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Breda virus (BRV), a member of the genus torovirus, is an established etiological agent of diarrhea of cattle, which is found as two separate serotypes, BRV-1 and BRV-2. In this study, a 7.5 kb fragment of the BRV-1 genome that bracketed the genes for the structural proteins of BRV was amplified by long RT-PCR and the amplicon purified and sequenced directly. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of four open reading frames (ORF) corresponding to the peplomer (S), envelope (M), and nucleocapsid (N) genes, and an ORF for a novel 1.2 kb gene located between the M and N genes. This new gene was identical in nucleotide sequence to the hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) gene of BRV-2. With the exception of this new ORF, BRV-1 manifests 80% nucleotide sequence identity with the torovirus prototype, Berne virus (BEV) in the 7.5 kb region from the 3' end of the genome that contains the genes for the structural proteins. A 504 base segment containing the ORF for the BRV-1 N gene was amplified by RT-PCR, and cloned into an Escherichia coli expression system. The resulting protein was purified by SDS-PAGE and used to immunize guinea pigs. Hyperimmune serum was reactive with bovine torovirus (BTV) and human torovirus (HTV) antigens. By immunoelectron microscopy, it was shown to aggregate broken but not intact torovirus particles from BTV-positive fecal specimens. By immunoblot, the hyperimmune serum reacted specifically with the 20 kD N proteins of both BTV and HTV, as well as with the expressed N protein. BRV-1 and BRV-2 immune sera from gnotobiotic calves, but not human convalescent sera from HTV-infected patients, reacted with the expressed N protein by immunoblot. These findings were applied to the design of a dot blot assay that could specifically detect BTV and HTV from fecal specimens.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a measure of schizotypic referential thinking. The authors present a 34-item questionnaire that includes a wide variety of referential thoughts and experiences, including both simple and guilty ideas of reference. The Referential Thinking Scale (REF) displays adequate internal consistency and strong relations with other measures of schizotypy, such as the well-known Perceptual Aberration and Magical Ideation Scales. Item-level factor analysis of the REF suggests that referential thought is multidimensional in nature, including both simple and guilty ideas of reference components. The REF displays minimal relations with acquiescence, social desirability, and sex. The REF does not appear to assess normative personality constructs that involve heightened self-awareness such as self-monitoring, self-consciousness, or social desirability, nor does it appear to be unduly related to psychological state variables. The REF was developed in order to provide an additional schizotypy measure for use in large-scale screening efforts and schizotypy studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Teacher efficacy: A construct validation.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Developed an instrument to measure teacher efficacy and examined the relationship between teacher efficacy and observable teacher behaviors. Factor analysis of responses from 208 elementary school teachers to a 30-item Teacher Efficacy Scale yielded 2 substantial factors that corresponded to A. Bandura's (see record 1977-25733-001) 2-factor theoretical model of self-efficacy. A multitrait–multimethod analysis that supported both convergent and discriminant validity analyzed data from 55 teachers on 3 traits (teacher efficacy, verbal ability, and flexibility) across 2 methods of measurement. Finally, classroom observations related to academic focus and teacher feedback behaviors indicated differences between 8 high- and low-efficacy teachers in time spent in whole class and small group instruction, teacher use of criticism, and teacher persistence in failure situations. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To determine the normal findings at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the postpneumonectomy space (PPS), and to evaluate the utility of MRI in detection of recurrent tumor in the postpneumonectomy chest, 32 MRI scans were performed in 31 patients at varying time intervals after pneumonectomy. Eleven patients also had 12 computed tomography (CT) scans performed at the same time to evaluate possible tumor recurrence. Of the 32 scans, 5 demonstrated complete obliteration of the fluid containing PPS, and 4 showed gas in the PPS; the remainder (n = 23) demonstrated persistence of fluid-filled spaces of varying size. The presence of a fibrotic rim of tissue was constant. In 11 patients with clinically suspected tumor recurrences, both CT and MRI were obtained: the two modalities performed with similar accuracy in diagnosing tumor recurrence at 16 sites; CT detected opposite-lung metastatic nodules not seen on MRI in one patient, and a rib metastasis described as "indeterminate" on MRI in a second patient. MRI detected a focus of recurrence in the PPS that was indeterminate on CT. There is considerable variability in the amount of fluid seen in the PPS on MRI. CT remains the procedure of choice for routine follow-up or in suspected tumor recurrence in the postpneumonectomy patient; MRI can be helpful if the CT scan is nondiagnostic or equivocal.  相似文献   

