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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of two levels of energy intakes and two levels of fat at breakfast, on the food and energy intakes in subsequent meal (lunch). The study was performed in 51 children both genders, with ages ranging from 24 to 48 months, attending a day care center. The children selected had normal nutritional status (weight/height index) according to the NCHS standards. The food intake was determined by differential weighing and energy intake was calculated from proximal analysis. The energy densities of the cow's milk formula used were 0.8 and 1.2 kcal/g, resulting in a total energy offer (breakfast) of 267.5 and 367.5 kcal respectively, the fat levels were 6.3 and 0.9 g/250 g of formula, using the design 2 x 2 factorial. In the study, 720 observations of food intake were conducted in those children consuming higher than 75% of the total food offered at breakfast. In the lunch-time were offered in alternated form two preparations with an 0.97 kcal/g of energy density. The results demonstrated that the children consumed significantly higher energy amounts in the subsequent meal, after being fed the high fat and lower energy-content breakfast. When the total energy intake (breakfast + lunch) was compared these results show that the caloric difference of breakfast was reduced and the degree of reduction was influenced by the fat level. These results show evidence for partial caloric compensation of 67% in the higher-fat level, and only 34% for the children with the lower of fat-level. It is conclude that the energy intake and fat intake at breakfast influences the energy intake at the subsequent meal. These findings are important to the preschool children's feeding with risk of malnutrition.  相似文献   

Fluroide concentrations in teeth from the canton of Vaud were about at the same level reported from regions with 1,0 ppm F in the drinking water and from children receiving fluoride tablets during tooth formation age.  相似文献   

Eighteen primiparous Holstein cows were used in a 10-wk lactation study, preceded by a 2-wk covariate period, to determine the effect of concentration of deoxynivalenol in the diet on cow performance and transfer of deoxynivalenol and its metabolite, deepoxydeoxynivalenol, to milk. Diets were formulated to contain deoxynivalenol at 0, 6, and 12 mg/kg of concentrate DM, and daily intake of deoxynivalenol was .59, 42, and 104 mg, respectively. Increasing deoxynivalenol in the diet did not affect intake of concentrate or forage. Total milk output was not affected; however, milk fat responded quadratically; cows given deoxynivalenol at 6 mg/kg of concentrate DM had the lowest milk fat content and fat output. Overall energetic efficiency was not influenced because reduced energy output in milk was compensated by increased BW gains. No transfer of deoxynivalenol or deepoxydeoxynivalenol to milk was observed; concentrations were below detectable limits (1 microgram/ml) using HPLC-mass spectroscopy. We concluded that diets containing deoxynivalenol up to 6 mg/kg of dietary DM did not reduce feed intake of cows in this study and that deoxynivalenol or deepoxydeoxynivalenol was not transferred to milk. Further studies are required to confirm the apparent lack of effect of deoxynivalenol on milk production.  相似文献   

Fluoride dentifrices are well accepted for their caries preventive effects. Although it is generally accepted that the presence of fluoride in the enamel protects teeth against carious attack, at the same time, there is some concern that ingestion of fluoride from toothpastes may substantially contribute to the total intake of this element. The present study was undertaken to clinically evaluate the fluoride uptake by human enamel after the use of lower concentrations of fluoride dentifrices and compare their potency to higher concentration in increasing the uptake of fluoride by enamel. Enamel biopsy was conducted on first permanent molars of 100 school children, aged 6-8 years before brushing and at intervals of one hour, 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 12 weeks following brushing with different concentrations of fluoride dentifrices. The fluoride content of the enamel biopsy samples were estimated using the Orion microprocessor ion analyser and by taking into consideration the enamel biopsy mass and depth of the etch. The results of the present study suggest that low fluoride concentration dentifrices provide similar fluoride uptake by enamel when compared with that of higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Deletion and insertion mutations have been found to be a major component of the in vivo somatic mutation spectrum in the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (hprt) gene of T-lymphocytes. In a population of 172 healthy people (average age, 34; mutant frequency, 10.3 x 10(-6)), deletion/insertion mutations constituted 41% (89) of the 217 independent mutations, the remainder being base substitutions. Mutations were identified by multiplex PCR assay of genomic DNA for exon regions, by sequencing cDNA, or sequencing genomic DNA. The deletion and insertion mutations were divided among +/- 1 to 2 basepair (bp) frameshifts (14%, 30), small deletions and insertions of 3-200 bps (13%, 28), large deletions of one or more exons (12%, 27), and complex events (2%, 4). Frameshift mutations were dominated by -1 bp deletions (21 of 30). Exon 3 contained five frameshift mutations in the run of 6 Gs, the only site in the coding region with multiple frameshift mutations, possibly caused by strand dislocation during replication. Both endpoints were sequenced for 23 of the 28 small deletions/insertions including two tandem duplication events in exon 6. More small deletions (8/28), possibly mediated by trinucleotide repeats, occurred in exon 2 than in the other exons. Large deletions included total gene deletions (6), exon 2 + 3 deletions (4), and loss of multiple (9) and single exons (8) in genomic DNA. The diverse mutation spectrum indicates that multiple mechanisms operated at many different sequences and provides a resource for examination of deletion mutation.  相似文献   

