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Graphs appear in numerous applications including cyber security, the Internet, social networks, protein networks, recommendation systems, citation networks, and many more. Graphs with millions or even billions of nodes and edges are common-place. How to store such large graphs efficiently? What are the core operations/queries on those graph? How to answer the graph queries quickly? We propose Gbase, an efficient analysis platform for large graphs. The key novelties lie in (1) our storage and compression scheme for a parallel, distributed settings and (2) the carefully chosen graph operations and their efficient implementations. We designed and implemented an instance of Gbase using Mapreduce/Hadoop. Gbase provides a parallel indexing mechanism for graph operations that both saves storage space, as well as accelerates query responses. We run numerous experiments on real and synthetic graphs, spanning billions of nodes and edges, and we show that our proposed Gbase is indeed fast, scalable, and nimble, with significant savings in space and time.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach for highly-concurrent nonblocking implementations of doubly-linked lists, based on dynamically maintaining a coloring of the nodes in the list. In these implementations, operations on non-adjacent nodes in the linked-list proceed without interfering with each other. Roughly speaking, the operations are implemented by acquiring nodes in the operation’s data set, in the order of their colors, and then making the changes atomically. The length of waiting chains is restricted, thereby increasing concurrency, because the colors are taken from a small set. Operations carefully update the colors of the nodes they modify, so neighboring nodes in the list have different colors. A helping mechanism ensures progress in small neighborhoods of processes that keep taking steps. We use this approach in two new algorithms: CAS-Chromo uses an unary conditional primitive, cas, and allows insertions anywhere in the linked list and removals only at the ends, while DCAS-Chromo allows insertions and removals anywhere but uses a stronger primitive, dcas.  相似文献   

S-Net is a declarative coordination language and component technology aimed at radically facilitating software engineering for modern parallel compute systems by near-complete separation of concerns between application (component) engineering and concurrency orchestration. S-Net builds on the concept of stream processing to structure networks of communicating asynchronous components implemented in a conventional (sequential) language. In this paper we present the design, implementation and evaluation of a new and innovative runtime system for S-Net streaming networks. The Front runtime system outperforms the existing implementations of S-Net by orders of magnitude for stress-test benchmarks, significantly reduces runtimes of fully-fledged parallel applications with compute-intensive components and achieves good scalability on our 48-core test system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present Para Miner which is a generic and parallel algorithm for closed pattern mining. Para Miner is built on the principles of pattern enumeration in strongly accessible set systems. Its efficiency is due to a novel dataset reduction technique (that we call EL-reduction), combined with novel technique for performing dataset reduction in a parallel execution on a multi-core architecture. We illustrate Para Miner’s genericity by using this algorithm to solve three different pattern mining problems: the frequent itemset mining problem, the mining frequent connected relational graphs problem and the mining gradual itemsets problem. In this paper, we prove the soundness and the completeness of Para Miner. Furthermore, our experiments show that despite being a generic algorithm, Para Miner can compete with specialized state of the art algorithms designed for the pattern mining problems mentioned above. Besides, for the particular problem of gradual itemset mining, Para Miner outperforms the state of the art algorithm by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

The Rigorous Examination of Reactive Systems’ (rers) Challenges provide a forum for experimental evaluation based on specifically synthesized benchmark suites. In this paper, we report on our ‘brute-force attack’ of the rers 2012 and 2013 Challenges. We connected the rers problems to two state-of-the-art explicit state model checkers: LTSmin and Spin. Apart from an effective compression of the state vector, we did not analyze the source code of the problems. Our brute-force approach was successful: it won both editions of the rers Challenge.  相似文献   

A DIN Kernel LISP Draft (DKLisp) has been developed by DIN as Reaction to Action D1 (N79), short term goal, of ISO WG16. It defines a subset language, as compatible as possible with the ANSICommon-Lisp draft, but also with theEuLisp draft. It combines the most important LISP main stream features in a single, compact, but nevertheless complete language definition, which thereby could be well suited as basis for a short term InternationalLisp Standard. Besides the functional and knowledge processing features, the expressive power of the language is well comparable with contemporary procedural languages, as e.g. C++ (of course without libraries). Important features ofDKLisp are:
  • to be a “Lisp-1,” but allowing an easy “Lisp-2” transformation;
  • to be a simple, powerful and standardized educationalLisp;
  • to omit all features, which are unclean or in heavy discussion;
  • DKLisp programs run nearly unchanged inCommon-Lisp;
  • DKLisp contains a simple object and package system;
  • DKLisp contains those data classes and control structures also common to most modernLisp and non-Lisp languages;
  • DKLisp offers a simple stream I/O;
  • DKLisp contains a clean unified hierarchical class/type system;
  • DKLisp contains the typical “Lisp-features” in an orthogonal way;
  • DKLisp allows and encourages really small but powerful implementations;
  • DKLisp comes in levels, so allowing ANSICommon-Lisp to be an extension ofDKLisp level-1.
  • The present is the second version of the proposal, namely version 1.2, with slight differences with respect to the one sent to ISO. Sources of such changes were the remarks generously sent by many readers of the previous attempt.  相似文献   

