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A simple, idealized mathematical model of cardiac tissue is used to show that electrical fields applied with the intent of defibrillating the heart can be effective deep within (that is, many space constants into) cardiac tissue, even in cases when the tissue is assumed to have completely homogeneous electrical properties. This conclusion is drawn from the analysis of the two eigenmodes present in the model, which have fundamentally different characteristics. One mode decays very rapidly with space, implying that the associated membrane potential is only present with appreciable amplitude within a few space constants of the tissue surface. The other mode, however, is not directly dependent on the value of the space constant, and allows deep penetration of the membrane potential and, by implication, its associated defibrillating effects. For deep membrane potentials to be generated by this mechanism, the intracellular and extracellular resistivity anisotropy ratios must be unequal, as is typically the case in cardiac tissue. The model also predicts that this mechanism is most effective for a given applied field strength when the electrode size and separation, or spatial features of the externally applied field at the heart surface, are characterized by scalelengths that are commensurate with approximately two times the heart wall thickness.  相似文献   

The preemption policy currently in use in MPLS-enabled commercial routers selects LSPs for preemption based only on their priority and holding time. This can lead to waste of resources and excessive number of rerouting decisions. In this paper, a new preemption policy is proposed and complemented with an adaptive scheme that aims to minimize rerouting. The new policy combines the three main preemption optimization criteria: number of LSPs to be preempted, priority of the LSPs, and preempted bandwidth. Weights can be configured to stress the desired criteria. The new policy is complemented by an adaptive scheme that selects lower priority LSPs that can afford to have their rate reduced. The selected LSPs will fairly reduce their rate in order to accommodate the new high-priority LSP setup request. Performance comparisons of a nonpreemptive approach, a policy currently in use by commercial routers, and our policies are also investigated.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of traffic grooming in WDM ring networks. Traffic grooming is a variant of the well-known logical topology design problem, and is concerned with the development of techniques for combining low speed traffic components onto high speed channels in order to minimize network cost. Previous studies have focused on aggregate representations of the network cost. In this work, we consider a Min-Max objective, in which it is desirable to minimize the cost at the node where this cost is maximum. Such an objective is of high practical value when dimensioning a network for unknown future traffic demands and/or for dynamic traffic scenarios. We present new theoretical results which demonstrate that traffic grooming with the Min-Max objective is NP-complete even when wavelength assignment is not an issue. We also present new polynomial-time traffic grooming algorithms for minimizing the maximum electronic port cost in both unidirectional and bidirectional rings. We evaluate our algorithms through experiments with a wide range of problem instances, by varying the network size, number of wavelengths, traffic load, and traffic pattern. Our results indicate that our algorithms produce solutions which are always close to the optimal and/or the lower bound, and which scale well to large network sizes, large number of wavelengths, and high loads. We also demonstrate that, despite the focus on minimizing the maximum cost, our algorithms also perform well in terms of the aggregate electronic port cost over all ring nodes.  相似文献   

无线网络中的分组调度算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
宋舰  李乐民 《通信学报》2003,24(3):42-48
探讨了将有线网络的分组调度算法引入无线网络需要改进的事项,分析了公平排队算法,建立了一个基本的无线分组调度模型,并综述了一些目前存在的无线分组调度算法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the Interference-Aware Broadcast Scheduling problem, where all nodes in the Euclidean plane have a transmission range and an interference range equal to r and α r for α ? 1, respectively. Minimizing latency is known to be NP-Hard even when α = 1. The network radius D, the maximum graph distance from the source to any node, is also known to be a lower bound.We formulate the problem as integer programs (IP) and optimally solve moderate-size instances. We also propose six variations of heuristics, which require no pre-processing of inputs, based on the number of receivers gained by each additional simultaneous transmitting node. The experimental results show that the best heuristics give solutions that exceed the optimal solutions by only 13–20%. Further, an O(αD) schedule is proven to exist yielding an O(α) approximation algorithm.  相似文献   