Conducted 5 studies to construct and psychometrically evaluate a marital satisfaction questionnaire for older persons. The questionnaire content was generated and refined in Study 1, temporal stability was evaluated in Study 2, and criterion-related validity was examined in Study 3. Norms, factor structure, and construct validity of the questionnaire were established in Study 4. The degree to which scores on the questionnaire predicted observer ratings of marital interactions during an analog problem-solving situation was examined in Study 5. The final questionnaire consists of 24 items with 1 major and 2 minor factors. Factor scores and a total Marital Satisfaction Scale score were found to be homogeneous, temporally stable, and significantly correlated with multiple measures of marital adjustment, life satisfaction, perceived spouse behaviors, and observer ratings of marital communication. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study proposed and tested a theoretical factor structure for the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (AEQ; S. A. Brown, M. S. Goldman, A. Inn, & L. R. Anderson [see record 1981-01217-001]). Factors were hypothesized to (a) reflect either positive or negative reinforcement, and (b) target either personal feelings or social contexts, resulting in 4 hypothesized factors (Social Enhancement, Social Coping, Personal Enhancement, Personal Coping). Participants were 180 male and 226 female undergraduates who completed the AEQ and additional self-report measures. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the hypothesized model fit the data. Post hoc adjustments further improved the model. Finally, a higher order factor model fit the data best. Factors correlated in hypothesized ways with other measures: (a) Only Personal Coping expectancies correlated with negative affect; (b) self-efficacy to resist drinking for emotional relief correlated highest with Personal Coping; and (c) self-efficacy to resist social pressure to drink correlated highest with Social Enhancement. Correlations with B. C. Leigh and A. W. Stacy's (see record 1993-35856-001) Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire indicated congruent and divergent validity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We present a series of 38 cases of longitudinal splitting of the peroneus brevis tendon revealed by MR imaging (12 lesions were confirmed at surgery). MRI enabled classification in four surgical grades. The frequency of such lesions in chronic ankle instability as observed in our series is often reported in the literature. Bilateral cases are common. Asymptomatic cases do occur, especially in grades I and II. MRI has been shown to be a very effective investigation for demonstrating this tendinous lesion; the proton density weighted sequence in the axial plane is the most adequate sequence.  相似文献   

Multicultural researchers and theorists have noted that client adherence to culture-of-origin values plays an important role in the provision of culturally relevant and sensitive psychological services. However, lack of instruments that measure ethnic cultural values has been a shortcoming in past research that attempted to examine this relationship. In this article, the development of the Asian Values Scale (AVS) is described, and the results of 4 studies investigating the psychometric properties of the AVS are reported. The results indicate that the AVS has adequate internal and 2-week test–retest reliability. Also, factor analysis and comparisons of AVS scores to scores on the Individualism–Collectivism scale (H. Triandis, 1995) and the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale (R. M. Sunn, K. Rickard-Figueroa, S. Lew & P. Vigil, 1987) provided evidence of convergent and divergent validity for the AVS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that many null findings in behavioral development (presumed to be unrelated because of repeated failures to obtain substantial correlations) have often been due to failures to aggregate. The principle of aggregation states that the sum of a set of multiple measurements is a more stable and representative estimator than any single measurement. This greater representation occurs because there is inevitably some error associated with measurement. By combining numerous exemplars, such errors of measurement are averaged out, leaving a clearer view of underlying relationships. The usefulness of this principle is illustrated in 12 major areas of developmental research in which the issue of negligible correlations figures prominently: (a) the validity of judges' ratings, (b) the cross-situational consistency of moral character and personality, (c) the longitudinal stability of personality, (d) the coherence of stages of cognitive development, (e) metacognition, (f) the attitude–behavior relationship, (g) the personality–behavior relationship, (h) the role-taking/altruism relationship, (i) the moral-judgment/altruism relationship, (j) the legitimacy of the construct of attachment, (k) the existence of sex differences, and (l) the assessment of emotionality in animals. (109 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This investigation explored the relationship of client engagement variables (client expectations, therapeutic/working alliance, and session attendance) with treatment satisfaction and posttreatment drinking-related outcomes using data from 2 outpatient alcohol treatment studies (N = 208). Path analysis was used to test a model in which engagement variables jointly influence client satisfaction with treatment and subsequent drinking-related outcomes. The proposed model fit well with the data and accounted for 14-23% of the variance in posttreatment outcomes. The relationships in the model suggest that the link between treatment satisfaction and outcome is clarified by examining client engagement variables, which relate indirectly to outcome by means of client satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although time urgency is seen as unidimensional in traditional measures of the Type A behavior pattern, F. J. Landy, H. Rastegary, J. Thayer, and C. Colvin (see record 1992-03955-001) concluded that it is a multidimensional construct. They developed behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) that correspond to 7 dimensions of time urgency. This