    Reasoning about the termination of equational programs in sophisticated equational languages such as Elan, Maude, OBJ, CafeOBJ, Haskell, and so on, requires support for advanced features such as evaluation strategies, rewriting modulo, use of extra variables in conditions, partiality, and expressive type systems (possibly including polymorphism and higher-order). However, many of those features are, at best, only partially supported by current term rewriting termination tools (for instance mu-term, C i ME, AProVE, TTT, Termptation, etc.) while they may be essential to ensure termination. We present a sequence of theory transformations that can be used to bridge the gap between expressive membership equational programs and such termination tools, and prove the correctness of such transformations. We also discuss a prototype tool performing the transformations on Maude equational programs and sending the resulting transformed theories to some of the aforementioned standard termination tools.  相似文献   

    A circle graph is the intersection graph of a set of chords in a circle. Keil [Discrete Appl. Math., 42(1):51–63, 1993] proved that Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, and Total Dominating Set are NP-complete in circle graphs. To the best of our knowledge, nothing was known about the parameterized complexity of these problems in circle graphs. In this paper we prove the following results, which contribute in this direction:
    • Dominating Set, Independent Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, Total Dominating Set, and Acyclic Dominating Set are W[1]-hard in circle graphs, parameterized by the size of the solution.
    • Whereas both Connected Dominating Set and Acyclic Dominating Set are W[1]-hard in circle graphs, it turns out that Connected Acyclic Dominating Set is polynomial-time solvable in circle graphs.
    • If T is a given tree, deciding whether a circle graph G has a dominating set inducing a graph isomorphic to T is NP-complete when T is in the input, and FPT when parameterized by t=|V(T)|. We prove that the FPT algorithm runs in subexponential time, namely $2^{\mathcal{O}(t \cdot\frac{\log\log t}{\log t})} \cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$ , where n=|V(G)|.

    Despite a large body of work on XPath query processing in relational environment, systematic study of queries containing not-predicates have received little attention in the literature. Particularly, several xml supports of industrial-strength commercial rdbms fail to efficiently evaluate such queries. In this paper, we present an efficient and novel strategy to evaluate not -twig queries in a tree-unaware relational environment. not -twig queries are XPath queries with ancestor–descendant and parent–child axis and contain one or more not-predicates. We propose a novel Dewey-based encoding scheme called Andes (ANcestor Dewey-based Encoding Scheme), which enables us to efficiently filter out elements satisfying a not-predicate by comparing their ancestor group identifiers. In this approach, a set of elements under the same common ancestor at a specific level in the xml tree is assigned same ancestor group identifier. Based on this scheme, we propose a novel sql translation algorithm for not-twig query evaluation. Experiments carried out confirm that our proposed approach built on top of an off-the-shelf commercial rdbms significantly outperforms state-of-the-art relational and native approaches. We also explore the query plans selected by a commercial relational optimizer to evaluate our translated queries in different input cardinality. Such exploration further validates the performance benefits of Andes.  相似文献   

    The uml Profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded (RTE) systems has recently been adopted by the OMG. Its Time Model extends the informal and simplistic Simple Time package proposed by Unified Modeling Language (UML2) and offers a broad range of capabilities required to model RTE systems including discrete/dense and chronometric/logical time. The Marte specification introduces a Time Structure inspired from several time models of the concurrency theory and proposes a new clock constraint specification language (ccsl) to specify, within the context of the uml, logical and chronometric time constraints. A semantic model in ccsl is attached to a (uml) model to give its timed causality semantics. In that sense, ccsl is comparable to the Ptolemy environment, in which directors give the semantics to models according to predefined models of computation and communication. This paper focuses on one historical model of computation of Ptolemy [Synchronous Data Flow (SDF)] and shows how to build SDF graphs by combining uml models and ccsl.  相似文献   

    This article presents a simple local medium access control protocol, called Jade, for multi-hop wireless networks with a single channel that is provably robust against adaptive adversarial jamming. The wireless network is modeled as a unit disk graph on a set of nodes distributed arbitrarily in the plane. In addition to these nodes, there are adversarial jammers that know the protocol and its entire history and that are allowed to jam the wireless channel at any node for an arbitrary $(1-\epsilon )$ -fraction of the time steps, where $0<\epsilon <1$ is an arbitrary constant. We assume that nodes can perform collision detection (unless they are transmitting themselves), but that they cannot distinguish between jammed transmissions and collisions of regular messages. Nevertheless, we show that Jade achieves an asymptotically optimal throughput by efficiently exploiting the unpredictable time periods in which the medium is available.  相似文献   

    The adoption of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in safety-related applications is often avoided because it is difficult to rule out possible misbehaviors with traditional analytical or probabilistic techniques. In this paper we present NeVer, our tool for checking safety of ANNs. NeVer encodes the problem of verifying safety of ANNs into the problem of satisfying corresponding Boolean combinations of linear arithmetic constraints. We describe the main verification algorithm and the structure of NeVer. We present also empirical results confirming the effectiveness of NeVer on realistic case studies.  相似文献   

