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Jinsheng Xiao Rong Peng Daniel Cossement Pierre Bénard Richard Chahine 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2013
Compared to room temperature adsorption, cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage capacity has been greatly improved, and has become the central issue of the hydrogen storage research. Accurate simulation and optimization for cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage has important guidance and application value to the experimental research, and the finite element software Comsol Multiphysics™ and system analysis software Matlab/Simulink™ can be used to simulate the cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage. However, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software Fluent™ can provide more information on the heat and mass transfer and the fluid flow than above softwares. Based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation equations, this paper uses the modified Dubinin–Astakhov (D–A) adsorption isotherm model, linear driving force (LDF) model and dynamic thermal boundary condition which are implemented by means of CFD software Fluent to simulate the hydrogen adsorption processes of charging and dormancy in the case of liquid nitrogen cooling. We study the variations of temperature and pressure during the processes of charging and dormancy. The results show that the experimental data is in good agreement with the simulation results. We also analyze the effect of variable specific heat and anisotropic thermal conductivity on the heat and mass transfer and the fluid flow in cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage system. 相似文献
Salvatore Cito Jordi Pallares Alexandre Fabregat Ioanis Katakis 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2012
Microchannels are believed to open up the prospect of precise control of fluid flow and chemical reactions. The high surface to volume ratio of micro size channels allows efficient mass transfer rates. The capillary effect can be used to pump fluids in microchannels and the flow generated can dissolve chemicals previously deposited on the walls of the channel. The purpose of this work is to analyze the wall mass transfer rates generated by a capillary driven flow in a microchannel. The results have implications in the optimization and design of devices for biological assays. We performed simulations of the capillary-driven flow in two-dimensional rectangular and circular microchannels by solving numerically the governing momentum and mass transfer equations with a second order accuracy finite volume code. The effects of the Reynolds number, of the contact angle and of the channel geometry on the time evolution of the local and averaged wall mass transfer rates are reported and analyzed. The flow field behind the meniscus, viewed from a reference frame moving at the velocity of the meniscus, showed to have two recirculations that enhance the wall mass transfer rates close to the triple point. A correlation between the Sherwood number and the Reynolds number, the contact angle and the time is reported. The correlation can be a useful tool for design purposes of microfluidic devices with capillary driven flows in which a fast heterogeneous reaction occurs on the wall. 相似文献
Experimental and theoretical analysis of annular two-phase flow regimen in direct steam generation for a low-power system 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This study aims to quantify and to model the temperature profile around an absorber tube of a parabolic trough concentrator with low fluid flow. This study was specifically developed for the solar power plant of the Engineering Institute, National University of Mexico. This work presents experimental results under saturated conditions and low pressures (1.5–3 bar) using water as the thermal and working fluid for direct steam generation (DSG). The control variable was feed flow. Solar irradiance was used as the restriction variable because all experimental tests should be developed under very specific values of this variable (for example, I > 700 W/m2). The objective of this experiment was to study the thermal behavior of a temperature gradient around the absorber tube under steady-state conditions and with low flow. Additionally, a theoretical analysis was carried out by means of the homogeneous heat conduction equation in the cylindrical coordinate system using only two dimensions (r, ). The finite-difference numerical method was used with the purpose of proposing a solution and obtaining a temperature profile. The objective of this theoretical analysis was to complement the experimental tests carried out for direct steam generation (DSG) with annular two-phase flow patterns for low powers in parabolic trough concentrators with carbon steel receivers. 相似文献
A. HassanvandS.H. Hashemabadi 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2011,38(7):943-950
This paper presents the Direct Numerical Simulation of interphase mass transfer in gas liquid multiphase system. The volume-of-fluid (VOF) method in conjunction with mass transfer model has been used. In order to study the process of interphase mass transfer two numerical simulation methods are presented. Two common mass transfer mechanisms, Diffusion through Stagnant Film (DTSF) and Equi-Molal Counter Diffusion (EMCD), are investigated. Two benchmarks, the Stefan diffusion problem and the diffusion in water and methanol Gas-Liquid system, have been used to validate the numerical methods. Afterwards two proposed numerical solution for different mass transfer mechanisms have been investigated in stratified gas liquid flows between two parallel plates. The results show by different approaches in numerical solution, the accuracy of mass transfer simulation is different. 相似文献
