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Multi-terminal DC (MTDC) transmission system is applied in modern power systems due to its technical features. In an MTDC system, the converter stations are generally connected in parallel. To smooth the DC current output from the converter, the smoothing reactors are integrated in the converter outputs, instead of in the DC transmission line. When a fault occurs on the DC transmission line of the MTDC system, the fault current will flow along the whole DC line. As a result, the protection scheme may not locate the fault accurately. Based on the characteristics of DC filter, this paper analyzes the impedance characteristics of the combinational circuits, and proposes a method to identify the fault location by the characteristic harmonic. A protection criterion of the non-integer harmonics comparison is composed with phase-frequency characteristics curve derived from complex wavelet transform. The inevitable blind zone is analyzed in theory which exists on the terminal of transmission lines just like distance protection in AC systems. The algorithm is successfully tested and compared with other techniques.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the application of wavelet transforms for the detection, classification and location of faults on transmission lines. A Global Positioning System clock is used to synchronize sampling of voltage and current signals at both the ends of the transmission line. The detail coefficients of current signals of both the ends are utilized to calculate fault indices. These fault indices are compared with threshold values to detect and classify the faults. Artificial Neural Networks are employed to locate the fault, which make use of approximate decompositions of the voltages and currents of local end. The proposed algorithm is tested successfully for different locations and types of faults.  相似文献   

基于在线参数计算的同杆双回线的自适应故障测距   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种新的基于相量测量单元 (PMU)在线计算输电线路参数的同杆双回线故障测距的自适应算法。该算法利用PMU装置获得同杆双回线路两端的电压和电流相量,在线路正常运行时,在线计算同杆双回线的正序参数,并将该参数用于故障测距,解决了线路实际运行参数与电力局提供参数的不同,线路参数在运行过程中由于过负荷,区外故障等原因引起线路参数的变化所导致的测距精度问题。通过故障前后线路两端的采样数据获取突变的同序正序分量,计算线路两端的等效系统阻抗,解决了线路故障前系统运行方式的不确定性所引起的测距误差。大量的EMTP仿真计算结果表明,该测距算法能自适应系统运行方式的变化,不受故障点过渡电阻、故障类型、故障距离等因素的影响,具有很高的测距精度。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a performance oriented fault location algorithm for series compensated transmission lines. The algorithm estimates the fault location based on the calculated fault voltage and current using two end measurements and line parameters. Fault location computations are carried out considering faults existed before or after the compensator location on the line. The calculated MOV impedance is the key factor in determining whether or not the fault is located in front of the compensator. A 380 kV transmission line with a series capacitor and an MOV has been tested for various fault types, fault locations and fault resistances. The results show that the algorithm accurately estimates the fault location for all cases.  相似文献   

A new fault location method suitable for multi-terminal transmission lines that combines the advantages of both impedance and traveling wave based methods has been developed and presented in this paper. The proposed method first determines whether the fault is grounded or ungrounded by comparing the magnitude of the ground mode wavelet coefficients at the measurement end. Next, the impedance based method is used to identify the faulted half of the line in the case of two-terminal line and the faulted line section as well as the faulted half of the line section in the case of multi-terminal lines. Finally the fault location is determined by taking the time difference between the first two consecutive aerial modes of the current traveling waves observed at one end of the multi-terminal line. The proposed method has been tested on four- and five-terminal transmission lines with different types of faults, fault resistances and fault inception angles using ATP simulation.  相似文献   

输电线路雷击组合测距新算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对现有输电线路雷击定位方法存在的诸多缺点,提出一种新的测距算法。该算法综合考虑雷电定位系统(LLS)和单端行波测距法的特点及适用性。首先利用现有LLS判断出雷击的大致距离,然后利用该距离及线路参数来准确识别故障点反射波和对端母线反射波到达测量端的时刻,进而利用单端行波测距法精确测得雷击距离。该算法克服了地理环境、探测站距离等因素对LLS定位精度的影响,以及单端行波测距因无法准确辨识故障特征波前而导致测距精度无法保证的不足。在雷击故障时,测距公式充分利用测量数据,消除了波速不确定的影响,并在一定程度上消除了弧垂和线路长度变化对其带来的影响。EMTP仿真结果验证了该算法的正确性,并且测距精度得到很大的提高。  相似文献   

