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Individuals who scored high on Perceptual Aberration-Magical Ideation Scales (Per-Mag; n = 90), the Social Anhedonia Scale (SocAnh; n = 39), and control participants (n = 89) were administered saccadic refixation (prosaccade) and saccadic suppression (antisaccade) tasks. Eye movements were scored in terms of error rates and latency. None of the groups differed in terms of their performance on the prosaccade task. Both the Per-Mag (p < 0.01) and SocAnh (p < 0.05) groups exceeded the controls in terms of mean antisaccade errors. The high-risk groups did not differ from each other. Eighteen of the Per-Mag individuals and 10 of the SocAnh individuals displayed deviant antisaccade performance. These findings are particularly interesting in light of suggestive evidence that antisaccade task deficits may serve as a marker of susceptibility to schizophrenia. It is hypothesized that the individuals who scored aberrantly on the Chapman scales and displayed antisaccade performance deficits are most likely to be at risk for the development of psychosis.  相似文献   

The authors examined psychotic patients with schizophrenia, major depression, and bipolar disorder; "normal" participants; and 1st-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia on an antisaccade task in which participants were instructed to move their eyes in the opposite direction of a target that moved unpredictably and abruptly either to the left or right of central fixation. Patients with schizophrenia were found to make significantly more errors than their relatives, and the latter made more errors than the controls. The poor performance of the relatives could not be attributed to their having a psychiatric disorder. Comparison of the 3 patient groups indicated that antisaccade deficits were more pronounced in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. To understand roles played by two cortical motor areas, the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and supplementary motor area (SMA), in changing planned movements voluntarily, cellular activity was examined in two monkeys (Macaca fuscata) trained to perform an arm-reaching task in which they were asked to press one of two target buttons (right or left) in three different task modes. 2. In the first mode (visual), monkeys were visually instructed to result and press either a right or left key in response to a forth coming trigger signal. In the second mode (stay), monkeys were required to wait for the trigger signal and press the same target key as pressed in preceding trials. In the third mode (shift), a 50 Hz auditory cue instructed the monkey to shift the target of the future reach from the previous target to the previous nontarget. 3. While the monkeys were performing this task, we recorded 399 task-related cellular activities from the SMA and the pre-SMA. Among them, we found a group of neurons that exhibited activity changes related specifically to shift trials (shift-related cells). The following properties characterized these 112 neurons. First, they exhibited activity changes after the onset of the 50-Hz auditory cue and before the movement execution when the monkeys were required to change the direction of forthcoming movement. Second, they were not active when the monkeys pressed the same key without changing the direction of the movements. Third, they were not active when the monkeys received the 50-Hz auditory cue but failed to change the direction of the movements by mistake. These observations indicate that the activity of shift-related cells is related to the redirection of the forthcoming movements, but not to the auditory instruction itself or to the location of the target key or the direction of the forthcoming movements. 4. Although infrequently, monkeys made errors in the stay trials and changed directions of the reach voluntarily. In that case, a considerably high proportion of shift-related neurons (12 of 19) exhibited significant activity changes long before initiation of the reach movement. These long-lasting activities were not observed during the preparatory period in correct stay trials, but resembled the shift-related activity observed when the target shift was made toward the same direction. Thus these activity changes were considered to be also related to the process of changing the intended movements voluntarily. 5. We found another population of neurons that showed activity modulation when the target shift was induced by the visual instruction in visual trials (visually guided shift-related neurons). These neurons were active when the light-emitting diode (LED) guided the forthcoming reach to the previous nontarget but not to the previous target. Therefore their activity was not a simple visual response to the LED per se. A majority of them also showed shift-related activity in shift trials (19 of 22 in monkey 2). 6. Neurons exhibiting the shift-related activity were distributed differentially among the two areas. In the pre-SMA, 31% of the neurons recorded showed the shift-related activity, whereas in the SMA, only 7% showed such an activity. These results suggest that pre-SMA and SMA play differential roles in updating the motor plans in accordance with current requirements.  相似文献   

