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Silveira T. G. Teixeira A. L. J. Ferreira A. P. S. Monteiro P. M. N. P. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2006,18(21):2212-2214
An all-optical setup to generate vestigial sideband signals based on self-phase modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier is experimentally demonstrated at 10 Gb/s. Sideband suppressions higher than 15 dB are reported with improved eye opening. Wavelength-independent operation over 26 nm is demonstrated. Increased chromatic dispersion tolerance is verified: a receiver sensitivity penalty of 5.3 dB, relative to back-to-back, is obtained after transmission over 2720 ps/nm; whereas conventional double sideband is penalized by 4.0 dB after 1360 ps/nm 相似文献
数值模拟了增益钳制SOA(GC-SOA)的波长转换过程,分析了GC-SOA实现波长转换的原理.首次发现了GC-SOA波长转换中类似接通延迟的现象,这种现象将限制GC-SOA在高速波长转换中的应用. 相似文献
提出了一种新的基于半导体光放大器非线性偏振旋转效应的全光采样方法,利用速率方程对全光采样的理论机理进行了阐述.借助该速率方程模型对采样器的输入偏振角、偏振控制器的附加相移和偏振合束器的偏振方向等参数进行了优化设计.计算结果表明,采样器传输曲线具有较好的线性工作范围,能够实现模拟光信号的高速全光采样,且其输入泵浦光功率小于1mW.由于该全光采样的工作原理与全光波长转换类似,而目前的全光波长转换工作速率可达320Gbps,因此该全光采样的采样速率可望达到上百GS/s. 相似文献
The authors present a simple configuration of a gain-clamped semiconductor optical amplifier (GC-SOA) based on automatic intensity control of a feedback light generated by amplified spontaneous emission, using a narrow bandwidth thin-film-tunable filter. Experimental results show that the proposed amplifier has good gain clamping characteristics and the feedback light dramatically reduces steady and transient gain variations. The feedback light operates satisfactorily with the channel's add-drop frequency up to 20.9 kHz. We also examined the performance of the GC-SOA by employing the feedback light at different wavelengths. 相似文献
Zhang L. Kang I. Bhardwaj A. Sauer N. Cabot S. Jaques J. Neilson D. T. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2006,18(22):2323-2325
The effect of p-type doping of the active region of multiple quantum-well (MQW) semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) has been studied. Spectrogram measurements of the dynamics of the SOAs reveal that using p-doped barriers for the MQWs has significantly reduced both gain and phase recovery times. 1/e phase recovery times as short as 11 ps were demonstrated using this approach 相似文献
Error-Free 320-Gb/s All-Optical Wavelength Conversion Using a Single Semiconductor Optical Amplifier 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Liu Y. Tangdiongga E. Li Z. de Waardt H. Koonen A.M.J. Khoe G.D. Xuewen Shu Bennion I. Dorren H.J.S. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》2007,25(1):103-108
We demonstrate error-free wavelength conversion at 320 Gb/s by employing a semiconductor optical amplifier that fully recovers in 56 ps. Error-free operation is achieved without using forward error correction technology. We employ optical filtering to select the blue sideband of the spectrum of the probe light, to utilize fast chirp dynamics introduced by the amplifier, and to overcome the slow gain recovery. This leads to an effective recovery time of less than 1.8 ps for the wavelength converter. The wavelength converter has a simple configuration and is implemented by using fiber-pigtailed components. The concept allows photonic integration 相似文献
A wide-band steady-state model of a tensile-strained bulk InGaAsP semiconductor optical amplifier is described. An efficient numerical algorithm of the steady-state model and a parameter extraction algorithm based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method are described. The parameter extraction technique is used to determine the material Auger recombination coefficient, effective intraband lifetime, the average strain and molar fraction of Arsenic in the active region. Simulations and comparisons with experiment are given which demonstrate the accuracy and versatility of the model 相似文献
Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation Using Two Cascaded Optical Modulators and FWM Effect in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tianliang Wang Minghua Chen Hongwei Chen Jian Zhang Shizhong Xie 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2007,19(16):1191-1193
A novel method of optical generation millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signals employing two cascaded optical modulators and four-wave-mixing effect in semiconductor optical amplifiers is proposed. This approach is capable of generating signals of four times, eight times, and 12 times microwave source frequency with high spectral purity and stability. A mm-wave of 42 GHz (12times fundamental) with a 3-dB linewidth less than 30 Hz and a phase noise less than 83 dBc/Hz at 10-kHz offset is obtained. 相似文献
采用半导体光放大器的多波长光纤环形激光器 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
报道了一种插入马赫-曾德尔(M-Z)光纤干涉仪的半导体光放大器(SOA)多波长光纤环形激光器,实现了信道间隔为100 GHz的稳定的多波长连续光激射,其输出光谱3 dB带宽为19.5 nm,消光比大于30 dB.其中在17.9 nm范围内获得了22个波长的连续光,功率不平坦度为1.2 dB,总输出功率为5.1 dBm.对该结构的多波长激光器输出光谱宽,不同波长间功率波动小的特性进行了分析,提出在较低环腔损耗下,半导体光放大器的增益饱和及四波混频(FWM)效应的共同作用使环腔内多波长光功率获得自动均衡;并对实验观测到的激光器输出光谱带宽及中心波长随半导体光放大器驱动电流降低或环腔损耗增大而减小的现象进行了讨论. 相似文献
本文主要介绍用于光纤传输系统的行波半导体激光放大器(TWSLA)。首先描述 TWSLA 的激光器刻面抗反射(AR)涂层的特性,然后描述半导体激光放大器(SLA)的重要特性,如小信号增益、信号增益饱和及噪声特性,最后讨论了 TWSLA 的结构设计。 相似文献
提出了一种新型非反转归零(RZ)码的可重构全光逻辑门方案.该方案基于单个半导体光放大器(SOA)和可调谐光带通滤波器(TOBPF).利用SOA的四波混频效应和交叉增益调别(XGM)效应,实现了RZ码信号的多种功能逻辑运算.在不改变实验装置的情况下,通过调节带通滤波器中心波长和信号光功率,可以在不同逻辑功能之间进行切换.实验实现了10 Gb/s全光信号间的"与","非","或非","同或","(A)·B","A·(B)"等基本逻辑运算.与用连续光作为探测光不同的是,本方案采用了时钟信号作为探测光,这样各个逻辑门的输出均为非反转RZ码,有利于不同逻辑门的进一步组合. 相似文献
建立了半导体光放大器(SOA)的锥形脊结构模型,进而利用有限元数值模拟方法分析、计算了波导区折射率、锥尖宽度对锥形脊结构模式扩展的影响。通过锥形脊结构参数的完善设计,获得了锥形脊结构SOA与单模光纤95%的耦合效率。 相似文献