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Tight lower bounds for certain parameterized NP-hard problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the framework of parameterized complexity theory, we derive tight lower bounds on the computational complexity for a number of well-known NP-hard problems. We start by proving a general result, namely that the parameterized weighted satisfiability problem on depth-t circuits cannot be solved in time no(k)mO(1), where n is the circuit input length, m is the circuit size, and k is the parameter, unless the (t − 1)-st level W[t − 1] of the W-hierarchy collapses to FPT. By refining this technique, we prove that a group of parameterized NP-hard problems, including weighted sat, hitting set, set cover, and feature set, cannot be solved in time no(k)mO(1), where n is the size of the universal set from which the k elements are to be selected and m is the instance size, unless the first level W[1] of the W-hierarchy collapses to FPT. We also prove that another group of parameterized problems which includes weighted q-sat (for any fixed q 2), clique, independent set, and dominating set, cannot be solved in time no(k) unless all search problems in the syntactic class SNP, introduced by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis, are solvable in subexponential time. Note that all these parameterized problems have trivial algorithms of running time either nkmO(1) or O(nk).  相似文献   

Kernels for feedback arc set in tournaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A tournament T=(V,A) is a directed graph in which there is exactly one arc between every pair of distinct vertices. Given a digraph on n vertices and an integer parameter k, the Feedback Arc Set problem asks whether the given digraph has a set of k arcs whose removal results in an acyclic digraph. The Feedback Arc Set problem restricted to tournaments is known as the k-Feedback Arc Set in Tournaments (k-FAST) problem. In this paper we obtain a linear vertex kernel for k-FAST. That is, we give a polynomial time algorithm which given an input instance T to k-FAST obtains an equivalent instance T on O(k) vertices. In fact, given any fixed ?>0, the kernelized instance has at most (2+?)k vertices. Our result improves the previous known bound of O(k2) on the kernel size for k-FAST. Our kernelization algorithm solves the problem on a subclass of tournaments in polynomial time and uses a known polynomial time approximation scheme for k-FAST.  相似文献   

We develop new techniques for deriving strong computational lower bounds for a class of well-known NP-hard problems. This class includes weighted satisfiability, dominating set, hitting set, set cover, clique, and independent set. For example, although a trivial enumeration can easily test in time O(nk) if a given graph of n vertices has a clique of size k, we prove that unless an unlikely collapse occurs in parameterized complexity theory, the problem is not solvable in time f(k)no(k) for any function f, even if we restrict the parameter values to be bounded by an arbitrarily small function of n. Under the same assumption, we prove that even if we restrict the parameter values k to be of the order Θ(μ(n)) for any reasonable function μ, no algorithm of running time no(k) can test if a graph of n vertices has a clique of size k. Similar strong lower bounds on the computational complexity are also derived for other NP-hard problems in the above class. Our techniques can be further extended to derive computational lower bounds on polynomial time approximation schemes for NP-hard optimization problems. For example, we prove that the NP-hard distinguishing substring selection problem, for which a polynomial time approximation scheme has been recently developed, has no polynomial time approximation schemes of running time f(1/?)no(1/?) for any function f unless an unlikely collapse occurs in parameterized complexity theory.  相似文献   

We first present a method to rule out the existence of parameter non-increasing polynomial kernelizations of parameterized problems under the hypothesis P≠NP. This method is applicable, for example, to the problem Sat parameterized by the number of variables of the input formula. Then we obtain further improvements of corresponding results in (Bodlaender et al. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5125, pp. 563–574, Springer, Berlin, 2008; Fortnow and Santhanam in Proceedings of the 40th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC’08), ACM, New York, pp. 133–142, 2008) by refining the central lemma of their proof method, a lemma due to Fortnow and Santhanam. In particular, assuming that the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse to its third level, we show that every parameterized problem with a “linear OR” and with NP-hard underlying classical problem does not have polynomial self-reductions that assign to every instance x with parameter k an instance y with |y|=k O(1)⋅|x|1−ε (here ε is any given real number greater than zero). We give various applications of these results. On the structural side we prove several results clarifying the relationship between the different notions of preprocessing procedures, namely the various notions of kernelizations, self-reductions and compressions.  相似文献   

Longest common subsequence is a widely used measure to compare strings, in particular in computational biology. Recently, several variants of the longest common subsequence have been introduced to tackle the comparison of genomes. In particular, the Repetition Free Longest Common Subsequence (RFLCS) problem is a variant of the LCS problem that asks for a longest common subsequence of two input strings with no repetition of symbols. In this paper, we investigate the parameterized complexity of RFLCS. First, we show that the problem does not admit a polynomial kernel. Then, we present a randomized FPT algorithm for the RFLCS problem, improving the time complexity of the existent FPT algorithm.  相似文献   

