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Performance of laboratory scale completely mixed activated sludge reactors fed with abattoir wastewater was measured at different dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. Degradation of fat present in the influent was inhibited at DO concentrations below about 0.5 mg l−1, leading to sludges with high fat content which settled poorly due to excessive numbers of filamentous microorganisms. Fat was degraded rapidly at higher DO concentrations (up to 4.0 mg l−1) and the sludge contained few filamentous microorganisms, a low fat content and settled readily. However, effluent quality was highest at low DO concentrations due to lower levels of soluble breakdown products from the fat.When wastewater was fed intermittently at constant aeration rate, sludge with a low fat content and good settleability resulted, even though the DO concentration was about 0.2 mg l−1 for more than 30% of the time. Effluent quality was also high. Thus it is concluded that for full-scale abattoir treatment plants where wastewater flow is intermittent, DO concentration may be low during periods of high loading without adversely affecting effluent quality or sludge settleability.  相似文献   

SVI在Orbal氧化沟运行管理中的指导作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在污水处理厂的实际运行管理中,影响活性污泥处理工艺运行效果的因素很多,在缺乏经验数据的情况下,运行管理人员常以污泥容积指数(SVI)作为指导运行的主要参数。通过对西安市第三污水处理厂Orbal氧化沟工艺在运行中的实测结果进行统计分析,归纳出了SVI与污泥负荷NS、溶解氧DO及出水SS之间的相关关系,提出以SVI值指导Orbal氧化沟的工艺运行。  相似文献   

This paper examines the sludge characteristics in a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) operated on a high strength wastewater from an alcohol distillery. Two membrane bioreactors, each with a 30 μm mesh filter, were investigated with and without addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC). Experiments were conducted with varying organic loading rates ranging from 3.4 to 6.9 kgCOD m−3 day−1 and the specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR), sludge volume index (SVI), mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), particle size and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were monitored over a 180 day period. Respirometric experiments did not show enhancement in microbial activity with PAC supplementation. Addition of PAC decreased the SVI thereby perceptibly improving sludge dewaterability. The sludge particle size, which increased with time, appeared to be independent of PAC addition but was influenced by the aeration intensity. PAC also did not affect the sludge EPS concentration; however, the EPS composition, in terms of protein/carbohydrate (polysaccharide) ratio was altered resulting in a high P/C ratio. FTIR analysis of the sludge samples indicated that the functional groups associated with the sludge polysaccharides appear to be involved in its interaction with PAC.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the ability of local low‐cost biomaterials to remove reactive dyes from aqueous solutions. Granules prepared from dried activated sludge (DAS) were used as a sorbent for the removal of red bimacid dye (E5R) chosen as model dye. The study involves batch type experiments to investigate the effects of initial dye concentration, adsorbent dose, contact time, temperature and pH of solution on biosorption process. Optimal experimental conditions were ascertained. The pseudo‐second‐order kinetic model fits very well with the experimental results. The thermodynamic parameters for the biosorption process have also been calculated and found the sorption process as exothermic. The sorption performance of this DAS is finally compared with that of different reference sorbents and of other low‐cost materials.  相似文献   

D. Orhon  S. Soybay  O. Tünay  N. Artan 《Water research》1989,23(12):1511-1518
The traditional modelling approach involving only overall substrate and biomass parameters and a Monod-type of a rate expression was used to investigate the effect of reactor hydraulics on the substrate removal efficiencies of activated sludge systems. The traditional kinetics was observed to give a useful, although not a completely accurate picture of performances of different types of reactors: it showed basically that the relative performance of a given hydraulic configuration was significantly affected by the kinetic constants as well as by operating parameters. The results of model simulations indicated that most experimental studies in this area, were designed to operate at a range which should secure complete removal of the growth limiting substrate; therefore, the related experimental data so far available, do not necessarily provide conclusive evidence on the effect of reactor hydraulics.  相似文献   

The effect of pH (4.0–11.0) on waste activated sludge (WAS) hydrolysis and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) accumulation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions were investigated. The WAS hydrolysis increased markedly in thermophilic fermentation compared to mesophilic fermentation at any pH investigated. The hydrolysis at alkaline pHs (8.0–11.0) was greater than that at acidic pHs, but both of the acidic and alkaline hydrolysis was higher than that pH uncontrolled under either mesophilic or thermophilic conditions. No matter in mesophilic or thermophilic fermentation, the accumulation of SCFAs at alkaline pHs was greater than at acidic or uncontrolled pHs. The optimum SCFAs accumulation was 0.298 g COD/g volatile suspended solids (VSS) with mesophilic fermentation, and 0.368 with thermophilic fermentation, which was observed respectively at pH 9.0 and fermentation time 5 d and pH 8.0 and time 9 d. The maximum SCFAs productions reported in this study were much greater than that in the literature. The analysis of the SCFAs composition showed that acetic acid was the prevalent acid in the accumulated SCFAs at any pH investigated under both temperatures, followed by propionic acid and n-valeric acid. Nevertheless, during the entire mesophilic and thermophilic fermentation the activity of methanogens was inhibited severely at acid or alkaline pHs, and the highest methane concentration was obtained at pH 7.0 in most cases. The studies of carbon mass balance showed that during WAS fermentation the reduction of VSS decreased with the increase of pH, and the thermophilic VSS reduction was greater than the mesophilic one. Further investigation indicated that most of the reduced VSS was converted to soluble protein and carbohydrate and SCFAs in two fermentations systems, while little formed methane and carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Since its initial development and application, the activated sludge process has undergone a continual evolution aimed at maximizing process efficiency and controlling population selection. Organic loading rate, dissolved oxygen concentration and reactor configuration have been implicated as key process variables affecting sludge settleability, their combined effects determining which microbe or microbes are best able to grow and survive in a given system. Using available pure and mixed culture observations, a conceptual hypothesis centered around three model organisms has been developed to explain the growth and control of filamentous organisms in activated sludge. Organism selection in continuously fed systems has been hypothesized to be dominated by filamentous organisms with high sustainable growth rates at low reactor substrate concentrations/organic loading rates and filaments best able to compete for dissolved oxygen at elevated reactor substrate concentrations/organic loading rates. Intermittently fed systems, on the other hand, enrich for nonfilamentous organisms which both rapidly extract substrate from solution and maintain peak activity during extended periods of endogeneous metabolism. While both types of reactor induced feeding patterns can control filamentous organism growth, intermittently fed systems are capable of operation over a wider range of operating conditions by accentuating differences in organism physiology. Additional selection pressures such as substrate composition, non-ideal reactor hydraulics and time-variable influent waste streams were also discussed in relation to their impact on idealized systems.  相似文献   

