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In this study, 400 clinically anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient knees were arthroscoped and studied prospectively in the period January 1986 to April 1992. An ACL tear was always confirmed, and 41 per cent of these patients did not have an associated meniscal tear. In 30.25 per cent the lateral meniscus was torn; in 21.25 per cent the ACL tear was associated with a medial meniscus tear, and in the remaining 7 per cent both menisci were torn. The most frequently associated meniscal injury was the bucket handle tear of the medial meniscus (9 per cent), followed by the posterior horn tear of the lateral meniscus, which showed the same frequency as the ragged (or degenerated) tear of the lateral meniscus (6 per cent). The horizontal tear of the posterior part of the lateral meniscus showed a prevalence of 4.3 per cent. This picture is probably dependent on a secondary referral nature of the centre surveyed, in which the average time between injury and arthroscopy was 23.3 months.  相似文献   

Several EF-hand recoverin mutants were obtained and their abilities to bind to photoreceptor membranes and to inhibit rhodopsin kinase were determined. The mutants with the 'spoiled' 2nd, 3rd or (2nd+3rd) EF-hand structures did not act upon the kinase activity in the microM range of Ca2+ concentrations. Mutations of the 4th EF hand, which 'repaired' its Ca2+-binding activity, resulted in recoverin with three 'working' Ca2+-binding sites. The latter mutant inhibited rhodopsin kinase even more effectively than the wild-type recoverin, containing two working Ca2+-binding structures.  相似文献   

Follow-up examinations of 35 patients with an arthroscopically confirmed isolated fresh tear of the anterior cruciate ligament were conducted after an average period of 5 years. After arthroscopy and immobilization of the knee in a plaster cast for 2 weeks, all 35 patients had been conservatively treated with neurophysiological physical therapy. Twenty-four of the tears were complete; the remaining 11 were partial. The results of the follow-up examination are based on subjective scores (O'Donoghue score, Lysholm score), an objective score (objective O'Donoghue score) and clinical examination. With the partial tears, good to satisfactory results were achieved, and surgery was needed less often. In these patients, it was largely possible to maintain the original level of athletic performance. Those patients with complete, isolated tears generally had satisfactory to poor results on the objective scores. There was a high rate of revision surgery, especially in the case of meniscus tears, and they were largely unable to regain their original level of athletic performance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of direct magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signs of tears of the anterior cruciate ligament. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over the period April 1991 to February 1994, 92 consecutive MRI studies of the knee were obtained for which arthroscopic data were also available. The MRI studies were retrospectively evaluated for course, continuity, signal intensity, morphologic features, contour and visualization of the anterior cruciate ligament. Arthroscopic findings were correlated with individual primary signs and the overall MRI diagnosis. RESULTS: Among the cases studied were 4 partial and 32 complete tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (as determined by arthroscopy). Because of the low number of partial tears, it was not possible to draw any meaningful conclusions about the MRI diagnosis of this type of tear. For complete tears, the criteria with the highest accuracy were abnormal course of the ligament (96.0%) and high signal intensity (89.3%). The overall diagnostic accuracy of MRI was 98.8%. CONCLUSIONS: The most accurate direct MRI finding in patients with a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament was abnormal course of the ligament, followed by abnormally high signal intensity.  相似文献   