Glial-neuronal communication was studied by monitoring the effect of intercellular glial Ca2+ waves on the electrical activity of neighboring neurons in the eyecup preparation of the rat. Calcium waves in astrocytes and Müller cells were initiated with a mechanical stimulus applied to the retinal surface. Changes in the light-evoked spike activity of neurons within the ganglion cell layer occurred when, and only when, these Ca2+ waves reached the neurons. Inhibition of activity was observed in 25 of 53 neurons (mean decrease in spike frequency, 28 +/- 2%). Excitation occurred in another five neurons (mean increase, 27 +/- 5%). Larger amplitude Ca2+ waves were associated with greater modulation of neuronal activity. Thapsigargin, which reduced the amplitude of the glial Ca2+ increases, also reduced the magnitude of neuronal modulation. Bicuculline and strychnine, inhibitory neurotransmitter antagonists, as well as 6-Nitro-7-sulphamoylbenzo[f]quinoxaline-2,3-dione (NBQX) and D(-)-2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid (D-AP7), glutamate antagonists, reduced the inhibition of neuronal activity associated with glial Ca2+ waves, suggesting that inhibition is mediated by inhibitory interneurons stimulated by glutamate release from glial cells. The results suggest that glial cells are capable of modulating the electrical activity of neurons within the retina and thus, may directly participate in information processing in the CNS.  相似文献   

Visual scenes are composed of many elements and although we can appreciate a scene as a whole, we can only move our eyes to one element of the scene at a time. As visual scenes become more complex, the number of potential targets in the scene increases, and the uncertainty that any particular one will be selected for an eye movement also increases. How motor systems accommodate this target uncertainty remains unknown. The activities of neurons in both the cerebral cortex and superior colliculus are modulated by this selection process. We reasoned that activity associated with target uncertainty should be evident in the saccadic motor system at the final stages of neural processing, in the superior colliculus. By systematically changing the number of stimuli from which a selection must be made and recording from superior colliculus neurons, we found that as the target uncertainty increased, the neural activity preceding target selection decreased. These results indicate that neurons within the final common pathway for movement generation are active well in advance of the selection of a particular movement. This early activity varies with the probability that a particular movement will be selected.  相似文献   

Single-unit activity was recorded from the hand areas of the somatosensory cortex of monkeys trained to perform a haptic delayed matching to sample task with objects of identical dimensions but different surface features. During the memory retention period of the task (delay), many units showed sustained firing frequency change, either excitation or inhibition. In some cases, firing during that period was significantly higher after one sample object than after another. These observations indicate the participation of somatosensory neurons not only in the perception but in the short-term memory of tactile stimuli. Neurons most directly implicated in tactile memory are (i) those with object-selective delay activity, (ii) those with nondifferential delay activity but without activity related to preparation for movement, and (iii) those with delay activity in the haptic-haptic delayed matching task but no such activity in a control visuo-haptic delayed matching task. The results indicate that cells in early stages of cortical somatosensory processing participate in haptic short-term memory.  相似文献   

1. Topiramate is a structurally novel anticonvulsant which was recently approved for adjunctive therapy in partial and secondarily generalized seizures. The present study was aimed at elucidating the mechanisms underlying the anticonvulsant efficacy of topiramate using intra- and extracellular recording techniques in the in vitro hippocampal slices. 2. When stimuli were delivered every 20 s, topiramate had no measurable effect on both field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) and population spikes (PSs). However, increasing the stimulation frequency from 0.05-0.2 Hz, topiramate significantly decreased the slope of fEPSP and the amplitude of PS in a concentration-dependent manner. The amplitude of presynaptic fiber volley was also reduced. 3. Topiramate did not affect the magnitude of paired-pulse inhibition and monosynaptically evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs). 4. Sustained repetitive firing was elicited by injection of long duration (500 ms) depolarizing current pulses (500-800 pA). Superfusion with topiramate significantly reduced the number of action potentials evoked by a given current pulse. 5. After blockade of GABA receptors by bicuculline, burst firing which consisted of a train of several spikes riding on a large depolarizing wave termed paroxysmal depolarizing shift (PDS) was recorded. Application of topiramate reduced the duration of PDS and later spikes with less effect on the initial action potential. 6. These results suggest that frequency-dependent inhibition of neuronal activity due to blockade of Na+ channels may account largely for the anticonvulsant efficacy of topiramate.  相似文献   