multitrait-multimethod study used 4 raters' evaluations of 183 students at 2 times to examine the construct validity of the BARS measures. This study also investigated environmental and individual difference variables that were linked to time urgency. Confirmatory factor analyses failed to support a hypothesized 7-dimension, 4-method solution but did show good fit indices for a 5-dimension, 4-method model. Potential directions for future research on time urgency are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Based on clinical evidence and theoretical writings that pointed to the importance and uniqueness of the sense of entitlement in couple relationships, two studies were designed to develop and validate the Sense of Relational Entitlement (SRE) scale. A factor analysis performed on the scale's items yielded five factors that identified three basic entitlement-related attitudes toward a romantic partner. Findings indicated that both exaggerated and restricted forms of relational entitlement seem to be maladaptive and put people at risk for emotional problems. Findings also indicated that excessive and restricted forms of relational entitlement were significantly associated with attachment insecurities. In addition, the SRE scale was found to tap a unique psychological construct that moderately overlapped with constructs of narcissism and global entitlement. The discussion focuses on the developmental and psychodynamic sources of the sense of relational entitlement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the construct validity and clinical utility of S. Nolen-Hoeksema's (1991) Response Styles Questionnaire (RSQ) Rumination scale. Eighty-eight participants with recent-onset major depressive episodes were assessed and followed for 6 months, using semistructured interviews and self-report inventories. The RSQ Rumination scale exhibited poor 6-month stability and appeared to be closely linked to participants' clinical status–mood state. The scale was significantly correlated with conceptually related constructs such as emotion-focused coping, negative affectivity–temperament, and self-criticism. However, baseline negative temperament and self-criticism predicted key aspects of the 6-month course and outcome of major depressive episodes, whereas baseline rumination did not. Finally, rumination appeared to be closely associated with the severity of the depressive episode, rather than defining a distinct clinical subtype. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although a hierarchical structure of alcohol expectancies has been hypothesized, until recently confirmatory methods for testing such a model have been unavailable. Using concurrent data from 446 young adults entering college for the first time, this study applied new hierarchical models for confirmatory factor analysis to the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire. Then, using prospective drinking data from 428 participants, it evaluated the contribution of both common (higher order) and unique (first-order) expectancy variance to the prediction of alcohol use 1 year later. Results supported the hierarchical structure of alcohol expectancies and indicated that associated common and unique variance reliably predicted alcohol use. One uniqueness (social-physical pleasure) outpredicted the common variance. The theoretical (process) implications of these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests that the age of accountability has been thrust on psychotherapists by rising healthcare costs and the consequent growth of managed care. Accordingly, tracking psychotherapy outcomes is becoming a requirement for most practitioners. There are benefits in accepting and employing treatment outcome measurement as an integral part of clinical practice. The construction and psychometric characteristics of 2 measures of treatment outcome are described: the Outcome Questionnaire and the Youth Outcome Questionnaire, and the potential applications of outcome assessment from 2 perspectives, managed care administrators and clinicians, are illustrated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Burtch, Lipscomb, and Wissman's (1982) occupational learning difficulty index attempts to measure the difficulty of occupations by aggregating workers' evaluations of task learning time. In the present study we examined the construct validity of this job analysis index. To accomplish this, 48 different occupational training programs were described in terms of 15 training content variables, 6 student characteristics variables, and 7 training performance variables. The results, obtained in a correlational analysis, indicated that the occupational learning difficulty index yielded an interpretable pattern of relationships with the training content and performance variables. We conclude that this task learning time index displays some construct validity as a measure of occupational difficulty and, therefore, should prove of value in designing training, manpower allocation, and job evaluation systems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study presents psychometric properties (i.e., factor structure, convergent and discriminant validity, reliabilities) of an outcome instrument, the Client Evaluation of Counseling Inventory (CEC; Pace, 1997). The CEC was specifically designed for use in a counseling training clinic, although its broader applicability is also emphasized. Challenges unique to measuring outcome in a training clinic are presented, and the usefulness of the CEC in addressing these challenges is discussed. Results indicated a 3-factor structure and provided support for the reliability and validity of the CEC with a sample of clients from the community who were receiving services at a university-operated counseling training clinic. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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