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Type I Helicobacter pylori strains frequently recognize the Lewisb (Leb) blood group antigen. This binding property and expression of the Leb oligosaccharide were required for adherence to fixed normal or pathologic gastric tissue. In contrast, both type I and type II strains adhered to cultured cells in the absence of the Leb epitope. For the gastric cell line AGS, adherence was significantly higher when viable type I strains were allowed to interact with viable AGS cells compared with fixed cells. The observation that chloramphenicol and cycloheximide, inhibitors of bacterial and eukaryotic protein synthesis, respectively, significantly reduced adherence of type I but not type II isolates suggests that in type I strains, adherence depends on the up-regulation of one or more host cell receptors triggered by the bacterium.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the synthesis of ribosomal proteins (r proteins) in E. coli cells is under stringent control (Dennis and Nomura, 1974). Since guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) has been implicated in stringent control, we examined the effects of ppGpp on the in vitro synthesis of r proteins directed by DNA from transducing phage lambdafus3 and lambdarifd18. lambdafus3 carries genes for protein elongation factors EF-Tu and EF-G, and RNA polymerase subunit alpha, in addition to genes for approximately 27 r proteins. lambdarifd18 carries genes for EF-Tu, RNA polymerase subunits beta and beta1, and a set of rRNAs, in addition to genes for approximately five r proteins. We have shown that low concentrations of ppGpp (0.2-0.3 mM) specifically inhibit DNA-dependent r protein synthesis in this system, and that this inhibition takes place directly, rather than as a consequence of the inhibition of rRNA synthesis by ppGpp. In addition, we have also shown that ppGpp inhibits the synthesis of EF-G, EF-Tu, and RNA polymerase subunit alpha, as well as rRNAs.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have two protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) reductases catalyzing the conversion of Pchlide to chlorophyllide, a key step in the biosynthetic pathway of chlorophylls (Chls); a light-dependent (LPOR) and a light-independent (DPOR) reductase. We found an open reading frame (ORF322) in a 2,131-bp EcoRI fragment from the genomic DNA of the cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum. Because the deduced amino acid sequence showed a high similarity to those of various plant LPORs and the LPOR activity was detected in the soluble fraction of Escherichia coli cells over-expressing the ORF322 protein, ORF322 was defined as the por gene encoding LPOR in P. boryanum. A por-disrupted mutant, YFP12, was isolated by targeted mutagenesis to investigate the physiological importance of LPOR. YFP12 grew as well as wild type under low light conditions (10-25 muE m-2 s-1). However, its growth was significantly retarded as a result of a significant decrease in its Chl content under higher light conditions (85-130 muE m-2 s-1). Furthermore, YFP12 stopped growing and suffered from photobleaching under the highest light intensity (170 muE m-2 s-1). In contrast, a chlL-disrupted (DPOR-less) mutant YFC2 grew as well as wild type irrespective of light intensity. From these phenotypic characteristics, we concluded that, although both LPOR and DPOR contribute to Chl synthesis in the cells growing in the light, the extent of the contribution by LPOR increases with increasing light intensity; without it, the cells are unable to grow under light intensities of more than 130 muE m-2 s-1.  相似文献   

Crescentic glomerulonephritis (GN) demonstrates immunopathological features of a T helper (Th)1-directed delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response. The capacity of Th2 cytokines to attenuate crescentic glomerular injury in this disease was examined by administering interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-10, singly and in combination. GN was induced by i.v. administration of sheep anti-mouse glomerular basement membrane (GBM) globulin to mice sensitized to sheep globulin 10 days earlier. Treatment (2.5 microg, i.p.) with IL-4, IL-10, or both IL-4 and IL-10 (IL-4 + 10), was started 1 h before sensitization and continued daily until the end of the study (10 days after administration of anti-GBM globulin). Control mice treated with PBS developed GN with glomerular accumulation of T cells and macrophages, crescents in 42.5 +/- 4.5 % of glomeruli (normal 0 %), proteinuria (8.3 +/- 0.9 mg/24 h, normal 0.74 +/- 0.08 mg/24 h, p <0.001) and renal impairment (creatinine clearance [cr/cl]: 93 +/- 12 microl/min, normal 193 +/- 10 microl/min, p < 0.001). Treatment with either IL-4, IL-10, or IL-4 + 10 prevented crescent formation (crescentic glomeruli: 0.8 +/- 0.5, 1.2 +/- 0.9, and 1.4 +/- 1.0 %, respectively, all p < 0.01 compared to control) and attenuated proteinuria (3.6 +/- 1.0, 2.2 +/- 0.5, and 2.9 +/- 0.5 mg/24 h, respectively, all p < 0.01 compared to control). IL-4 + 10 prevented development of renal impairment (cr/cl: 183 +/- 22 microl/min); IL-10 given alone limited the decline in renal function (cr/cl: 150 +/- 20 microl/min), but IL-4 alone did not provide any significant protection (cr/cl: 121 +/- 17 microl/min). All treatments markedly diminished glomerular T cell and macrophage accumulation, reduced interferon-gamma production by splenic T cells, prevented cutaneous DTH to the disease-initiating antigen and reduced antigen-specific immunoglobulin of the IgG2a and IgG3 isotypes. These data demonstrate that crescentic GN and renal impairment can be prevented by administration of Th2 cytokines and that this effect is associated with attenuation of the Th1 response to the disease-initiating antigen.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase plays a key role in assembly of the core enzyme. In previous studies the amino-terminal domain consisting of 215 amino acid residues between positions 21 and 235 was identified to be involved in this assembly, and the sites for beta and beta' association were suggested to be located within or near the two conserved regions in this amino-terminal assembly domain of alpha. For detailed functional mapping, Ala was substituted for 26 highly conserved amino acids around residues 40, 80 and 170 to 210. The alpha-point mutants were analyzed in vitro for their abilities to form dimers and to assemble beta beta' subunits. New types of assembly-deficient mutants were identified: alpha-R45A (having substituted Ala for Arg at residue 45) dimerized but did not assemble beta (and beta') subunits; and alpha-L48A showed a decreased level of alpha 2 beta subassembly formation, indicating that this region (residues 45 to 48) is responsible for beta-binding. Isolation of two mutants, alpha-K86A and alpha-V173A, both forming alpha 2 beta but not alpha 2 beta beta' complex, confirmed our previous conclusion that two separated regions participate in beta'-binding.  相似文献   

