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Over a wide range of operating conditions, the drying of paper by impinging jets of superheated steam proceeds by a constant rate period followed by a falling rate period. The constant drying rate, investigated here in the jet temperature range 150 ≤ Tj/ ≤ 465°C and over jet Reynolds numbers of 1000 ≤ Rej ≤ 12000, is predicted within + 12% by a heat transfer expression using Martin's (1977) correlation for the heat transfer coefficient corrected for mass transfer by the Couette flow approximation factor, and a property ratio to account for the large temperature difference between the jet and the paper.  相似文献   

软木干燥中湿空气和过热蒸汽的外部传热   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In kiln drying of softwood timber, external heat and moisture mass transfer coefficients are important in defining boundary temperature and moisture content at the wood surface. In addition, superheated steam drying of wood is a promising technology but this has not been widely accepted commercially, partially due to the lack of understanding of the drying phenomena occurred during drying. In this work, experimental investigation was performed to quantify the heat transfer between wood surface and surrounding moist air or superheated steam. In the experiment, saturated radiata pine sapwood samples were dried using dry-bulb/wet-bulb temperatures of 60℃/50℃,90℃/60℃, 120℃/70℃, 140℃/90℃, 160℃/90℃, 140℃/100℃ and 160℃/100℃. The last two schedules were for superheated steam drying as the wet-bulb temperature was set at 100℃. The circulation velocity over the board surface was controlled at 4.2 m·s-1. Two additional runs (90℃/60℃) using air velocities of 2.4 m·s-1 and 4.8 m·s-1were performed to check the effect of the circulation velocity. During drying, sample weight and temperatures at wood surface and different depths were continuously measured. From these measurements, changes in wood temperature and moisture content were calculated and external heat-transfer coefficient was determined for both the moist air and the superheated steam drying.  相似文献   

The effects of drying methods on equilibrated moisture content (MC) and swelling efficiency of Chinese cedar (Cryptomeria fortunei) wood were studied in this paper. Drying experiments were conducted with conventional (CON) drying and superheated steam (SHS) drying under atmospheric pressure. Specimens were equilibrated at two environment conditions to measure moisture and dimensional changes, and then the moisture excluding efficiency (MEE) and antiswelling efficiency (ASE) were determined. Results showed that the equilibrated MC of artificial-dried wood was lower than control samples (air drying), and the equilibrated MC of wood with SHS drying was lower than that with CON drying, which indicated that MEE was enhanced in SHS drying process. Similar results were found in swelling efficiency and ASE of artificial-dried wood and the control. The mechanism was studied by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The DMA results showed that both of relative storage modulus and relative loss modulus were the highest for SHS-dried wood and the lowest for the control samples. As for the crystalline structure assessed by changes of XRD, the results showed that the cellulose crystallinity and crystallite size of Chinese cedar wood with SHS drying were the highest, and control specimens were the lowest. All the analyses showed that Chinese cedar wood with low hygroscopic and high dimensional stability could be gotten through SHS drying process.  相似文献   

过热蒸汽间歇干燥酒精糟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以高湿物料酒精糟为研究对象,进行了过热蒸汽间歇干燥实验研究。利用自行设计的间歇干燥实验台,酒精糟的初始含水质量分数为66.7%,研究了不同实验条件对干燥速率的影响。结果表明:随着干燥介质温度的升高,干燥速率明显加快;被烘物料质量越少,烘干时间越短;随着物料颗粒直径的减小,恒速段的干燥速率基本不变,而降速段的干燥速率明显增加;过热蒸汽质量流量越大,干燥速率越高。因此随着蒸汽过热度的升高、质量流量的增大,过热蒸汽干燥速率加快,干燥效率越高;随着进料质量的增加、颗粒直径的增大,过热蒸汽干燥速率却有所降低。  相似文献   

Soy sauce residue needs drying to avoid fermentation and oxidation during storage and transportation, and its reutilization as a useful resource is expected. Superheated steam drying was applied to investigate the effects of drying conditions on the drying characteristics and the content changes of salt and protein. The results showed that the inversion temperature was about 130°C, beyond which superheated steam drying was faster than hot air-drying. The drying time approaching equilibrium moisture content was reduced with elevated drying temperature as well as higher steam mass flow rate in the present experimental conditions. The effect of bed thickness on drying time was not obvious when drying temperature increased. Interestingly, the salt content of soy sauce residue could be decreased by 34.8% due to condensate water in the initial drying period (wetting), while protein content had no significant loss (p?相似文献   

过热蒸汽流化床干燥装置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合过热蒸汽干燥和流化床干燥的各自特性,开发出一种新型的过热蒸汽流化床干燥装置,阐述了工作原理。以卧式多室过热蒸汽流化床干燥装置干燥酒糟为例进行了工艺设计和计算,在保证稳定工作的条件下,干燥室内的绝对压力为0.3MPa,干燥室进出口的工作介质温度分别为180℃和140℃,最佳操作流化速度为2.6m/s。试验结果表明:该卧式多室过热蒸汽流化床干燥装置具有干燥速率大、热效率高、被干产品质量好和干燥操作成本低等优点,特别适宜于初始湿分高而加工附加值低的农产物料的干燥。  相似文献   