Numerical computation of fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannels 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
K. C. Toh X. Y. Chen J. C. Chai 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2002,45(26):5133-5141
Three-dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena inside heated microchannels is investigated. The steady, laminar flow and heat transfer equations are solved using a finite-volume method. The numerical procedure is validated by comparing the predicted local thermal resistances with available experimental data. The friction factor is also predicted in this study. It was found that the heat input lowers the frictional losses, particularly at lower Reynolds numbers. At lower Reynolds numbers the temperature of the water increases, leading to a decrease in the viscosity and hence smaller frictional losses. 相似文献
Many computational fluid dynamics polymer-electrolyte-membrane fuel cell models have been presented over the last few decades. A detailed literature overview of models, ranging from one-dimensional, single-component to complete three-dimensional, large-scale setups, is presented with an emphasis on heat and mass transfer. Modeling strategies and commonly used assumptions are discussed. Solver implementations, popular numerical algorithms, and computational techniques are summarized. Additionally, model accuracy and convergence problems are highlighted while solving for these highly coupled, nonlinear systems of partial differential equations. Finally, an overview of commonly used simulation software for fuel cell modeling is given. A simple case study is presented throughout this review to support and to illustrate several discussed aspects. The paper finishes with a survey of outstanding issues and recent modeling trends. 相似文献
Applications of parabolic collectors for solar heating and solar thermal power plant increased in the recent years. Most of the solar power plants installed with parabolic collectors are on flat terrain and they may be subjected to some environmental problems. One of problems for large parabolic collector is their stability to track the sun with respect to time very accurately. Any small off tracking as well as the collector structure stability will be affected by strong wind blowing for the regions where the wind velocity is high.In the present study, a two-dimensional numerical simulation of turbulent flow around a parabolic trough collector of the 250 kW solar power plants in Shiraz, Iran is performed taking into account the effects of variation of collector angle of attack, wind velocity and its distribution with respect to height from the ground.Computation is carried for wind velocity of 2.5, 5, 10, and 15 m/s and collector angles of 90°, 60°, 30°, 0°, −30°, −60°, and −90° with respect to wind directions. Various recirculation regions on the leeward and forward sides of the collector are observed, and both pressure field around the collector and total force on the collector are determined for each condition. The effect of absorber tube on the flow field was found negligible, while the effect of the gap between the two sections of parabola at midsection and the gap between the collector and ground were found considerable on both flow field and pressure distribution around the collector. 相似文献
The present work investigates the effect of heat and mass transfer on the combustion process of a hydrogen-fueled spark-ignition engine, using an in-house CFD code. The main scope is to compare the calculated local heat fluxes with the available measured ones, using three heat transfer models of increasing complexity (two existing and one developed by the authors). Moreover, the effect of mass transfer through the crevice regions is also investigated using a phenomenological crevice model. The calculated results (cylinder pressure traces, local heat fluxes and NO exhaust emissions) are compared with the corresponding measured data, at various operating conditions, maintaining constant engine speed and altering the compression ratio and the equivalence ratio. It is revealed, that the proposed heat transfer model is more accurate than the standard wall-function formulation, while with the use of the crevice model a more reliable prediction of engine performance is achieved. 相似文献
Laminar heat transfer problem is analyzed for a disk rotating with the angular speed ωin a co-rotating fluid (with the angular speed Ω). The fluid is swirled in accordance with a forced-vortex law, it rotates as a solid body at β= Ω/ω= const. Radial variation of the disk's surface temperature follows a power law. An exact numerical solution of the problem is obtained basing on the self-similar profiles of the local temperature of fluid, its static pressure and velocity components. Numerical computations were done at the Prandtl numbers Pr = 1(?)0.71. It is shown that with increasing βboth radial and tangential components of shear stresses decrease, and to zero value at β= 1. Nusselt number is practically constant at β= 0(?) 0.3 (and even has a point of a maximum in this region); Nu decrease noticeably for larger βvalues. 相似文献
