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分别采用微波水蒸气蒸馏法(MHD)和水蒸气蒸馏法(HD)提取得到了柠檬香蜂草精油,利用气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)联用技术和保留指数比较法分析鉴定了该精油的化学成分.分析结果表明:两种方法所得精油的主要成分相同,均为柠檬醛,但是含量有所差异.从MHD法柠檬香蜂草精油中鉴定出28种成分,占精油总量的98.98%,主要成分为柠檬醛a(香叶醛)(50.42%)、柠檬醛b(橙花醛)(30.42%)、石竹烯氧化物(9.17%)和石竹烯(1.63%).从HD法柠檬香蜂草精油中鉴定出22种化学成分,占精油总量的93.68%,主要成分为柠檬醛a(香叶醛)(46.27%)、柠檬醛b(橙花醛)(28.21%)、石竹烯氧化物(5.97%)和石竹烯(3.28%).  相似文献   

测定了调味香料柠檬香蜂草精油(MEO)的总体抗氧化能力、清除羟自由基能力、清除超氧阴离子自由基能力、清除DPPH自由基能力和抗卵黄脂质过氧化能力,并与合成抗氧化剂PG进行比较,对MEO抗氧化和清除游离基活性进行评价.结果表明:在一定浓度范围内,MEO的总体抗氧化性、对超氧阴离子的清除能力比PG强;在清除羟自由基能力方面,MEO略低于PG;清除DPPH自由基能力和抗卵黄脂质过氧化能力比PG弱.实验表明MEO作为天然的抗氧化剂应用于食品行业具有一定的开发潜力.  相似文献   

Polyphenolic composition of lemon balm (Mellisa officinalis L.) aqueous extracts prepared as infusion and decoction were evaluated by high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. All the samples showed a similar phenolic profile but presenting differences in the quantities found of each compound. Higher content was found in plant infusion extract compared to decoction process. During the prolonged time of extractions the contents of some compounds were changed. Rutin and caffeic acid contents were decreased in the infusion mode, while increased concentration was observed during decoction process. The antioxidant activities measured by Folin-Ciocalteu and CUOPRAC assays were higher for the extract prepared in decoction mode (1245 mg/g GAE and 4.91 mmol/g TRE, respectively) in comparison to infusion process (267 mg/g GAE and 2.62 mmol/g TRE).  相似文献   

Biogenic amine formation and bacterial growth of vacuum‐packed European anchovy treated with 1% lemon balm (LB) or lavender (LD) ethanol extracts was investigated. The treated samples were stored at 2 ± 1 °C for 11 d and analyzed for biogenic amines, total viable count, fecal coliform count, and lactic acid bacterial count. The analyses were done on 0, 4, 7, 9, and 11 d of storage. Both LB and LD extracts proved effective in reducing most biogenic amines, with histamine reduced by 3‐fold compared to control. The calculated biogenic amine index showed that LB extract was the most effective in inhibiting the biogenic amine formation. The reduction in total viable count was low and the bacterial contamination reached more than 7 log cfu/g at the end of the storage period for all the samples. Moreover, the reduction in fecal coliform and lactic acid bacterial count by LB and LD extracts was below 1 log cfu/g. Treatment of European anchovy with LB and LD extracts proved to be a very effective preservation technique to reduce the biogenic amine formation and lower the risk of histamine fish poisoning but is not effective in reduction of bacterial load. Consequently, LB and LD extracts could be used to reduce the biogenic amine formation which provides additional safety prior to spoilage for histamine sensitive fish species.  相似文献   

红茶菌酸奶的工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用新鲜的牛奶作为试验材料,通过红茶菌的发酵作用,测定其发酵产品的酸度,固形物的含量等一系列指标,看是否达到酸奶的标准.结果表明:接种量对发酵产品影响最大,其次是发酵温度,发酵时间.结合正交试验的结果,同时考虑到酸奶的风味及感官品质,试验最后所得最佳组合为接种量为11%,发酵时间为8h,发酵温度为42℃.通过最佳条件下发酵产品的测定可知,红茶茵能够制作酸奶,且制作的酸奶符合国家标准.  相似文献   