以油页岩颗粒作为干燥物料,以过热蒸汽和热空气分别作为干燥介质,进行了油页岩干燥实验的研究。当颗粒粒径减小时,油页岩干燥速率越大;过热蒸汽和热空气温度增大时,干燥速率也越大。对比相同条件下过热蒸汽和热空气干燥油页岩的平均干燥速率,发现当干燥介质温度超过逆转点温度时,过热蒸汽条件下的平均干燥速率大于热空气下的数值。实验得出粒径分别为9,7,5 mm的油页岩颗粒逆转点温度值分别是154,179,177℃;逆转点温度值是个变量,随颗粒粒径大小变化而变化。颗粒粒径越大时逆转点温度值越小,粒径较小时逆转点变化不大。采用薄层干燥模型对油页岩的干燥数据进行动力学模拟,可得修正Page模型(Ⅱ)干基水分比w模拟值与实验值的最大绝对偏差是12%,综合比较发现修正Page模型(Ⅱ)能较好地描述油页岩在过热蒸汽条件下的干燥过程。  相似文献   

A nonisothermal two-dimensional pore network model is developed to describe the superheated steam drying of a capillary porous medium. The complex void space is approximated by a network of spherical pores interconnected by cylindrical throats. In this model, the condensation of water vapor at the network surface as well as the network drying are taken into account. During the network drying period, the liquid transport is driven by capillary action, whereas vapor transport occurs because of convection. The condensation of water vapor within the pores is modeled based on newly formulated liquid invasion rules. The simulation results, presented as temperature and moisture content profiles over time, indicate qualitative agreement with available experimental observations. The inclusion of the liquid invasion rules is shown to accommodate more of the condensed water mass compared to earlier models, in which condensation is only partly treated. Due to the viscous vapor flow, the vapor overpressure within the network, which is the driving force of vapor transport, is reproduced in these simulations. The influence of vapor overpressure on the disintegration of the liquid phase is also discussed.  相似文献   

通过调整过热蒸汽温度与流量,得到了理想的褐煤产品,并确定了最佳的携湿参数,为褐煤干燥携湿技术提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对蒸发装置的料液循环方式、加热面积及罐体强度的分析和计算,肯定了过热蒸汽在烧碱生产中直接应用的可行性,并在实际运行中得到了验证,达到了节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

In this work, a newly designed superheated steam dryer (SSD) bearing exhaust heat recovery unit (RD) was fabricated. The dryer was designed for the superheated steam (SS) to be generated by foodstuff being dried, and the latent heat of the exhaust SS was recovered by microtube radiators and exploited to heat the RD unit. The system was then applied in Kelp drying, in which the drying kinetics was analyzed and fitted with mathematical models. The energy efficiency by the system was further evaluated and compared with hot air (HA)-drying. The results showed that the Kelp drying process in SSD could be described by two stages: heat-upstage (stage I) and superheated steam stage (stage II). While in stage I, different heat-up times of 10, 15, and 20?min were required to generate superheated steam at temperatures of 110–150°C, in stage II, the moisture content in Kelp was decreased to approximately 50?±?5% (wet basis) within 60, 50, and 30?min at 110, 130, and 150°C, respectively. Moreover, the Midilli and Kucuk model best described Kelp drying curve in both stages, whereas the logarithmic model best fitted with that in stage II. Finally, the energy efficiency for SSD-RD was in the range of 1.127–1.425?kWh/kgwater compared with 2.406–2.508?kWh/kgwater for HA operating under the same conditions, demonstrating that the SSD-RD was able to reduce the energy input by at least 46.14%.  相似文献   

刘津 《广东化工》2006,33(7):112-113
提出用微波干燥法测定过磷酸钙中水分的含量,测定的精密度较高,操作简便,条件容易控制,分析速度快,RSD=(n=6)为1.23%。经多次试验证明,采用本法测定结果满意。  相似文献   

The convective batch drying of Western Hemlock hog fuel-sized particles in fixed beds under various operating conditions quantiatively established the effect of factors which govern the drying process. A correlation was obtained for the Nusselt number during the heat transfer controlled period. Under specific conditions, the existence of a unified characteristic drying rate curve was confirmed. Drying behaviour as described by the receding plane model provided a mathematical expression for such a curve. The existence of an inversion point temperature was experimentally confirmed.  相似文献   

过热蒸汽与高温、高湿烟气具有相似的特性,针对高温、高湿烟气袋除尘困难的问题,设计开发了过热蒸汽袋式除尘器,并试验分析了气体参数对其阻力的影响.结果表明,过热蒸汽袋式除尘器运行状况良好,除尘器阻力随进口气体温度的升高及蒸汽通入时间的延长呈"鱼钩曲线"变化;而蒸汽过热度增加,除尘器阻力减小.  相似文献   