The efficiency, robustness and reliability of recent numerical methods for finding solutions to flow problems have given rise to the implementation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as a broadly used analysis method for engineering problems like membrane separation system. The CFD modeling in this study observes steady and unsteady (transient) heat flux and temperature profiles in a polymeric (cellulose acetate) membrane. This study is novel due to the implementation of user defined scalar (UDS) diffusion equation by using user-defined functions (UDFs) infinite volume method (FVM). Some details of the FVM used by the solver are carefully discussed when implementing terms in the governing equation and boundary conditions (BC). The contours of temperature due to high-temperature gradient are reported for steady and unsteady problems. 相似文献
The flat-tube high power density (HPD) solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is a new design developed by Siemens Westinghouse, based on their formerly developed tubular type SOFC. It has increased power density, but still maintains the beneficial feature of secure sealing of a tubular SOFC. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model to simulate the steady state heat/mass transfer and fluid flow of a flat-tube HPD-SOFC is developed. In the numerical computation, governing equations for continuity, momentum, mass, and energy conservation are solved simultaneously. The highly coupled temperature, concentration and flow fields of the air stream and the fuel stream inside and outside the different chambers of a flat-tube HPD-SOFC are investigated. The variation of the temperature, concentration and flow fields with the current output is studied. The heat/mass transfer and fluid flow modeling and results will be used to simulate the overall performance of a flat-tube HPD-SOFC, and to help optimize the design and operation of a SOFC stack in practical applications. 相似文献
Nanofluids are considered as interesting alternatives to conventional coolants. It is well known that traditional fluids have limited heat transfer capabilities when compared to common metals. It is therefore quite conceivable that a small amount of extremely fine metallic particles placed in suspension in traditional fluids will considerably increase their heat transfer performances. A numerical investigation into the heat transfer enhancement capabilities of coolants with suspended metallic nanoparticles inside a radial, laminar flow cooling configuration is presented. Temperature dependant nanofluid properties are evaluated from experimental data available in recent literature. Results indicate that considerable heat transfer increases are possible with the use of relatively small volume fractions of nanoparticles. Generally, however, these are accompanied by considerable increases in wall shear-stress. Results also show that predictions obtained with temperature variable nanofluid properties yield greater heat transfer capabilities and lower wall shear stresses when compared to predictions using constant properties. 相似文献
Reduction of NO emissions in a turbojet combustor by direct water/steam injection: Numerical and experimental assessment 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Ernesto Benini Sergio Pandolfo Serena Zoppellari 《Applied Thermal Engineering》2009,29(17-18):3506-3510
Numerical and experimental investigations are conducted to assess the benefits and drawbacks of both water (mist) and steam direct injection within the combustion chamber of a 200 N static thrust turbojet. For this purpose, a three-dimensional CFD model of the combustion process is implemented where pollutant emissions are calculated; in parallel, a test campaign on the turbojet at sea level static conditions is carried out. In both cases the refrigerant flow is injected directly into the combustor, outside the liner. The aim of the investigations is to evaluate the impact of increasing water and steam flows (ranging from 0% to 200% of the fuel mass flow) onto the emissions levels (NO and CO) of the engine. 相似文献
Using the conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy, a theoretical analysis of buoyancy driven flow and heat transfer for a ventilated control-volume, with an internal heat-source, has been made. The special case of stoichiometric combustion in a naturally-ventilated brick walled room, with a single rectangular opening, has been used to demonstrate the numerical calculation procedure for the prediction of the histories of the fire temperature, gas flow rate, fuel burn rate, fire power and boundary-wall temperature. The analysis may be extended for more complex space geometries and wall structures; a typical case being a railway carriage with a composite wall. 相似文献
The article examines the hydromagnetic laminar boundary layer flow and heat transfer in a power law fluid over a stretching surface. The flow is influenced by linear stretching of the sheet. Also the energy equation with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, thermal radiation, work done by stress, viscous dissipation and internal heat generation is considered. The governing partial differential equations along with the boundary conditions are first cast into a dimensionless form and then the equations are solved by Keller–Box method. The effects of various physical parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are presented graphically and discussed. 相似文献