Implementing scheduling algorithms in high-speed networks   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The fluid generalized processor sharing (GPS) algorithm has desirable properties for integrated services networks and many packet fair queueing (PFQ) algorithms have been proposed to approximate GPS. However, there have been few high-speed implementations of PFQ algorithms that can support a large number of sessions with diverse rate requirements and at the same time maintain all the important properties of GPS. The implementation cost of a PFQ algorithm is determined by: (1) computation of the system virtual time function; (2) maintenance of the relative ordering of the packets via their timestamps (scheduling); and (3) regulation of packets based on eligibility time, in some algorithms. While most of the recently proposed PFQ algorithms reduce the complexity of computing the system virtual time function, the complexity of scheduling and traffic regulation is still a function of the number of active sessions. In addition, while reducing the algorithmic or asymptotic complexity has been the focus of most analysis, it is also important to reduce the complexity of basic operations in order for the algorithm to run at high speed. We develop techniques to reduce both types of complexities for networks of both fixed and variable size packets. Regulation and scheduling are implemented in an integrated architecture that can be viewed as logically performing sorting in two dimensions simultaneously. By using a novel grouping architecture, we are able to perform this with an algorithmic complexity independent of the number of sessions in the system at the cost of a small controllable amount of relative error. To reduce the cost of basic operations, we propose a hardware-implementation framework and several novel techniques that reduce the on-chip memory size, off-chip memory bandwidth, and off-chip access latency. The proposed implementation techniques have been incorporated into commercial ATM switch and IP router products  相似文献   

Fawaz  Hassan  Lahoud  Samer  El Helou  Melhem 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(6):3967-3983
Wireless Networks - Contemporary progress in telecommunication technologies have made full-duplex wireless communications feasible. The latter promise to double the capacity of wireless networks by...  相似文献   

To guarantee the quality of service (QoS) of a wireless network, a new packet scheduling algorithm using cross-layer design technique is proposed in this article. First, the demand of packet scheduling for multimedia transmission in wireless networks and the deficiency of the existing packet scheduling algorithms are analyzed. Then the model of the QoS-guaranteed packet scheduling (QPS) algorithm of high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) and the cost function of packet transmission are designed. The calculation method of packet delay time for wireless channels is expounded in detail, and complete steps to realize the QPS algorithm are also given. The simulation results show that the QPS algorithm that provides the scheduling sequence of packets with calculated values can effectively improve the performance of delay and throughput.  相似文献   

The problem of allocating radio resources in the downlink of a code-division multiple access (CDMA) network is studied. The modulation and coding schemes, numbers of multicodes, and transmit powers used for all mobile stations (MS) are jointly chosen so as to maximize the total transmission bit rate, subject to certain constraints. Based on the discrete and nonlinear nature of the proposed model, a mixed-integer nonlinear programming optimization problem is formulated. It is shown that the optimal allocation generally involves simultaneous transmissions to several MS. A scheduler which uses knowledge of MS traffic loads is also proposed and shown to yield a significant improvement in throughput.  相似文献   

Fair scheduling in wireless packet networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fair scheduling of delay and rate-sensitive packet flows over a wireless channel is not addressed effectively by most contemporary wireline fair-scheduling algorithms because of two unique characteristics of wireless media: (1) bursty channel errors and (2) location-dependent channel capacity and errors. Besides, in packet cellular networks, the base station typically performs the task of packet scheduling for both downlink and uplink flows in a cell; however, a base station has only a limited knowledge of the arrival processes of uplink flows. We propose a new model for wireless fair-scheduling based on an adaptation of fluid fair queueing (FFQ) to handle location-dependent error bursts. We describe an ideal wireless fair-scheduling algorithm which provides a packetized implementation of the fluid mode, while assuming full knowledge of the current channel conditions. For this algorithm, we derive the worst-case throughput and delay bounds. Finally, we describe a practical wireless scheduling algorithm which approximates the ideal algorithm. Through simulations, we show that the algorithm achieves the desirable properties identified in the wireless FFQ model  相似文献   

杜白  李红艳  龙彦 《通信学报》2015,36(8):104-109
针对异构网络环境中的接入网选择问题,使用李雅普诺夫优化理论对网络进行建模,并提出了使不同接入网络的剩余服务时间差异最小的选择算法。该算法在保证网络稳定的基础上,在长时间尺度内降低了网络的阻塞率。仿真表明,该算法可以提高网络的利用率,降低用户被拒绝的概率。  相似文献   

