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The diarrhea observed in patients with cholera is known to be related to secretion of water and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen. However, the exact mechanisms involved in these secretory processes have remained unclear. Although it is clear that purified toxin acts on epithelial cell metabolism, its activity on Na+ transport across intestinal mucosa is equivocal: reported either to prevent net Na+ absorption or to cause net secretion of Na+ from serosa to mucosa. Since total transmural Na+ fluxes across "leaky" epithelia involve very significant movement via a paracellular shunt pathway, we studied the effects of cholera toxin on the cellular and paracellular pathways of Na+ movement. Unidirectional Na+ fluxes were examined as functions of applied potential in control tissues and in tissues from the same animal treated with purified cholera toxin. Treatment of rabbit ileum in vitro with toxin simulated the cellular component of serosa-to-mucosa Na+ flux (from 2.41 +/- 0.49 muequiv./h per cm2 under control conditions to 4.71 +/- 0.43 muequiv./h per cm2 after treatment with toxin, P less than 0.01). The effect of cholera toxin on Na+ movement through the cells from mucosa to serosa appeared to be insignificant. Finally, a marked decrease in the Na+ permeability (P less than 0.01) and no detectable significant changes in transference number for Na+ of the paracellular shunt pathway were observed following treatment with cholera toxin. These results provide direct evidence for the hypothesis that purified cholera toxin stimulates active sodium secretion but has minimal effect on sodium absorption.  相似文献   

1. Ca buffers may be introduced into human red cells by reversible haemolysis. The resealed ghosts retain Ca and chelating anions in the same ratio as in the haemolysing solution, enabling the intracellular Ca2+ concentration to be calculated simply. 2. The passive permeability of the ghosts to Na and Cl is unaffected by intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in the 10(-8)-10(-4) M range, whereas the K permeability is greatly increased at concentrations above 10(-7) M. 3. These preparations enable Ca-dependent K movements to be studied under stable conditions. When the ghosts contain about 5 X 10(-6) M-Ca2+, over 96% of K transport occurs via the Ca-sensitive route.  相似文献   

The effects of sodium salicylate and sodium tauro-24,25-dihydrofusidate (STDHF) on the aqueous permeability of confluent monolayers of Caco-2 cells were studied. Measurements of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) showed a concentration-dependent effect of both compounds after apical incubation for 1 hr. Reductions in TEER resulting from EC50 concentrations (2.8 mM for STDHF; 173 mM for salicylate) were reversible within 5.75 hr. The transpithelial fluxes of two hydrophilic model compounds, sodium fluorescein F (molecular weight 376) and a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (mean molecular weight 4000) was significantly increased by STDHF (2.8 mM). Sodium salicylate (173 mM) only enhanced the transport of sodium fluorescein significantly. At the EC50 concentrations, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) visualized both fluorescent tracers mainly in the paracellular route. With higher enhancer concentrations (373 mM sodium salicylate and 8 mM STDHF), both transport markers appeared intracellularly as a result of cell death. STDHF rapidly extracted an exogenous lipophilic membrane probe, 5-(N-hexadecanoyl)aminofluorescein (HEDAF), from the apical part of Caco-2 plasma membranes, indicating qualitatively that STDHF interacts with the lipid portion of cell membranes. These results suggest that both sodium salicylate and STDHF can be used to reversibly increase paracellular permeability of Caco-2 cell monolayers, whereby STDHF appears to be advantageous compared to sodium salicylate. By adapting the Costar cell culture system to CLSM, we have shown that this technique is suitable to study membrane interactions qualitatively and for visualizing transport routes of hydrophilic tracers through nonfixed, filter-grown monolayers.  相似文献   

We describe here the structures of several new N-glycan oligosaccharides from horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Glycopeptides from HRP were digested with glycoamidase A (from sweet almond) to release the N-glycans. The oligosaccharides were reductively aminated with 2-aminopyridine, and separated by high-performance liquid chromatography on octadecylsilyl- and amide-silica columns for two-dimensional mapping (Tomiya et al., Anal. Biochem. 171, 73-90, 1988). The N-glycans were also analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Two different lots of HRP showed a considerable difference in their N-glycan composition.  相似文献   