We describe the results of conservative treatment for complete midsubstance tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in 18 skeletally immature patients, followed for a minimum of 36 months. Six patients had an ACL reconstruction during the follow-up period and were assessed immediately before their operation. The average time from initial injury to evaluation was 51 months. All patients had symptoms when reviewed. The modified Lysholm knee score showed one excellent result, one good, eight fair, and eight poor with a mean score of 64.3. Only one patient had returned to her preinjury level of athletics. Secondary meniscal tears were confirmed in six patients, and three more had the clinical signs of a tear at follow-up. Radiological evidence of degenerative changes was found in 11 of the 18 patients. We conclude that the results of non-operative treatment for ACL injuries in this age group are poor and not acceptable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), particularly perinuclear ANCA (p-ANCA), have been found more frequently in sera from patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) than in sera from Crohn's disease (CD) or unclassified enterocolitis (UE) patients. This 2-center study examined sera from 102 pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to evaluate their diagnostic value and assess their relationship with disease features, distribution, activity and treatment. METHODS: The serum ANCA of 102 children with IBD were measured: 33 UC, 64 CD and 5 UE with various disease locations and degrees of activity. The mean age at the onset of symptoms was 10.7 years (1 to 16.3 years). Sera from 26 unaffected first degree relatives and 20 children without IBD were also investigated. ANCA were detected using indirect immunofluorescence of ethanol-fixed granulocytes. RESULTS: There were ANCA in the sera of 24/33 children with UC (73%), 9/64 with CD (14%) and 4/5 with UE (80%). p-ANCA were more frequent than cytoplasmic-ANCA in positive sera: UC = 67%, CD = 57% and UE = 75%. The presence of ANCA was 73% sensitive and 81% specific for a diagnosis of UC, compared to other IBD (p < 0.001). Three children with proved sclerosing cholangitis associated with UC were all positive. There was no link between ANCA-positive sera and disease activity, or other endoscopic or clinical criteria. ANCA were detected in 4/26 first degree relatives (15%) and in 1/20 control subjects (5%). CONCLUSIONS: Because of their sensitivity and specificity, ANCA may be helpful in the clinical assessment of patients with IBD, and especially those with UC. However, there is no link between the pressure of p-ANCA and the site of UC or its activity, so that it cannot be used to monitor medical treatment or surgical indications.  相似文献   

During five football seasons, from 1989 through 1993, 61 surgically proven, noncontact, anterior cruciate ligament injuries, were identified from among 22 National Football League teams. The variables of surface, shoe type, playing conditions, and whether or not the shoe was spatted were identified for each reported injury. Forty noncontact injuries occurred in conventional cleated shoes on natural grass, and 21 occurred on an artificial surface. Almost half of all injuries (47.5%) occurred during game-day exposures despite the fact that the practice versus game-day exposure rate was 5:1. Of these injuries, 95.2% (N = 58) occurred on a dry field. The factors of cleat and shoe type, type of surface (natural versus artificial), surface conditions (wet/dry), and the effect of "spatting" a shoe are presented. The significance of these factors and their likelihood to be associated with injury is analyzed by use of a statistical tool, the incidence density ratio.  相似文献   

