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A new method of solving the two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations by using the finite element method is proposed. The flow is represented by the stream function–vorticity formulation and the no-slip boundary conditions are explicitly introduced in the nonlinear equations. This formulation coupled with the Newton-Raphson method enables the study of stationary flows for high Reynolds number, without any convergence problem. A number of flow problems are analysed in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the present formulation.  相似文献   

J. Torres  G. Gordillo 《Thin solid films》1997,310(1-2):310-316
Photoconductors based on evaporated ZnxCd1−xS and CdSe1−ySy thin films, with a novel multilayer structure, were fabricated and characterized through spectral response measurements. The device structure is constituted by several layers of different energy gaps, sequentially deposited side by side and interconnected in series or in parallel. The influence of the preparation conditions, number of layers and electrode configuration, on the performance of the photoconductors was determined. Photoresistors with a detection range between 400 and 750 nm were developed, using four layers with energy gaps varying between 1.8 eV and 2.8 eV and interconnected in parallel.  相似文献   

The E1 and E11 energy bands of metal–organic chemical vapor deposition grown AlxGa1−xAs, with x in the range 0–0.55, have been determined using photoreflectance technique. The aluminum composition for each sample was determined using the energy of the room-temperature photoluminescence compensated peak value and a suitable fundamental band gap formula. The positions of the E1 and E11 peaks were determined from curve-fitting an appropriate theoretical model to our experimental data by a modified downhill simplex method. Using the results, we propose new E1 and E11 cubic expressions as functions of the aluminum composition, x, and compare them with the available reported expressions.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel approach in simulating laminar to turbulent transition by using two-equation models. The Total Stresses Limitation (TSL) concept is used to make the two-equation model capable of predicting high-Reynolds-number transitional flow. In order to handle the transition triggered by laminar separation at a low Reynolds number location, which commonly occurs in high speed flow, a sensor is introduced to detect separation and trigger transition in the separated zone. Test cases include the classical flat-plate turbulent boundary flow, and low-pressure turbine cascade flows at design and off-design conditions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spinel phase compounds with the composition of LiMn2−δVδOy were prepared by solid reaction of the mixture of LiNO3·H2O, MnCO3 and NH4VO3 powders. Evolution of the crystalline phases of the samples versus the vanadium content was analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, EPR and FT-IR spectroscopes. Cubic spinel is the predominant phase in the powders under heat treatment at 550 °C for 5 h. The valence state of manganese ion changed from +4 to +3 with vanadium substitution for charge compensation. The vanadium substitution of manganese leads the decline in capacity and cyclic behavior of the powders. The electrochemical behaviors relating to the variation of structure corresponding to the vanadium substitution were discussed.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of α,ω‐mercaptoalkyl ferrocenes with different alkyl chain lengths embedded in a self‐assembled host matrix of alkanethiols on Au(111) are studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. Based on current–distance spectroscopy, as well as on the evaluation of Fowler–Nordheim tunneling current oscillations, the apparent barrier height of ferrocene is determined independently by two methods. The electronic coupling of the ferrocene moiety to the Au(111) substrate is shown to depend on the length of the alkane‐spacer chain. In a double tunnel junction model our experimental findings are explained, addressing the role of the different molecular moieties of the mercaptoalkyl ferrocenes.  相似文献   

Highly stable ΔEE telescope systems consisting of plastic scintillation detectors are operated as flux monitors in a “white” neutron beam between 15 and 50 MeV. Multiple telescope systems consisting of large area silicon ΔE detectors and NaI E detectors are set up in a scattering chamber to investigate charged particle reactions induced by fast neutrons up to 50 MeV.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the amount of charge introduced into Langmuir- Blodgett (LB) films, multilayers of ω-tricosenoic acid have been deposited onto a number of silicon substrates under different dipping conditions. The effects of moisture and storage conditions on film properties have been examined, and a new mathematical model for the charge distribution within an LB film multilayer will be proposed.  相似文献   

Manganese oxides with distorted perovskite structure have attracted much attention during the last decade due to their colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), and the strong correlations among the various degrees of freedom involved. In particular, Pr1−xCaxMnO3 compounds present in a wide Ca-doping range a charge ordering phenomenon, consisting of real space ordering of Mn3+ and Mn4+ in alternate lattice sites below a certain temperature TCO. This ordering brings about a lattice distortion and a large hardening of the sound velocity below TCO. Tomioka et al. have observed that an applied magnetic field can melt this charge ordered state and induce a transition from an insulating to a metallic state. In order to study the effects of this charge order melting, ultrasonic longitudinal sound velocity measurements were performed on polycrystalline Pr1−xCaxMnO3 (x=0.35 and 0.5) as a function of magnetic field and temperature. Interesting anomalies were found related to the melting of the charge ordered phase into a metal-like state even at low temperatures.  相似文献   

