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An accurate, simple, and efficient approximation to the Vardy–Brown unsteady friction equation is derived and shown to be easily implemented within a one-dimensional characteristics solution for unsteady pipe flow. For comparison, the exact Vardy–Brown unsteady friction equation is used to model shear stresses in transient turbulent pipe flows and the resulting waterhammer equations are solved by the method of characteristics. The approximate Vardy–Brown model is more computationally efficient (i.e., requires one-sixth the execution time and much less memory storage) than the exact Vardy–Brown model. Both models are compared with measured data from different research groups and with numerical data produced by a two-dimensional turbulence waterhammer model. The results show that the exact Vardy–Brown model and the approximate Vardy–Brown model are in good agreement with both laboratory and numerical experiments over a wide range of Reynolds number and wave frequencies. The proposed approximate model only requires the storage of flow variables from a single time step while the exact Vardy–Brown model requires the storage of flow variables at all previous time steps and the two-dimensional model requires the storage of flow variables at all radial nodes.  相似文献   

The paper explores the time-wise evolution of selected turbulence parameters during gravity-driven flow establishment of incompressible fluids in rigid circular pipes. Two initial conditions are considered: flow starting from rest, passing through laminar-to-turbulent transition, and terminating in a turbulent steady state; and transient flow between two turbulent steady states. It is found that, in the second case, the properties considered, i.e., local temporal mean velocity and its transverse distribution, axial turbulence intensity, and wall shear stress, are monotonically increasing with time. However, for flow starting from rest, all properties are strongly affected by the development of turbulence. In particular, at the critical moment when laminar-to-turbulent transition is complete, the wall shear stress changes abruptly from one to the other, identifying wall shear stress as a very sensitive indicator of criticality.  相似文献   

A new approach to numerical modeling of water hammer is proposed. An unsteady pipe flow model incorporating Brunone’s unsteady friction model is used, but in contrast to the standard treatment of the unsteady friction term as a source term, the writers propose a nonconservative formulation of source term. Second-order flux limited and high order weighted essentially nonoscillating numerical schemes were applied to the proposed formulation, and results are in better agreement with measurements when compared with results obtained with standard form.  相似文献   

The accurate simulation of pressure transients in pipelines and pipe networks is becoming increasingly important in water engineering. Applications such as inverse transient analysis for condition assessment, leak detection, and pipe roughness calibration require accurate modeling of transients for longer simulation periods that, in many situations, requires improved modeling of unsteady frictional behavior. In addition, the numerical algorithm used for unsteady friction should be highly efficient, as inverse analysis requires the transient model to be run many times. A popular model of unsteady friction that is applicable to a short-duration transient event type is the weighting function-based type, as first derived by Zielke in 1968. Approximation of the weighting function with a sum of exponential terms allows for a considerable increase in computation speed using recursive algorithms. A neglected topic in the application of such models is evaluation of numerical error. This paper presents a discussion and quantification of the numerical errors that occur when using weighting function-based models for the simulation of unsteady friction in pipe transients. Comparisons of numerical error arising from approximations are made in the Fourier domain where exact solutions can be determined. Additionally, the relative importance of error in unsteady friction modeling and unsteady friction itself in the context of general simulation is discussed.  相似文献   

An experimental pipeline system with a multistage centrifugal pump was used to study the effect of transient operations on the hydrodynamic performance of a centrifugal pump. Several transient flow operations were considered, ranging from very mild to severe transients. The dynamic relationship of total pressure rise across the pump to the flow rate was compared with that of the steady state. Deviation between the dynamic pump head and the value given by the steady-state curve at the same instantaneous discharge was established and found to be a function of the severity of the transient. It was found that severe flow conditions could cause this deviation to exceed 30% of the steady-state value. The use of the steady-state pump head-discharge relationship in the solution of transient pipe flow by the method of characteristics (MOC) is discussed. It was found that the steady-state pump head-discharge curve was not accurate enough to support the solution of unsteady pipe flow application by the MOC.  相似文献   