Renal abscess, a very uncommon renal disease in the pediatric patient is often complicated by irrelevant antibiotics treated urinary tract infection or due to other unknown reasons. In this paper, two cases of renal abscess were reported though they had been treated with antibiotics. The diagnosis had been made soon by sonography and computed tomography (CT). In addition, during the period of treatment, a series of sonography were performed to monitor resolution of abscess. In one, the lesion was resolved by antibiotics alone for 2 months duration, the other nearly disappeared 3 weeks later after antibiotics treatment combined with tube-drainage. These imaging techniques permit a prompt diagnosis as well as percutaneous drainage performed if antibiotic treatment dose not lead to resolution of the abscess.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Antral motility and the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) are major determinants of the rate of gastric emptying. The relation between CCK and antral neurons in regulating gastric emptying is uncertain. Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) causes selective lesions in gut myenteric neurons after serosal application. AIM: To develop a model of antral denervation using BAC to enable the study of the relation between CCK and antral neurons in regulating gastric emptying. METHODS: BAC, vehicle or the afferent neurotoxin capsaicin were applied to the serosal surface of the rat antrum or corpus; neurochemical markers of intrinsic and afferent neurons were detected by using immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay. Gastric retention of solids was determined after fasting, and emptying of liquids was measured in rats with gastric fistulae. RESULTS: In BAC treated rats radioimmunoassay of tissue extracts revealed a dose related specific loss of gastrin releasing peptide, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactivities from the treated region, and immunohistochemistry revealed loss of the neuronal marker PGP 9.5 and the afferent neuropeptide calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP). Adjacent untreated regions were unaffected by BAC, with the exception that CGRP was depleted in both corpus and antrum after antral treatment. After antral BAC treatment fasted rats retained solids for over 48 hours. Moreover, in antrally denervated rats with gastric fistulae, the emptying of saline, acid and peptone was delayed substantially. The CCK dependent inhibition of gastric emptying of peptone was preserved after antral treatment with BAC. CONCLUSIONS: Serosal BAC causes lesions in the innervation of the treated region of the stomach. The innervation of the antrum is essential for normal emptying of both liquids and solids, but the inhibition of gastric emptying produced by CCK is not dependent on antral neurons.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight low median nerve injuries and 23 low ulnar nerve injuries were repaired using intraneural fascicular dissection and electrical fascicular orientation. Eleven freshly lacerated nerves were seen within 48 hours after injury; 40 nerve lacerations were chronic. Fascicular orientation between sensory and motor fascicles at the proximal nerve end could be accurately differentiated in 47 nerves (92%) independent of whether it was acute or chronic. At the distal nerve end in fresh lacerations, the motor fascicles could be determined conclusively by muscle contraction with sequential electrical stimulation of the fascicles. In chronic nerve lacerations, the distal fascicles could be estimated anatomically after internal neurolysis. After fascicular orientation, nerves were repaired with end-to-end group fascicular suture or interfascicular sural nerve grafting. Twenty-four nerves repaired with end-to-end suture and 13 nerves repaired with nerve grafting were monitored more than 25 months. Satisfactory sensory results (i.e., S3+ or S4 functions) were obtained in 29 nerves (78%) and M4 or M5 motor functions were achieved in 29 nerves (78%). There were no patients who needed additional tendon transfers to reconstruct thumb opposition or to correct claw finger deformity. These results suggest that low median or ulnar nerve lacerations, whether acute or chronic, partial or complete, may be successfully repaired with the aid of electrical fascicular orientation with or without intraneural fascicular dissection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the outcome of 31 patients treated in a day and semi-residential psychotherapy setting. METHOD: Patients had moderate to severe personality difficulties and were referred when current therapy was insufficient or because of the severity of their problems. Eighty-one percent had a Cluster C and 19% a Cluster B (Borderline) Personality Disorder diagnosis (DSM-III-R). Therapy was psychodynamically and feministin-formed and included a sociopolitical dimension. Rating scales used were the Symptom Checklist 90, Goal Attainment Scale, Global Assessment Scale and measures of health resource usage, which were completed pre-treatment, post-treatment and at 4-, 12- and 24-month follow-up. RESULTS: Mean duration of therapy was 4 months (68 therapy days). All clinical rating scales demonstrated marked improvements following treatment (p < 0.0001) which were sustained at 2-year follow-up. There were also improvements of health resource usage. CONCLUSIONS: The results document the clinical efficacy of psychotherapy in this setting, provide support for the philosophy of practice, and suggest that psychotherapy outcome can be evaluated at reasonable financial cost in many settings.  相似文献   

Prosthetic cruciate ligaments are now used clinically. Long-term results are not yet available and for that reason an attempt has been made to reproduce the clnical situation in dogs. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis was inevitably noted following simple excision of the anterior cruciate ligament in a control group of 10 animals. Different prosthetic materials were used and their breaking point was compared with that of normal anterior cruciate ligaments. The longest follow-up period was 6 months. Although some animals had no clinically demonstrable instability, at autopsy all prosthetic ligaments were noted to have failed. The degree of post-traumatic osteoarthritis was directly related to the duration of follow-up. The causes of failure of the prosthetic ligament do not appear to be related to the method of anchorage to bone but rather to the type of prosthetic material used. Although the tensile strength may occasionally have been sufficient, the materials did not have the required elastic characteristics to meet the physiologic demands of a normal cruciate ligament.  相似文献   