The recently described gastrointestinal glutathione peroxidase (GI-GPx) is the fourth member of the family of the selenoenzymes glutathione peroxidases (GPx). In contrast to the more uniform distribution of, for example, the classical glutathione peroxidase (cGPx), it is expressed exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract and has, therefore, been suggested to function as a primary barrier against alimentary hydroperoxides. In order to get an idea of its relative importance we investigated its position in the hierarchy of selenoprotein expression. The selenium-dependent expression of GI-GPx was analyzed in comparison with that of other GPx types at the level of mRNA and protein in HepG2 and CaCo-2 cells. Furthermore, the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) efficiencies of GI-GPx, phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) and cGPx in response to selenium were determined by a reporter-gene assay in human hepatoma cells and baby hamster kidney cells. GI-GPx mRNA levels increased during selenium deficiency, whereas cGPx mRNA levels decreased and PHGPx mRNA levels remained almost unaffected. In cells grown in selenium-poor media, all GPx-types were low in both activity and immunochemical reactivity. Upon selenium repletion immunoreactive GI-GPx protein reached a plateau after 10 h, whereas cGPx started to be expressed at 24 h and did not reach its maximum level before 3 days. SECIS efficiencies decreased in the order PHGPx > cGPx > GI-GPx. The augmentation of SECIS efficiencies by selenium was highest for cGPx and intermediate for PHGPx, whereas it was marginal for GI-GPx. The high mRNA stability under selenium restriction, the speed of biosynthesis upon selenium repletion and the marginal effect of selenium on the SECIS efficiency indicate that of the GPx isotypes, GI-GPx ranks highest in the hierarchy of selenoproteins and point to a vital role of GI-GPx in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The effects of quinidine and temperature on Na influx and contraction frequency of synchronously contracting rat myocardial cells in monolayer cultures were studied. Quinidine (10(-6) M to 10(-1) M) produced a prompt reduction in Na influx, maximum after 30 seconds of exposure, and dose-dependent along a sigmoid log dose-response curve. At 37 degrees C, Na influx (mumol/10(11) cells per sec) decreased from 30.19 to 24.70 (P less than 0.001) and 10.49 (P less than 0.001) on exposure to quinidine, 10(-6) and 10(-2) M, respectively. Simultaneously the contraction frequency decreased from a control of 120/min to 105/min and 48/min with 10(-6) M and 5 X 10(-4) M quinidine. At higher concentrations spontaneous contractions ceased. The effects on Na influx and contraction were reversible by washing the cells free of the drug (30 seconds). A temperature-dependent decrease in the Na influx between 37 degrees C and 22 degrees C also induced a decrease in contraction frequency. Between 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C the Q10 values for Na influx and contraction frequency were 2.41 and 2.44 respectively. Under all conditions tested there was a constant linear relationship (r = 0.98) between Na influx and contraction frequency for all values of Na influx greater than 11.82 mumol/10(11) cells per sec. Na influx and contraction frequency were insensitive to tetrodotoxin (10(-5) g/ml) but very sensitive to verapamil and to changes in extracellular Na. Quinidine affected only the verapamil-sensitive Na influx. The results indicate a close relationship between verapamil-sensitive inward Na movement and automaticity in these cells and demonstrate that the quinidine-induced changes in automaticity are closely linked to the effect on Na influx.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of furosemide, sodium fluoride, and age on volume-dependent, ouabain-resistant K+ influx were investigated in camel red blood cells. Swelling of young camel erythrocytes hypotonically stimulates ouabain-resistant potassium influx, a response that was lacking in old camel erythrocytes. The swelling-stimulated influx was partially inhibited by 1 mM furosemide and by 10 and 20 mM sodium fluoride. The inhibitory effect of furosemide was significantly increased if rubidium was added to the flux media. There was a significant correlation between potassium influx in normo- and hypotonic media which might indicate that the anion-dependent transport system operates, to some extent, to regulate cell volume.  相似文献   

