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In this study, we examined the effect of sepsis on the electrical properties of isolated ventricular myocytes. Sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). The control rats were sham-operated. Membrane potentials and ionic currents in isolated cardiac myocytes were measured by the tight-seal, whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The results show that the resting membrane potentials of heart cells were significantly lower in the septic group (18 hr post-CLP) than those in the control group. However, there was no significant difference in action potential duration of 50% and 90% repolarization between the two groups of cells. In voltage-clamp experiments, isoproterenol (10 nM), a beta-adrenergic agonist, caused an increase in L-type calcium current (ICa,L) in a similar magnitude in myocytes isolated from the control and septic rats. Furthermore, isoproterenol failed to modify the time constants for ICa,L inactivation and the overall shape of current-voltage relationship for both groups of cells. These results indicate that formation of a G omega seal and subsequent tight-seal whole-cell recording with patch-clamp technique can be performed in heart cells derived from CLP-induced septic rats, and that septic rat heart is capable of responding effectively to beta-adrenergic stimulation.  相似文献   

A variety of experimental techniques have been used to study a WC-12 pct Co powder and the coatings produced by high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying of the powder onto a steel substrate. Many of the structural characteristics of the powder were also found in the coating. However, when the metallic matrix of the powder was melted during thermal spraying, the carbides were partially dissolved and a very heterogeneous liquid phase was produced in which the W/C ratio varied from about 1 to 4. These variations have been linked with oxidation of the liquid phase during spraying. The factors influencing the formation of W2C in the coating have been identified as (1) an in situ transformation of WC into W2C maintaining the original WC faceted morphology and (2) the precipitation of W2C from the W-rich liquid phase matrix as the coating cools. A cobalt containing carbide of the M6C-M12C type has also precipitated from the liquid phase when the W/C and W/Co ratios were high. deceased.  相似文献   

Tyrosyl radicals have been detected during turnover of prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase (PGHS), and they are speculated to participate in cyclooxygenase catalysis. Spectroscopic approaches to elucidate the identity of the radicals have not been definitive, so we have attempted to trap the radical(s) with nitric oxide (NO). NO quenched the EPR signal generated by reaction of purified ram seminal vesicle PGHS with arachidonic acid, suggesting that NO coupled with a tyrosyl radical to form inter alia nitrosocyclohexadienone. Subsequent formation of nitrotyrosine was detected by Western blotting of PGHS incubated with NO and arachidonic acid or organic hydroperoxides using an antibody against nitrotyrosine. Both arachidonic acid and NO were required to form nitrotyrosine, and tyrosine nitration was blocked by the PGHS inhibitor indomethacin. The presence of superoxide dismutase had no effect on nitration, indicating that peroxynitrite was not the nitrating agent. To identify which tyrosines were nitrated, PGHS was digested with trypsin, and the resulting peptides were separated by high pressure liquid chromatography and monitored with a diode array detector. A single peptide was detected that exhibited a spectrum consistent with the presence of nitrotyrosine. Consistent with Western blotting results, both NO and arachidonic acid were required to observe nitration of this peptide, and its formation was blocked by the PGHS inhibitor indomethacin. Peptide sequencing indicated that the modified residue was tyrosine 385, the source of the putative catalytically active tyrosyl radical.  相似文献   

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a valuable measure for treatment of leukemia. In order to reduce, even to eliminate, the graft versus host disease after allogenic BMT and prevent the reinfusion of tumor cells during autologous BMT, the cryopreservation of human BM after purging T-cells with immunotoxin or purging tumor cells with monoclonal antibody 55 (McAb55) was studied. Results demonstrated that: (1) treatment with McAb55 and rabbit complement (RC) did not affect the GM-CFU of BM, but treatment with immunotoxin slightly decreased the GM-CFU of BM; (2) a freeze-thawing procedure obviously decreased the GM-CFU number of BM, the GM-CFU numbers of frozen BM samples were lower than those of the nonfrozen samples; (3) there were no differences in GM-CFU numbers between normal BM and BM treated with McAb55 and RC when the cooling rate used was the same; (4) there was a negative linear correlation between cooling rates and GM-CFU numbers of BM in the cooling rate range used and the optimal cooling rate for the cryopreservation of normal BM and BM treated with McAb55 and RC or immunotoxin was the same, namely, 0.5 degrees C/min.  相似文献   