Ss performed the same M-shaped manual movement pattern on repeated trials using a visual display of instantaneous error. With practice, Ss' effective time delays were diminished by increased anticipation as evidenced by an increased correlation of their movement patterns with the input velocity. However, younger adults had lower error scores, performed larger movements, and had shorter effective time delays than did older adults. Supplementary auditory displays additionally contributed to greater anticipation. However, men exhibited this effect most with an auditory display of input velocity and women with an auditory display of input position. This benefit of the auditory displays did not carry over after these displays were withdrawn. When the visual display was additionally withdrawn, benefits of the auditory training were manifest among the older adults as relatively greater temporal modulation of movement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper explores if dynamic modulation of coherent firing serves cortical functions. We recorded neuronal activity in the frontal cortex of behaving monkeys and found that temporal coincidences of spikes firing of different neurons can emerge within a fraction of a second in relation to the animal behavior. The temporal patterns of the correlation could not be predicted from the modulations of the neurons firing rate and finally, the patterns of correlation depend on the distance between neurons. These findings call for a revision of prevailing models of neural coding that solely rely on firing rates. The findings suggest that modification of neuronal interactions can serve as a mechanism by which neurons associate rapidly into a functional group in order to perform a specific computational task. Increased correlation between members of the groups, and decreased or negative correlation with others, enhance the ability to dissociate one group from concurrently activated competing groups. Such modulation of neuronal interactions allows each neuron to become a member of several different groups and participate in different computational tasks.  相似文献   

A fundamental question about human memory is why some experiences are remembered whereas others are forgotten. Brain activation during word encoding was measured using blocked and event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine how neural activation differs for subsequently remembered and subsequently forgotten experiences. Results revealed that the ability to later remember a verbal experience is predicted by the magnitude of activation in left prefrontal and temporal cortices during that experience. These findings provide direct evidence that left prefrontal and temporal regions jointly promote memory formation for verbalizable events.  相似文献   

The ability of the rostral fastigial nucleus (FNr) of the cerebellum to modulate medullary respiratory neuronal activity was examined in 17 anesthetized, paralyzed and ventilated cats. A bipolar stimulating electrode was positioned into the FNr and tungsten microelectrodes used to record units within the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), nucleus ambiguus (NA) and nucleus retroambigualis (NRA). Transient stimuli (< 150 microA, 5-200 Hz) were delivered during inspiration or expiration, and the effects noted on medullary neuronal activity and the phrenic neurogram. The results showed that FNr stimulation: (1) modulated inspiratory and expiratory neuronal (ramp-, early- and late-inspiratory and stage I and II expiratory) discharges recorded from the NTS, NA and NRA (n = 67, 14 and 28) when stimuli (> or = 20-50 Hz) were delivered during either the inspiratory or expiratory phases; (2) terminated the burst durations of inspiratory (77%) and expiratory (94%) neurons with stimulus-response latencies of 28.2 +/- 3.1 ms (inspiratory) and 29.4 +/- 3.6 ms (expiratory); (3) elicited changes in phrenic neurogram concomitant with the effects noted on medullary neuronal activities; (4) failed to change heart rate and arterial blood pressure; and (5) did not affect medullary neuronal and phrenic nerve activity following kainic acid injection into the FNr. We conclude that activation of the FNr (likely its cell bodies) can modulate the respiratory output via influences on medullary respiratory-related neurons. The primary cerebellar effect across all sub-types of respiratory neurons was early termination.  相似文献   

Extra- and intracellular recordings from motoneurones, interneurones and dorsal horn neurones (laminae 4 and 5) were obtained from the lumbar segments (L6-L7) of spinalised (Th 9/10) or pentobarbital-anaesthetised and anaemically decorticated cats. In the majority of spinal neurones microelectrophoretically applied morphine and levorphanol reversibly depressed spontaneous as well as stimulus-evoked and L-glutamate- or acetylcholine-induced activity. There is evidence that opiates block L-glutamate-induced depolarisations by impairing the Na+-influx triggered at the postsynaptic membrane. These depressant effects of opiates could be antagonised by naloxone, and, except in a few cases, were not associated with hyperpolarisation of the cell. Dextrorphan, the D+ enantiomer of levorphanol, displayed no such depressant actions, indicating that stereospecific receptors mediate the depressant effects of opiates. Phoretically applied atropine, procaine and Ca2+ ions have anti-glutamate and anti-acetylcholine actions similar to opiates, but these actions were not antagonised by naloxone. The hyperpolarising effect of glycine was not influenced at dose levels of opiates sufficient to suppress depolarisation induced by L-glutamate or acetylcholine. Microelectrophoretically administered morphine and levorphanol slowed the rate of rise of mono- and polysynaptic EPSPs by a naloxone-antagonisable mechanism at dose levels where almost no alteration in spike shape was detectable. Increased doses of morphine and levorphanol reduced the amplitude of IPSPs and completely blocked or reduced the amplitude of both direct- and antidromically-evoked spikes. These effects of increased doses of opiates were not antagonised by naloxone. Intravenous injection of 2 mg/kg of morphine or 20 mug/kg of Fentanyl mimicked the suppression of spontaneous and evoked neuronal activity observed after phoretic administration. This depressant action of systemically applied opiates could be transiently antagonised by phoretic administration of naloxone. The results are discussed with respect to a stereospecific action of opiates at a postsynaptic receptive site in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Frontal eye field neurons orthodromically activated from the superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 3331-3333, 1998. Anatomical studies have shown that the frontal eye field (FEF) and superior colliculus (SC) of monkeys are reciprocally connected, and a physiological study described the signals sent from the FEF to the SC. Nothing is known, however, about the signals sent from the SC to the FEF. We physiologically identified and characterized FEF neurons that are likely to receive input from the SC. Fifty-two FEF neurons were found that were orthodromically activated by electrical stimulation of the intermediate or deeper layers of the SC. All the neurons that we tested (n = 34) discharged in response to visual stimulation. One-half also discharged when saccadic eye movements were made. This provides the first direct evidence that the ascending pathway from SC to FEF might carry visual- and saccade-related signals. Our findings support a hypothesis that the SC and the FEF interact bidirectionally during the events leading up to saccade generation.  相似文献   

