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根据水利信息化的基本特点和辽宁省水利信息化建设的实际情况,对基础数据进行合理划分,形成开放的、标准的、便于集成的数据库群。提供可基于水利地理信息系统数据平台及专业业务数据视图之上的能完整独立运行的综合服务系统。  相似文献   

结合水利信息化建设项目前期工作文档编制涉及的3个行业标准,阐述了水利信息化项目建设中前期工作的重要性、工作中的阶段划分和所要解决的重点问题,提出了在实际工作中运用3个标准的一些体会和思考。  相似文献   

铁路工程工程造价基础资料调查,是铁路工程造价编制和施工组织设计工作的基础性工作之一。调查资料的详实程度和临时工程数量估列的合理性对铁路工程投资控制及后续施工有着重要影响,对于保证工程进度和质量起着非常重要的作用。本文通过铁路工程造价基础资料调查及临时工程数量估列工作的实际经历,为调查基础资料的科学性、确定临时工程数量的合理性提供参考,从而合理控制工程投资及保证工程顺利实施。  相似文献   

利用PRO/Ⅱ和Excel求解精馏塔最优回流比   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
利用Excel附带的Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)编制最优回流比求解程序,程序调用PRO/Ⅱ分别进行不同塔板数下的工艺模拟和水力学计算,计算数据读入Excel内进行设备和运行费用的计算对比,最终得到最优回流比。对算例的计算表明该方法结果可靠,对其推广应用将有助于提高设计质量和设计效率。  相似文献   

随着水利地位的不断提升和新时期国家治水方略的重大调整,水利信息化已经成为深化水利改革发展、推动水利现代化进程、促进传统水利向现代水利、可持续发展水利转变的不可替代的重要举措。以项目建设为主要依托的水利信息化发展模式,如何构建一套科学合理、满足需求、体系完备、实用可行的信息化项目建设管理机制,为水利信息化全面协调发展提供有力保障,已经成为当前水利信息化发展面临的一项重要而紧迫的任务。充分结合水利信息化项目和管理机制的特点和规律,探索构建水利信息化项目建设管理机制的框架设想,为水利信息化建设和管理工作提供可行的参考。  相似文献   

软件项目费用风险混合评估方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在软件工程领域摹于公式模型预测的结果往往并不比人的经验准确,然而基于经验的预测方法也存在不少问题.提出的软件项目费用风险评估方法基于专家知识经验和历史项目数据,综合利用功能点分析方法以统计或估箅项目的大小,建立了由专家评估预测费用超出的BN模型,由历史数据得到费用超出与生产力之间的关系,从而计算计划项目的生产力.进而估计项目的计划费用,通过对项目当前生产力与计划生产力的比较,评估项目当前是否存在费用风险.方法与费用预测模型无关,费用预算和项目最终实际费用以相对应的理想项目费用为参照物,与在不确定性费用预算基础上进行费用风险分析评估的方法相比,具有较高的可靠性.  相似文献   

针对近年来政府职能转变、水利投资建设规模不断加大,以及各级党委、政府对水利项目资金监管工作提出更高的要求等新的形势,结合水利廉政风险防控水平提升等业务需求迫切的实际,提出以信息化手段为抓手,以水利项目资金管理的需求基础,开展水利项目资金监管平台研究,完成项目库管理、水利资金监管、 项目信息统计直报、统计分析及成果展示、移动应用等业务模块的建设,基本实现对水利项目资金的全过程管理,加强水行政主管部门的事中事后监管,提升监管效能。  相似文献   

结合国家水资源监控能力建设项目建设管理工作经验,对比财政性和基建性水利信息化项目在法规依据、立项程序、法人构成、验收组织和验收后评价等方面的不同特点,分析了财政性水利信息化项目建设管理工作难点及原因,主要受项目总体控制力度弱,各地特殊情况影响大,项目变更难以掌握,项目质量控制难度大等因素影响。有针对性地提出加强项目建设管理的工作要点,提出完善项目建设管理法规制度的意见建议,主要包括强化项目组织领导体系建设,完善项目建管工作法规制度,加大项目技术统筹力度,重视项目进度管理和要严格把好项目质量关口等。为以后做好财政性水利信息化项目建设管理工作提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>2014年11月19日,陈雷部长主持召开2014年第10次部长办公会,研究了水利信息化资源整合共享顶层设计工作。水利信息中心汇报了《水利信息化资源整合共享顶层设计》(以下简称《顶层设计》)及有关情况,会议原则通过《顶层设计》。会议认为,开展水利信息化资源整合共享工作,是加快水利信息化建设的必然要求,是推进水利信息化资源节约集约利用的重要举措。水利信息中心按照2013年第8次部长办公会议部署要求,抓紧开展相关工作,  相似文献   