We present a reduction procedure that takes an arbitrary instance of the r-Set Packing problem and produces an equivalent instance whose number of elements is in O(kr−1), where k is the input parameter. Such parameterized reductions are known as kernelization algorithms, and a reduced instance is called a problem kernel. Our result improves on previously known kernelizations by a factor of k. In particular, the number of elements in a 3-Set Packing kernel is improved from a cubic function of the parameter to a quadratic one.  相似文献   

Cluster Editing is transforming a graph by at most k edge insertions or deletions into a disjoint union of cliques. This problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). Here we compute concise enumerations of all minimal solutions in O(2.27 k +k 2 n+m) time. Such enumerations support efficient inference procedures, but also the optimization of further objectives such as minimizing the number of clusters. In an extended problem version, target graphs may have a limited number of overlaps of cliques, measured by the number t of edges that remain when the twin vertices are merged. This problem is still in FPT, with respect to the combined parameter k and t. The result is based on a property of twin-free graphs. We also give FPT results for problem versions avoiding certain artificial clusterings. Furthermore, we prove that all solutions with minimal edit sequences differ on a so-called full kernel with at most k 2/4+O(k) vertices, that can be found in polynomial time. The size bound is tight. We also get a bound for the number of edges in the full kernel, which is optimal up to a (large) constant factor. Numerous open problems are mentioned.  相似文献   

We describe an algorithm for the Feedback Vertex Set problem on undirected graphs, parameterized by the size k of the feedback vertex set, that runs in time O(ckn3) where c = 10.567 and n is the number of vertices in the graph. The best previous algorithms were based on the method of bounded search trees, branching on short cycles. The best previous running time of an FPT algorithm for this problem, due to Raman, Saurabh and Subramanian, has a parameter function of the form 2O(k log k /log log k). Whether an exponentially linear in k FPT algorithm for this problem is possible has been previously noted as a significant challenge. Our algorithm is based on the new FPT technique of iterative compression. Our result holds for a more general form of the problem, where a subset of the vertices may be marked as forbidden to belong to the feedback set. We also establish "exponential optimality" for our algorithm by proving that no FPT algorithm with a parameter function of the form O(2o(k)) is possible, unless there is an unlikely collapse of parameterized complexity classes, namely FPT = M[1].  相似文献   

A linear arrangement (LA) is an assignment of distinct integers to the vertices of a graph. The cost of an LA is the sum of lengths of the edges of the graph, where the length of an edge is defined as the absolute value of the difference of the integers assigned to its ends. For many application one hopes to find an LA with small cost. However, it is a classical NP-complete problem to decide whether a given graph G admits an LA of cost bounded by a given integer. Since every edge of G contributes at least one to the cost of any LA, the problem becomes trivially fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) if parameterized by the upper bound of the cost. Fernau asked whether the problem remains FPT if parameterized by the upper bound of the cost minus the number of edges of the given graph; thus whether the problem is FPT "parameterized above guaranteed value." We answer this question positively by deriving an algorithm which decides in time O(m + n + 5.88k) whether a given graph with m edges and n vertices admits an LA of cost at most m + k (the algorithm computes such an LA if it exists). Our algorithm is based on a procedure which generates a problem kernel of linear size in linear time for a connected graph G. We also prove that more general parameterized LA problems stated by Serna and Thilikos are not FPT, unless P = NP.  相似文献   

A graph G is said to be a bicluster graph if G is a disjoint union of bicliques (complete bipartite subgraphs), and a cluster graph if G is a disjoint union of cliques (complete subgraphs). In this work, we study the parameterized versions of the NP-hard Bicluster Graph Editing and Cluster Graph Editing problems. The former consists of obtaining a bicluster graph by making the minimum number of modifications in the edge set of an input bipartite graph. When at most k modifications are allowed (Bicluster(k) Graph Editing problem), this problem is FPT, and can be solved in O(4 k nm) time by a standard search tree algorithm. We develop an algorithm of time complexity O(4 k +n+m), which uses a strategy based on modular decomposition techniques; we slightly generalize the original problem as the input graph is not necessarily bipartite. The algorithm first builds a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices in O(n+m) time, and then applies a bounded search tree. We also show how this strategy based on modular decomposition leads to a new way of obtaining a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices for the Cluster(k) Graph Editing problem, in O(n+m) time. This problem consists of obtaining a cluster graph by modifying at most k edges in an input graph. A previous FPT algorithm of time O(1.92 k +n 3) for this problem was presented by Gramm et al. (Theory Comput. Syst. 38(4), 373–392, 2005, Algorithmica 39(4), 321–347, 2004). In their solution, a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices is built in O(n 3) time.  相似文献   