We have compared the cuffed oropharyngeal airway (COPA), a modified Guedel airway device with a specially designed cuff at its distal end, with the laryngeal mask airway (LMA), on haemodynamic and electroencephalographic (EEG) responses to insertion. In addition, we examined the haemodynamic and EEG changes during initiation of the effect-compartment controlled infusion. We studied 35 female patients undergoing ambulatory gynaecological surgery allocated randomly to received an LMA or COPA to manage the airway. After premedication with midazolam 0.03 mg kg-1 i.v. and low-dose alfentanil (0.01 mg kg-1), anaesthesia was induced and maintained with propofol, using an effect-compartment controlled infusion set at an effect-site concentration of 4 micrograms ml-1. After intercompartmental equilibration, the LMA (group I) or COPA (group II) was inserted and haemodynamic (arterial pressure, heart rate) and EEG (bispectral index (BIS)) responses to insertion studied. The effect-compartment controlled infusion of propofol caused only mild haemodynamic changes during induction. Changes in arterial pressure and heart rate after insertion were similar in both groups and not significantly different from baseline values before insertion. Changes in BIS after insertion were minor and similar between groups.  相似文献   

The oxidation of SmCo5 is an unusual example of selective internal oxidation in which the subscale formed consists of a composite microstructure containing samarium oxide fibers and β-cobalt. The oxide fiber size increases with oxidation temperature, and the orientation of the fibers is generally perpendicular to the subscale-alloy interface. The unusual structure results because of the high concentration of samarium in the intermetallic compound, coupled with a low solubility of samarium in metallic cobalt resulting in a subscale consisting of 39 vol pct oxide. Growth of the subscale follows the parabolic oxidation law, and the kinetics have been determined between 100 and 1125°C. The kinetics are too fast to be explained by lattice diffusion in either the oxide or the cobalt phases. Oxygen diffusion down the cobalt-oxide fiber interface appears to be the transport mechanism for this diffusion controlled process. The oxidation behavior of PrCo5 is identical with that of SmCo5.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) undergo two main pathways of metabolic activation related to the initiation of tumors: one-electron oxidation to give radical cations and monooxygenation to yield bay-region diol epoxides. Synthesis of standard adducts is essential for identifying biologically formed adducts. Until recently, radical cation adducts were synthesized by oxidation of the PAH in an electrochemical apparatus, not readily available in many organic chemistry laboratories. We have developed a convenient and efficient method for synthesizing PAH-nucleoside adducts by using I2 as the oxidant. Adducts of benzo[a]pyrene (BP), dibenzo[a, l]pyrene (DB[a,l]P), and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene were synthesized with deoxyguanosine (dG), deoxyadenosine, guanine (Gua), or adenine in either Me2SO or dimethylformamide (DMF) with or without AgClO4. When, for example, the potent carcinogen BP was dissolved in DMF in the presence of 3 equiv of I2, 5 equiv of dG, and 1 equiv of AgClO4, 45% of the BP was converted to BP-6-N7Gua. When BP was placed under the same reaction conditions in the absence of AgClO4, the extent of formation of BP-6-N7Gua decreased to 30%. When the potent carcinogen DB[a,l]P was dissolved in DMF in the presence of 3 equiv of I2, 5 equiv of dG, and 1 equiv of AgClO4, 43% of the DB[a,l]P was converted to DB[a,l]P-10-N7Gua. In the more polar solvent Me2SO under the same reaction conditions, however, the yield of DB[a,l]P-10-N7Gua was only 20%. Synthesis of adducts with the oxidant I2 is more convenient and, in some cases, more efficient than synthesis by electrochemical oxidation. This method simplifies the synthesis of PAH-nucleoside and nucleobase adducts that are essential for studying biologically formed PAH-DNA adducts.  相似文献   