随着水利信息化系统迁入云端之后,由设备或人为、环境等各种主客观原因造成采集到云数据中心的数据中含有大量的"脏数据"(如乱序、异常、相似重复、误报、不完整、逻辑错误等),这些大量的"脏数据"会给应用系统带来高额的处理费用,延长响应时间,甚至会导致数据分析异常,降低决策支持系统的准确率,严重影响系统服务质量,难以支撑上层应用。本文结合项目中的实际情况给出了清洗这些脏数据的流程和方法,并通过实际数据和实验方案验证了本数据清洗方案的有效性,大大改善了水利信息化系统预测预警的效率。  相似文献   

水利信息化建设近年来得到空前的重视和强大的推力,但如何度量和评估软件项目成本仍是水利行业软系统开发项目预算管理和决算审计过程中亟待解决的问题,本文阐述了软件开发生命周期、软件成本构成及软件测算方法,重点结合某市防汛会商平台系统的开发,采用功能点法对软件开发费用进行合理的测算,运用相关知识进行功能点规模的估算,为今后水利同类软系统项目的概预算管理工作提供有力技术支撑,推动水利软件成本测算的合理性和科学化。  相似文献   

针对水利工程建设面临的手工管理、分散管理、传统模式、效率低下等实际情况,开发基于政务云的水利工程建设全过程管理平台,对管理平台的服务对象和管理内容、总体架构布局、运行安全机制、功能模块等进行设计,对多元外部异构数据融合、关键人员亮灯监管等关键技术进行研究。在浙江省防洪排涝工程具体项目中的应用结果表明:管理平台适用水利工程建设管理实际,从技术上解决水利工程建设监管难的顽疾,能全面监管水利工程建设重点关注的资金、进度、质量和安全,有效改变管理方式,规范项目管理行为,提升水利工程建设质量和管理水平。  相似文献   

Software systems of today are often complex, making development costs difficult to estimate. This paper uses data from 50 projects performed at one of the largest banks in Sweden to identify factors that have an impact on software development cost. Correlation analysis of the relationship between factor states and project costs was assessed using ANOVA and regression analysis. Ten out of the original 31 factors turned out to have an impact on software development project cost at the Swedish bank including the: number of function points, involved risk, number of budget revisions, primary platform, project priority, commissioning body’s unit, commissioning body, number of project participants, project duration, and number of consultants. In order to be able to compare projects of different size and complexity, this study also considers the software development productivity defined as the amount of function points per working hour in a project. The study at the bank indicates that the productivity is affected by factors such as performance of estimation and prognosis efforts, project type, number of budget revisions, existence of testing conductor, presentation interface, and number of project participants. A discussion addressing how the productivity factors relate to cost estimation models and their factors is presented. Some of the factors found to have an impact on cost are already included in estimation models such as COCOMO II, TEAMATe, and SEER-SEM, for instance function points and software platform. Thus, this paper validates these well-known factors for cost estimation. However, several of the factors found in this study are not included in established models for software development cost estimation. Thus, this paper also provides indications for possible extensions of these models.  相似文献   

对于软件项目而言,项目成本的有效控制是每个项目取得成功的标志之一。恰当的软件开发成本估算方法将大大提高成本估算的稳定性和可靠性,从而提高项目经理对项目成本的有效控制。本文在深入分析目前业界常用的软件项目开发成本估算方法的基础上,针对ERP外包软件项目开发生命周期的特点,提出了以ERP程序单元为最小单位的一种项目开发成本估算法,即FRICE估算法。该估算方法已经在大量ERP外包软件项目中得到了成功应用、实践和验证,它能有效地帮助项目经理对项目开发成本进行估算、控制和管理。  相似文献   

More resources are spent on maintaining software than for its development. Maintenance costs for large scale software systems can amount to somewhere between 40 and 67% of the total system life cycle cost. It is therefore important to manage maintenance costs, and to balance costs with benefits. Frequently this task is approached, at least in the literature, merely as a software cost estimation problem. Unfortunately, the creation of effort estimation models for maintenance – a primary requisite for cost calculation – has not yet been satisfactorily addressed. At the same time, project managers do not estimate costs first, but instead prioritize maintenance projects, trying to determine which projects to carry out (first) within their fixed budgets and resource capabilities. This essentially means that cost estimation is done qualitatively first before formal cost estimation techniques are employed. Recognizing the problems associated with standard, regression based estimation models, and focusing on the needs of software project managers, this research studied the process of project prioritization as an expert problem solving and decision making task, through concurrently taken (think aloud) protocols. Analysis of these protocols revealed that experts rarely make use of formal mathematical models to determine project priorities or resource needs, such as COCOMO or FPA, although project size is a key determinant of a project's priority. Instead, estimators qualitatively consider cost or value, urgency, and difficulty of a maintenance task, then prioritize projects accordingly, followed by a decision concerning further treatment of the problem. The process employs case based reasoning and the use of heuristics. While different experts may use different strategies, there exists great overlap in their overall prioritization procedure.  相似文献   

