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1 引言现有的数据库系统一般假设数据在未被显式修改前是不变的,例如:如果字段salary的值是30.000,那么只有通过事务更新才会改变该字段的值。但对连续变化的对象,如移动对象的位置,应用传统的数据库管理系统来管理会造成两种结果:或者移动对象位置的频繁更新占用大量的系统资源;或者使用移动对象过时的位置信息而导致错误的决策。  相似文献   

Continuous Query Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data Streams in PLACE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tremendous increase in the use of cellular phones, GPS-like devices, and RFIDs results in highly dynamic environments where objects as well as queries are continuously moving. In this paper, we present a continuous query processor designed specifically for highly dynamic environments (e.g., location-aware environments). We implemented the proposed continuous query processor inside the PLACE server (Pervasive Location-Aware Computing Environments); a scalable location-aware database server developed at Purdue University. The PLACE server extends data streaming management systems to support location-aware environments. These environments are characterized by the wide variety of continuous spatio-temporal queries and the unbounded spatio-temporal streams. The proposed continuous query processor includes: (1) New incremental spatio-temporal operators to support a wide variety of continuous spatio-temporal queries, (2) Extended semantics of sliding window queries to deal with spatial sliding windows as well as temporal sliding windows, and (3) A shared-execution framework for scalable execution of a set of concurrent continuous spatio-temporal queries. Experimental evaluation shows promising performance of the continuous query processor of the PLACE server. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants IIS-0093116, IIS-0209120, and 0010044-CCR.  相似文献   

在给定的空间及时间范围内,如何构建高效的时空索引结构,以实现对移动对象快速有效的检索,是实现定位服务、智能交通、数字化战争等诸多应用中所迫切需要解决的问题.本文依据移动对象的运动特点,提出了一种面向当前及将来时刻快速更新及有效检索的索引结构—PQR树.PQR树是综合PMRQuad树和R*树的结构,首先依据道路分布用PMRQuad树将移动对象的索引空间实行粗略的层分割,将所有快速移动对象与道路相关联.然后用R*树索引分布在各个子空间块内的类静止对象.实验结果表明PQR树具有良好的更新和查询性能.  相似文献   

提出一种路网中查询点速度不确定的连续k近邻查询方法.查询点在起始位置向服务器提出查询请求,得到k近邻的候选集.随着查询点的移动,利用有效候选集计算当前的k近邻,而不必再向服务器请求,从而减少了服务器计算代价.当候选集部分失效时,由服务器返回候选集中失效的兴趣点的当前信息,使候选集有效.当候选集完全失效时,由查询点重新向服务器提出查询请求,得到新的候选集.并提出一种计算候选集的优化方法,降低了查询代价.最后,通过实验验证了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

在时空数据库中,最近邻查询用于对某个查询对象,在被查询对象中找出离它最近的一个或多个对象。该文在TPR树这一时空索引的基础上,提出了一种高效的最近邻查询算法,能够支持移动对象的多个最近邻对象的查询,并在性能上也有所提高。  相似文献   

