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随着近年来环境保护与资源节约受到重视,开发环保高效的新一代木材胶黏剂已经成为研究热点.大豆蛋白作为最具应用前景的天然胶黏剂之一,被进行了充分的改性研究.综述了近年来围绕大豆蛋白作为木材胶黏剂应用而进行的改性研究.并对研究中存在的问题和将来的发展方向进行了归纳和展望.  相似文献   

Crosslinking modification can effectively improve the water resistance of soy protein isolate (SPI) adhesive, but it often depends on petroleum-based reagents, violating the concept of green environmental protection. Here, inspired by the breaking and recombination of the disulfide bond in the perm process, a high-performance wood adhesive is prepared by incorporation of SPI (modified by sodium sulfite to cleave the disulfide bonds of protein chains) and feather keratin (FK, extracted from waste chicken feathers by breaking the disulfide bond) without using any other crosslinkers. The crosslinking reaction occurs by disulfide bonds derived from the sulfhydryl group of FK and SPI. Thus the wet shear strength of the SPI/FK-20 adhesive is improved from 0.57 to 1.18 MPa, an increment of 107%. This study provides a green strategy to prepare high-performance protein-based adhesive from the waste products-chicken feathers, which will contribute to the development of the environmentally friendly wood adhesive industry.  相似文献   

综述了国内外大豆蛋白复合胶黏剂的制备方法,包括大豆蛋白-PF、大豆蛋白-UF胶黏剂和大豆蛋白-丙烯酸酯复合胶黏剂的制备方法,及大豆蛋白复合胶黏剂制备中大豆蛋白表面的改性,着重对目前最常用的硅烷偶联剂和偶氮类化合物两种修饰方法进行了介绍。还介绍了大豆蛋白复合胶黏剂在人造板、造纸等工业领域中的应用,并对复合材料的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白基胶黏剂是一种绿色环保型胶黏剂,在木材工业中具有广泛地应用。本文对世界范围内的大豆蛋白基胶黏剂技术专利文献进行收集整理,从大豆蛋白基胶黏剂的全球专利申请量趋势、主要申请人、专利产出国和目标国申请量等多维角度,对大豆蛋白基胶黏剂进行宏观总体分析。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白胶黏剂是最具应用前景的天然胶黏剂之一,为了进一步提高胶合强度低、存储期短、耐水性差等缺陷,大豆蛋白胶黏剂被进行了充分的改性研究。本文介绍了大豆蛋白的特点和耐水机理,以及对近年来围绕大豆蛋白作为木材胶黏剂的应用而进行改性研究的专利技术发展现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

Edible films containing soy protein isolate, long-chain fatty acids, and cross-linkers using glycerol as the plasticizer have been prepared. FTIR spectra reveal the presence of different groups present in the biofilms. The WVP value is highest in the case of films with 10% oleic acid and decreases with increasing concentration. The thermal degradation pattern and the tensile properties of the films have been discussed. The XRD values indicate that the SPI films remain mostly in the amorphous state. From the SEM picture, it is evident that the fatty acids act as modifier, furfural as the cross-linker, and ZnCl2 as the coordinator.  相似文献   

采用模压成型方法制备了大豆蛋白/高直链淀粉共混物,并采用红外光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜、动态力学分析仪、热重分析仪、万能材料试验机表征了共混物的结构与性能特征。结果表明:大豆蛋白/高直链淀粉共混物中高直链淀粉与大豆蛋白之间发生氢键作用;当高直链淀粉含量为3.25%时,大豆蛋白/高直链淀粉共混物的断面呈现出均匀的组织结构,在动态力学性能图谱中没有新的损耗峰出现,表明材料中大豆蛋白和高直链淀粉之间具有一定的相容性,并且该材料的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率和断裂能相对于未共混物分别提高了6.36%、29.49%和21.62%;大豆蛋白/高直链淀粉共混物的热稳定性和耐水性下降。  相似文献   

Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and soy protein concentrate (SPC) were compounded using poly(2‐ethyl‐2‐oxazoline) as compatibilizer by twin‐screw extrusion, and the resulting blends were foamed by a chemical blowing agent (CBA) using the same extruder. Effects of foaming temperature and CBA content on cell density and foam density were investigated. Polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (pMDI) as a co‐compatibilizer was added prior to foaming extrusion and its effects on foam morphology and properties were also studied. The results showed that cell density and foam density were greatly influenced by foaming temperature and CBA content. Using the strong interfacial modifier pMDI in PLA/SPC blends resulted in high‐cell density and low‐foam density when CBA concentration was low.


Soy protein concentrate (SPC) is modified by blending with gelling agents such as agar, Agargel, and Phytagel and the properties of the blended films are characterized. Gelling agent addition significantly improves the mechanical properties, thermal stability, and moisture resistance. SPC blended with 30% PG show over 180% increase in the tensile stress and Young's modulus and the moisture regain decreases from 17.9 to 13.9%. The glass transition temperature of the SPC films increases from 132 to 148 °C after blending with Agargel and Phytagel. IPN‐like structure formation after adding gelling agents is responsible for the improvements. The results also suggest that the gelling agent chemistry determines the amount of gelling agent required to form IPN‐like structures.


通过对大豆粉采用碱处理使大豆蛋白质大分子结构展开,暴露出的官能团进一步与甲醛反应生成稳定的蛋白质,这种物质与苯酚共聚反应生成改性豆基蛋白胶黏剂。采用单因素实验方法,探讨了改性豆基蛋白胶黏剂压制杨木三层胶合板的胶合工艺。分析了热压温度、热压时间和涂胶量对胶合板胶合性能的影响。结果表明:采用改性后的豆基蛋白胶黏剂,在压力为1.4MPa,温度为165℃左右,热压时间为1.4~1.6min·mm^-1,涂胶量为220g·m^-2,压制的杨木胶合板胶合性能较佳且达到Ⅰ类胶合板的标准。  相似文献   

徐军  王进宁 《中国塑料》1999,13(6):74-79
研究一种逼真仿木制品-表面木纹,截面年轮PVC-U低发泡仿木材料的挤出加工方法。它是将配有发泡剂,颜料以及各种加工助剂的PVC树脂混合料与少量着色PVC母料二次造粒后,利用不均匀流原理挤出成型木纹。经特殊模具成型年轮,并对工艺等影响因素作了探讨。  相似文献   

可再分散乳胶粉具有极突出的粘结强度,可提高砂浆的柔韧性,赋予砂浆优良的耐碱性、防水性、可塑性、耐磨性和施工性。本文研究了可再分散乳胶粉对水泥砂浆拉拔强度、热循环后拉拔强度、冻融循环后拉拔强度、浸水后拉拔强度以及破坏方式的影响。结果表明:可再分散乳胶粉对水泥砂浆在不同处理条件下的拉伸强度和粘附强度有明显的改善效果。  相似文献   

以过硫酸铵为引发剂制备聚丙烯酰胺预聚体,以次氯酸钠为氧化剂对淀粉进行氧化处理,将两者经过缩合反应得到接枝淀粉胶黏剂的主剂,用氮丙啶进行交联,得到了木材用改性淀粉胶。当缩合温度为60℃、氧化剂量为35mL、丙烯酰胺为淀粉质量的7.5%、交联剂为3%和交联时间3h时制得的胶黏剂胶合强度达到5.30MPa,耐水时间达33h。对各阶段试样进行了红外光谱和x射线衍射分析。  相似文献   