We study ordinal embedding relaxations in the realm of parameterized complexity. We prove the existence of a quadratic kernel for the Betweenness problem parameterized above its tight lower bound, which is stated as follows. For a set V of variables and set C of constraints “vi is between vj and vk”, decide whether there is a bijection from V to the set {1,…,|V|} satisfying at least |C|/3+κ of the constraints in C. Our result solves an open problem attributed to Benny Chor in Niedermeier's monograph “Invitation to Fixed-Parameter Algorithms”. The betweenness problem is of interest in molecular biology. An approach developed in this paper can be used to determine parameterized complexity of a number of other optimization problems on permutations parameterized above or below tight bounds.  相似文献   

An important result in the study of polynomial-time preprocessing shows that there is an algorithm which given an instance (G,k) of Vertex Cover outputs an equivalent instance (G′,k′) in polynomial time with the guarantee that G′ has at most 2k′ vertices (and thus $\mathcal{O}((k')^{2})$ edges) with k′≤k. Using the terminology of parameterized complexity we say that k-Vertex Cover has a kernel with 2k vertices. There is complexity-theoretic evidence that both 2k vertices and Θ(k 2) edges are optimal for the kernel size. In this paper we consider the Vertex Cover problem with a different parameter, the size $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)$ of a minimum feedback vertex set for G. This refined parameter is structurally smaller than the parameter k associated to the vertex covering number $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox {\textsc{vc}}}}(G)$ since $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)\leq\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{vc}}}}(G)$ and the difference can be arbitrarily large. We give a kernel for Vertex Cover with a number of vertices that is cubic in $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)$ : an instance (G,X,k) of Vertex Cover, where X is a feedback vertex set for G, can be transformed in polynomial time into an equivalent instance (G′,X′,k′) such that |V(G′)|≤2k and $|V(G')| \in\mathcal{O}(|X'|^{3})$ . A similar result holds when the feedback vertex set X is not given along with the input. In sharp contrast we show that the Weighted Vertex Cover problem does not have a polynomial kernel when parameterized by the cardinality of a given vertex cover of the graph unless NP ? coNP/poly and the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level.  相似文献   

Vertex deletion and edge deletion problems play a central role in parameterized complexity. Examples include classical problems like Feedback Vertex Set, Odd Cycle Transversal, and Chordal Deletion. The study of analogous edge contraction problems has so far been left largely unexplored from a parameterized perspective. We consider two basic problems of this type: Tree Contraction and Path Contraction. These two problems take as input an undirected graph G on n vertices and an integer k, and the task is to determine whether we can obtain a tree or a path, respectively, by a sequence of at most k edge contractions in G. For Tree Contraction, we present a randomized 4 k ? n O(1) time polynomial-space algorithm, as well as a deterministic 4.98 k ? n O(1) time algorithm, based on a variant of the color coding technique of Alon, Yuster and Zwick. We also present a deterministic 2 k+o(k)+n O(1) time algorithm for Path Contraction. Furthermore, we show that Path Contraction has a kernel with at most 5k+3 vertices, while Tree Contraction does not have a polynomial kernel unless NP ? coNP/poly. We find the latter result surprising because of the connection between Tree Contraction and Feedback Vertex Set, which is known to have a kernel with 4k 2 vertices.  相似文献   

Parameterized Proof Complexity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We propose a proof-theoretic approach for gaining evidence that certain parameterized problems are not fixed-parameter tractable. We consider proofs that witness that a given propositional formula cannot be satisfied by a truth assignment that sets at most k variables to true, considering k as the parameter (we call such a formula a parameterized contradiction). One could separate the parameterized complexity classes FPT and W[SAT] by showing that there is no fpt-bounded parameterized proof system for parameterized contradictions, i.e., that there is no proof system that admits proofs of size f(k)n O(1) where f is a computable function and n represents the size of the propositional formula. By way of a first step, we introduce the system of parameterized tree-like resolution and show that this system is not fpt-bounded. Indeed, we give a general result on the size of shortest tree-like resolution proofs of parameterized contradictions that uniformly encode first-order principles over a universe of size n. We establish a dichotomy theorem that splits the exponential case of Riis’s complexity gap theorem into two subcases, one that admits proofs of size f(k)n O(1) and one that does not. We also discuss how the set of parameterized contradictions may be embedded into the set of (ordinary) contradictions by the addition of new axioms. When embedded into general (DAG-like) resolution, we demonstrate that the pigeonhole principle has a proof of size 2 k n 2. This contrasts with the case of tree-like resolution where the embedded pigeonhole principle falls into the “non-FPT” category of our dichotomy.  相似文献   