Kiso Y  Jung YJ  Park MS  Wang W  Shimase M  Yamada T  Min KS 《Water research》2005,39(20):4887-4898
Wastewater treatment performance of the combined process of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and mesh filtration bio-reactor was investigated with a synthetic wastewater. In this system, the filtration was performed only by the water level difference between the reactor and the effluent port, with the help of a sludge layer which accumulated on the mesh filter.

A half volume of the mixed liquor was filtrated for ca. 1 h, and the filtration time was not affected by the initial pressure within the range of 0.5–2.0 m-H2O. Since the mesh filter could effectively reject the biomasses in the reactor, the effluents contained SS of less than 1 mg/L and BOD of less than 10 mg/L under continuous or intermittent aeration conditions. Nitrogen was also removed effectively with the adjustment of aeration time under the intermittent aeration conditions.

The results obtained in this work indicate that mesh filtration could be effectively combined with SBR and improve the performance of SBR.

In addition, it was shown that the performance of the mesh filtration such as filtration time and solids separation was influenced significantly by the saccharide content in the exocellular polymer of the activated sludge.  相似文献   

Biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are complex systems to assess. Many parameters are recorded daily in WWTP to monitor and control the treatment process, providing huge amounts of registered data. A combined approach of extracting information from the WWTP databases by statistical methods and from the sludge physico-chemical characterization was used here for a better understanding of the WWTP operation. The monitored parameters were analysed by multivariate statistical methods: Principal Components Analysis and multiple partial linear regression. The WWTP operational conditions determine the sludge characteristics. The bacterial activity of the sludge in terms of extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) production was assessed using size exclusion chromatography and the internal structure of sludge flocs was observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The diagnosis of three paper mill WWTP enabled the identification of an important EPS production, the presence of the nitrification process and the presence of PO43− nutrient in WWTP-A. These three main characteristics of WWTP-A were related with a systematically good sludge settling. In WWTP-B and C with bad settling, the bacterial activity was weak.  相似文献   

Manganese removal at lower pH and sludge volume in settling ponds are some of the major issues affecting chemical treatment systems for mine drainage. First, Fe and Al existing in mine drainage coprecipitate with and/or adsorb Mn. Eight chemical treatment facilities were reviewed from literature and a pilot‐scale experiment was also conducted in the Daedeok mine in South Korea. The Mn/(Fe + Al) ratio revealed a positive linear relationship with the lowest pH at discharge, and regression lines were generated. This relationship may be used to predict the pH required to remove Mn considering coprecipitation/adsorption. Second, the ratios of the generation rate of sludge to the required settling volume at five semi‐active treatment facilities were evaluated from literature. This ratio is referred to as the sludge‐settling volume ratio, which can be used as one of the factors in deciding between semi‐active and active treatment systems.  相似文献   

A medium-strength leachate from domestic solid wastes in a landfill (COD 5000 mg l−1, BOD 3000 mg l−1 was treated using aerobic biological processes in continuous-flow, laboratory-scale reactors at low temperatures. Each unit was completely mixed, and mixed liquor was wasted such that solids retention time (SRT) was equal to the hydraulic retention period.At 10 C with addition of phosphate (COD:P less than 100:1) SRT values of 10 days were required to obtained well-clarified effluents, and high removal of BOD (>;98%) and COD (>;92%). Reduction of temperature to 5°C resulted in adverse effects on settling of sludges from units with SRT values of less than 10 days, but in other units good removal of organic materials could still be obtained. These units operated successfully with concentrations of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) of 1450 mg l−1, equivalent to a ratio of F/M of 0.21 kg BOD kg−1 MLVSS day−1 or less. Removal of ammoniacal nitrogen which took place (influent concentration 80 mg l−1 as N) resulted from incorporation in biomass, and at SRT values of 10 days no nitrification took place at 5 or 10 C. Higher concentrations of ammonia in influent leachates resulted in ammonia in effluents when the ratio of BOD:N was less than about 100:3.6. Increasing the SRT of units to 20 days resulted in erratic conversion to nitrite, but reduced pH-values and possible simultaneous denitrification caused floating sludges and poorly-clarified effluents. Removal of ammonia is identified as a major problem when treating leachates, and further research is recommended.  相似文献   

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