Using finite difference methods in conjunction with the reduced momentum equation and applying boundary condition structure inherent to subcritical flow to all regimes, is an approach that enables efficient numerical simulation of supercritical and transcritical flows in pipe/channel systems. However, as well as certain errors within a single channel due to incomplete equations, this technique also may introduce unwanted effects propagating across a network in both upstream and downstream directions. These may include: unrealistic backwater effects due to improper boundary conditions, nonamplifying oscillations due to jerky jump movement, and other computational instabilities. Practical implications of these are analyzed in detail and are illustrated using a set of examples. Sensitivity analyzes and comparisons with analytical solutions and laboratory experiments are made. The measures to reduce the inaccuracies inevitable in simulation of transcritical flows are discussed.  相似文献   

An approximated linear model of unsteady open-channel flow is necessary to design the water-level controller for irrigation open channels. Toward this end, this paper presents the matrix approach to derive the linear model of open-channel system in analytical form mainly according to the Saint Venant equations and the backwater profile at the steady state of open channel. The hydraulic model of the check structure at the downstream end of open channel is also incorporated into the linear model. A practical example indicates that the frequency response of the open-channel system can be accurately analyzed with the linear model. The simulation results in the time domain show that the dynamic behavior of the linear model approximates to that of the nonlinear model of the open-channel system. Finally, the limitations of the linear model are discussed.  相似文献   

Conventionally, wall shear stress in an unsteady turbulent pipe flow is decomposed into a quasi-steady component and an “unsteady wall shear stress” component. Whereas the former is evaluated by using “standard” steady flow correlations, extensive research has been carried out to develop methods to predict the latter leading to various unsteady friction models. A different approach of decomposition is used in the present paper whereby the wall shear in an unsteady flow is split into the initial steady value and perturbations from it. It is shown that in the early stages of an unsteady turbulent pipe flow, these perturbations are well described by a laminar-flow formulation. This allows simple expressions to be derived for unsteady friction predictions, which are in good agreement with experimental and computational results.  相似文献   

Applications of frequency-domain analysis in pipelines and pipe networks include resonance analysis, time-domain simulation, and fault detection. Current frequency-domain analysis methods are restricted to series pipelines, single-branching pipelines, and single-loop networks and are not suited to complex networks. This paper presents a number of formulations for the frequency-domain solution in pipe networks of arbitrary topology and size. The formulations focus on the topology of arbitrary networks and do not consider any complex network devices or boundary conditions other than head and flow boundaries. The frequency-domain equations are presented for node elements and pipe elements, which correspond to the continuity of flow at a node and the unsteady flow in a pipe, respectively. Additionally, a pipe-node-pipe and reservoir-pipe pair set of equations are derived. A matrix-based approach is used to display the solution to entire networks in a systematic and powerful way. Three different formulations are derived based on the unknown variables of interest that are to be solved: head-formulation, flow-formulation, and head-flow-formulation. These hold significant analogies to different steady-state network solutions. The frequency-domain models are tested against the method of characteristics (a commonly used time-domain model) with good result. The computational efficiency of each formulation is discussed with the most efficient formulation being the head-formulation.  相似文献   

Time-Line Interpolation Errors in Pipe Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An exact method of assessing numerical errors in analyses of unsteady flows in pipe networks is introduced. The assessment is valid for fixed-grid method of characteristics analyses using time-line interpolations. A pipe polynomial transfer matrix is developed and is analogous to transfer function matrices used in free oscillation theory. The influence of reachback is assessed by comparing exact numerical predictions using a polynomial transfer matrix with exact analytical predictions obtained using free oscillation theory. The investigation is part of a long-term project aimed at automating the selection of numerical grid sizes in unsteady flow analyses. The eventual goal is to enable users of unsteady flow software to prescribe required degrees of accuracy instead of specifying the numerical grid itself. This paper is only a first step toward the long-term aim, but it is a big step toward an intermediate objective of providing exact benchmarking data for the assessment of approximate methods of automatic grid selection.  相似文献   