环境污染问题,现已受到人们的高度重视,像木材复合板中甲醛释放量严重超标,污染严重,给人们身体健康带来很大的危害。针对这一情况,我们研制出相应的绿色环保型胶黏剂,文章中介绍了木材复合板用胶黏剂的合成方法,讨论了原料配比,反应温度,A组分与B组分对胶黏剂性能的影响,本研制出胶黏剂由于不含甲醛等有害气体,性能优于现有乙烯和醋酸乙烯共聚乳液和聚醋酸乙烯乳液,因此在木材复合板加工工业中市场前景广阔。  相似文献   

采用聚醚多元醇、聚合二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(PAPI)为主要原料制备了木材用单组分湿固化聚氨酯胶黏剂。研究了-NCO含量、聚醚多元醇相对分子质量、反应温度及扩链系数对木材粘接性能的影响。结果表明:在-NCO质量分数为12.29%,扩链系数为0.2时,粘接性能最好,24 h后压缩剪切强度可达20.17MPa。  相似文献   

A soy-based formaldehyde-free adhesive consisting of soy flour (SF), polyethylenimine (PEI), maleic anhydride (MA) and NaOH was investigated for making three-layer particleboard. The weight ratio of SF/PEI/MA/NaOH was 7/1.0/0.32/0.1. Hot-press temperature, hot-press time, particleboard density and adhesive usage were optimized in terms of enhancing the modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond strength (IB) of the resulting particleboard. The MOR, MOE and IB met the minimum industrial requirements of M-2 particleboard under the following variables: hot-press temperature of 170 °C, hot-press time of 270 s, the adhesive usage of surface particles at 10 wt%, the adhesive usage of the core particles at 8 wt%, and the targeted particleboard density of 0.80 g/cm3.  相似文献   

骆立刚  丁宏亮  唐立成  李毅  陈晨 《橡胶科技》2022,20(10):0480-0483
采用加速老化试验对合成乳胶海绵的热老化行为进行研究,考察了其热氧老化前后的表面形貌、黄度和白度指数、交联密度及傅里叶红外光谱。结果表明:随着老化时间的延长,合成乳胶海绵的多孔结构被破坏,当老化时间为48 d时,合成乳胶海绵部分大孔结构被破坏,其他孔结构完整;老化48 d后,合成乳胶海绵的黄度指数由11.74增大至42.73,白度指数由88.38减小至77.81,黄度变化大于白度变化;由黄度指数和白度指数表征的合成乳胶海绵老化速率分别为0.7023和0.2272 d^(-1);由交联密度表征的合成乳胶海绵老化速率为2.7082×10^(-5) mol·cm^(-3)·d^(-1);在热氧老化过程中,合成乳胶海绵发生了加成和氧化反应。  相似文献   

简述了低蛋白天然胶乳的发展、制备方法、热降解性能和应用,并对低蛋白胶乳中蛋白质含量的检测方法和低蛋白硫化胶乳胶膜的力学性能作了简要的阐述。  相似文献   

用PVOH为保护胶,通过乳液聚合制得了带有活性反应基团的聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液,并以此为甲组分,以含有酰肼基团的高分子聚合物为乙组分,制成了可快速固化的接触固化型木材胶黏剂,实现了木材的快速粘接。并对PVOH及酰肼基团的含量对胶黏剂性能的影响进行了研究。结果表明:所制胶黏剂的最佳配比为甲组分中PVOH含量为4.5%,乙组分中酰肼基团浓度为0.8mol/L。  相似文献   

When containing extra water, soy protein concentrate (SPC) can behave like a plastic melt rather than particulate filler in blending process. In this study, blends of formulated SPC and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) were prepared. The effects of glycerol and water added to SPC on phase morphology, rheological, thermal, thermal‐dynamic, and mechanical properties of the blends were investigated. The results demonstrated that water was more effective in gelating SPC and transforming it into a plastic than glycerol. With extra water added, SPC in the resulting blend existed as stretched threads with certain degree of interconnectivity between the threads. In contrast, with only glycerol added, SPC existed as large SPC agglomerates. Consequently, the blends made from extra water‐containing SPC exhibited higher mechanical, thermal‐dynamic, and rheological properties.


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