孙健  王晓鸣  邹宗树 《钢铁研究》2011,39(3):25-28,32
对渗铝后的8407钢试样进行常温硬质阳极氧化处理,使其表面形成氧化膜。通过金相显微镜观察氧化膜横截面组织,并探讨了氧化膜的形成机制;采用扫描电镜观察氧化膜表面形貌,并检测氧化膜沿厚度方向的化学成分及其分布;利用X射线衍射仪对氧化膜相组成进行分析。结果表明,渗铝8407钢经过常温硬质阳极氧化后,试样表面分为3层,从基体向外侧依次为基体、渗层、氧化膜。氧化膜连续致密,厚度均匀,与基体结合紧密,其主要成分为O、Al和Fe,且各元素分布均匀,主要相组成为Fe3O4和Al2O3。  相似文献   

Two forms of the gamma subunit of G protein were purified from bovine lung, and were identified as gamma10 and gamma11 by analyses of partial amino acid sequences and reactivity with specific antibodies. The N-terminal amino acid residue of gamma11 was an unmodified Pro2, and the purified gamma11 was freed from beta even under non-denaturing conditions. Western blots with specific antibodies against gamma10 and gamma11 showed that both gamma subunits are present in a variety of tissues in the rat, with a particular abundance of gamma11 in the platelets.  相似文献   

The newly synthesized 14-alkoxymetopon derivatives, 14-methoxymetopon, 14-ethoxymetopon, 14-methoxy-5-methyl-morphinone, exhibit high affinity for the naloxone binding sites in rat brain. A substantial decrease in affinity was observed, in the presence of NaCl indicating a high degree of agonist activity. All three 14-alkoxymetopon derivatives displayed high affinity for [3H][D-Ala2,(Me)Phe4,Gly-ol5]enkephalin ([3H]DAMGO) binding sites, much less potency toward delta sites and were the least effective at kappa sites. Isolated tissue studies using the guinea pig ileum preparation confirmed their high agonist potency. Following administration the new compounds produced naloxone reversible antinociceptive effects and were 130-300 times more potent than morphine in the acetic acid induced abdominal constriction model in the mouse, and the hot plate and tail flick tests in the rat. The compounds also produced dose-dependent muscle rigidity, and potentiated barbiturate-induced narcosis. The in vivo apparent pA2 values for naloxone against 14-ethoxymetopon and morphine were similar in analgesia, suggesting an interaction with the same (mu) receptor site. The dependence liability of 14-alkoxymetopon derivatives in the withdrawal jumping test was less pronounced than that of morphine in either rats or mice, similar to tolerance to the their analgesic action. It is concluded that the 14-alkoxymetopon derivatives studied are selective and potent agonists at mu opioid receptors, with reduced dependence liability.  相似文献   

The extent of the early stage of the Maillard-type reaction that impaired functional properties of whey proteins was evaluated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Under conditions of mild heat treatment (63 degrees C for 20 s) applied to milk before whey separation at room temperature 23 degrees C), a modification of the relative molecular mass of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG) was observed that differed from that of the native form by 324. This specific modification of beta-LG occurred in acidified whey as well as in sweet whey and increased with the extent of the heat treatment. Incubation of purified beta-LG dissolved in milk ultrafiltration permeate or in lactose solution at 50 to 80 degrees C demonstrated the presence of a lactosyl residue that was covalently bound to beta-LG; beta-casein, used as a control, showed no mass modification. Studies of kinetics showed that a maximum of 35% of the beta-LG was lactosyl-beta-LG conjugate after heat treatment at 70 degrees C for 1 h. This study provides the first direct evidence of specific lactosylation of beta-LG during the initial stage of the Maillard reaction. One of the first lactose-binding sites was identified as a Lys47 by protease mapping and analysis by means of on-line liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry. In addition, collision-activated dissociation performed on the lactosylated peptide beta-LG (f 46-51) showed the rearrangement reactions occurring during the fragmentation process by electrospray. A mechanism is proposed.  相似文献   