The models for flood propagation in an open channel are governed by Saint-Venant’s equations or by their simplified forms. Assuming the full form of hyperbolic type nonlinear expressions, the complete or dynamic wave model is obtained. Hence, after first-order linearization procedure, the dispersion relation is obtained by using the classical Fourier analysis. From this expression, the phase and group speed and the variations of the amplitude of the waves are defined and investigated. Adopting Manning’s resistance formula, the effects of the variations of the Froude number, Courant number, and friction parameter are examined in the wave number domain for progressive and regressive waves. For small and high wave numbers, the simplified kinematic and gravity wave models are recovered, respectively. Moreover, the analysis confirms, according to the Vedernikov criterion, the Froude number value corresponding to the stability condition to contrast the development of roll waves. In addition, for stable flow on the group speed versus wave number curves, the results show critical points, maximum and minimum for progressive and regressive waves, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, the proposed one-dimensional model simulates the nonequilibrium transport of nonuniform total load under unsteady flow conditions in dendritic channel networks with hydraulic structures. The equations of sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting are solved in a coupling procedure with a direct solution technique, while still decoupled from the flow model. This coupled model for sediment calculation is more stable and less likely to produce negative values for bed-material gradation than the traditional fully decoupled model. The sediment transport capacity is calculated by one of four formulas, which have taken into consideration the hiding and exposure mechanism of nonuniform sediment transport. The fluvial erosion at bank toes and the mass failure of banks are simulated to complement the modeling of bed morphological changes in channels. The tests in several cases show that the present model is capable of predicting sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting in various situations, with reasonable accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

This technical note is an experimental contribution to the study of the supercritical flow at drops. The experimental setup is arranged to measure flow characteristics, which include velocity profiles and several lengths. Because of the similarity of the supercritical flow to the subcritical flow, a basis for the analysis of data is also established. It is found that for a specific discharge increasing the Froude number decreases the relative energy loss, the downstream depth, and the pool depth. For any given value of the Froude number, with increasing discharge the energy loss decreases, but the downstream depth and the pool depth increase. The predictions of flow parameters differ from the measured ones, probably due to the assumptions made in the proposed method, which neglect the entrainment of air at the downstream section and the bed shear stress. An empirical equation is derived to estimate the relative energy loss for supercritical flow. Since the proposed method can be run for any Froude number, it can also be used to predict flow parameters of the subcritical flow with good accuracy.  相似文献   

Hydraulic Jumps on Corrugated Beds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of a laboratory study of hydraulic jumps on corrugated beds are presented. Experiments were performed for a range of Froude numbers from 4 to 10. Three values of the relative roughness t/y1 of 0.50, 0.43, and 0.25 were studied. It was found that the tailwater depth required to form a jump was appreciably smaller than that for the corresponding jumps on smooth beds. Further, the length of the jumps was about half of those on smooth beds. The integrated bed shear stress on the corrugated bed was about 10 times that on smooth beds. The axial velocity profiles at different sections in the jump were found to be similar, with some differences from the profile of the simple plane wall jet. The maximum velocity um at any section in terms of the velocity U1 of the supercritical stream was correlated with the longitudinal distance x in terms of L, which is the distance where um = 0.5U1, and this relation was the same as that for jumps on smooth beds with the difference that L/y1 was much smaller for jumps on corrugated beds. The normalized boundary layer thickness δ/b, where b is the length scale of the velocity profile, was equal to 0.45 for jumps on corrugated beds compared to 0.16 for the simple wall jet. The results of this study show the attractiveness of corrugated beds for energy dissipation below hydraulic structures.  相似文献   