We evaluated the safety of ciprofloxacin administered in a dose of 15-25 mg/kg for 9-16 days, in a case series of 58 children who were between 8 months and 13 years of age. No arthropathy was observed during therapy and follow-up. Blinded evaluation of 22 pairs of nuclear magnetic resonance scans obtained before and between day 10 and 15 of therapy did not reveal any cartilage damage. After the first dose of ciprofloxacin (10 mg/kg), serum fluoride levels increased at 12 h in 15 of 19 (79%) patients; 24-h urinary fluoride excretion was higher on day 7 compared with basal values in 16 of 18 (88.9%) patients. Height z scores of 53 patients at a mean of 22.5 months of follow-up were not significantly different from basal scores (p = 0.12). In conclusion, ciprofloxacin may be recommended for use in children for short duration when effective alternative antibacterials are unavailable. However, there is a need for further studies to evaluate the tissue accumulation of fluoride and its potential to cause toxic effects.  相似文献   

Excessive intake of dietary fat is associated with a number of nutrition-related disorders, including obesity, heart disease, and cancer. The over-consumption of fat may be related to its palatability, high energy density, or physiological effects. This article reviews possible reasons why fat intake is high, examines the relationship between diet composition and body weight, and explores potential fat reduction strategies. It is concluded that low-fat or fat-free products could be useful in reducing the percentage of calories derived from fat, although this assertion needs to be further tested in controlled laboratory experiments and validated on a population basis.  相似文献   

The effect of the consumption of ethanol (5%) on retinol concentration in milk was studied in the rat on day 12 after delivery, together with the evolution of dam body weight and pup growth rate. Female Wistar rats receiving alcohol (5%) in drinking water during lactation (N = 7) were compared to normal controls fed ad libitum (N = 6). The mean maternal alcohol intake was 3.96 +/- 0.23 g/kg body weight per day. To determine retinol levels in milk we used the Bessey and Lowry method, modified by Araújo and Flores ((1978) Clinical Chemistry, 24:386-392). The pups were separated from dams for a 2-4-h period, after which the dams were injected intraperitoneally with anesthetic and oxytocin. The concentration of retinol in milk was 162.88 +/- 10.60 micrograms/dl in the control group and 60.02 +/- 8.22 micrograms/dl in the ethanol group (P < 0.05). The ethanol group consumed less food than the controls and lost a significant amount of weight during lactation. On days 8, 10 and 12, the body weight of the pups from rats given ethanol (13.46 +/- 0.43, 16.12 +/- 0.48 and 18.60 +/- 0.91 g, respectively) were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than the weight of pups from controls (15.2 +/- 0.44, 18.36 +/- 0.54, 20.77 +/- 0.81 g). These data show that ethanol intake during the suckling period, even at low concentrations, decreases the amount of retinol in milk and, therefore, the amount available to the pups.  相似文献   

Fourth and 5th graders (N?=?119) were individually interviewed regarding their reactions to completing group-administered, positive and negative peer nomination techniques. Results were consistent with previous findings of no obvious harm; but, additional, unique information regarding children's discussions was identified. For example, 7 children reported that 6 low-status peers were talked about behind their backs. However, these 7 children further reported that, to the best of their knowledge, none of the 6 low-status peers found out about the negative comments. No child reported having hurt feelings or having knowledge of anyone else having hurt feelings. Overall, 17% of the children (n?=?20) reported that they were complimented by others; high-status peers were significantly more likely to be complimented. It was determined that the condition of minimal risk of harm, harm not greater than children might encounter in daily life, was not breached. Directions for further research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dental caries is an infectious and transmissible disease that continues to affect the majority of people. The presence of carbohydrate, mainly sucrose in the diet, is an important factor in its occurrence. The amount of fluoride required for optimal protective effect where there is a high caries challenge is unclear. Differences in the intensity of cariogenic challenge, for whatever reason, may play a part in determining fluctuations in the effectiveness of fluoride. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of fluoride on the development of caries and explore the cariostatic effect of fluoride under various levels of cariogenic challenge. The study comprises two experiments. In experiment I, 60 desalivated Sprague Dawley rats infected with Streptococcus sobrinus were offered the following to drink for 21 days: group (1), sterile distilled water (SDW); (2) 10 parts/10(6) F SDW; (3) 20 parts/10(6) F SDW; (4) 30 parts/10(6) F SDW; (5) 40 parts/10(6) F SDW. In experiment II, eight groups of 9 rats were placed in a K?nig H?fer programmed feeder and were exposed to different levels of cariogenic challenge through varying frequency of eating and offered water containing 10 parts/10(6) F. In experiment I, exposure to 20, 30 and 40 parts/10(6) F reduced caries development significantly: fluoride, at 10 parts/10(6), reduced the severity of the carious lesions. In this model of severe cariogenic challenge, the results suggest that elevated concentrations of fluoride might be effective in patients at high caries risk. In experiment II, fluoride reduced the incidence and severity of smooth-surface caries in all groups. The protective effect of fluoride decreased as the number of exposures to sugar increased. It is concluded that the effectiveness of fluoride is influenced by the level of cariogenic challenge and that consideration should be given to adjusting the level of fluoride exposure based on perceived caries risk, and that there is a maximum therapeutic effect of fluoride beyond which no additional protection can be expected.  相似文献   