Comparison of the calculation by means of the arterio-mixed venous oxygen difference and the oxygen uptake with the calculation by means of the arterio-central venous oxygen difference and the oxygen uptake. OBJECTIVE: How reliable is the measurement of cardiac output on Fick's principle without a pulmonary artery catheter? SETTING: PICU in an University hospital. DESIGN: In the postoperative period following complete repair of congenital heart disease we carried out 91 simultaneous measurements of blood gases in 45 infants and children (mean age 18.6 months, mean body weight 8.9 kg) from a systemic artery, the A. pulmonalis, and the V. cava superior. We also determined the pulmonary oxygen uptake in 24 patients (48 measurements). Cardiac output was calculated on Fick's principle using the arterio-mixed venous oxygen difference and the pulmonary oxygen uptake (HZV a-pa) and compared to the cardiac output derived from the central venous values (HZV a-zv). We differentiated between patients with a left to right shunt of 10% or more postoperatively (group A, n = 18) and all others (group B, n = 27). RESULTS: In both groups the correlation coefficient between HZV a-zv and HZV a-pa was high (group A: r = 0.97, group B: r = 0.94). In group A HZV a-pa (mean: 1958 ml/min) was higher than HZV a-zv (mean: 1340 ml/min), group B showed the opposite situation (mean HZV a-pa: 1136 ml/min, mean HZV a-zv: 1373 ml/min). With the Wilcoxon signet-rank test we found significant differences between the partial pressure of oxygen and the saturation of central venous and mixed venous blood samples in both groups, but HZV a-zv and HZV a-pa were different significantly on a level of p < or = 0.01 only in group A. CONCLUSIONS: In both groups HZV a-pa and HZV a-zv correlated well. Therefore, if a pulmonary artery catheter is not inserted; the course of the cardiac output can be calculated with acceptable reliability from the central venous blood gases. By means of Fick's principle the pulmonary blood flow is determined, which is higher than the systemic blood flow in cases of left to right shunting, because of the recirculation in the pulmonary blood circuit. Interpreting the results this has to be taken into account.  相似文献   

In the clinical setting it has been shown that activation will increase cerebral glucose uptake in excess of cerebral oxygen uptake. To study this phenomenon further, this study presents an experimental setup that enables precise determination of the ratio between cerebral uptake of glucose and oxygen in the awake rat. Global CBF was measured by the Kety-Schmidt technique, and the ratio between cerebral uptake rates for oxygen, glucose, and lactate was calculated from cerebral arterial-venous differences. During baseline conditions, rats were kept in a closed box designed to minimize interference. During baseline conditions CBF was 1.08 +/- 0.25 mL x g(-1) x minute(-1), and the cerebral oxygen to glucose uptake ratio was 5.5. Activation was induced by opening the sheltering box for 6 minutes. Activation increased CBF to 1.81 mL x g(-1) x minute(-1). During activation cerebral glucose uptake increased disproportionately to cerebral oxygen uptake, and the cerebral oxygen to glucose uptake ratio was 4.2. The accumulated excess glucose uptake during 6 minutes of activation amounted to 2.4 micromol/g. Activation was terminated by closure of the sheltering box. In the postactivation period, the cerebral oxygen to glucose uptake ratio rose to a maximum of 6.4. This response is exactly opposite to the excess cerebral glucose uptake observed during activation.  相似文献   

We have studied the phase composition of the overlayer of scale which forms on TiFe at 700°C and 900°C (τ=5 h) by x-ray and metallographic analysis. The upper layers of the scale were shown to consist of TiO2 and Fe2O3 after heat treatment at 700°C, but the lower layers contain mainly TiO2, FeO, and Fe. The underlayer on the boundary with the scale contains Ti4Fe2O (η-phase). The inert marker is covered with rutile at 900°C, and FeTiO3 + TiO2 is below the marker. But the next (relatively thick) internal layer consists of FeTiO3, TiO2, and Fe. Large pores associated with intensive growth of the FeO phase are detected in the scale formed at 700°C. As a result, the scale cracks. At 900°C, the scale is denser because the pores and cracks are covered by rutile. We have shown that FeO (p-type semiconductor) is nonstoichiometric in the upper layers of the scale, and TiO2 (n-type semiconductor) is nonstoichiometric close to the boundary with the alloy. The results obtained correlate with the results for the oxidation kinetics previously studied for FeTi, and support a change in the oxidation mechanism when the temperature increases from 700°C to 900°C. Such a change occurs because of the influence of diffusion of the metal ion on oxygen diffusion through the boundary between the scale and the alloy: diffusion of iron through the vacancies in the FeO lattice at 700°C, and interstitial diffusion of titanium ions in the TiO2 lattice at 900°C.  相似文献   

