human-GBM (GBM59) were used to identify mucin. Highly specific and reproducible mucin isolation was achieved with the modified method. We found considerable loss of mucin during the different purification steps in the Pearson method. The direct fluorometric assay showed unspecific fluorometric signal with low molecular constituents of bile. Our experiments showed that human-GBM can be accurately measured after a simple modified chromatographic fractionation followed by a PAS or fluorometric assay.  相似文献   

In Denmark (DK), Finland (FIN), Iceland (I), Norway (N), and Sweden (S), 516 swine herds were randomly selected in 1986-1988. Individual faecal analyses (mean: 27.9 per herd) from eight age categories of swine showed that Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum spp., Isospora suis, and Eimeria spp. were common, while Trichuris suis and Strongyloides ransomi-like eggs occurred sporadically. Large fatteners and gilts were most frequently infected with A. suum with maximum prevalences of 25-35% in DK, N and S, 13% in I and 5% in FIN. With the exception of the remarkably low A. suum prevalence rates in FIN, no clear national differences were observed. Oesophagostomum spp. were most prevalent in adult pigs in the southern regions (21-43% in DK and southern S), less common in the northern regions (4-17% adult pigs infected), and not recorded in I. I. suis was common in piglets in DK, I, and S (20-32%), while < 1% and 5% were infected in N and FIN, respectively. Eimeria spp. had the highest prevalences in adult pigs (max. 9%) without clear geographical differences. I. suis and Eimeria spp. were recorded for the first time in I, and I. suis for the first time in N.  相似文献   

The possible modulatory effect of browned yam flour, a local dietary staple in south western Nigeria, on the toxicity of 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and bromobenzene (BrB) in rats was investigated. Feeding rats with 25% browned yam flour 2 wk before treatment with 65 mg/kg DMBA (single dose) and 5 mg/kg 3-MC and continued for 3 wk significantly decreased the reduction in final body weight or weight gain and organ weights caused by the two compounds. Similarly, the diet decreased the reduction in body weight or weight gain and the increase in relative liver weight mediated by oral treatment with 0.5 ml CCl4/kg and 2.5 mmol BrB/kg body weight. Incorporation of 25% browned yam flour into rat diet significantly reduced the DMBA-mediated decrease in haemoglobin content, packed cell volume, red blood cell count and white blood cell count by 7, 5, 20 and 10%, respectively; while the diet reduced the 3-MC-mediated decrease in these parameters by 15, 28, 9 and 17%, respectively. The same diet elicited 23, 45, 13 and 33% decreases in CCl4 mediated reduction in these parameters and 23, 18, 16 and 29% in the case of BrB. Browned yam flour diet caused 10, 14 (P < 0.001) and 4% (P < 0.05) reductions in the DMBA-mediated increase in serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and serum alkaline phosphatase, respectively; and 32, 31 (P < 0.05) and 13% (P < 0.001) in the case of the 3-MC-mediated increase. Also, the diet reduced CCl4-mediated increase in the activities of these by 40, 34 and 31%, respectively and by 23, 30 and 29% following BrB treatment. These results suggest that browned yam flour diet could possibly be a modulator of chemically induced toxicity.  相似文献   

1. The everted-sac technique has been used to study the time-dependent effect of low-calcium diet on calcium active transport along rat small intestine. 2. In animals maintained on standard diet active translocation of calcium was limited to proximal 10 cm of the intestine. 3. In response to calcium restriction, calcium transport in duodenum was highly stimulated after 3 days, then gradually declined and after 28 days almost disappeared. In proximal jejunum it was the highest between 7 and 21 days. In distal ileum, the transport appeared after 3 days and increased progressively until 21 days, but markedly decreased at the 28-th day. The normal pattern of calcium transport was reestablished on refeeding the animals with standard diet.  相似文献   