The interactions of sulfonated chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (AlPcSn) with human low-density lipoproteins (LDL) were studied in vitro in human plasma and in an isolated LDL fraction, in order to understand the potential effects of the sensitizer against LDL. The AlPcSn added to plasma distributes in all lipoproteins as observed by the drastic color changes of the separated fractions by ultracentrifugation. In isolated LDL, incubation with AlPcSn causes fluorescence quenching of the apoprotein tryptophan residues. Furthermore, AlPcSn incorporates in liposomes, with a lipid composition similar to the external monolayer of human LDL, as indicated by absorbance spectroscopy. The photosensitizing properties of AlPcSn in LDL particles were studied on the basis of the fluorescence quenching of previously incorporated cis-parinaric acid (PnA), used as an oxidation probe, and of O2 consumption. The photooxidation of either PnA or LDL lipids is highly dependent on irradiation time and on the dye concentration. Moreover, photooxidation of LDL proceeds only during the illumination period. After stopping the illumination and upon addition of Cu2+ to the LDL solution, the oxidative rate is resumed, probably due to hydroperoxide cleavage and formation of species able to propagate the oxidative reaction. Thus, our data indicate that AlPcSn distributes in human plasma lipoproteins and, in isolated LDL, it can interact either with the lipid phase or the apoprotein. The photooxidation of LDL induced by AlPcSn seems to involve singlet oxygen as the main reactive species in the degradative process.  相似文献   

The influence of the level of vitamin B6 intake on the content of the vitamin in milk was studied in 19 healthy subjects whose stages of lactation ranged from 3 weeks to 30 months. Total vitamin B6 intakes, including extra-dietary sources of the vitamin, ranged from 1.3 to 12.5 mg per day with six subjects consuming less than the recommended allowance of 2.5 mg per day (RDA, 1974). Subjects consuming less than 2.5 mg of vitamin B6 per day had significantly less vitamin B6/liter milk (129 mug) than groups consuming 2.5 to 5.0 or greater than 5.0 mg per day (239 and 314 mug, respectively). Among subjects consuming greater than 2.5 mg of vitamin per day the stage of lactation did not influence the levels of protein or vitamin B6 in milk. Vitamin B6 intakes two to five times the recommended allowance did not significantly elevate the level of the vitamin in milk compared to values for subjects whose intakes approximated the allowance. The vitamin B6/protein ratio in milk of subjects consuming less than 2.5 mg vitamin B6 per day was 13 mug/g and was significantly lower than that observed for the other two groups (23 and 28 mug/g). Daily and weekly variations of the vitamin B6 and protein content in milk of individuals were small. However, marked diurnal variations in the vitamin B6 content were found in milk of individuals taking daily supplements of the vitamin with peak levels occurring in the afternoon 3 to 5 hr after supplements were taken in the morning.  相似文献   

A preliminary observation is reported concerning total and high-density lipoprotein blood cholesterol levels in 36 infants at 3 months of age fed with a hypoantigenic milk formula. The values are compared with those of 66 breastfed and 76 conventional formula-fed infants. Total and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels in hypoantigenic formula-fed infants (152 and 65.7 mg dl(-1), respectively) were comparable to those of breastfed infants (148 and 61.8 mg dl(-1)) and significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of conventional formula-fed infants (130 and 42.5 mg dl(-1)).  相似文献   