The predicted major intracellular domains of the chick and rat neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha 7 subunits were expressed in E. coli as glutathione-S-transferase fusion proteins. These proteins were then purified to near homogeneity by chromatography on immobilized glutathione. The intracellular domains of the alpha 7 subunit from both species were phosphorylated to high stoichiometry by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, but not by protein kinase C, cGMP-dependent protein kinase, or calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation occurred on serine residues only within an identical single tryptic peptide for both proteins. This conserved phosphorylation site was identified as Ser 342 utilizing site-directed mutagenesis. These results demonstrate that the intracellular domain of the alpha 7 subunit is a substrate of PKA, and suggest a role for protein phosphorylation in mediating cellular regulation upon neuronal AChRs containing this subunit.  相似文献   

The ability to electrophysiologically identify the axonal projections of lumbar neurons recorded in chronic unanesthetized intact awake animals is a formidable but essential requirement toward understanding ascending sensory transmission under naturally occurring conditions. Chronic immobilization procedures previously introduced by Morales et al. (1981) for intracellular studies of motoneurons are modified and then integrated with procedures for antidromic cellular identification and extracellular recording of upper (or lower) dorsal lumbar spinocerebellar tract (DSCT) neuronal activity, in conjunction with behavioral state recording and drug microiontophoresis. These implant procedures provide up to 6 months of stable recording conditions and, when combined with other techniques, allow individual DSCT neurons to be monitored over multiple cycles of sleep and wakefulness, following the induction into and recovery from barbiturate anesthesia and/or during the juxtacellular microiontophoretic ejection of inhibitory or excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters. The combination of such techniques allows a comprehensive examination of synaptic transmission through the DSCT and other lumbar sensory pathways in the intact normally respiring cat and its modulation during the general anesthetic state. These techniques permit investigations of the supraspinal controls impinging on lumbar sensory tract neurons during wakefulness and other behavioral states such as active sleep.  相似文献   

During brain development, endogenously generated coordinated neuronal activity regulates the precision of developing synaptic circuits (Shatz and Stryker, 1988; Weliky and Katz, 1997). In the neonatal neocortex, a form of endogenous coordinated activity is present as locally restricted intercellular calcium waves that are mediated by gap junctions (Yuste et al., 1992). As in other neuronal and non-neuronal systems, these coordinated calcium fluctuations may form the basis of functional cell assemblies (for review, seeWarner, 1992; Peinado et al., 1993b). In the present study, we investigated the cellular mechanisms that mediate the activation of neuronal domains and the propagation of intercellular calcium waves in slices from neonatal rat neocortex. The occurrence of neuronal domains did not depend on intercellular propagation of regenerative electrical signals because domains persisted after blockade of sodium and calcium-dependent action potentials. Neuronal domains were elicited by intracellular infusion of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) but not of calcium, indicating the involvement of IP3-related second-messenger systems. Pharmacological stimulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors, which are linked to the production of IP3, elicited similarly coordinated calcium increases, whereas pharmacological blockade of metabotropic glutamate receptors dramatically reduced the number of neuronal domains. Therefore, the propagating cellular signal that causes the occurrence of neuronal domains seems to be inositol trisphosphate but not calcium. Because coordination of neuronal calcium changes by gap junctions is independent of electrical signals, the function of gap junctions between neocortical neurons is probably to synchronize biochemical rather than electrical activity.  相似文献   

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