一种新型的输电线路双端行波故障定位方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
针对行波故障测距技术中行波检测准确性和行波波速对测距精度的影响,提出一种新的双端行波故障定位方法。首先,介绍了变分模态分解(Variational Mode Decomposition,VMD)和 Teager能量算子(Teager Energy Operator,TEO)的特点,并将VMD与TEO相结合应用于故障行波波头的检测。其次,在双端行波故障测距原理的基础上,根据故障行波的传播路径,推导出一种不受行波波速和线路实际长度变化影响的行波故障测距新算法。该算法不需要检测行波反射波的波头,测距原理简单。最后,通过EMTDC仿真验证方法的正确性和准确性。大量的仿真结果表明该方法行波波头检测效果较好,测距准确度较高。  相似文献   

The performance of algorithms for fault location is directly related to the accuracy of its input data. Thus, factors such as errors in the line parameters, failures in synchronization of oscillographic records and errors in measurements of voltage and current can significantly influence the accuracy of algorithms that use bad data to indicate the faults location. This paper presents a methodology for fault location based on the theory of state estimation in order to determine the location of faults more accurately by considering realistic systematic errors that may be present in measurements of voltage and current. The methodology developed is innovative because, besides calculating the most likely fault distance obtained from measurement errors, the variance associated with the distance found is also determined, using the errors theory. The obtained results are relevant to show that the proposed estimation approach works even adopting realistic variances. Moreover, the fault location brings performance gains compared to a traditional algorithm, available in the literature.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的单端故障测距的方法,根据故障发生后的故障附加网络,利用单端故障电压电流计算沿线故障电压对距离的导数,然后再求其范数在线路上的分布,根据其分布特点确定故障点的位置,实现测距。仿真证明该新方法具有较高的准确度和稳定性。  相似文献   

针对单回T型输电线路,根据其在故障情况下的正序网络提出了一种基于集中参数模型的故障测距新方法。该方法包括故障支路判定和故障测距两部分。在故障支路判定阶段,为简化故障支路判定函数,在不考虑线路对地电容作用的情况下,推导并设计了故障支路判定函数,根据该函数在各支路首末端函数值是否异号的特征,即可实现故障支路判定。另外,为保证支路首端附近和T节点附近发生故障时故障支路判定的准确性,给出了故障支路判据。在故障测距阶段,为保证测距精度,计及了输电线路对地电容作用,给出了基于正序分量和正序故障分量的故障距离解析表达式,根据该表达式只需数次迭代即可求解出故障距离。所提方法适用于各种故障类型,在T节点附近发生高阻故障时故障支路判别不存在死区,且计算量小、易于编程实现。理论分析和仿真测试表明,该方法的有效性和准确性不受故障位置、过渡电阻以及T接位置等因素的影响。  相似文献   

华东镇海—舟山500kV线路工程采用复杂的电缆-架空线混合输电线路,发生故障时无法准确对故障位置进行定位,且现有的重合闸方案无法实现自动识别架空线路故障并投入重合闸。文章提出一种基于分布参数模型的混合线路故障测距方案,方案采用正序故障分量,利用混合线路各段准确参数,分别采用线路两侧电气量计算沿线各点的电压有效值。根据两侧电气量计算的故障位置电压有效值相等的特点,对故障位置进行准确计算。且针对实际工程对重合闸的需求,提出一种故障位置区段定位方法。该方法通过比较用两侧电气量计算的电缆和架空线交界处的电压有效值对故障所在区段进行定位,以实现故障点位于电缆线路时不重合,故障点在架空线时重合闸。仿真结果表明,采用华东镇海-舟山500kV线路工程各段准确参数,各故障位置、各故障类型测距误差均不大于2.5%或±1km,测距结果不受过渡电阻影响,且可实现自动识别架空线故障并投入重合闸。  相似文献   