Mucosal and serosal fluxes of alanine in rabbit ileum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The four unidirectional fluxes of alanine across the mucosal and serosal borders of rabbit ileum were evaluated as functions of the alanine concentration on a single piece of tissue using a method previously described (Naftalin, R.J. and Curran, P.F. (1974) J. Membrane Biol. 16, 257-278). The effects of Na+ removal and of ouabain on these fluxes were investigated. Alanine was actively transported across the mucosal membrane under control conditions; Na+ removal or ouabain inhibited this process as a result of a decrease in flux from the mucosal solution to the cell and an increase in the flux in the opposite direction. The results concerning mucosal efflux of alanine are apparently inconsistent with the carrier model for alanine transport at this border. Alanine transfer across the serosal membrane appeared to involve a facilitated transfer mechanism. Alanine movement at the serosal side of the cell was not influenced by Na+.  相似文献   

Transport of bretylium into adrenergic neurons was studied, using rabbit isolated periarterial nerve ileum preparations, by determining the effects of various incubation procedures, which inhibit noradrenaline uptake, to prevent or reverse the blockade. Adrenergic neuron blockade by bretylium 5 X 10(-5) (g/ml) was prevented but not reversed by incubation with sodium free and low temperature (10 degrees C) media. Ouabain 2.2 X 10(-8) and anoxia prevented bretylium-induced blockade. Noradrenaline 5 X 10(-6) and 8 X 10(-5) prevented and also reversed the blockade, but the reversing effect was transient. High calcium (totally 10 mM) readily reversed the bretylium-induced blockade, the recovery being complete and long-lasting. In light of the results, a sodium sensitive active transport of bretylium into adrenergic neurons is apparently necessary for development of adrenergic neuron blocking action in rabbit ilea.  相似文献   

Transepithelial sodium transport and epithelial morphology during short-term adaptation to resalination or aldosterone stimulation were studied in the chicken coprodeum. Coprodeum was sampled for light and electron microscopy after 0-3 days of resalination in hens on a low-NaCl diet and after 0-6 days of aldosterone stimulation in hens on a high-NaCl diet. Sodium transport was measured in vitro with Ussing chambers. Plasma osmolality and electrolyte concentrations were measured in aldosterone-stimulated hens. Epithelial proliferation and migration between 1 h and 16 days were investigated in chickens on high-NaCl and low-NaCl diets using a bromodeoxyuridine technique. Resalination abolished the otherwise high sodium transport within 1 day, while the height and number of microvilli, as well as the number of brush cells, decreased over 3 days. Aldosterone stimulation increased sodium transport, the height and number of microvilli, and the brush-cell number. Bromodeoxyuridine studies indicated an epithelial cell turnover of more than 16 days. The results thus demonstrate that epithelial cells have an unusual capacity to adjust rap- idly to variations in sodium intake. A strong correlation between structure and function was apparent.  相似文献   

Presentation of 31 patients with suspected diagnosis of upper urothelium tumour seen between 1986 and 1991. In agreement with our study protocol and the endourological treatment followed in this type of tumours, there were eight false positive, which were excluded. Five cases were treated by retrograde ureterorenoscopy while in the remaining 18 cases the anterograde percutaneous approach was used. A review of both the aspects of endoeurological treatment and the evolution of these patients during that period is included.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine whether prostaglandin E2 can directly affect sodium transport across isolated perfused rabbit renal collecting tubules. Changes in transepithelial potential and isotopic sodium fluxes in response to peritubular prostaglandin E2 were measured. In addition, changes in transepithelial potential of the outer medullary collecting tubule in response to prostaglandin E2 were also measured. With few exceptions, all rabbits received 5 mg/day desoxycorticosterone acetate for 4-11 days before experimentation. The results of the experiments show that: (a) prostaglandin E2 inhibits the negative transepithelial potential in the cortical collecting tubule as well as the outer medullary collecting tubule; (b) prostaglandin E2 inhibits net sodium transport out of the lumen by inhibiting efflux while backflux is unaffected; (c) prostaglandin E2 produces this inhibition within 15 min, and the effects are dose dependent and reversible. These results suggest that prostaglandin E2 may modulate sodium transport in vivo and may contribute to the final regulation of sodium excretion.  相似文献   