    In recent years multi-core processors have seen broad adoption in application domains ranging from embedded systems through general-purpose computing to large-scale data centres. Simulation technology for multi-core systems, however, lags behind and does not provide the simulation speed required to effectively support design space exploration and parallel software development. While state-of-the-art instruction set simulators (Iss) for single-core machines reach or exceed the performance levels of speed-optimised silicon implementations of embedded processors, the same does not hold for multi-core simulators where large performance penalties are to be paid. In this paper we develop a fast and scalable simulation methodology for multi-core platforms based on parallel and just-in-time (Jit) dynamic binary translation (Dbt). Our approach can model large-scale multi-core configurations, does not rely on prior profiling, instrumentation, or compilation, and works for all binaries targeting a state-of-the-art embedded multi-core platform implementing the ARCompact instruction set architecture (Isa). We have evaluated our parallel simulation methodology against the industry standard Splash-2 and Eembc MultiBench benchmarks and demonstrate simulation speeds up to 25,307 Mips on a 32-core x86 host machine for as many as 2,048 target processors whilst exhibiting minimal and near constant overhead, including memory considerations.  相似文献   

    In this paper, we study the relation among Answer Set Programming (ASP) systems from a computational point of view. We consider smodels, dlv, and cmodels ASP systems based on stable model semantics, the first two being native ASP systems and the last being a SAT-based system. We first show that smodels, dlv, and cmodels explore search trees with the same branching nodes (assuming, of course, a same branching heuristic) on the class of tight logic programs. Leveraging on the fact that SAT-based systems rely on the deeply studied Davis–Logemann–Loveland (dll) algorithm, we derive new complexity results for the ASP procedures. We also show that on nontight programs the SAT-based systems are computationally different from native procedures, and the latter have computational advantages. Moreover, we show that native procedures can guarantee the “correctness” of a reported solution when reaching the leaves of the search trees (i.e., no stability check is needed), while this is not the case for SAT-based procedures on nontight programs. A similar advantage holds for dlv in comparison with smodels if the “well-founded” operator is disabled and only Fitting’s operator is used for negative inferences. We finally study the “cost” of achieving such advantages and comment on to what extent the results presented extend to other systems.  相似文献   

    A planning and scheduling (P&S) system takes as input a domain model and a goal, and produces a plan of actions to be executed, which will achieve the goal. A P&S system typically also offers plan execution and monitoring engines. Due to the non-deterministic nature of planning problems, it is a challenge to construct correct and reliable P&S systems, including, for example, declarative domain models. Verification and validation (V&V) techniques have been applied to address these issues. Furthermore, V&V systems have been applied to actually perform planning, and conversely, P&S systems have been applied to perform V&V of more traditional software. This article overviews some of the literature on the fruitful interaction between V&V and P&S.  相似文献   

    This paper presents a distributed (Bulk-Synchronous Parallel or bsp) algorithm to compute on-the-fly whether a structured model of a security protocol satisfies a ctl \(^*\) formula. Using the structured nature of the security protocols allows us to design a simple method to distribute the state space under consideration in a need-driven fashion. Based on this distribution of the states, the algorithm for logical checking of a ltl formula can be simplified and optimised allowing, with few tricky modifications, the design of an efficient algorithm for ctl \(^*\) checking. Some prototype implementations have been developed, allowing to run benchmarks to investigate the parallel behaviour of our algorithms.  相似文献   

    We propose an effective procedure, the first one to our knowledge, for translating a proof term of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), into a tactical expression of the high-level specification language of a CIC-based proof assistant like coq (Coq development team 2008) or matita (Asperti et al., J Autom Reason 39:109–139, 2007). This procedure, which should not be considered definitive at its present stage, is intended for translating the logical representation of a proof coming from any source, i.e. from a digital library or from another proof development system, into an equivalent proof presented in the proof assistant’s editable high-level format. To testify to effectiveness of our procedure, we report on its implementation in matita and on the translation of a significant set of proofs (Guidi, ACM Trans Comput Log 2009) from their logical representation as coq 7.3.1 (Coq development team 2002) CIC proof terms to their high-level representation as tactical expressions of matita’s user interface language.  相似文献   

    There have been large attempts to adopt the bias-variance framework from the regression problems to the classification problems. However, recently, it has been shown that only non-straightforward extensions exist for classification problems. In this paper, we present an alternative visualization framework for classification problems called zone analysis. Our zone analysis framework partly extends the bias-variance idea; instead of decomposing an error into two parts, i.e. the biased and unbiased components, our framework decomposes the error into K components. While bias-variance information is still contained in our framework, our framework provides interesting observations which are not obviously seen in the previous bias-variance framework, e.g. a prejudice behavior of the bagging algorithm to various unbiased instances. Our framework is suitable for visualizing an effect of context changes on learning performance. The type of context changes which we primarily investigate in the paper is “a change from a base learner to an ensemble learner such as bagging, adaboost, arc-x4 and multi-boosting”.  相似文献   

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