The main focus of this research is to develop an accurate real-time method for fault detection and analysis of HVB (High Voltage Class-B) transmission lines. The current and voltage signals of oscillographic records are acquired by the distance protections relays with minimum impedance GE D60-1 installed in the electrical network of SONELGAZ (Algerian Company of Electricity and GAS). This method deals on the evaluation of the Detail Spectrum Energy (DSE) calculated from the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) applied on the current phases by moving data windows with length equivalent to one cycle of the fundamental power frequency. The fault detection algorithm is processed at first scale superimposed in the fault current signals (phases and ground) by the sharp variation of (DSE). Most of the existing methods treat the disturbances and faults simultaneously exist in transmission line as a single type. The proposed method has the ability to discriminate between the disturbances and the faults. This study is compared with the “Powerful Analysis of all Protection Fault Records” SIGRA software for determining the start fault inception and it’s clearing time. The performance of this method was tested and evaluated on a real data records and can accurately detect the fault within only half a cycle from the instant of fault occurrence.  相似文献   

Fault section identification and determining its location are important aspects to reduce down/repair time, speed up restoration of power supply and to improve the reliability. In this paper combined wavelet and artificial neural network based directional protection scheme is proposed for double circuit transmission lines using single end data to identify the faulty section and its location with reach setting up to 99% of line length. The proposed method requires the three phase currents and voltage to be measured at one end of the double circuit transmission line modelled using distributed parameter line model which also considers the effect of shunt capacitance. Approximate coefficients feature vector of the three phase voltage and current are extracted using discrete wavelet transform to train the ANN with Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. The proposed scheme involves two stages. The first stage identifies the zone/section of the fault and the second stage calculates the fault location from the relaying point. The proposed combined Wavelet and ANN based fault location scheme is also compared with ANFIS based fault location scheme. The test results of the proposed scheme show that the fault section identification and location estimation is very accurate and the average percentage error in fault location estimation is within 0.001%. This method is adaptive to the variation of fault type (both forward and reverse), fault inception angle, fault location and fault resistance. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is that it offers primary protection to 99% of line length using single end data only and also backup protection to the adjacent forward and reverse line sections.  相似文献   

针对平行双回输电线的构成特点 ,提出了利用平行双回线单端实时数据进行准确故障测距的新算法。算法从原理上可完全消除过渡电阻、负荷电流及系统阻抗参数变化等因素对测距精度的影响 ,解决了平行双回线单线故障的准确测距问题。算法只需求解一元一次方程 ,运算量比已有同类测距算法小得多。  相似文献   

分布式线路故障诊断系统作为特高压输电线路故障位置定位服务的关键产品,对电力系统的安全、可靠与经济运行具有重要意义。结合实际系统的研制与应用,提出了一种基于分布式安装的线路监测终端、监测运维中心站和移动终端应用服务于一体的新型故障诊断服务系统。阐述了产品与系统的关键实现方案,并提出了基于监测终端的供能及其管理、高速采样及同步、时间同步及坐标定位、行波启动及识别处理技术,基于监测运维中心站的双机冗余和数据安全隔离、测距和故障识别、GIS信息与微气象服务技术以及移动终端App安全服务等自主关键技术。所述系统产品顺利通过国家权威检测机构组织的测试与认证并在西部特高压交流1 000 kV输电线路上挂网运行,取得了稳定可靠运行的实际效果。  相似文献   

A fault location algorithm without synchronization for double‐circuit transmission lines does not require sampling synchronization, reduces the cost, and has a higher engineering value, but the algorithm still needs to be improved in the false‐root identification. This paper conducts further studies on this issue. First, the false‐root problem of the fault location algorithm without synchronization is analyzed, and then a new false‐root identification method is proposed, which is based on the difference of the existence of the false root in the calculation of the voltage amplitude along the line with different electrical moduli. It can solve the problem of the traditional method, which cannot distinguish between voltage amplitudes when they are close. Second, considering the shortcoming of the existing phase‐mode transformation matrix, a new phase‐mode transformation matrix applied to double‐circuit lines is deduced, which is based on the six‐sequence component method; it can be combined with the new false‐root identification method, thereby realizing false‐root identification under various types of faults. Finally, fault location is realized by using the moduli in the mold domain. The principle does not need to synchronize data in two terminals and is not affected by the fault types, fault resistances, and other factors. As is shown in a large number of Alternative Transients Program version of Electro‐Magnetic Transients Program (ATP‐EMTP) simulation results, the fault location has a higher accuracy © 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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