Continuous K nearest neighbor queries (C-KNN) are defined as finding the nearest points of interest along an enitre path (e.g., finding the three nearest gas stations to a moving car on any point of a pre-specified path). The result of this type of query is a set of intervals (or split points) and their corresponding KNNs, such that the KNNs of all points within each interval are the same. The current studies on C-KNN focus on vector spaces where the distance between two objects is a function of their spatial attributes (e.g., Euclidean distance metric). These studies are not applicable to spatial network databases (SNDB) where the distance between two objects is a function of the network connectivity (e.g., shortest path between two objects). In this paper, we propose two techniques to address C-KNN queries in SNDB: Intersection Examination (IE) and Upper Bound Algorithm (UBA). With IE, we first find the KNNs of all nodes on a path and then, for those adjacent nodes whose nearest neighbors are different, we find the intermediate split points. Finally, we compute the KNNs of the split points using the KNNs of the surrounding nodes. The intuition behind UBA is that the performance of IE can be improved by determining the adjacent nodes that cannot have any split points in between, and consequently eliminating the computation of KNN queries for those nodes. Our empirical experiments show that the UBA approach outperforms IE, specially when the points of interest are sparsely distributed in the network.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal database research community has just started to investigate benchmarking issues. On one hand we would rather have a benchmark that is representative of real world applications, in order to verify the expressiveness of proposed models. On the other hand, we would like a benchmark that offers a sizeable workload of data and query sets, which could obviously stress the strengths and weaknesses of a broad range of data access methods. This paper offers a framework for a spatio-temporal data sets generator, a first step towards a full benchmark for the large real world application field of smoothly moving objects with few or no restrictions in motion. The driving application is the modeling of fishing ships where the ships go in the direction of the most attractive shoals of fish while trying to avoid storm areas. Shoals are themselves attracted by plankton areas. Ships are moving points; plankton or storm areas are regions with fixed center but moving shape; and shoals are moving regions. The specification is written in such a way that the users can easily adjust generation model parameters.  相似文献   

移动对象数据库模型、查询语言及实时交通流分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁治明 《软件学报》2009,20(7):1866-1884
提出一种移动对象数据库模型——Dynamic Transportation Network Based Moving Objects Database(简称DTNMOD),并给出了DTNMOD中基于移动对象时空轨迹的网络实时动态交通流分析方法.在DTNMOD中,交通网络被表示成动态的时空网络,可以描述交通状态、拓扑结构以及交通参数随时间的变化过程;网络受限的移动对象则用网络移动点表示.DTNMOD 模型包含了完整的数据类型和查询操作的定义,因此可以在任何可扩充数据库(如PostgreSQL 或SECONDO)中实现,从而得到完整的数据库模型和查询语言.为了对相关模型的性能进行比较与分析,基于PostgreSQL 实现了一个原型系统并进行了一系列的实验.实验结果表明,DTNMOD 提供了良好的区域查询及连接查询性能.  相似文献   

The linear quadtree is a spatial access method that is built by decomposing the spatial objects in a database into quadtree blocks and storing these quadtree blocks in a B-tree. The linear quadtree is very useful for geographic information systems because it provides good query performance while using existing B-tree implementations. An algorithm and a cost model are presented for processing window queries in linear quadtrees. The algorithm can handle query windows of any shape in the general case of spatial databases with overlapping objects. The algorithm recursively decomposes the space into quadtree blocks, and uses the quadtree blocks overlapping the query window to search the B-tree. The cost model estimates the I/O cost of processing window queries using the algorithm. The cost model is also based on a recursive decomposition of the space, and it uses very simple parameters that can easily be maintained in the database catalog. Experiments with real and synthetic data sets verify the accuracy of the cost model.  相似文献   

广域传感器数据库是目前国际上的一个热点研究领域.详细分析了广域传感器数据库中的查询处理技术,针对多个查询间存在的查询冗余问题,提出了一种多查询处理体系结构,并对体系结构中各模块的功能和实现算法进行了分析说明.理论分析和实验结果表明,此方法不仅可以有效地缩短用户访问的延迟时间,加快用户查询的速度,而且可以显著地减少传感器网络内部消息传递的数量,提高网络带宽的利用率.  相似文献   