In next generation wireless network (NGWN) where multiple radio access technologies (RAT) co‐exist, a joint call admission control (JCAC) algorithm is needed to make a RAT selection decision for each arriving call. RAT selection policy has a significant effect on the overall new call blocking probability in the network. We propose a heuristic RAT selection policy to minimize new call blocking probability in NGWN. The proposed JCAC scheme measures the arrival rate of each class of calls in the heterogeneous wireless network. Based of the measured values of the arrival rates and using linear programming technique, the JCAC scheme determines the RAT selection policy that minimizes overall call blocking probability in the heterogeneous wireless network. Using Markov decision process, we develop an analytical model for the JCAC scheme, and derive new call blocking probability, handoff call dropping probability (HCDP), and call incompletion probability (CIP). Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with the performance of other JCAC scheme. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme reduces new call blocking probability, HCDP, and CIP in the heterogeneous wireless network. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The introduction of wavelength converters in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks can reduce the blocking probabilities of calls. In this paper, we study the problem of placing a given number of converters in a general topology WDM network such that the overall system blocking probability is minimized. The original contributions of this work are the following: 1) formulation of success probability in a network as a polynomial function of the locations of converters; 2) proposal of an optimization model of the converter placement problem as the minimization of a polynomial function of 0-1 variables under a linear constraint, so that standard optimization tools can be employed to solve the problem; and 3) design of a search algorithm that can efficiently find the optimal solution to the converter placement problem. Experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model and the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of hard handoffs (as applicable to FDMA- and TDMA-based networks) as well as soft handoffs (as applicable to DS/CDMA-based networks) is formulated as stochastic optimization problems. The signals received by a mobile user are treated as stochastic processes with associated rewards, which are functions of some measurable characteristics of the received signals, while the handoff is associated with a switching penalty. This formulation captures the trade-offs involved in handoffs in a flexible manner and captures many facets of popular cellular communication systems in use currently. Using dynamic programming, necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the optimal base station(s) the mobile should be associated with during each decision epoch are derived. For the cases where the above-mentioned necessary and sufficient conditions fail to determine an optimal decision, “limited lookahead” arguments are used for determining handoff decisions. The decisions are taken in a decentralized manner, which makes its implementation easier compared to centralized algorithms. Simulation results show that for the hard handoffs, performance gain by the proposed algorithm over the simpler threshold algorithms proposed in the literature is small; however, for the case of soft handoffs, the proposed algorithm offers considerable improvement over the algorithm proposed in the IS-95 standard  相似文献   

Rapid thermal annealing of ion implantedn-type CdTe has been investigated. Samples were implanted with 60 keV Ar+ and As+ ions to a dose of 1 × 1014 cm−2 and subjected to anneal sequences of 5-100s at temperatures of 350-650° C. Photoluminescence measurements have indicated that the implantation completely quenches the photoluminescence; however, anneals for only 5s at 350° C are sufficient to recover most of the features of the photoluminescence spectrum to that equivalent of unimplanted material. Luminescence spectral features associated with thermal annealing damage and substitutional As in inferred. Type conversion of the As+ implanted layer is observed and it has been shown that good diodes can be made, with the best behaviour resulting from a 5s anneal at 450° C. Research supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada  相似文献   

Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) technology offers potential advantages for GaAs MESFET device technology such as reducing dopant diffusion and minimizing the redistribution of background impurities. LEC semi-insulating GaAs substrates were implanted with Si at energies from 100 to 400 keV to doses from 1 × 1012 to 1 × 1014/cm2. The wafers were encapsulated with Si3N4 and then annealed at temperatures from 850-1000° C in a commercial RTA system. Wafers were also annealed using a conventional furnace cycle at 850° C to provide a comparison with the RTA wafers. These implanted layers were evaluated using capacitance-voltage and Hall effect measurements. In addition, FET’s were fabricated using selective implants that were annealed with either RTA or furnace cycles. The effects of anneal temperature and anneal time were determined. For a dose of 4 × 1012/cm2 at 150 keV with anneal times of 5 seconds at 850, 900, 950 and 1000° C the activation steadily increased in the peak of the implant with overlapping profiles in the tail of the profiles, showing that no significant diffusion occurs. In addition, the same activation could be obtained by adjusting the anneal times. A plot of the equivalent anneal times versus 1/T gives an activation energy of 2.3 eV. At a higher dose of 3 × 1013 an activation energy of 1.7 eV was obtained. For a dose of 4 × 1012 at 150 keV both the RTA and furnace annealing give similar activations with mobilities between 4700 and 5000 cm2/V-s. Mobilities decrease to 4000 at a dose of 1 × 1013 and to 2500 cm2/V-s at 1 × 1014/cm2. At doses above 1 × 1013 the RTA cycles gave better activation than furnace annealed wafers. The MESFET parameters for both RTA and furnace annealed wafers were nearly identical. The average gain and noise figure at 8 GHz were 7.5 and 2.0, respectively, for packaged die from either RTA or furnace annealed materials.  相似文献   

