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热中子俘获瞬发γ射线强度计算@周春梅  相似文献   

反应堆热中子束流引起地质样品中硼的~(10)B(n,αγ)~7Li反应,用HPGe探测器测量其反应的478 keV瞬发γ射线峰面积,与标准样品比对,得到30个地质样品中硼的含量为8×10~(-6)~160×10~(-6),相对误差为16%~5%。  相似文献   

根据α衰变的α强度和γ跃迁强度平衡,导出了α衰变的γ射线强度的计算公式,并以实例进行说明,并给出了有关强度平衡的物理自洽检验方法及其讨论。  相似文献   

文章涉及基于γ跃迁强度平衡的同核异能跃迁γ射线强度的计算方法,并以实例进行说明。文中给出了有关的物理自洽检验方法及其讨论。  相似文献   

多元素中子俘获瞬发γ射线分析方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘雨人  孟伯年 《核技术》1998,21(7):385-391
进一步提出被测元素瞬发γ射线特征峰的面积与其含量的关系式。经实验证明对各常见元素的仪器分析回归值与化学分析值的均方根偏差皆小于0.5wt%。在铁矿石的分析实验中发现了慢化体的作用,它可明显地提高分析灵敏度。该套中子俘获瞬发谱仪对H瞬发γ峰(2.223MeV)的FWHM为3keV。  相似文献   

介绍了核衰变射线强度和辐射能量平衡的计算方法及以^198Au和β衰变为例说明其实际应用。  相似文献   

贾建国  吴治华 《核技术》1996,19(8):479-483
使用NaI(Tl)等能量分辨率较低但探测效率高的探测器在复杂环境进行在线热中子瞬发活化伽玛分析时宜采用基于标准谱分析方法。该方法包括标准谱完全集的获得,加权最小二乘解谱,灵敏度及归一化参数刻度等关键环节。我们采用NaI(Tl)探测器,使用^252Cf中子源,对NaCl水溶液进行了分析,获得了较好的精度。  相似文献   

中子感生瞬发γ射线煤多元素分析研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
本文叙述了产生中子感生瞬发γ射线的两种主要反应:热中子俘获(n,γ)和快中子非弹性散射(n,n′γ)用于物料分析的原理与方法。结合精洗煤样分析建立了实验装置;建立了对所采集谱数据处理方法。给出了煤样分析的结果。结果是满意的。本工作研究了 ̄(226)Raγ源的本底中子发射:探讨了本底中子的产生机理,提出并证实了镭的载体Cl或Br的(α、n)反应是产生 ̄(226)Raγ源的本底中子的主要来源这一论断;提出用载体元素Br替代国产镭源的载体元素Cl,制备RaBr_2γ源以降低本底中子发射。这一建议的实施,将本底中子由RaCl_2的96.4中子/4αs·mg(Ra).降至6.1中子/4αs·mg(Ra)。  相似文献   

观测了低能质子在含C和N样品上引起的共振核反应。通过测定几种已知丰度富集物的γ射线产额进行体系刻度,可快速、准确地求出待测样品的丰度。测量范围:13C为1%—90%,15N为0.05%—5%。  相似文献   

基于MCNP程序建立了西安脉冲堆热中子源设计的蒙特卡罗深穿透耦合屏蔽计算方法;采用MCNP临界源模型计算了热柱方腔前表面的中子、伽马平面源的参数,并与实验值进行了对比,给出了平面源的修正系数;基于中子、伽马等效平面源,采用新型硼铝复合材料以及铅、铋等材料,优化设计了热中子束流滤束装置,给出了热中子束流滤束装置的升级改造方案,得到热中子通量密度较原设计方案提高3倍、中子伽马通量密度比值大于10的平行热中子束,且束流外侧区域的中子、伽马本底剂量率接近0.025 mSv/h的辐射防护标准。  相似文献   

How to calculate the prompt gamma-ray emission probability (absolute intensity) of thermal-neutron capture is briefly introduced. The examples are given to illustrate their applications. The physical consistent checking and some discussions are also given.  相似文献   