Bottom-up query-answering procedures tend to explore a much larger search space than what is strictly needed. Top-down processing methods use the query to perform a more focused search that can result in more efficient query answering. Given a disjunctive deductive database, DB, and a query, Q, we establish a strong connection between model generation and clause derivability in two different representations of DB and Q. This allows us to use a bottom-up procedure for evaluating Q against DB in a top-down fashion. The approach requires no extensive rewriting of the input theory and introduces no new predicates. Rather, it is based on a certain duality principle for interpreting logical connectives. The duality transformation is achieved by reversing the direction of implication arrows in the clauses representing both the theory and the negation of the query. The application of a generic bottom-up procedure to the transformed clause set results in top-down query answering. Under favorable conditions efficiency gains are substantial, as shown by our preliminary testing. We give the logical meaning of the duality transformation and point to the conditions and sources of improved efficiency. We show how the duality approach can be used for refined query answering by specifying the minimal conditions (weakest updates) to DB under which Q becomes derivable. This is shown to be useful for view updates in disjunctive deductive databases as well as for other interesting applications.  相似文献   

A top-down query-processing method for first-order deductive databases under the disjunctive well-founded semantics (DWFS) is presented. The method is based on a characterization of the DWFS in terms of the Gelfond–Lifschitz transformation and employs a hyperresolution-like operator and quasi-cyclic trees to handle minimal model processing. The method is correct and complete and can be guaranteed to terminate given certain mild constraints on the format of database rules. The efficiency of the method is enhanced by the fact that large parts of the search tree are naturally grounded, even for first-order queries and databases. In the case of a grounded yes/no answer, the search tree becomes nongrounded only if processing enters the definite part of the database. For finite propositional databases the method runs in polynomial space. Efficiency may be enhanced by the application of partial compilation.  相似文献   

Indexing the Trajectories of Moving Objects in Networks*   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The management of moving objects has been intensively studied in recent years. A wide and increasing range of database applications has to deal with spatial objects whose position changes continuously over time, called moving objects. The main interest of these applications is to efficiently store and query the positions of these continuously moving objects. To achieve this goal, index structures are required. The main proposals of index structures for moving objects deal with unconstrained 2-dimensional movement. Constrained movement is a special and a very important case of object movement. For example, cars move in roads and trains in railroads. In this paper we propose a new index structure for moving objects on networks, the MON-Tree. We describe two network models that can be indexed by the MON-Tree. The first model is edge oriented, i.e., the network consists of nodes and edges and there is a polyline associated to each edge. The second one is more suitable for transportation networks and is route oriented, i.e., the network consists of routes and junctions. In this model, a polyline also serves as a representation of the routes. We propose the index in terms of the basic algorithms for insertion and querying. We test our proposal in an extensive experimental evaluation with generated data sets using as underlying networks the roads of Germany. In our tests, the MON-Tree shows good scalabiliy and outperforms the competing index structures in updating (index creation) as well as in querying.*This work was partially supported by a grant Gu 293/8–l from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), project Datenbanken für bewegte Objekte (Databases for Moving Objects).  相似文献   

Survey of Spatio-Temporal Databases   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
Spatio-temporal databases aim to support extensions to existing models of Spatial Information Systems (SIS) to include time in order to better describe our dynamic environment. Although interest into this area has increased in the past decade, a number of important issues remain to be investigated. With the advances made in temporal database research, we can expect a more unified approach towards aspatial temporal data in SIS and a wider discussion on spatio-temporal data models. This paper provides an overview of previous achievements within the field and highlights areas currently receiving or requiring further investigation.  相似文献   

One of the most important queries in spatio-temporal databases that aim at managing moving objects efficiently is the continuous K-nearest neighbor (CKNN) query. A CKNN query is to retrieve the K-nearest neighbors (KNNs) of a moving user at each time instant within a user-given time interval [t s , t e ]. In this paper, we investigate how to process a CKNN query efficiently. Different from the previous related works, our work relieves the past assumption, that an object moves with a fixed velocity, by allowing that the velocity of the object can vary within a known range. Due to the introduction of this uncertainty on the velocity of each object, processing a CKNN query becomes much more complicated. We will discuss the complications incurred by this uncertainty and propose a cost-effective P2 KNN algorithm to find the objects that could be the KNNs at each time instant within the given query time interval. Besides, a probability-based model is designed to quantify the possibility of each object being one of the KNNs. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Chiang Lee (Corresponding author)Email:

Much work has been accomplished in the past on the subject of parallel query processing and optimization in parallel relational database systems; however, little work on the same subject has been done in parallel object-oriented database systems. Since the object-oriented view of a database and its processing are quite different from those of a relational system, it can be expected that techniques of parallel query processing and optimization for the latter can be different from the former. In this paper, we present a general framework for parallel object-oriented database systems and several implemented query processing and optimization strategies together with some performance evaluation results. In this work, multiwavefront algorithms are used in query processing to allow a higher degree of parallelism than the traditional tree-based query processing. Four optimization strategies, which are designed specifically for the multiwavefront algorithms and for the optimization of single as well as multiple queries, are introduced. The query processing algorithms and optimization strategies have been implemented on a parallel computer, nCUBE2; and the results of a performance evaluation are presented in this paper. The main emphases and the intended contributions of this paper are (1) data partitioning, query processing and optimization strategies suitable for parallel OODBMSs, (2) the implementation of the multiwavefront algorithms and optimization strategies, and (3) the performance evaluation results.  相似文献   

在外包空间数据库模式下,数据持有者委托第三方数据发布者代替它来管理数据并且执行查询.当发布者受到攻击或者由于自身的不安全性,它可能返回不正确的查询结果给用户.基于已有的反向k近邻(ReversekNearest Neighbor,RkNN)查询方法,采用将反向k近邻查询验证转化成k近邻查询验证和范围查询验证的思想,提出一种反向k近邻查询验证的方法,并且设计了相应的算法,用于验证返回给客户端结果的正确性(没有结果点被篡改),有效性(结果点都满足用户的查询要求)和完整性(没有遗漏符合查询要求的结果点).实验验证了算法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

面向集合的空间关键字查询处理是数据库领域近年来的热点研究课题.针对已有查询的不足,定义一种新的描述集合质量的Cost函数,提出一种新的面向集合的空间关键字查询方法,并证明基于该Cost函数的查询问题是NP完全问题.对于给定的对象数据集D={o1,o2,…,on},q为包含位置信息和关键字集合的查询点,查询返回的是在对象数据集D中,既满足查询点q的全部关键字,又能成为q的近邻且较紧凑的对象集合.为处理该查询,利用最小圆覆盖包含全部关键字的对象集合,并采用有效的裁剪策略分别实现了该查询的近似查询算法和精确查询算法.最后通过实验验证了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

An adaptive probe-based optimization technique is developed and demonstrated in the context of an Internet-based distributed database environment. More and more common are database systems which are distributed across servers communicating via the Internet where a query at a given site might require data from remote sites. Optimizing the response time of such queries is a challenging task due to the unpredictability of server performance and network traffic at the time of data shipment; this may result in the selection of an expensive query plan using a static query optimizer. We constructed an experimental setup consisting of two servers running the same database management system connected via the Internet. Concentrating on join queries, we demonstrate how a static query optimizer might choose an expensive plan by mistake. This is due to the lack of a priori knowledge of the run-time environment, inaccurate statistical assumptions in size estimation, and neglecting the cost of remote method invocation. These shortcomings are addressed collectively by proposing a probing mechanism. An implementation of our run-time optimization technique for join queries was constructed in the Java language and incorporated into an experimental setup. The results demonstrate the superiority of our probe-based optimization over a static optimization. Received 6 February 1999 / Revised 15 February 2000 / Accepted 10 May 2000  相似文献   

In this paper we address the multi-clip query optimization problem where a multi-clip query requests multiple video clips. We propose a new heuristics called Restricted Search Interval that maximizes clip sharing between queries and consequently reduces the network bandwidth of a video server for a multicast system. An adaptation of our heuristics for optimizing the response time of the query is also presented. The experimental results show that the suggested heuristics reduces the server workload by about 28% on the average in comparison to a classical heuristic approach.  相似文献   

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