Natural convection heat and mass transfer along a vertical plate embedded in a doubly stratified micropolar fluid saturated non-Darcy porous medium is presented. The governing nonlinear equations are solved numerically using the Keller-box method. The effects of physical parameters on velocity, microrotation, temperature, concentration, local skin friction and wall couple stress coefficient, heat and mass transfer coefficients are illustrated graphically and in tabular form. The results of convection in a micropolar fluid along a vertical plate are obtained as a special case from the present analysis and are found to be in good agreement with the previously published results. 相似文献
Tapas Ray Mahapatra Samir Kumar Nandy Anadi Sankar Gupta 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2012
An analysis is made of the steady magnetohydrodynamic flow of a power-law fluid past an infinite porous flat plate subjected to suction or blowing. A uniform transverse magnetic field is applied normal to the plate. It is shown that for small magnetic field parameter M, the steady solutions for velocity distribution exist for a pseudoplastic (shear-thinning) fluid for which the power-law index n satisfies 1/2 < n ≤ 1 provided that there is suction at the plate. For blowing at the plate the steady solutions for velocity distribution exist only when n is of the form p/q, where p is an odd positive integer and q is an even positive integer provided 1/2 < n < 1. Velocity at a point is found to increase with increase in M. The solution of the energy equation governing temperature distribution in the flow of a pseudoplastic fluid past an infinite porous plate subjected to uniform suction reveals that the temperature at a given point increases with increase in M. 相似文献
The objective of conducting experiments in a laboratory is to gain data that helps in designing and operating large-scale biological processes. However, the scale-up and design of industrial-scale biohydrogen production reactors is still uncertain. In this paper, an established and proven Eulerian–Eulerian computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was employed to perform hydrodynamics assessments of an industrial-scale continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) for biohydrogen production. The merits of the laboratory-scale CSTR and industrial-scale CSTR were compared and analyzed on the basis of CFD simulation. The outcomes demonstrated that there are many parameters that need to be optimized in the industrial-scale reactor, such as the velocity field and stagnation zone. According to the results of hydrodynamics evaluation, the structure of industrial-scale CSTR was optimized and the results are positive in terms of advancing the industrialization of biohydrogen production. 相似文献
This investigation describes the peristaltic motion of a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Oldroyd‐B fluid with heat and mass transfer. An incompressible Oldroyd‐B fluid is considered in a channel with flexible walls. The relevant equations are developed by employing equations of continuity, momentum, energy, and concentration. Expressions of stream function, temperature, concentration field, and heat transfer coefficient are presented when the wave number is small. The obtained solutions are graphically discussed for the several interesting parameters entering into the problem. It is found that relaxation and retardation times have opposite effects on the size of the trapped bolus. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20380 相似文献
David Ouellette Adnan Ozden Mustafa Ercelik C. Ozgur Colpan Hadi Ganjehsarabi Xianguo Li Feridun Hamdullahpur 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(2):1152-1170
The performance impact of using bio-inspired interdigitated and non-interdigitated flow fields (I-FF and NI-FF, respectively) within a DMFC is investigated. These two flow fields, as well as a conventional serpentine flow field (S-FF, used as a reference), were examined as possible anode and cathode flow field candidates. To examine the performance of each of these candidates, each flow field was manufactured and experimentally tested under different anode and cathode flow rate combinations (1.3 mL/min [methanol] and 400 mL/min [oxygen], as well as 2 and 3 times these flow rates), and different methanol concentrations (0.50 M, 0.75 M, and 1.00 M). To help understand the experimental results and the underlying physics, a three dimensional numerical model was developed. Of the examined flow fields, the S-FF and the I-FF yielded the best performance on the anode and cathode, respectively. This finding was mainly due to the enhanced under-rib convection of both of these flow fields. Although the I-FF provided a higher mean methanol concentration on the anode catalyst layer surface, its distribution was less uniform than that of the S-FF. This caused the rate of methanol permeation to the cathode to increase (for the anode I-FF configuration), along with the anode and cathode activation polarizations, deteriorating the fuel cell performance. The NI-FF provided the lowest pressure drops of the examined configurations. However, the hydrodynamics within the flow field made the reactants susceptible to traveling directly from inlet to outlet, leading to several low concentration pockets. This significantly decreased the reactant uniformity across its respective catalyst layer, and caused this FFs performance to be the lowest of the examined configurations. 相似文献