This study compares energy efficiency of a combined drying and heat treatment with that of conventional hot air heat treatment, the theoretical heat consumptions required for each treatment were determined, and the actual heat consumptions for each treatment were measured at a pilot scale. Conventional heat treatment method separately performs kiln-drying and heat treatment for wood with hot air in different equipment. On the contrary, in the combined treatment, the wood is simultaneously dried and heat-treated in the same enclosed space. Because of the time and energy savings, the economic feasibility of combined treatment is much higher than that of conventional heat treatment. Although the theoretical required energy of the combined treatment was similar to that of the two-stage method, the actual energy consumption of combined treatment was less than that of the two-stage method. And, the energy efficiency of the combined treatment was calculated to be two times higher than that of the two-stage method. From the results of this study, decreases in the processing time and energy consumption and increases in the energy efficiency of the combined treatment by superheated steam were quantitatively shown when compared to two-stage method.  相似文献   

A complete set of equations with no adjustable parameters are written for numerically predicting the variation of grain temperature and moisture content with time for batch drying of well mixed deep beds of three cereal grains, as well as the exit grain and air moisture contents and temperatures for continuous drying. Unlike previous studies, the surface moisture content of the grains is not assumed constant. Agreement with both batch and continuous spouted bed drying data from the literature is good, in the continuous case especially when the assumed exit age distribution of the isothermal bed solids is specific to spouting.  相似文献   

Lower moisture content in wood, preferably 5–6%, is desirable for many chemical modification reactions. Economically, it is not feasible to dry timber to such low moisture content by conventional drying without drying degrades. Microwave heating was evaluated and found to be effective in reducing the moisture content of radiata pine from 13% to 6% in a microwave cycle of two minutes. The energy consumption is about 55 kWh/m3. Moisture distribution profiles demonstrate very uniform drying across the sample thickness. The findings suggest that microwave heating can potentially be applied to condition wood in a very short period of time.  相似文献   

Beet-pulp dehydration in the sugar industry is a highly energy intensive unit operation. Producing 1?kg of dried beet-pulp requires ~2–3?kg of water to be removed. The cost saving is a real challenge in sugar factory as the current dryers are underperforming (around 3?MJ/kg of water evaporated) because the heat recovery is limited and only a small proportion of dryer exhaust can be reused. The aim of this study was to investigate by simulation the energy efficiency of an independent multistage drying method that combines superheated steam drying (SHSD) and hot air drying (AD). Two case studies awarding the two types of energy coupling (AD then SHSD or SHSD then AD) are presented and compared. An approach of optimization is developed from energy balance. A number of operating parameters of the two drying configurations are investigated using sensitivity analysis. It proves that both cases allow an energy economy around 40% compared to the conventional dryer. Nevertheless, the SHSD-AD plant may present more benefits for a better quality product.  相似文献   

M. Zielinska 《Drying Technology》2016,34(10):1147-1161
The objective of this study was to dry–wet distillers grains and centrifuged solubles and to examine the effect of two different drying media, superheated steam and hot air, at different drying temperatures (110, 130, and 160°C), moisture contents (5–30% wb), and percentages of solubles’ presence (0 or 100%) on some thermophysical properties of laboratory-prepared corn/wheat dried distillers co-products, including geometric mean diameter (dg), particle density (ρp), bulk density (ρb), bulk porosity (?b), specific heat (C), effective thermal diffusivity (αeff), and bulk thermal conductivity (λb). The values of dg of corn/wheat dried distillers co-products ranged from 0.358 ± 0.001 to 0.449 ± 0.001 mm. Experimental values of ρp, ρb, and ?b varied from 1171 ± 6 to 1269 ± 3 kg m?3, from 359 ± 7 to 605 ± 5 kg m?3, and from 0.54 ± 0.01 to 0.71 ± 0.01 kg m?3, respectively. The values of αeff were between 0.58 × 10?7 and 0.93 × 10?7 m2 s?1. The calculated values of C ranged from 1887 ± 11 to 2599 ± 19 J kg?1 K?1, and the values of λb of corn/wheat dried distillers co-products ranged from 0.06 ± 0.01 to 0.09 ± 0.01 W m?1 K?1. Multiple linear regression prediction models were developed to predict the changes in dg, ρp, ρb, ?b, C, αeff, and λb of laboratory-prepared corn/wheat dried distillers co-products with different operational factors.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamics of a superheated steam vacuum fluidized bed was experimentally studied. In these experiments, eight different types of large particles (1970–7430 μm) were used. In all cases, a behavior similar to that found in an air fluidized bed was observed. The minimum fluidization velocity was found to be increasing with decreasing operating pressure. In the case of employing superheated steam, the minimum fluidization conditions are established at a lower velocity than using air as the fluidizing medium. These tendencies are attributed to the variation of the mean free path of molecules. On the other hand, the experiments showed that the bed voidage in the minimum fluidization conditions is almost insensitive to the variation of the operating pressure. Several equations were developed to predict the minimum fluidization velocity. The values provided by these equations were compared with the experimental data as well as with the predictions of the correlations presented in the technical literature.  相似文献   

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