红茶菌作为一种传统的民间发酵饮料,因其具有的特殊风味和功效而深受消费者喜爱.红茶菌发酵过程中微生物群落组成、演替和功能代谢对红茶菌生物活性和品质有着重要的影响.本文对近年来红茶菌微生物组成、代谢产物和化学物质组成,以及红茶菌发酵主要影响因素的研究概况进行了综述,以期为研究红茶菌微生物代谢途径、生物活性和发酵工艺的相互关...  相似文献   

红茶菌的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了国内外有关红茶菌的菌种分离鉴定、发酵机理研完、抑菌特性、保健功能和安全性等方面的应用研究进展情况。  相似文献   

红茶菌酒的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究采用红茶菌和葡萄酒酵母发酵红茶糖水,制备红茶菌酒。通过单因素试验和正交试验对红茶菌酒的发酵条件进行优化,得到其最优发酵条件为:红茶糖水糖度16 °Bx,红茶菌发酵时间48 h,葡萄酒酵母接种量20%,红茶菌液pH值4.5,葡萄酒酵母的发酵温度30 ℃和发酵时间8 d。  相似文献   

Kombucha is a traditional fermentation of sweetened tea, involving a symbiosis of yeast species and acetic acid bacteria. Despite reports of different yeast species being associated with the fermentation, little is known of the quantitative ecology of yeasts in Kombucha. Using oxytetracycline-supplemented malt extract agar, yeasts were isolated from four commercially available Kombucha products and identified using conventional biochemical and physiological tests. During the fermentation of each of the four products, yeasts were enumerated from both the cellulosic pellicle and liquor of the Kombucha. The number and diversity of species varied between products, but included Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Candida stellata, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Torulaspora delbrueckii and Zygosaccharomyces bailii. While these yeast species are known to occur in Kombucha, the enumeration of each species present throughout fermentation of each of the four Kombucha cultures demonstrated for the first time the dynamic nature of the yeast ecology. Kombucha fermentation is, in general, initiated by osmotolerant species, succeeded and ultimately dominated by acid-tolerant species.  相似文献   

枸杞金银花红茶菌复合饮料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以红茶、枸杞、金银花为主要原料,红茶菌为菌种,制作一种发酵饮料;采用单因素法和响应面法优化红茶菌发酵工艺,结合总糖利用率(以葡萄糖计),得到最佳工艺条件为:茶加入量为6g/L,枸杞加入量为8.7g/L,金银花加入量为8g/L,红茶菌接种量为9.8%,糖的加入量为56.5g/L,发酵温度为30℃。本实验在红茶菌发酵过程中加入了枸杞和金银花,在保留红茶菌原有酸甜香醇品质的基础上,增加了红茶菌发酵液中的营养成分,振荡通气培养更利于红茶菌的成熟,是一种很有发展前途的保健型饮料。  相似文献   

该研究以东北大白菜为原料,红茶菌(醋酸菌、酵母菌、乳酸菌)为菌种,对红茶菌酸菜的发酵工艺进行研究。先通过单因素试验优化对影响酸菜感官品质、总酸含量和亚硝酸含量的三个因素(发酵时间、发酵温度、红茶菌接种量)进行删选,再通过响应面法进行三因素三水平进行优化。实验结果表明:在红茶菌接种量为16.036%,发酵温度为29.791 ℃,发酵时间为7.143 d,考虑到实际生产的便利,将其调整为接种量16%,发酵温度30 ℃,发酵时间7 d,调整后发酵出的红茶菌酸菜感官评分为35分,总酸含量为1.87 g/100 g,此条件下产品中检出亚硝酸盐含量为0.84 mg/kg。红茶菌自身产生的代谢产物有众多保健功效,再与白菜结合后二者相互融合,发酵出一款新型酸菜,不仅提高红茶菌利用价值,也为酸菜市场的多元化增添色彩。  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim was to study if the fermentation broth of Kombucha has protein with antimicrobial activity.[Method] The effects of different cultivation tim...  相似文献   