Four products were characterized from the reaction of thymidine with butadiene monoxide (BM), a known human mutagen and possible human carcinogen. These products were purified by HPLC and characterized as diastereomeric pairs of N-3-(1-hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl)thymidine and N-3-(2-hydroxy-3-buten-1-yl)thymidine based upon their UV spectra, 1H NMR and fast atom bombardment mass spectra. Incubation of thymidine with an excess of BM at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C allowed calculation of the pseudo-first-order kinetic rate constants for the adduct formation, but when these rate constants were compared with the rates we previously determined with guanosine, adenosine and deoxycytidine, the results suggested a lower reactivity with thymidine in comparison with the other nucleosides. When incubations were carried out at lower BM concentrations, the formation of adducts appeared to be linearly dependent on BM concentration. The four thymidine adducts were completely stable for 1 week when incubated at 37 degrees C in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer. These results suggest that the interactions of BM with thymidine may play a role in the molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis of BM.  相似文献   

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) may act as a cocarcinogen with benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in the respiratory tract. We have modeled this effect by examining the interactions of 7r,8t-dihydroxy-9t,10t-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (anti-BPDE) with sulfite, the physiological form of SO2, in a murine respiratory epithelial cell line (C10). We exposed C10 cells to [3H]-anti-BPDE and determined the effects of 1 and 10 mM sulfite on the uptake and subcellular localization of labeled products. Autoradiographic analysis showed that sulfite doubled the nuclear localization of anti-BPDE-derived materials after a 4-hr incubation period. The net nuclear localization of anti-BPDE-derived materials was not affected by sulfite during the first 60 min, but nuclear localization continued to increase in the sulfite-containing incubations throughout the 4-hr incubation period. Little increase in nuclear localization of anti-BPDE-derived material was noted in the incubations without sulfite after 60 min. Subcellular fractionation was performed to determine the amount of label associated with cytosolic and nuclear fractions and to determine covalent binding to protein and DNA. Sulfite produced a modest increase in the amount of [3H]-anti-BPDE-derived products bound to protein; however, binding to nuclear DNA increased by more than 200% with 10 mM sulfite. Analysis of the supernatants from the cytosolic and nuclear fractions of cells exposed to anti-BPDE and sulfite demonstrated the presence of 7r,8t,9t-trihydroxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene-10c-su lfonate (BPT-10-sulfonate). [3H]-BPT-10-sulfonate was unable to enter C10 cells, suggesting that it is formed intracellularly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The structure, the phase composition, the surface morphology, the microhardness, and the tribological characteristics of the oxide layers of various thicknesses formed on AK9pch alloy during microarc oxidation are studied. A positive influence of a small addition (5 g/L) of nanosized silicon dioxide to an electrolyte on these characteristics of the oxide layers is revealed.  相似文献   

Chloride depletion blocks the normal four-step progress of photosynthetic water oxidation. We studied proton release in chloride-depleted thylakoids which were dark-adapted and excited by flashing light. Proton release was blocked from the second flash on, possibly leaving an uncompensated positive charge in the catalytic centre. The reduction of P+680 by Tyrz was still very rapid (< 10 microseconds). From the third flash on, P+680 was reduced more slowly (70 microseconds/200 microseconds), and by an electrogenic back-reaction. The uncompensated positive charge may be the reason why the rapid reduction of P+680 by Tyrz is prevented and the transmembrane charge-pair recombination is facilitated.  相似文献   

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