通过分析上海市2018年水务重大工程建设项目的现状及水务重大工程2019年建设计划,上海市水务水利工程数量、体量和复杂度逐年增加。为了贯彻落实上海市及水务局关于推广BIM应用技术的文件精神,顺应政府工程监管信息化的发展,缓解工程管理监管难度,上海市水务局在前期已开展的相关BIM模型轻量化展示、3D GIS等关键技术预研的基础上,决定建设BIM数据中心及相应的水务应用管理协同平台。项目管理平台利用云架构,大数据,BIM,3D GIS,无人机数据采集等技术,系统基于B/S结构,BIM模型轻量化采用WebGL 3D绘图协议,实现二维与三维结合、实景和BIM模型结合。该平台在模型共享、工程数据共享、工程展示及监管中发挥了一定作用。  相似文献   

中等COCOMO模型是经过实际软件项目验证和修正的软件成本估算模型.文章将中等COCOMO模型应用于中小型软件项目投资决策,提出了一套简便而完整的中小型软件项目投资分析方法.  相似文献   

为更好地推动水利信息化建设,本文通过梳理各类水利工程的信息自动化系统设计需求,归纳总结了设计中经常出现的问题,并针对问题出现的原因提出了相关建议,以供大家探讨。  相似文献   

In panelized construction, transportation is an essential process linking a manufacturing facility to a project’s jobsite using hauling equipment (e.g., trucks and trailers). Accordingly, the cost associated with transportation operations is considerable compared to a traditional stick build. Nevertheless, transportation cost estimation has often relied on a fixed-cost approach, regarding the cost as part of the overhead cost, rather than conducting detailed estimation of actual transportation operations. This is because operation-level data might be challenging to collect and analyze in practice. In this regard, the prevalent use of GPS devices for construction equipment may provide an automated means of monitoring the operations of transportation equipment, and large and detailed spatial and temporal data can be generated from multiple pieces of equipment in multiple construction projects on a daily basis or even in real time. This study thus proposes a spatial and temporal data filtering and abstracting approach to transportation cost estimation using fleet GPS data which extracts equipment activities from the GPS data and accordingly predicts the transportation demands required for an individual project. From large-scale GPS data, key operation information, such as the number of trailers and durations required (i.e., transportation demands), is extracted using a geo-fence and a rule-based equipment operation analysis algorithm. Then, the extracted transportation demand information, along with related project specifications, is used to train support vector regression (SVR) models for the purpose of predicting the transportation demand in new projects, which is in turn utilized to estimate the transportation cost using the relevant transportation unit cost of the equipment. To evaluate the performance, GPS datasets collected from 221 panelized residential projects over a period of 8 months are used to train the prediction model and are compared with actual transportation costs estimated in practice. The results show that the SVR model has an accuracy of 86% and 88% in predicting the number of trailers and the duration, respectively. For the cost estimation performance, the results reveal that the average cost difference of 57% between the fixed cost and the actual transportation cost was reduced to 14% by implementing the GPS-data-based method in various project locations and for projects of various sizes. The GPS-data-based estimation approach thus is found to provide a more accurate transportation cost estimation result for various panelized construction projects, and the method improves the understanding of large-scale spatial and temporal equipment data while increasing the utilization of the GPS data already available.  相似文献   

The primary focus of weapon systems research and development has moved from a hardware base to a software base and the cost of software development is increasing gradually. An accurate estimation of the cost of software development is now a very important task in the defense domain. However, existing models and tools for software cost estimation are not suitable for the defense domain due to problems of accuracy. Thus, it is necessary to develop cost estimation models that are appropriate to specific domains. Furthermore, most studies of methodology development are aligned with generic methodologies that do not consider the pertinent factors to specific domains, whereas new methodologies should reflect specific domains. In this study, we apply two generic methodologies to the development of a software cost estimation model, before suggesting an integrated modeling process specifically for the national defense domain. To validate our proposed modeling process, we performed an empirical study of 113 software development projects on weapon systems in Korea. A software cost estimation model was developed by applying the proposed modeling process. The MMRE value of this model was 0.566 while the accuracy was appropriate for use. We conclude that the modeling process and software cost estimation model developed in this study is suitable for estimating resource requirements during weapon system development in South Korea’s national defense domain. This modeling process and model may facilitate more accurate resource estimation by project planners, which will lead to more successful project execution.  相似文献   

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