Physiological diarrhea of baby during the period of breastfeeding often occurs. To investigate the relationship between mother's milk and the physiological diarrhea of baby, we measured the PGE2 levels in milk of 320 lactating women within 4 months of postpartum with radioimmunoassay and the mean value of PGE2 level was 216.8 +/- 145.2 ng/L. The PGE2 levels in mother's milk in the group with diarrhea were 286.5 +/- 142.2 ng/L, that of control group 130.4 +/- 76.3 ng/L. The difference was obviously significant (P < 0.001). The physiological diarrhea of baby was positively related to the PGE2 level in mother's milk (r = 0.75, P < 0.01) i.e., the high PGE2 level in mother's milk may be an important cause of diseases. The observation on 102 cases of baby with severe physiological diarrhea showed a higher level of PGE2 in the mother's milk. 52 cases of lactating women in the treated group were given indomethacin, and after treatment the PGE2 level in mother's milk decreased obviously, and the diarrhea of baby disappeared. The effective rate was 96.15%. No side effects were found in both mother and baby.  相似文献   

Isolated rat adipocytes were incubated with serum lipoproteins or lymphchylomicrons which contained 14c-labeled cholesterol. The specific activity of lipoprotein free cholesterol decreased and that of cellular free cholesterol increased linearly up to 7 h. At this time the cell cholesterol specific activity was only 11% of that of medium cholesterol indicating that the rate of exchange was slow. The specific activity of lipoprotein esterified cholesterol remained unchanged while that of cells showed a slight increase suggesting esterification of incorporated free cholesterol. No detectable change of the lipoprotein or cellular cholesterol concentration occurred indicating that the uptake of radioactive free cholesterol was due to exchange without net movement of sterol. The radioactive cholesterol was incorporated into both membrane fraction and the fat droplet of the adipocytes. The rate of cholesterol exchange was temperature-dependent but it was not influenced by the metabolic state of the cells and not by addition of metabolic inhibitors. Trypsin or pronase treatment of the cells were without influence on the rate of the exchange and denaturation of the plasma lipoproteins with formalin increased the rate of exchange. These results indicate that the exchange of cholesterol is a physical chemical process, which is not linked to energy metabolism of the cells, and which is not mediated by either specific lipoprotein receptors on fat cell membranes or pinocytic uptake of lipoproteins. The rate of free cholesterol exchange showed a linear correlation with the concentration of lipoprotein particles in the medium. The relative transfer rate was highest for chylomicrons and decreased in order chylomicron remnants greater than very low density lipoprotein greater than low density lipoprotein greater than high density lipoprotein. A saturation of the system could be obtained only with high density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Twelve cerebello-pontine angles of the corpses of six adults were dissected with the aid of a surgical microscope. The following parameters were analyzed: the superior-inferior (vertical) and the anterior-posterior (horizontal) dimensions of the internal acoustic meatus (IAM); and the distances from the IAM to the Meckel's cave, the superior jugular foramen (SJF) and the inferior jugular foramen (IJF). We used a mathematical formula to calculate the area of the IAM. Important variations in the IAM's measurements were found, mainly concerning its area. This study contributes to a better understanding of cerebello-pontine angle (CPA) structures and their relationships with osseous parameters in Brazilian individuals.  相似文献   

Previous nutritional investigations in New Guinea have shown low intakes of protein and of energy yet the nutritional status of children and their ability to thrive have been regarded as better than could be expected. To investigate this apparent paradox, the dietary intakes of 482 New Guinean children, aged 1-18 years, living in two contrasting environments near the coast (Kaul) and in a highland region (Lufa) were determined by a weighed individual inventory method over 5-7 consecutive days. Body weights and skinfold thicknesses were lower than those of European children of comparable ages. These findings are to be reported and discussed more fully in a separate publication. Roots and tubers provided most of the energy and protein in the bulky, vegetable diets. The contribution of foods bought in local trade stores was higher than has previously been reported. Fat intakes were low, supplying 17% of the dietary energy in Kaul and 10% in Lufa. Protein intakes were similarly low, representing only 6% of dietary energy. The chemical scores of the protein calculated using the latest suggested amino acid scoring pattern (FAO/WHO, 1973) were high, 75-95. Using the previous pattern, these were 57-64. The adequacy of the energy and protein contents of individual diets was assessed using the FAO/WHO (1973) standards. An energy deficit was more common than a protein deficit. A considerable proportion of the children (42% in Kaul and 20% in Lufa) had dietary intakes which were apparently deficient in energy or protein, but this finding did not correspond to other signs of undernutrition. This suggests that current standards may still be set too high for some groups or that adaptations to suboptimal dietary intakes occur that are not disclosed by the usual techniques of assessing nutritional status.  相似文献   

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