This paper considers wireless networks where communication links are unstable and link interference is a challenge to design high performance scheduling algorithms. Wireless links are time varying and are modeled by Markov stochastic processes. The problem of designing an optimal link scheduling algorithm to maximize the expected reliability of the network is formulated into a Markov Decision Process first. The optimal solution can be obtained by the finite backward induction algorithm. However, the time complexity is very high. Thus, we develop an approximate link scheduling algorithm with an approximate ratio of \(2(N - 1)(r_{M}\Delta - r_{m} \delta ),\) where N is the number of decision epochs, r M is the maximum link reliability, r m is the minimum link reliability, Δ is the number of links in the largest maximal independent set and δ is the number of links in the smallest maximal independent set. Simulations are conducted in different scenarios under different network topologies.  相似文献   

Bonding and thermal stability of implanted hydrogen in silicon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The behavior of implanted hydrogen in Si has been investigated by differential infrared transmittance measurements using multiple-internal-reflection (MIR) plates. Si-H bonding of implanted hydrogen is detected by seven absorption bands between 4.5 and 5.5 μm after implantation with 1016 H+/cm2 at ion energies between 70 and 400 keV. The absorption bands are close in frequency to those for SiH stretching modes for silane, and they are produced only by hydrogen implantation. Implantation with deuterium gave absorption bands shifted to lower frequencies in accord with the square root of the reduced mass ratio for Si-H relative to Si-D. The multiplicity of hydrogen-associated bands is apparently a consequence of defects in the implanted layer. A dependence of the hydrogen-associated bands on the disorder is suggested by the annealing loss of five of the initial seven bands, and a growth of the other two, for the same temperatures (100–300°C) as those for annealing out the broad divacancy band at 1.8 μm. A disorder dependence of the Si-H vibrational frequencies is further demonstrated by a regeneration of the bands annealing below 300°C when a hydrogen-implanted MIR plate annealed at 300°C was subsequently bombarded with neon. In addition to the seven resolved bands after H+ implantation, five other bands in the same range of frequencies grow in and anneal out between 100 and 700°C. Annealing at 700°C eliminates all SiH bands, and they cannot be regenerated by bombardment with other ions. It is suggested that implanted hydrogen in Si is bonded at defect sites, and that a loss of an SiH band is caused by either a change in charge state of a defect or by the loss of a defect. This work was supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission  相似文献   

In wireless multihop networks, communication between two end-nodes is carried out by hopping over multiple wireless links. However, the fact that each node has to transmit not only its own traffic, but also traffic on behalf of other nodes, leads to unfairness among the communication rates of the nodes. Traditional Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) based media access control does not work satisfactory in a multihop scenario, since an intended target of a communication may be subject to mutual interference imposed by concurrent transmissions from nodes, which cannot directly sense each other, thus causing unfair throughput allocation. Although Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) seems to be a more promising solution, careful transmission scheduling is needed in order to achieve error-free communication and fairness. Several algorithms may be found in the literature for scheduling TDMA transmissions in wireless multihop networks. Their main goal is to determine the optimal scheduling, in order to increase the capacity and reduce the delay for a given network topology, though they do not consider the traffic requirements of the active flows of the multihop network or fairness issues. In this paper, we propose a joint TDMA scheduling/load balancing algorithm, called Load-Balanced-Fair Flow Vector Scheduling Algorithm (LB-FFVSA). This algorithm schedules the transmissions in a fair manner, in terms of throughput per connection, taking into account the communication requirements of the active flows of the network. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves improved performance compared to other solutions, not only in terms of fairness, but also in terms of throughput. Moreover, it was proved that when a load balancing technique is used, the performance of the scheduling algorithm is further improved.  相似文献   

Quality of service (QoS) has been always controversial in resource shared networks. Scheduling as a packet prioritizing mechanism at Data Link Layer (DLL) contributes to QoS guarantee provisioning significantly. In this paper, a novel packet scheduler is developed in wireless cellular networks. The proposed scheme provides QoS-guaranteed service for the applications running on the sensor nodes in all the three aspects of QoS, i.e. data rate, packet loss and packet delay with regard to jitter simultaneously. We establish a three-dimensional space with certain basis vectors for QoS and introduce the efficient point of performance in terms of QoS provisioning in that space. Then we develop a generalized metric, the QoS-deviation, which is the Euclidean distance between the QoS work point of flows and the QoS efficient point in the proposed space. Based on this metric, a novel scheduling approach, namely AQDC, is designed which makes it possible to tune the trade-off between QoS provisioning and throughput optimization in an adaptive manner depending on the current Cell QoS-deviation level (CDL). Furthermore, we also develop another scheduler, namely ARTC, which is the residual-time version of the AQDC scheduler. Finally, a QoS-deviation-based CAC policy will be introduced which can be applied to all schedulers without any consideration about their structure and can be employed in cellular packet switched networks.  相似文献   

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