左勇  边名鸿 《食品科学》2011,32(11):228-231
将分离筛选得到的乳酸菌、醋酸菌和酵母菌进行配比得到红茶菌复合菌种,分别讨论培养基pH值、溶氧量、温度和时间对培养结果的影响。结果表明:乳酸菌、醋酸菌、酵母菌按质量配比2:2:1,即总接种量5%、最适初始pH值为5.5、装液量为40%(即装液量100mL/250mL),在30℃、传统培养基培养5d的条件下,发酵效果最好。  相似文献   

以红茶菌发酵液、莱阳梨为原料,卡拉胶和魔芋胶为胶凝剂,再用白砂糖、柠檬酸进行调配,研制一种营养美味的果冻.在单因素试验的基础上,采用Box-Behnken法进行三因素三水平响应面优化设计试验,进一步对红茶菌发酵液莱阳梨果冻的加工工艺进行探究.最终确定的最优工艺参数为红茶菌发酵液500 mL,莱阳梨汁添加量为410 mL...  相似文献   

柠檬酒是利用纯天然无公害柠檬果皮,用萃取法提取果皮中的维生素C等多种对人体有益的矿物质和有机酸,经科学配制而成的一种老少皆宜的美容保健饮品。  相似文献   

以提高柠檬果利用率为目的,研究开发同时生产柠檬精油、NFC柠檬汁和柠檬条糖制品生产技术,结果表明,出汁率40.3%的适度榨汁可以获得高感官品质的NFC柠檬汁和柠檬条糖制品以及每吨柠檬鲜果生产3.1 kg冷磨柠檬精油,达到良好的综合经济效益。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the manufacture of milk-based beverages by application of several Kombucha starters. Local Kombucha culture was grown up on three substrates: sweetened black and green tea, and topinambur. Their concentrates were obtained by vacuum-evaporation and amounts of 10% and 15% (v/v) were applied to milk (2.2% fat). The traditional yoghurt starter (B3) was applied for producing control samples. All fermentations were stopped when the pH reached 4.4. Fermentation curves were registered, linear for yoghurt and sigmoidal for Kombucha. Two times faster process was achieved with yoghurt starter. Influence of inoculum concentration on the rate of fermentation was insignificant. Viscosities were higher for Kombucha beverages at lower speeds of spindle, but lower at higher speeds of spindle. Very high sensory scores were achieved for all beverages, after production and after 5-days’ storage.  相似文献   

本文研究以柠檬皮为原料在0.2P℃的NaOH溶液中浸泡4-8h脱苦,采用多次煮制法研制低糖蜜饯,产品含糖低、肥厚丰盈、透明美观,无苦涩味。  相似文献   

以质量浓度为5%的蔗糖、0.4%的绿茶为原料制成的糖茶水为发酵基质,经灭菌后接入纯种的酵母菌和木醋酸菌,分别在28℃恒温静止和28℃、150r/min摇瓶2种条件下培养,定时取样测定发酵液中木醋酸菌和酵母菌数量、pH值、总糖和总酸的含量。在2种条件下,木醋酸菌的生长总是要滞后于酵母菌、pH值和总糖含量不断下降,总酸含量不断上升。摇瓶振荡培养时2种菌的生长速度更快,发酵液pH值快速降低。通气培养时酵母菌和木醋酸菌数量分别达到6.6×107/mL和8.7×107/mL,分别是静止培养时的3倍和4倍。静止条件下培养10d后总酸为6.5g/L、总糖为31.2g/L,产率(酸/糖耗)为0.35;摇瓶条件下培养6d总酸为10.1g/L、总糖为35.2g/L,产率为0.69,提高1倍。振荡通气培养更利于红茶菌的成熟。  相似文献   

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