On the basis of the FDUC model and the hypothesis of the constant covalent radii, the expressions of the atomic nearest-neighbor and the next-nearest-neighbor bond-lengths were derived for A1−xBxC1−yDy III–V quaternary solid solutions. This set of bond-length expressions predicts the averaged bond-lengths and bond angles at any concentration (x, y) for the III–V pseudobinary and quaternary solid solutions, which are only dependent on the lattice parameters and the concentrations of the pure end compounds. When x=0, 1 or y=0, 1, A1−xBxC1−yDy III–V quaternary solid solutions degenerate into the relative pseudobinary solid solutions, in which the nearest-neighbor and the next-nearest-neighbor bond-lengths agree well with the experimental results. Further discussion and comparison with other theoretical models are also given in this paper.  相似文献   

Yttria partially stabilized zirconia (Y-PSZ) and Co1−xO powders in 4:1 molar ratio were sintered and then annealed at 1300 and 1600°C to investigate the orientation change of Co1−xO particles within Y-PSZ grains. Transmission electron microscopic observations indicated the Co1−xO particles remained nonepitaxy in Y-PSZ grains after annealing at 1300°C for 300 h. When fired at 1600°C for 1–100 h, submicro-sized Co1−xO particles (denoted as C) reached parallel epitaxy relationship, i.e. [100]C//[100]Z, [010]C//[010]Z and another relationship, i.e. [111]C//[100]Z, //[011]Z with respect to the host zirconia grain (denoted as Z) nearly free of tetragonal precipitates. On the other hand, larger intragranular Co1−xO particles (>1 μm in diameter) failed to reach epitaxial orientations even subject to prolonged annealing (100 h) at 1600°C. The temperature and size dependence of orientation change of the intragranular particle is in accordance with theoretical consideration of Brownian type rotation of the particle above a critical temperature for anchorage release at interface.  相似文献   

The effects of bismuth doping on the oxygen-ion diffusion in oxide-ion conductors La2−xBixMo2O9 (x=0.05, 0.1, and 0.15) have been studied by both internal friction and dielectric relaxation techniques. Two internal friction peaks of relaxation type (P1 and P2 peak) were observed at a measurement frequency of 4 Hz around 380 and 430 K, respectively. As for the dielectric measurement, a prominent dielectric relaxation peak (Pd) was found in all the Bi-doped samples around 700 K at a measurement frequency of 50 kHz, which actually consists of two sub-peaks (denoted as Pd1 and Pd2 peak). With increasing Bi-doping content, two peaks shift to higher temperature and decrease in height, while the activation energy of both peaks increases. The main reason was interpreted as the introduction of the lone-pair electrons of bismuth, which tends to block the diffusion of oxygen ion.  相似文献   

Nonlinear optical response signals on picosecond and nanosecond time scales have been studied in the mixed-crystal system KTa1−xNbxO3 using transient degenerate-four-wave mixing (DFWM). The two distinct signal components, denoted as an instantaneous response (IR) and slow response (SR) in previous studies, changed intensity as the relative arriving time between two write pulses varied. The dependence of these signals on the crystal orientation was characterized. The results were consistent with a lattice relaxation model based on the laser-induced dynamic displacement of the Nb ion. In this model the signal variations result from the competition between the dynamic displacement and the intrinsic distortion associated with the spontaneous polarization along the optic axis.  相似文献   

Poonam Uniyal  K.L. Yadav   《Materials Letters》2008,62(17-18):2858-2861
Gd-doped BiFeO3 polycrystalline ceramics were synthesized by solid-state reaction method and their dielectric and magnetic properties were investigated. X-ray diffraction pattern showed that Bi1 − xGdxFeO3 (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.1) ceramics were rhombohedral. The Gd substitution has suppressed the usual impurity peaks present in the parent compound and we obtained single phase Bi0.9Gd0.1FeO3 ceramic. Gd substitution reduced the antiferromagnetic Néel temperature (TN) in Bi1 − xGdx FeO3. An anomaly in the dielectric constant(ε) and dielectric loss(tan (δ)) in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic Néel temperature (TN) was observed. Ferroelectric and magnetic hysteresis loops measured at room temperature indicated the coexistence of ferroelectricity and magnetism. The room temperature magnetic hysteresis loops were not saturated, but the magnetic moment was found to increase with increase in Gd concentration.  相似文献   

In molecular electronics, it is important to control the strength of the molecule–electrode interaction to balance the trade‐off between electronic coupling strength and broadening of the molecular frontier orbitals: too strong coupling results in severe broadening of the molecular orbitals while the molecular orbitals cannot follow the changes in the Fermi levels under applied bias when the coupling is too weak. Here, a platform based on graphene bottom electrodes to which molecules can bind via π–π interactions is reported. These interactions are strong enough to induce electronic function (rectification) while minimizing broadening of the molecular frontier orbitals. Molecular tunnel junctions are fabricated based on self‐assembled monolayers (SAMs) of Fc(CH2)11X (Fc = ferrocenyl, X = NH2, Br, or H) on graphene bottom electrodes contacted to eutectic alloy of gallium and indium top electrodes. The Fc units interact more strongly with graphene than the X units resulting in SAMs with the Fc at the bottom of the SAM. The molecular diodes perform well with rectification ratios of 30–40, and they are stable against bias stressing under ambient conditions. Thus, tunnel junctions based on graphene with π–π molecule–electrode coupling are promising platforms to fabricate stable and well‐performing molecular diodes.  相似文献   

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