Tests for various virulence factors, such as production of haemolysin on sheep blood agar plate, cytotoxin on HeLa cell line and enterotoxin in GM-1 ELISA and suckling mouse assay model, were done among the various strains of Aeromonas spp., Vibrio spp., Plesiomonas shigelloides and Esch. coli isolated from fresh water fish samples. Invasive properties of the isolates were also seen by using Sereny test. Haemolysin production was observed in 85.7% of Aeromonas, all (100%) of Vibrios, 13.3% of Esch. coli and none (0%) of P. shigelloides strains. Cytotoxin production was demonstrated in 60.8% of Aeromonas, 38.4% of Vibrios and none (0%) of P. shigelloides and Esch. coli strains. About 8% of Vibrio spp., were found positive for LT in GM-1 ELISA method whereas, none of the Aeromonas spp., Plesiomonas and Esch. coli. strains were found positive for LT and ST in GM-1 ELISA. By suckling mouse assay model 43.4% strains of Aeromonas were found positive for enterotoxin production whereas, strains of Vibrio spp., Plesiomonas and Esch. coli yielded negative results. Sereny test for invasive property was found negative in all the strains tested. The isolates from fish possess various virulence factors which contributes for pathogenicity in order to cause various diseases to susceptible individual.  相似文献   

This study was performed to provide knowledge of the tissue distribution of phencyclidine and has demonstrated the lipophilic nature of the drug. The distribution of phencyclidine in blood, brain, and adipose tissue of rats has been determined at various time intervals during a 48-hr period. The affinity of phencyclidine for adipose tissue and the demonstration of the presence of this drug in brain tissue long after it is no longer detectable in blood provides some correlation between the tissue distribution of phencyclidine and its clinical manifestations occuring 24-48 hr after administration.  相似文献   

1. We examined the endothelin (ET) receptors mediating contractions to ET-1, ET-3 and sarafotoxin S6c (SX6c) in rat pulmonary resistance arteries by use of peptide and non-peptide ET receptor antagonists. Changes induced by pulmonary hypertension were examined in the chronically hypoxic rat. The effect of the mixed ET(A)/ET(B) receptor antagonist SB 209670 on endothelin-mediated contraction was also examined in human pulmonary resistance arteries. 2. In rat vessels, the order of potency for the endothelin agonists was SX6c = ET-3 > ET-1 (pEC50 values in control rats: 9.12+/-0.10, 8.76+/-0.14 and 8.12+/-0.04, respectively). Maximum contractions induced by ET-3 and ET-1 were increased in vessels from chronically hypoxic rats. 3. The ET(A) receptor antagonist FR 139317 (1 microM) had no effect on the potency of ET-1 in any vessel studied but abolished the increased response to ET-1 in the chronically hypoxic vessels. The ET(A) receptor antagonist BMS 182874 (1 microM) increased the potency of ET-1 in control rat vessels without effecting potency in the pulmonary hypertensive rat vessels. 4. Bosentan (non-peptide mixed ET(A)/ET(B) receptor antagonist) increased the potency of ET-1 in control rat vessels but was without effect in the pulmonary hypertensive rat vessels. Bosentan (1 microM) inhibited responses to SX6c in control and chronically hypoxic rat vessels with pKb values of 5.84 and 6.11, respectively. The ET(B) receptor antagonist BQ-788 (1 microM) did not inhibit responses to ET-1 in any vessel tested but did inhibit responses to both SX6c and ET-3 (pKb values in control and chronically hypoxic rat vessels respectively: SX6c 7.15 and 7.22; ET-3: 6.68 and 6.89). BQ-788 (1 microM) added with BMS 182874 (10 microM) did not inhibit responses to ET-1 in control vessels but caused a significant inhibition of responses to ET-1 in chronically hypoxic preparations. 5. SB 209670 inhibited responses to ET-1 in both control and chronically hypoxic vessels with pKb values of 7.36 and 7.39, respectively. SB 209670 (0.1 and 1 microM) virtually abolished responses to ET-1 in the human pulmonary resistance artery. 6. In conclusion, in rat pulmonary resistance arteries, vasoconstrictions induced by ET-1, SX6c and ET-3 are mediated predominantly by activation of an ET(B)-like receptor. However, lack of effect of some antagonists on ET-1 induced vasoconstriction suggests that ET-1 stimulates an atypical ET(B) receptor. The increase in potency of ET-1 in the presence of some antagonists suggests the presence of an inhibitory ET(A)-like receptor. The influence of this is reduced, or absent, in the chronically hypoxic rats. Increased responses to ET-1 are observed in the chronically hypoxic rat and may be mediated by increased activation of ET(A) receptors. SB 209670 is unique in its potency against responses to ET-1 in both control and chronically hypoxic rats, as well as human, isolated pulmonary resistance arteries.  相似文献   

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