Na, K and Ca currents and other electrophysiological characteristics of cultured neonatal rat superior cervical sympathetic neurons were studied using whole cell clamp technique. The mean passive and active membrane properties measured are as follows: resting membrane potential, -51 +/- 6 mV; input resistance, 1432 +/- 389 M omega; time constant, 130 +/- 32 ms; amplitude of action potential, 96 +/- 10 mV; overshoot, 42 +/- 6 mV. Na, K and Ca currents were isolated upon pharmacological manipulations. The predominant type of K current was a noninactivating delayed rectifier. Voltage-clamp studies also showed the presence of a high voltage-activated sustained inward Ca current, while low voltage could not elicit any transient Ca current.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of Cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) bacillus infection in rabbits reared for meat production in Italy and to correlate the presence of CAR bacillus with inflammatory lesions of the respiratory tract. Seventy health, 3-month-old, New Zealand White rabbits, raised in 10 different rabbitries in Northern Italy were randomly selected at slaughter. No gross lesions were found at necropsy in any rabbit. In each animal, the trachea and lungs were sampled, fixed in 10% formalin, embedded in paraffin and stained with the Warthin-Starry method to evaluate the presence of CAR bacillus, and with haematoxylin and eosin to evaluate the presence of inflammatory lesions. CAR bacillus was present in 50 out of 70 rabbits (71.4%) with a prevalence of the infection that varied from 30% to 100% in the seven rabbitries. CAR bacillus was present both in the trachea and bronchi in 23 cases (32.8%), only in the trachea in 24 cases (34.3%) and only in the bronchi in three cases (4.3%). Inflammatory lesions were found in the trachea (22 cases, 31.4%) and the bronchi (58 cases, 82.8). There was a strong, statically significant correlation between the presence of CAR bacillus in the bronchi and bronchial inflammatory lesions (P < 0.0001). This study indicates that CAR bacillus infection is widespread in conventionally reared rabbits in Italy and that a possible correlation exists between the presence of CAR bacillus and bronchial inflammatory lesions.  相似文献   

Of 49 patients undergoing operation for benign spontaneous pneumothorax, 28 (57%) were found to have a sharp first or second rib. In a series of 100 patients undergoing thoracotomy for other conditions, only eight (8%) were found to have a sharp rib. The association between sharp ribs, apical scars and bullae, and spontaneous pneumothorax is discussed.  相似文献   

Okadaic acid, a macrocyclic polyether compound, was shown to mediate the transfer of Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions from aqueous solution to an organic phase, with a preference for Na+ ions. A kinetic study of the transport of these ions across a liquid membrane showed that the Na+ ion was more rapidly transported than the other ions and that the Na+ ion flux was dependent on the okadaic acid concentration.  相似文献   

Downhill sodium efflux from right-side-out E. coli membrane vesicles was found to be stimulated by negative electric potential, as has been reported earlier [Bassilana et al., Biochemistry 23 (1984) 1015-1022], and in agreement with the concept of electrogenic Na+/nH+ antiporters with n > 1. However, sodium efflux was much more accelerated by positive electric potential, indicating the operation of another sodium transport system. delta pH (alkaline inside), created by a pH shift from 8.5 to 6.8 in the medium was found to drive sodium efflux against its concentration gradient, but only when the vesicles had been loaded with both Na+ and K+. Efflux of K+ against the concentration gradient was also observed under these conditions. When the vesicles were loaded separately with sodium tricine or potassium tricine, no K+ efflux and insignificant Na+ efflux were observed. We propose that there are at least two different mechanisms responsible for Na+ efflux in E. coli vesicles. One is the Na+/nH+ antiporter previously described, and the other is a novel Na+,K+/mH+ antiporter.  相似文献   

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