We have recently cloned the alpha subunit of a bovine amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel (alphabENaC). This subunit shares extensive homology with both rat and human alphaENaC subunits but shows marked divergence at the C terminus beginning at amino acid 584 of the 697-residue sequence. When incorporated into planar lipid bilayers, alphabENaC almost exclusively exhibits a main transition to 39 picosiemens (pS) with very rare 13 pS step transitions to one of two subconductance states (26 and 13 pS). In contrast, the alpha subunit of the rat renal homolog of ENaC (alpharENaC) has a main transition step to 13 pS that is almost constituitively open, with a second stepwise transition of 26 to 39 pS. A deletion mutant of alphabENaC, encompassing the entire C-terminal region (R567X), converts the kinetic behavior of alphabENaC to that of alpharENaC, i. e. a transition to 13 pS followed by a second 26 pS transition to 39 pS. Chemical cross-linking of R567X restores the wild-type alphabENaC gating pattern, whereas treatment with the reducing agent dithiothreitol produced only 13 pS transitions. In contrast, an equivalent C-terminal truncation of alpharENaC (R613X) had no effect on the gating pattern of alpharENaC. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that interactions between the C termini of alphabENaC account for the different kinetic behavior of this member of the ENaC family of Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Three amino acids were identified in the catalytic (C) subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase that are involved in interaction with regulatory (R) subunit, but not with the specific protein kinase inhibitor, PKI. In a functional assay for gene induction, a C expression vector with serine or arginine substituted for Leu-198 and the double mutant C, His-87-->Gln/Trp-196-->Arg (Orellana, S. A., and McKnight, G. S. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, U.S.A. 89, 4726-4730), retained activity in the presence of an excess of RI or RII. In contrast, cotransfection of a full-length PKI expression vector completely inhibited the activity of both mutant and wild type C subunits. These data suggest that although the substrate/pseudosubstrate sites of R and PKI interact with C at the catalytic site, there is an additional domain on the C subunit that is involved in holoenzyme formation with R subunit and is distinct from sites specifying high affinity PKI binding.  相似文献   

VP55, the catalytic subunit of vaccinia virus poly(A) polymerase, has the remarkable property of adding 30-35 adenylates to RNA 3' ends in a rapid processive burst before an abrupt transition to slow, non-processive adenylate addition. Here, we demonstrate that this property results from the affinity of the enzyme for uridylate residues within the 3' 31-40 nt of the RNA primer. At physiological salt concentrations, both polyadenylation and stable VP55 binding required the presence of multiple uridylates within a 31-40 nt length of RNA, though specific RNA sequences were not necessary. Even DNA in which the deoxythymidylate residues were replaced with ribouridylates, could be polyadenylated in a processive manner. Both the unmethylated pyrimidine ring and a 2'-OH on the associated sugar are features of ribouridylates that are important for priming. The abrupt termination of processive polyadenylation was attributed to translocation of VP55 along the nascent poly(A) tail, which lacks uridylates for stable binding. As evidence for translocation and interaction with newly synthesized RNA, other homopolymer tails were synthesized by VP55 in the presence of Mn2+, which relaxes its donor nucleotide specificity. Only during poly(U) tail synthesis did processive nucleotide addition fail to terminate.  相似文献   

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