Propagation of flood waves in an open channel can be mathematically approximated by the Saint-Venant equations (dynamic wave) or by their simplifications including the kinematic wave, noninertia wave, gravity wave, and quasi-steady dynamic wave models. All of these wave approximations differ not only in the physical propagation mechanism, but also in the degree of complexity involved in computation. In order to efficiently implement the approximate wave models for flood routing, their criteria of applicability should be developed. The applicability of the kinematic wave, noninertia wave, and quasi-steady dynamic wave approximations to the full dynamic wave equations for unsteady flow routing is examined by comparing the propagation characteristics of a sinusoidal perturbation to the steady gradually varying flow for different simplified wave models. Development of the applicability criteria provides a guideline for selecting an appropriate wave model for unsteady flow modeling, thus enabling an assessment of the capabilities and limitations of different simplified wave models. By using the linear stability analysis, the derived criteria can be expressed in terms of dimensionless physical parameters that represent the unsteadiness of the wave disturbance, characteristics of the downstream boundary condition (backwater effect), and the location along the channel. The developed criteria are for a specific point and time, thereby providing a more refined indication than the integrated criteria based on the testing for a hydrograph found commonly in the literature. In this study, we have justified whether the simplified wave models such as the kinematic, noninertia, or gravity wave models would be appropriate and reliable approximations to the full Saint-Venant equations with a comparable accuracy for a given flow condition. The downstream backwater effect has been taken into consideration in the developed criteria for broader engineering applications. One hypothetical example is presented for illustration.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the hydraulic jump on horizontal rough beds. Experiments were carried out to study the effect of bed roughness on both the sequent depth ratio and the roller length. The investigation allowed the writers to positively test the reliability of a new solution of the momentum equation for the sequent depth ratio as a function of the Froude number and the ratio between the roughness height and the upstream supercritical flow depth. The applicability of some empirical relationships for estimating the roller length was also tested.  相似文献   

Two mathematical models for parameter estimation in closed-loop, open-channel flow networks are presented. The parameter estimation models seek to determine the parameter values that would reproduce an observed flow profile in the channel network. The governing equations for gradually varied flow in channel networks are the optimization models’ constraints. The projected augmented Lagrangian method is used to solve the optimization models. Performance of these two optimization models is evaluated for a given closed-loop network configuration. Results establish the potential of the developed models for use in real-life flow scenarios.  相似文献   

A novel and computationally efficient algorithm is presented to compute the water surface profiles in steady, gradually varied flows of open channel networks. This algorithm allows calculation of flow depths and discharges at all sections of a cyclic looped open channel network. The algorithm is based on the principles of (1) classifying the computations in an individual channel as an initial value problem or a boundary value problem; (2) determining the path for linking the solutions from individual channels; and (3) an iterative Newton–Raphson technique for obtaining the network solution, starting from initial assumptions for discharges in as few channels as possible. The proposed algorithm is computationally more efficient than the presently available direct method by orders of magnitude because it does not involve costly inversions of large matrices in its formulation. The application of this algorithm is illustrated through an example network.  相似文献   

This note proposes a new method for snapshot analysis of water distribution systems based on the commonly used gradient method. The proposed method uses a secant (intersecting the head-loss function in two points) instead of a tangent to approximate the pipe head-loss function. A theoretical model is developed for the flow range in which the secant approximates the head-loss function without exceeding a given allowable error. This scheme allows a tradeoff to be made between the allowable error and the number of iterations required to achieve convergence. The proposed method is applied to an example network to illustrate its application and benefits. It is argued that the number of iterations required to find a solution can be reduced significantly in both snapshot and extended-period simulations.  相似文献   

Mean Flow and Turbulence Structure in Vertical Slot Fishways   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the mean and turbulence structures of flow in a vertical slot fishway with slopes of 5.06 and 10.52%. Two flow patterns existed in the fishway and for each one, two flow regions were formed in the pools: a jet flow region and a recirculating flow region. The mean kinetic energy decays rapidly in the jet region and the dissipation rate in most of the areas in the pool is less than 200?W/m3. For the jet flow, the nondimensional mean velocity profile across the jet agrees very well with that of a plane turbulent jet in the central part of the jet with some scatter near its boundaries. Its maximum velocity decays faster compared to a plane turbulent jet in a large stagnant ambient. The jet presents different turbulence structure for the two flow patterns and for each pattern, the turbulence characteristics appear different between the left and right halves of the jet. However, the turbulence characteristics show some similarity for each case. The normalized energy dissipation rate shows some similarity and has a maximum value on the center of the jet. The results are believed to provide useful insight on the turbulence characteristics of flow in vertical slot fishways and can be used to verify numerical models and also for guidance in the design of fishways in the future.  相似文献   

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