Columbia-Rambouillet cross-bred sheep were used to study the revascularization and ligamentization process of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction over a 6-month period using basic histology, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy. The reconstruction technique studied was a quadruple-hamstring, interference screw fixation technique. Further, these specimens, after retrieval at 6, 12, and 26 weeks, were compared with human arthroscopic 'second looks' and with 10 en bloc specimens obtained when a cruciate-sacrificing total knee replacement was performed. The study showed that, with this reconstruction technique, Sharpey's fibers were seen at 6 weeks in both sheep and human specimens. The intratunnel specimens showed proliferative chondrification, then ossification of the matrix. Intra-articular neovascularization, ligamentization, and junction ossification occurred. Myoblasts or smooth muscle cells appear to mediate the ligamentization as evidenced in electron microscopy by proliferate collagen manufacture. These myoblasts were seen in both the healing sheep and human second looks, but not seen in mature ACL grafts or in normal ACLs. At 6 months postoperatively, the sheep ACL reconstruction appeared clinically, histologically, and immunohistochemically indistinguishable from the normal sheep ACL. A correlation of this work with published animal studies in which biomechanical testing was performed and with human 'second looks' would imply that an ACL reconstruction may be vulnerable during this period of neovascularization and ligamentization.  相似文献   

Revision of failed prosthetic anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions will continue to be necessary as previously placed prosthetic devices fail with time. These patients often present with recurrent instability, pain, swelling, or effusions. Graft rupture and the generation of particulate debris are common causes of these symptoms. To effectively treat these patients requires careful preoperative evaluation and planning. Operative treatment includes removing the prosthesis and metal fixation devices, evaluating femoral and tibial bone stock, and determining adequacy of previous tunnel position. Staging of the operation may be a necessity if significant bone loss or poor tunnel position on either the femoral or tibial side requires bone grafting. The use of an autogenous bone-patellar tendon-bone graft is suggested and has proven to be effective in restoring knee stability in these revision cases. The ultimate outcome following revision of failed prosthetic ligaments may be limited by associated intraarticular pathology often seen in this patient population.  相似文献   

The hydroxyapatite implant (Bio-Eye, Intergrated Orbital Implant, Inc., San Diego, CA, U.S.A.) has gained increasing popularity as an orbital implant in recent years. Several complications may occur, including infection, exposure, extrusion, and various peg problems. Exposure of the implant appears to be the most common complication, ranging up to 21.6%. Many techniques, including nonsurgical and surgical approaches, have been described to manage these exposures. When surgery is indicated, a patch graft may be required to cover the defect. We report our experience and technique with autogenous temporalis fascia as a patch graft. Autografts such as temporalis fascia are easily obtained, bring about no immunological reaction, and have no risk of infectious transmission.  相似文献   

We studied the results of bone scans in 50 consecutive patients with symptomatic, unilateral, chronic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. All patients had failed conservative therapy and underwent radionuclide imaging of the knee prior to arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. The scintigraphic activity in each of the three knee compartments was quantitatively scaled from 1 (normal scintigraphic activity) to 4 (marked activity). Quantitative activity in each of the three compartments was correlated with plain radiographic, arthroscopic, and clinical findings. All but four of the scans (92%) showed abnormal scintigraphic activity. The quantitative activity was highest overall in the medial compartment (2.9), followed by the lateral (2.4) and patellofemoral compartments (1.9). In the subgroup of patients with normal menisci (10 patients), most of the abnormal activity was in the lateral compartment (2.9), implying that when the medial meniscus remains competent in the presence of a torn ACL, there is increased stress on the lateral compartment. There was little correlation with scintigraphy and roentgenographic changes, except in the presence of moderate or severe radiographic degenerative arthritis. Similarly, there was little correlation between increased scintigraphic activity and chondromalacia. These results provide a baseline for future studies that use scintigraphic imaging in monitoring restoration of bone homeostasis following ACL reconstruction.  相似文献   

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