Given a graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k, an edge modification problem for a graph property Π consists in deciding whether there exists a set F of pairs of V of size at most k such that the graph $H=(V,E\vartriangle F)$ satisfies the property Π. In the Π edge-completion problem, the set F is constrained to be disjoint from E; in the Π edge-deletion problem, F is a subset of E; no constraint is imposed on F in the Π edge-editing problem. A number of optimization problems can be expressed in terms of graph modification problems which have been extensively studied in the context of parameterized complexity (Cai in Inf. Process. Lett. 58:171–176, 1996; Fellows et al. in FCT, pp. 312–321, 2007; Heggernes et al. in STOC, pp. 374–381, 2007). When parameterized by the size k of the set F, it has been proved that if Π is a hereditary property characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs, then the three Π edge-modification problems are FPT (Cai in Inf. Process. Lett. 58:171–176, 1996). It was then natural to ask (Bodlaender et al. in IWPEC, 2006) whether these problems also admit a polynomial kernel. in polynomial time to an equivalent instance (G′,k′) with size bounded by a polynomial in k). Using recent lower bound techniques, Kratsch and Wahlström answered this question negatively (Kratsch and Wahlström in IWPEC, pp. 264–275, 2009). However, the problem remains open on many natural graph classes characterized by forbidden induced subgraphs. question to characterize for which type of graph properties, the parameterized edge-modification problems have polynomial kernels. Kratsch and Wahlström asked whether the result holds when the forbidden subgraphs are paths or cycles and pointed out that the problem is already open in the case of P 4-free graphs (i.e. cographs). This paper provides positive and negative results in that line of research. We prove that Parameterized cograph edge-modification problems have cubic vertex kernels whereas polynomial kernels are unlikely to exist for the P l -free edge-deletion and the C l -free edge-deletion problems for l?7 and l≥4 respectively. Indeed, if they exist, then NP?coNP/poly.  相似文献   

We develop a technique, that we call conflict packing, to obtain (and improve) polynomial kernels for several well-studied editing problems. We first illustrate our technique on Feedback Arc Set in Tournaments (k-FAST) yielding an alternative and simple proof of a linear kernel for this problem. The technique is then applied to obtain the first linear kernel for theDense Rooted Triplet Inconsistency (k-dense-RTI) problem. A linear kernel for Betweenness in Tournaments (k-BIT) is also proved. All these problems share common features. First, they can be expressed as modification problems on a dense set of constant-arity constraints. Also the consistency of the set of constraints can be characterized by means of a bounded size obstructions. The conflict packing technique basically consists of computing a maximal set of small obstructions allowing us either to bound the size of the input or to reduce the input.  相似文献   

We show that the fixed alphabet shortest common supersequence (SCS) and the fixed alphabet longest common subsequence (LCS) problems parameterized in the number of strings are W[1]-hard. Unless W[1]=FPT, this rules out the existence of algorithms with time complexity of O(f(k)nα) for those problems. Here n is the size of the problem instance, α is constant, k is the number of strings and f is any function of k. The fixed alphabet version of the LCS problem is of particular interest considering the importance of sequence comparison (e.g. multiple sequence alignment) in the fixed length alphabet world of DNA and protein sequences.  相似文献   

We study the parameterized complexity of several minimum label graph problems, in which we are given an undirected graph whose edges are labeled, and a property Π, and we are asked to find a subset of edges satisfying property Π with respect to G that uses the minimum number of labels. These problems have a lot of applications in networking. We show that all the problems under consideration are W[2]-hard when parameterized by the number of used labels, and that they remain W[2]-hard even on graphs whose pathwidth is bounded above by a small constant. On the positive side, we prove that most of these problems are FPT when parameterized by the solution size, that is, the size of the sought edge set. For example, we show that computing a maximum matching or an edge dominating set that uses the minimum number of labels, is FPT when parameterized by the solution size. Proving that some of these problems are FPT requires interesting algorithmic methods that we develop in this paper.  相似文献   

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