在线中子活化分析系统关键参数的蒙特卡罗模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对在线瞬发γ中子活化分析(PGNAA)系统的要求,利用MCNP程序对不同慢化材料(重水、石蜡、聚乙烯等)厚度、铅屏蔽厚度、样品厚度及大小进行模拟计算分析。计算结果表明,以厚9cm的石蜡作慢化材料,厚2cm的铅作γ屏蔽层,厚7cm、半径10cm的硫、钙和水泥类样品为最优设计方案,从而为实际设计在线PGNAA系统提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

AnuclideAZX(X,elementsymbol;A,nuclearmassnumber;Z,nuclearprotonnumber)capturesathermal-neutronandformsacompoundnuclideA 1zXwithhigh-excita-tionenergyS(n)(equiltoneutronbindingenergy);thenitdecaysbymeansofemittinggammarayscalledaspromptgammaray,andfinallyd…  相似文献   

In order to determine the thermal neutron capture cross section of 237Np, the relevant γ emission probabilities of the 312-keV γ-ray from the decay of 233Pa and the 984-keV γ-ray from the decay of 238Np are deduced from the ratio of the emission rate to the activity. The emission rate and activity are measured with a Ge detector and a Si detector, respectively. The measured emission probability for 312-keV γ-ray is 41.6±0.9% and that for 984-keV γ-ray is 25.2±0.5%. The emission probabilities are used to correct the thermal neutron capture cross section of 237Np reported previously, and gives 168±6b. The neutron capture cross section is also determined as 169±6b by α-ray spectroscopic method. The measured emission probabilities and capture cross section are compared with others from references. By averaging these values deduced by different methods, the value of 169±4b is recommended as the thermal neutron capture cross section of 237Np for 2,200 m/s neutrons.  相似文献   

热中子俘获截面测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用活化法测量了^71Ga(n,γ)^72Ga、^94Zr(n,γ)^95Zr、^191Ir(n,γ)^192Ir^m1+g,m2反应的热中子俘获截面,给出了最终结果,并与国外其他家的实验数据作了比较。  相似文献   

介绍了一款同时测量混合辐射场中n、γ剂量当量的装置研制,该装置通过单球多计数器和GM计数管相结合的方法构成,单球多计数器的探测器由三根两两垂直的3He正比计数管构成,通过解谱的方法得到中子剂量当量。在Am-Be和Cf-252中子参考辐射场中进行了测试,剂量当量相对误差30%;在能量范围为63keV-1.25MeV的入射光子下进行了能量响应试验,相对误差30%。  相似文献   

Intensity of the thermal neutrons emitted from the moderator with a reflector was calculated to study the effects on the intensity caused by a macroscopic total neutron cross section and an average logarithmic energy loss of the reflector materials.

A reflector with a large macroscopic total neutron cross section produced higher thermal neutron intensity than that with a small cross section if they had the same average logarithmic energy loss. Among the reflectors with the same total macroscopic neutron cross section, the thermal neutron intensity was not changed by decreasing the average logarithmic energy loss to a range less than about 0.1 but above this value the intensity was weakened. From this result it was found that a large macroscopic total cross section and a small average logarithmic energy loss are preferable characteristics for reflector materials.

As actual reflector materials, three reflector materials were examined, namely beryllium, graphite and lead, which are now considered to be candidates. The lead reflector was effective for the moderator with a large emission-surface and the beryllium reflector for the moderator with a small one. This result indicates that the moderator size is important for choosing the best reflector material to produce the highest beam intensity.  相似文献   

为确定堆芯γ射线对自给能探测器输出信号的影响。将钒和铑自给能探测器放置在试验堆某一稳定的中子和γ辐照水平下,通过停堆给自给能探测器施加一个中子注量率阶跃信号,观察探测器输出信号的变化来推断γ射线对自给能探测器输出信号的影响。  相似文献   

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